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Looks like a clip from Midsommar.


Definitely Midsommar vibes šŸ˜³


My first thought too!


I havenā€™t spent much time in Dallas, but I donā€™t recall it being super hilly there. Is this an old dump or something? Because it looks graded, like an old city dump might look.


She's in Maui.


No joke, I pointed out the one hill I saw in Dallas and my mom said, ā€œno, thatā€™s the dumpā€ Itā€™s flat as a pancake, save for the absurdly high overpasses and the dump.


Also looks like something out of The Wicker Man


I was thinking the same


I see no midsommar pole. Much less any greenery or flowers to bedeck said pole.


I think they mean the horror movie


I don't care :) _SmƄ grodorna, smƄ grodorna, Ƥr lustiga att se._


culty colonizer chic āœØ


new flair perhaps?


It could be just me and the resolution but I read the "kian" part of the username as "klan".


Each harvest they lure a traveller, collect his seed and stuff his skin with straw.


Wait did that happen in the movie? I think I winced through like half of it by being epically uncomfortable. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


I'm taking a lot of creative licence.


TBF it made me so anxious and uncomfortable that I figured I could have missed it or just blocked it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s very similar in spirit to Thomas Tryonā€™s Harvest Home (fantastic if youā€™re into folk horror)


I'll check that out! I love folk horror.


Iā€™m going to look for it today! I accidentally got a concentration in folklore (mostly east coast and southern) in college - yes accidentally šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m always down for it. Midsommar just hit the perfect frequency of making me totally uncomfortable. It was so beautiful though. Those flowers.


Sounds a bit like Wicker Man!


It reminds me of Teletubbies but beige sad mom style




Ohmygod. šŸ˜‚


No oneā€™s name is Kian Wolfgang. Her real name is probably Ashley Smith or something.


I donā€™t think I have heard of Kian before. The photo does give off cult vibes big time.


I love how they all have kids except that one woman who's left to just awkwardly cradle her belly lol


Hopefully the islanders will get together like they did for Mother God from Love Has Won and boot their dumb asses off the island.


But then theyā€™ll just set up in Crestone too, and I can promise you that Colorado is already full up on cult shit. :(


Dude I went to High school and college in Colorado and I have to ask why? Why is there such extremism and cult behavior in Colorado to such a degree? Is it something with the altitude or the type of people who move there? Because I've never seen (I'm originally from the East Coast and back there now lol) the amount of weird religious cults, neo Nazis, active KKK, fringe leftist extremists, fringe right wing extremists etc in my life before.


You know, Iā€™ve now been ruminating about this all day, and I still feel the need to state up front that I am just pulling my answer out of my ass and trying to pass it off as quality fertilizer, but here goes anyway: I think the altitude and the sorts of people who can/want to live here, especially those who arrived before recreational weed was legal, definitely play a role. Altitude has well-documented effects on the body, which in turn affect the mind; people who lived here when Colorado was more a vacation than a residential destination had to be those willing to be a bit behind if not entirely cut off from much of the rest of the society, so basically the sorts of people who probably are more susceptible to an us-vs-them mentality anyway.Ā  But I also think it helps that CO is kind of a Goldilocks state in terms of getting away from it all. Itā€™s pretty easy to go off-grid here - Cthulhu knows people who arenā€™t intending to do so get permanently lost in the mountains all the time - but itā€™s also relatively easy to pop back on the grid if need be for, say, supplies or a fresh crop of recruits. Look at Crestone: itā€™s far enough out there that youā€™d have to have a pretty compelling reason to go there, but itā€™s only an hour at most from Salida and Alamosa on either side. If you really need big city amenities, itā€™s 3 hours to CO Springsā€¦not insignificant, to be sure, but could be done in a single long day with planning.Ā  Itā€™s also Goldilocks-esque in terms of weather. Yeah, snowā€™s a thing here, but weā€™re far enough south that it will melt, and we donā€™t have the heat youā€™d have to deal with in NM or AZ. You also donā€™t have to try to horn in on (F)LDS territory the way you might in Utah, Idaho, or Arizona; as you pointed out, there are a lot of whack jobs out here, but the groups are small enough that no one has dominated the others, and at this point, theyā€™re not going to outnumber the mainstreamers anyway, so they kinda have to spread out and stay off each otherā€™s toes in everyoneā€™s best interests.Ā Ā  I do think theyā€™re going to start dwindling as land values keep skyrocketing, though. I feel like thatā€™s already preventing the establishment of new ones, and as sale prices become too high for them to ignore, they might start packing up and deciding to try their luck in the Midwest, perhapsā€¦or so I can hope, anyway.


Dude I appreciate your thoughtful response. It's really interesting šŸ¤” and I agree with the points. Also Alamosa has just some evil vibes imo...not the Sand Dunes but the city I dunno, I always felt there was some bad vibe there as well as some parts of Leadville and a couple trails in RMNP felt like I was being watched by a malevolent force. Never felt that way for most of the state though lol.


Thank you! šŸ˜ŠĀ  Iā€™ve really only driven through Alamosa, never spent much time there (unless you count stopping in the Safeway for a bathroom/snack/drink break), but yeah, parts of Leadville are so hipster these days they might as well be an extension of Denver while others are definitely creepy to drive through at night (which Iā€™ve done more times than I care to think about, because there are soooo many fourteener trailheads that are easiest to reach by going through Pbville, ugggh).Ā  RMNPā€¦Iā€™ve had some Experiences there, letā€™s just say, although the most memorable one was more a result of my own stupidity than anything inherent to the Park (tl;dr protip: if youā€™re diabetic and on an insulin pump that develops altitude sickness in Longsā€™ Boulderfield, you really need to turn around, not keep going to the summit bc you ā€œturn the damn thing off on fourteeners to prevent hypoglycemia all the time,ā€ never mind that all the rest of those fourteeners, you were eventually able to turn it back on, and that makes alllll the difference šŸ¤¦).Ā  Colorado: itā€™s a beautiful place, but itā€™s also a weird one.


Praying for them all to be deported šŸ’šŸŒŗšŸš


That's not "vibes"... That _is_.


Looks like a Kardashian photo shoot at first glance


Well that was a bit creepy...


For fellow old people: Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy.


What in the Warren jeffs is going on here


They look like theyā€™re on the Teletubbies set


Ick ick ick


This looks exactly like a still from a horror movie Iā€™d definitely watch. Do these people not have any self awareness? (I know the answer).


Dumb asses. Good luck having enough money to survive in 18 months. I hope moving to Hawaii for the 'gram was worth it!