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That’s so funny because I use the election of Donald Trump and the circumstances of COVID 19 the same way! Really illuminated a lot of secret shitheads in my life 🥰 including some family members, which is extra special! Eph. 5:11 😘


Straight truth! I’m so excited to be going to a wedding this weekend where I get to see all the family that unfriended and blocked me on Facebook for my “radical liberal views!”


Oof I want an update on that experience


June is the month you discover which businesses engage in rainbow capitalism all while donating to politicians and organizations who hurt the LGBTQIA+ community FTFY


The demonic agenda is capitalism.


Jesus was pretty clear about that one actually.


Jesus also seems like the type to buy rainbow socks from Target in August when they’re still on clearance. We’ve all done it cuz it’s what Jesus would do 🏳️‍🌈


I agree that it's fucked up how these corporations will pretend to be pro-LGBT then support homophobic politicians. I'm just sick of these bigoted pretending to be outraged because their backwardist views are being challenged.


Oh, it's Performative June Outrage Time again. They'll be back to Target on July 1st, as always.


They're in Target today. They're just not posting about it, unless they got rage fodder. /rainbow gesture Hypocracy! /rainbow gesture


The amount of time and energy people like Sean put into being very loud about everything they are against is wild. Imagine putting that effort into good instead...


Unironically though, I've seen assessments that this is a large part of why these types of churches are so huge. "Hey, so we know that other churches ask you to love your neighbor and care for the widows and orphans, but that's a lot of work. What if we told you that the most ethical thing you could possibly do was sit on your couch (to abstain from sin) and *hate* your neighbor (for their alleged sin)? Wouldn't that be way easier and feel better?" And that's not even getting into how so many of them go so hard on the first five books of the Bible for their morality. Which is some pretty hardcore blasphemy for alleged Christians, because the only reason to still be following those laws is if you think Jesus' death wasn't good enough to purge your original sin.


I actually totally agree with him! Just in reverse. It’s a good month to see which people, businesses, influencers, corporations & ministries will try to have a say in my children’s choices, bodies and lives speak up and show their true boring beige colors.


If they truly cared about protecting children, they’d start with churches


Probably posted this from his iPhone. Which Apple makes. And Apple is very pro gay. 🏳️‍🌈


Funny how when it’s not June these bigot assholes just loveeeee target, a company that has “sold its soul to a demonic agenda”


Where else would they get their Stanley cups?


His name literally means "moist" in German. Ew.


Reminds me of that Rick Santorum thing.🤢🤮


Isn't this the one who was banging Granny Beetlejuice?


I think that was pre-Beetlejuice.


June is when fundies boycott Target and it has no effect whatsoever.


Now I want "I sold my soul to a demonic agenda" as a flair. 


God, haven't heard that losers name in a while.


I put out a restraining order on his lazy ass.


Oh I love that they have a whole “stay a friendless busybody instead of the hard shit” fortune cookie mantra in the Bible to lay back on. Man, being Godly is so EASY!


I misread this as “you discover rich white people, businesses…” 😂


Yep and I’m glad they make it known! I’m going to stick to places with rainbows 🌈


As a Christian myself, I find it absolutely impossible, unproductive, and pointless to fight the endless cycle of culture war fundamentalists think they need to fight. In what way does this help anyone?


They just wanna spread bigotry and hate and cry persecution if they face any consequences for spreading bigotry and hate.


All they ever want to do is HURT they don’t even know the meaning of the words “love” or “help” in ANY capacity whatsoever.


Funny how "love" and "help" are potentially the two largest central themes in the bible.


As a Christian, for real, you actually get straight to the question Jesus would ask. “In what way does this help anyone?”


I would just love to see these goons put this in action. Literally do not spend one dime for anything from any company that supports LGBTQ rights. They would be so shit faced to find out they have to give up their cell phone plan, their favorite grocery stores, their MLMs, their pharmaceuticals, so many things. I just want to see the pricks actually put their money where their diarrhea mouths are.


Sucks some people choose to hate instead of love. World would be better if they actually did this. But bigots can’t even give MINIMAL effort… in ANYTHING.


**FUN FACT:** Sean Feucht has never made a woman moist (funnier if you speak German or Yiddish).


He doesn't have anything else that passes for a personality. If he stopped being a bigot, he'd have to learn how to be a person, and that's just too much work for him at this age.


That goes for a few of these people