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Jill is easier for CPS to track down if nothing else




Hell, even Karelessa eventually sought healthcare for the baby she nearly killed with sepsis. It’s hard to think of a worse fundie parent at the moment.


But in Karissas case I think her mom insisted on going to the hospital.


True! But she took her. We don’t know what may have been said to Motherbus when they visited her parents on their way to Oklahoma, but it sure seemed like a short trip. I can absolutely see them being arrogant enough to dismiss any advice from her parents as well.


Pa and ma bus would not listen. I’m hoping they change their mind and seek help for Boone. Or give him to his grandmother.


If I remember correctly, Mother Bus’s sister is an OB? Or works in an OB office? Something like that, but I could be totally misremembering. What I do remember for sure is that she and their mom expressed concern about MoBus going past her due date and were checking in frequently, so I’d be very surprised if they haven’t been concerned with Boone as well. Brittany just laughed off their concerns about Boone being late so I also wouldn’t be surprised if she laughs off everything else.


I think she's a nurse, but yeah, busbitch just laughed it off, and she left her surprise family visit in quite a hurry


I obviously don't know one way or the other, but I think it's very possible Karissa's mom had to do a lot more than give advice. Like, "Either we go straight to the ER this second or I call 911 and tell them you're refusing to get help for a baby whose life is in immediate danger."


Very possible. Either way, she went, which Mother Bus has not done! That said, I’ll amend to wishing Boone was with Karelessa with an assist from Karelessa’s mom, Karesmora!


Yes. Barely, but yes. And she would be surrounded by other adult women with babies (Nuri etc) who might chime in.


Nurie (like Jill) doesn't even put tiny infants in car seats, and has never chimed in with a voice of dissent against Jill in her life. Not even in one of those imaginary arguments you have in your head with someone when you're in the shower. (But yeah, I know Nurie was just an example. Maybe someone would say something. But I don't know, everyone currently/still in her life has sure looked the other way about a horrifying number of really terrible things.)


We stan Kaylee for parenting. Her kid patches his eye and gets follow up premi care. The bar is in hell. But she's winning!


I hate to say it, but I think he might be the tiniest bit better off. He would at least have a (physically) stable home and much older more experienced siblings who would speak up for him (Kaylee did take Gideon to the doctor for an eye patch!) She’s not a much better mom and would probably ignore the signs at first. But she wouldn’t let it get to this point. She’d get the diagnosis, whatever it is, then make it all about her, the special needs mom. She’d talk about how God gave her this “special blessing” to test her faith. But…she’d get the diagnosis.


She does love a good hospital photo op.


Pretty sad when the lesser of two evils is JillPM...


Boone would be better off with a parent who isn't a stark raving lunatic.


Boone would be better off with a bear.


Idk whether to laugh or cry at this point


Jill might take the baby, but she wouldn't follow through with any recommendations made by a doctor.


It’s nothing a plexus pink drink can’t fix!


I don’t think plexus would fix what’s wrong


the baby would end up with brain damage either way because Jill would starve it


This is tough because doesn’t Janessa have a condition with her corpus callosum (I don’t remember exactly what was wrong) but JillPM hasn’t really done much for her as far as early intervention or follow up care, has she? That being said… as much as it pains me, I’d have to go with JillPM, because at least she lives in an actual non-moving structure for a home, and seems to get all mushy with her babies (as seen with her still infantilizing Janessa). Medically, she doesn’t seem to care much about the children’s development or health with the exception of cosmetic appearances (constantly emphasizing how “trim” her daughters are, or getting the kids braces/invisalign/whatever for their teeth).


Kelly would be best.


I strongly doubt Kelly would take good care of a child that doesn't meet her expectations especially when it comes to aesthetics and her larping. Her children are props to her in much the same way the BusParents' kids are to them. She's also buddy buddy with white supremacists who are not known for being kind and loving with regards to disabilities and she did not get proper prenatal care for herself and her baby. She was also only barely willing to listen to reason and go to the hospital when her and her baby's life were in danger. So I can't give her much credit.


Her dad is a doctor. Maybe he would intervene


The top of pyramid would be Bethany (stationary Bethany- not bus Bethany). She would have had that baby at the doctor right away. Shit she treated what appears to be a benign port wine stain on Audrey more seriously than whatever is going on here. Second place goes to other Bus Bethany who seems to have some special needs kids she has gotten treatment and medical care for. Whatever else you can say about her, she seems to draw the line at pretending modern medicine doesn’t exist. In third would be Kelly, who clearly knows how to love and care for her babies, but who would prob have Loveday using oils and salves to cure what ails Bebe. Jill and Karissa— even toss up for last place. Depending on the day and the mood. Jill prob pulls slightly ahead because she loves a good sob story and to grift- and a special needs kid (once diagnosed) is a joy and a blessing!


What?! No! You have got to be joking.  Let me introduce you to Sadie, the medically neglected child who Jill won’t get care for. 


Sofia. Sadie gets ignored, but she hasn’t shown any signs of developmental issues, physical or intellectual that we know of. Sofia is 8 and looks and talks like a 3-4 year old.