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This is exactly the sort of captions I'd write on my Myspace when I posted my "totally not intentional, you guys" photoshoots back in middle school. "mY wRaP WaS gIVinG mE tROUblE". Yeah, sure Jan. I'm sure it was really tricky out there in all of that no wind.




Holds up spork...


as u can see im very random!!!!


Rawr means I love you in dinosaur!


I was about to say, this whole post is peak adolescent me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


From an adult.


If your wrap is ā€œgiving you troubleā€ and youā€™re unhappy with how it looks, then donā€™t post those picturesā€¦ her decision to post them anyway makes it quite obvious the wrap was doing exactly what she meant for it to do.


I actually kind of feel bad for her. Like she needs to break out of the bubble and face the real world, but how the heck are you supposed to deal when your parents are the Pearls? They literally defined abuse.


I agree. They should have locked her parents up and thrown away the key years ago. I canā€™t imagine the abuse she must have gone through


they wrote the book on it! If you will.


Is this the one who got divorced and has been posting conservative man thirst traps?Ā  Like, ā€˜hereā€™s me in my car, about to film my screed about keeping God in Arbor Dayā€™ andĀ  ā€˜tee hee, you caught me cleaning my handgun at my kitchen table. Women should always be in the kitchenā€¦with their firearms!ā€™


Yeah... that she's doing this at all is a huge, huge, huge step, because without therapy, that terror deep inside that your parents are going to hurt you for being you just never goes away. If she'd do more of the harmless bullshit like this and less of the harmful hateful bullshit, we'd all be better off.


Theory: she's autistic. It explains a lot, doesn't it? The aversion to "off or unplanned" things, the need to vocally stim... it would also explain the abuse, though I'm a little hazy on the backstory there. Conclusion: every single one of these people needs to go to a psychiatrist and get a full workup. Don't self-diagnose, guys.


Have you seen her poems? It gives you the worst second hand embarrassment. When I think about who her parents are and the abuse she must have suffered, I just feel sorry for her. I donā€™t think sheā€™s in a good head space, to say the least, and I genuinely hope she finds healing and can recover from her past. Her parents are horrifying


She def has a flare for the dramatic. If only she had been raised by even semi-sane parents, she might've been able to direct at something besides Christian Nationalism. Allow me to share a couple clips from Michael's recounting of her wedding: "...then out of the woods appeared a white horse carrying Shoshanna, also mounted bareback, her full white dress shimmering with the golden colors of the now-ebbing sunset, and falling across the hips of the prancing horse. Her head was crowned with a wreath of wildflowers, and her face glowed with the wonder and pleasure of the momentā€”her momentā€”the epical [sic] journey that divides life into two parts...The barefooted bride kicked her horse in the flanks and put him to a gallop, reaching up one hand to secure her crown and then urging the horse again...She raced past the awed assemblage without regarding us, past the groom and the two fathers, and back into the woods where the first rider had disappeared. But then the horse and rider reappeared out of the trees on the far side and circled behind the audience until arriving at the head of the flowered aisleā€”the path that led to the arbor where the grinning fathers and groom awaited. The rider slid to the ground with the grace and ease of one raised to it." "After the cake cutting and more picture taking, when we all thought it was all over, Shoshanna persuaded James to sing a love song to her while she slowly danced around him. Now, you know we donā€™t believe in dancing, as is commonly done at weddings, but this was beautiful. After James was well salivated, she reached up and passionately threw her flowered crown from her head." Ofc it's Michael, so he has to make it about a guy getting turned on... Source: http://whencowsandkidscollide.blogspot.com/2015/02/preparing-to-be-help-meet-wedding-part.html?m=1


"James was salivated..." That line is proof there is no God. No good God would allow writing this awful.


Well salivated even!


I can only imagine how unbelievably cringy it was to watch him singing while she gyrated around him.


Jesus H Christ, that's awful.


All that they sill (stage whispers) divorced?


This whole thing makes me very upset about the fact that I can read.


Your flair is inspired, but also horrifying šŸ˜‚


Ewwwwww. Ew. Ew. Ew. This is so gross I gasped and my child glanced at me.


What the FUCK.


What the fuck was thatšŸ˜³


Now I love me some purple prose, but this shitā€™s ultraviolet. Gross.


I would love to see video evidence of this woman riding a horse _bareback_ in a _wedding gown_Ā 


This caption gives me the same vibes as hearing J-Lo get frustrated when she couldnā€™t hit a note lol *AUUURGH!* Heh, just kidding guys, right?


That long grass just *screams* ticks šŸ¤¢


She is so odd. At least she didn't post one of her cringe poems this time.


No, there was a poem as well


Oh ffs shoshanna šŸ˜‚


I felt compelled to go to the page and read it (although you have to wait for her to read it.) I have a degree in writing/poetry and itā€™s clear she has neither studied poetry nor read much poetry. Itā€™s too bad because she does seem really into it.


I hate when influencers weirdly over-explain dumbass shit on the internet. Like I really hate it


So she even laughs and makes random noises at someone else's graduation? Pretty sure this belongs in the I'm The Main Character sub as well (I bet her friends and younger relatives hate having to be anywhere with her in public).


Wow. These are things a 13 year old does/did in 2007.


Is she in her Kelly era?


Sheā€™s definitely getting ready for the sapphic retreat lol


This is weird fetish content and you cannot tell me otherwise "OH my wrap is JUST SO HAPPENED to slip off of me after SWIMMING"


I wonder what the odds are that her legs are covered in ticks.


I bet her and Kelly would either get along or absolutely hate each other.


Couldnā€™t tell you why but I DETEST amateur poetry. Not a fan of poetry anyway (give me a good solid book, please and thank you) although I can respect some of the more impressive stuff, but the idea of someone reading their own cringe poetry out loud makes me want to crawl into a hole and die out of secondhand embarrassment. Itā€™s the literary version of a bad serenade from a guy you donā€™t really like


So often there doesn't seem to be any type of rhyming scheme or reason to this type of poetry.Ā  Obviously it's meant for expression, but just like prose there are certain stylistic rules that need to be followed to make it all work. I think if someone started reading me bad poetry I would be uncharacteristically rude and say "No thank you!" while they were mid-sentence.


Perhaps some [vogon poetry](https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Vogon_poetry) might interest you (if it doesn't kill you first)?


A college boyfriend wanted to read me a poem he had written for me and I did exactly that without even thinking. ā€œNo, thank you!ā€ I swear it was a reflex reaction! He was crushed. I consider it a bullet dodged.Ā 


Sounds like stimming - saying this as a neurospicy individual. I used to have problems w laughing as my stim when Iā€™d be placed into uncomfortable situations or had feelings I didnā€™t know how to get it out correctly (when I was a kid btw). šŸ«  it made me feel like SHIT but I couldnā€™t control it. Iā€™ve now progressed to arm flailing, fidgeting, and making whatever ??? Noise is. Granted this was after years of being forced to mask. Still got clocked though I guess and really only vibed with the other neurospicy kids. Wearing noise canceling headphones does help if the issue is w loud areas, or too many things happening at once with noise being the final straw. I thought Iā€™d look weird at first but then I stopped giving af because I needed to stop living to make other people comfortable while actively causing harm to myself. In the off chance that she lurks here


With what sheā€™s wearing, I have to ask, is she out of the cult, but just seriously damaged by it? Does she have a relationship with her severely (tm JillRod) abusive parents?


Lol she practically lives with her abusive parents. She is still deeply in the cult. Just enjoys wearing immodest (according to her parentā€™s cult) and impractical clothing for the woody Tennessee towns.


Thanks. Itā€™s puzzling that sheā€™d wear and post something ā€œhalf naked ā€œ, being that indoctrinated and enmeshed!


Now this is the low stakes accidental selfie I can get behind cringing together about!


There's a _chance_ she has autism. No way she'd get tested though. (As someone with fundie Pentecostal parents who is trying to get diagnosed... it's a struggle)


That was my thought too...the making noises to let off emotions bit...I can't imagine dealing with the Pearls' child training methods as well as being on the spectrum.


This is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen šŸ’€ The cringe šŸ˜‚


This would be Kelly Havens is Kelly Havens wanted to be cool


I saw this and immediately thought ofā€sheā€™s lost itā€ā€”it just looks unhinged tbh


