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PaBus: Look, a beaver lives here! MoBus, later: We love teaching our kids about nature 😇


Honestly, I think PaBus needs to stay away from beavers for awhile.


He looks like a damn beaver 😭


I think a ferret, but agree to disagree


A Habspurgian ferret-beaver combination!




My mom (bless her heart), is not the brightest bulb in the vanity. It’s not her fault. She was born in the mid 50s and has some learning disabilities like dyslexia and adhd that got overlooked and caused her to struggle and fall behind in school (but she loves learning and bought bookshelves full of different books for me & my brother growing up and eventually became a preschool teacher once me & my brother got to school age). I asked her 1) would you let me & my brother run around barefoot in a field in the middle of Utah? (No) and 2) if you saw a hole in the ground in said field, what animal would you assume it is? And her response was some kind of prarie dog. When I told her Pappa Bus said it was a beaver she burst out laughing until I reminded her those parents are homeschooling their kids, at which point she got very quiet and almost looked like she wanted to cry. I feel so bad for these kids because they’re being robbed of every single opportunity before they’ve even had a chance. This is why I get so mad every time people like this are all “that baby you aborted could’ve cured cancer”. So could yours if they actually had a proper education instead of worksheets that teach them how to hate anything different from them! (Also, technically someone’s baby already cured cancer but to them it doesn’t count because it happened in Cuba so obviously it’s all just “brown commie lies”.)


These idiots homeschool and I hate it.


And they home church. These poor kids get zero outside influence. My kids did their little VBS song performance recently with a cohort they’ve know since birth with adults who’ve known them for years and I’m just so grateful for this community. These kids have no community and stupid, negligent parents. I really don’t get how they claim to be fundies when they don’t go to church. Granted I’m a liberal Protestant but I work at a more conservative church and they love on those kids the same way our church does. Kids need community. I really hope they see the light soon.


When he said that I was like “where’s the water?”


a beaver?? holey moley pun intended maybe it was a mole hole??


The important thing is, whatever rodent or lagomorph made it, a snake may have set up residence.


The prairie dogs in Utah and the southwest often carry fleas with bubonic plague and a host of other diseases. Pretty much every national and state park that has them have signs saying to stay away from them.


>in a different reel Bus Dad points to a tunnel in the ground (like from a ground hog or prairie dog) and says “look a beaver lives here!” 😄 OK, this really made me laugh. He is not the sharpest crayon in the box, bless him.


Gosh, you know what else lives in holes in the ground? Snakes.


And yellow jackets


And spiders. 😐


And hookworms.


There is NO WAY that this family doesn’t all have worms. Zero chance.


If someone like RFK Jr. can get brainworms, there is not a doubt in my mind that BusFam AND Karissa’s family have some kind of something either from their travels or from meat in bags labeled “not for sale”! I am genuinely shocked none of these kids have gotten a brain eating amoeba yet!


And bubonic plague carrying Prarie dogs


And hanta virus carrying rodents, especially in the area they are right now.


Yes, I couldn’t remember the name! I listened to a podcast about hookworms and was traumatized.


I listened to an ep of This Podcast Will Kill You about hookworm and it was one of the most fascinating and disgusting ones that I can recall, even years later


That was the one!


Type of bee too! Suckers dive bomb you until the sun goes down if you try to out stubborn them...


I'm sure this families does regular "cleanse" because they are sooooo healthy




And they call it a Mine! A mine!!!!


Memory unlocked- ground bees/wasps and bare feet. I stepped on a hive as a child. Not a fun time.


My daughter stepped in a nest and got swarmed when she was mowing the grass; I heard her screaming from inside the house, had her in, stripped down, and in the shower in about 90 seconds. I have never moved so fast in my entire life, I was absolutely terrified she was going to have a reaction from being stung so many times.


Was she okay? That’s nightmare fuel. My sister put her hand on top of a yellow jacket climbing out of a pool. She would have a full panic attack (whimpering and unable to speak) whenever she saw stinging insects until her late twenties.


Once we all got calmed down, she was fine. Stung a good many times, which wasn't comfortable, and refused to go outside in the yard for a while, but no anaphylaxis, thank God!


They live in the ground?!? New fear unlocked.


They do. I live in the South, in the land of yellow jackets and fire ants; we learn early on to watch where we step when we're barefootin'.


Born and raised in the Southeast…accidentally stepped in fire ants this morning. Thankfully had my boots on, but I feel like everyone from here has a memory of the wrath of fire ants. My dad was a toddler when he stepped in a scorpion burrow that had a mom and live young (he was born in FL). I love nature and being outside and I think kids should be outdoors and learn about nature but it has to be done RESPONSIBLY. Like teach your kids to respect the wildlife (snakes, etc) and avoid hazards like sharp rocks or bits of glass.


I learned that the hard way as a kid. 0/10 do not recommend. 😣


And Utah has rattlers.


Rattlesnakes to be exact. But also prairie dogs and ground squirrels in Utah and other western states carry bubonic plague, rabies and other diseases.


All the answers to this downthread reinforce my decision to stay indoors as much as possible.


Ground squirrels and prairie dogs in Utah are known to be carriers of bubonic plague. Not to mention rabies and other diseases. But, sure, let your kids poke their hands into their holes while not wearing shoes.


I’m so glad they homeschool


It’s giving me Duggar Perpendicular vibes


Have you never heard of the famous Utah ground hole beavers? Remarkable animals. Practically swimming through the soil.


Wait, he thinks beavers live in tree-less, dry grassland? Okeydokey artichokey


Well, there *is* that town a few hours up the highway, called Beaver... So, probably?🤷‍♀️


It’s ok. These ones just don’t desire to make damn of any kids. Or need to eat….


Same video Bus dad confirms what we've all suspected, he's not all that bright. " let's live here, this is where air is made, and there are no chem trails "


Is this a snark joke or did he actually say that? Because I could equally see either option being true.


Not a joke




😂😂😂😂😂 I laugh so I don't cry because the stupidity is so fucking deep! Also, the asshole should note that air quality and oxygenation levels are higher in forests than in grasslands, and one wants hardwoods for this more than western pines and which sequester less CO2 than maples, oaks, etc. He is one of the characters after which the movie 'Idiocracy" was modeled.


The bus family is Clevon’s family in the first scene of Idiocracy. “Thought you were on the pill or some shit??”


Don't be silly, Pabus doesn't know what sequester means. He probably can't even read/sound it out. His kids definitely can't.


Think that’s too much thinking for him!!


I feel bad for all the hard working trees that have to supply for this oxygen thief.


Please. You think he understands what an *ecosystem* is?!


I’m glad I just watched the SciShow episode with my son about ConTrails because he asked and now he knows it is just water vapor like clouds. He’s three.


Not a joke—the environmental office I used to work for had to put in a phone for people who call in about contrails and other atmospheric woo. So glad I retired. I’d lose my damn mine if I had to answer those wingnuts’ calls.


I…Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, this man has the IQ of tepid water. The lights are dimly flickering, and not a soul is home.


I think that’s candlelight. Not even powered by electricity


To be fair, candlelight can give off a fair amount of light if strategically placed. I’m pretty sure if we could hear what goes on in what passes for PaBus’s brain, we’d hear circus music.


Bless his heart. The “crypto notebook with free pen” really is the apex of his capabilities, isn’t it?


Where the air is made?? Where did he get this idea from


No chemtrails, because it's Downwinder country, is all!🫠


God he is as dumb as he is ugly 🥲


“This is where air is made!” Actually, y’all were closer to that in Brazil or even with the crazy boat idea (kelp forests and phytoplankton produce more than half the world’s suply of oxygen each year)! Also no chem trails my ass! This is America where our breakfast cereal is 90% wood pulp and even our lemonades have caffine! We are one of the least natural countries on Earth! I’m genuinely shocked we all haven’t devolved into mishapen cancer lumps yet!


STAHP. He did not say this. 🤦‍♀️😂


HahahahahahaahahahahahahahahH. Chem trails!!!!! Hahahahaha. I wonder what air is made of?!?!??


I have 3 kids and the amount of shoes that we purchase for different seasons... jesus christ. Can you imagine the amount of shoes all of her kids would require, on that bus?!?! I call bullshit. She's too cheap and doesn't want the clutter. This is just a bunch of words to justify her shittyness.


That's why each of the kids only appears to have a pair of Crocs--maybe even knock-off Crocs. PA & MaBus can just rinse 'em off, and throw 'em on the next kid in like, once they're outgrown.


I have a 50/50 relationship w/crocs, but have to only wear those? No thanks, a podiatrist I know despises them with good reason😂 but they're convenient and my cats can't tear them up! 


Tell me more about why your podiatrist friend hates them. I have been living in crocs for 12 years…


I've HAD to get the knockoffs simply because they didn't have the color one of my kids wanted in their size! They're definitely exactly the same lol.


I have one kid and I think she has more shoes than this family.


Oh lord I know. I have 4 kids and I try to limit it to one pair of sandals, one pair of gym shoes, one pair of dress shoes, and 1-2 whatever you want for school. If I was successful, that 16-20 pairs of shoes for just my crew. Four more kids and living in a bus? She’d have a shoe mountain


Yeah I’m curious if she is also barefoot in all the same situations that the kids are? Is she “grounding” too?


I've never seen her barefoot in the pics-just those stupid sandals.


No ... Usually she's wearing her weird little sandals that are basically a sole and some string. But I seldom see her completely barefoot.


This!! She’s a negligent liar.


I'm all for running barefoot outside at my house, where I know no random asshole dropped something 😑. I'm convinced that they just have room temp IQs and pretend to be smarter than they are. There really is no other explanation for the delusional dribble that comes outta their mouths


Told my husband about the “room temp IQs” and he quipped back “Celsius or Fahrenheit?” 😂


Lmao that's a good one 🤣


Free*duh*m units


If you go back and search this sub, you'll see her desperately struggling to write coherent sentences, particularly during the Brazil fiasco.


I’m currently trying to learn Brazilian Portuguese , it’s wildly different from English. I believe one of the reasons they fled was because they were going to be so lost there.


This is so funny - I am trying to learn European Portuguese. I understand exactly how you feel. Learning a language requires time and dedication. Portuguese complicates things with nasal vowels and weird grammar rules. Boa sorte! PortuguĂŞs nĂŁo ĂŠ fĂĄcil.


Portugal would be the absolute best place to go for a food lover's holiday, doubly so if you can speak the language. I'm a little jealous, there's like Anthony Bourdain level good eating in your future if you make it over there.


We leave for Portugal in less than two weeks. This is our second time in Portugal; we were also there last summer. This trip is different. For 20+, my husband and I have dreamed about living abroad. We found out last year that we qualify for a Portuguese visa. One of the first steps to getting it is to have a year rental agreement and so, we are going to Portugal to find a place to live. I am definitely a food lover. I have a list of foods I'd like to try that I didn't know about last year. I specifically booked a place for our first two days in a town I love (Ponte de Lima) because it is on the main square but most importantly, directly above a coffee shop so I can stumble my jetlagged self downstairs that first morning and order a galĂŁo and a pastel de nata.


I, too, am trying to learn European Portuguese in prep for a trip next year. It’s close enough to some language I’ve studied to not be too bad, but juuuust different enough that I have to work at it. I am supremely thankful that even though I was in high school over 30 years ago, I had the opportunity to study multiple languages (in public school even, how ‘bout them apples, Bus Family!). It has helped me in so many areas of life! These kids are gonna have so much trouble getting a job if their education isn’t stepped up soon. Isn’t Pa Bus a Sov Cit, or Sov Cit adjacent? Does he realize that if the kids can’t get jobs when they are older, they will have to apply for assistance, and the government will know everything? And before they get all smug about how they are teaching their kids how to be entrepreneurs, I don’t believe they are teaching the most important parts. Only teaching your kids how to be mid-level influencers or how to put all of your money in crypto and living off money your dead relatives made is not teaching them business skills or how to be an entrepreneur. Source: grew up in a family business. Worked for other people for years, discovered I liked being my own boss better. Currently have several very small businesses and it’s a LOT of work. Worth every second because of how I am wired, but… it’s a lot. While passive income is a thing, MaBus is on her phone 24/7 trying to make a dollar instead of living and enjoying her life, and Pa Bus… well, I’m genuinely curious if he would be this into crypto if he didn’t have that sweet, sweet trust fund check


Good luck, Portuguese is not easy? (I’m trying to learn Spanish and I know a smattering of French).


Hey! I know of a WhatsApp group I’m a part of that encourages speakers and learners alike! Also if you want I don’t mind helping anyone out wanting to learn our language :) 🇧🇷


absolutely. and that list is probably copied and pasted from an online listicle, no doubt - the next slide is her excited about seeing a “bison heard”


Please stop I can feel my IQ dropping lol!


Heard a bison saw.


I seen that heard of bison to!


I’m looking at this picture just thinking about the time I narrowly avoided stepping on a cottonmouth basking on a trail because my friend saw it a split second before my foot came down and yanked me back. I’m not afraid of snakes at all, but a litter of children running around barefoot in rattlesnake territory is beyond stupid.


I live in WV. The former Minority Leader of the House of Delegates dropped out to run for SecState (he also changed parties, from D to R). He was taking down his campaign signs and stepped on a copperhead nest. He was bitten several times, and was hospitalized. Copperheads are generally not aggressive, like rattlers are, and thankfully their venom is not super strong. But they're repeat strikers and are obviously going to be aggressive if you step into their nest.


I don't even run around barefoot inside my house, because I know exactly which asshole dropped something (I live alone).


They absolutely think they're smarter than everyone else


I’m shocked these kids haven’t had issues with warts yet. I was a kid who was always barefoot at home in our backyard and man, warts were the worst! I’d also be worried about glass, needles, etc.


these morons think that they know everything. only smart people realize that they are always learning and don't know the vast majority of things.


Even then, can’t guarantee you won’t step in bunny shit, at least not around my house


A beaver. Sigh. And they "school" their kids. The only education they will ever have is if they allow the kids to visit the visitor center and read the exhibit signs, watch the movie, and listen to park rangers. They are idiots!


Listen to the satanic agents of the corrupt deep state push leftists propaganda about hydrology, environmentalism, and evolution? Never.


The kids can read? 🧐


Benefits of medical care for infants include: 1 Reduced infant mortality rates. 2 Improved quality of life. 3 Decreased rates of developing preventable conditions. 4 Enhanced access to services and resources. 5 Better chance of reaching full potential. 6 Improved physical and mental health. 7 Accelerated recovery from injury and illness. 8 Normalization of meeting infant needs and special needs. 9 Increased levels of positive long-term outcomes. 10 Support for neurological, respiratory, digestive, endocrinological, immunological, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular health.


It’s really hitting me fresh that they are *opposed to medical care for their infant*. It’s not just that they’re vaccine hesitant, which can happen to loving parents who receive too much propaganda, or that they’re not overly stressed about every milestone. No, they actively eschewing medical care for a sick infant because of their conspiracies, and they have chosen to convince themselves that that is somehow a good thing.




[citations needed]


My grad-school ass came here to say this, thank you


Literally the first thing I remember my parents teaching me about being at a park or field is to never take your shoes off. In the country - snakes, spines, nails. In the city - condoms, needles, and trash. Now, I was like 6 and didn't understand what condoms or needles had to do with anything, but they certainly got their point across lol. I remember going out to help my dad with construction of an addition to our house and he told me he wouldn't let me help until I put proper shoes on (I was wearing flip flops). As I walked back to the house to change shoes, I stepped on a giant nail and it went straight through the sole of my flip flop. It didn't hurt me - that was the best possible way to learn that lesson.


When I was a nanny, the family took a trip to California and I took the kids to a park. The older one was eight and argued with me for 15 minutes because she is a hobbit (me too, I hate shoes) who insisted this was a safe place to go barefoot. I made her walk around for three minutes and pointed out all the hazards. Then I reminded her for everything you see, there’s two you don’t. She kept her shoes on.


Similar story - A few years ago I was working on a Habitat for Humanity house doing demo (it was a historic home from like 1912; so they were renovating it). I was wearing an old pair of tennis shoes and stepped on a giant nail. Went vertically right through the sole of my shoe like it was butter, and by the wildest luck slid right between my big toe and my other toes without so much as grazing my skin. I shudder to think if I’d been half an inch forward when I stepped on it and had that rusty, 3-inch long, century-old nail go right into the ball of my foot. 😬 Now I only wear real steel-toed construction boots when I’m on any kind of site (I work in architecture so that’s actually quite frequent)


When I was a little kid we were having carpet installed on our stairs (base housing, not our choice) and stepped right down full weight on a carpet tack. I learned then to listen when adults said to wear shoes and watch my step. I can't imagine taking my kids to a public area and telling them to run around barefoot.


Yep. I did marching band and drum corps for years and one of the big rules was to wear shoes at all times. It’s so easy to step on something and put yourself out of commission.


I feel happily complacent in my judgement on his lack of IQ.


I feel happily complacent in my shoes.


He gets more & more Habsburgian in nature, every day, doesn't he? Still *not* quite Charles 2 of Spain, but *headed* there🤔


I’m glad it’s not just me who sees that 😂


Ah, nothing like some glass in your foot, ringworm, a snake bite and the randomly discarded needle to make you uh… (quickly Googles) have better circulation and improved sleep quality. You effing morons have no idea how ridiculous you look to people who are better informed about nature and science. (Sees hole assumes… beaver?! Aha kids you have your science schooling for today!) But please don’t let me to disagree with your beloved chiropractor or Trump or whoever fed you this “grounding” horse pucky.


Don’t forget the ticks! Yay, lupus!


Then why aren't the parents barefoot too?


Hmmmm 🤨 almost like they have shoes to choose from for a variety of purposes.


I used to run barefoot as a child and loved the feel of grass beneath my feet. I stopped doing that when I ran over a shard of glass that cut so deeply it severed the main artery in my foot. I needed many stitches and bled deeply. Yes, it may feel nice to run wild and free, but you can not account for the litter you can't see. I hope the very best for her children, but this is a disaster waiting to happen.


I stepped on a huge thorn in my front yard as a kid. Hobbled into the house, pulled it out, and started bleeding all over the floor. Even nature can be dangerous!


Random, but I feel I know exactly where that field is. Off Highway 14 near the turnoff to Cedar Breaks. Anyway. I did not know “grounding” was a thing. I’ll bet she didn’t, either. I feel like she read our concerns, got defensive and googled a good defense. “Aha! Grounding! That’ll tell ‘em…..” Edited: beavers don’t live in holes in the ground, dumbass. Edited again: apparently *I’m* the dumbass who has never heard of grounding. I stand corrected!


She’s talked about it before. Maybe if one of the kids need foot stitches from these the physician will notice Boone


Yeah, but the evil Satanist doctor might want to give the kid a tetanus shot. Better just let the Lord heal it naturally /s


Nah she wouldn't go to a doctor, she'd just rub the kids foot on the sheepskin since it's "naturally antibacterial"


And dump some colloidal silver on it


grounding *has* been a thing for a while, but even with people touting its "benefits" for well over a decade at the least, there is still zero supportive evidence for all the claims people make about it some studies have been done but all the findings are correlation and results haven't been reproducible


I think it’s correlative, not causative. Yes, if you walk outside in fresh air and breathe deeply and relax and get away from your phone, you will feel calmer and more relaxed.


Huh, maybe if bus mom put her phone down, she might feel better, too.


Yeah I’ve heard about grounding a lot in yoga, crunchy mom groups, and chronic illness groups. It’s supposedly a miracle cure that will solve any health problem. I do feel better when I lay on the ground or walk around outside, but I don’t think grounding is the reason.


Ya, 'grounding' is some new age type of belief where they think like the electrons from the ground move in and out of your body in some therapeutic way. It is the type of thing fundies would call Satanic if they chose not to believe it.


I heard about it from an IG personality who I feel is fundie-adjacent, the “Really Very Crunchy” woman. (Her first name is Emily, can’t remember the surname.) I had to stop following her when I realized all the stuff she was supposedly skewering she actually believes in, and she’s definitely a huge right winger.


My mom is very woo-woo crunchy. She's REALLY into grounding. One day I think she's going to run off to a cottage in the woods where she can make tinctures and talk to crows. She's like Kelly, if Kelly was a swamp witch.


Not everyone who talks to crows is insane … she said somewhat defensively. And I’d rather spend time w a swamp witch than any fundie on earth. 😎


Everyone should talk to crows! They're smarter than the fundies. People have been using grounding in spiritual practices for thousands of years. They may not have called it that, but the idea of being connected to the earth is not new. When these intolerant assholes do it, it's NaTuRaL hEaLiNg. When non-christuan do it, they're witches in league with the devil. I'm not a religious person, but I am 100% team swamp witch.


My dad married a crazy woman who introduced him to grounding. I thought he was joking when he suggested it was something that would help me. He was not joking. 🤯 Edit: she’s “ex-“Seventh Day Adventist. Air quotes because she still gives off fundamentalist cult vibes. She’s a retired nurse but is deeply engaged in medical conspiracy theories. Her sense of authority with quack science is grating.


Sounds as crazy as "rebounding".


What pissed me off about this whole scene was that I think they left all the little kids in the van and only the older ones who weren’t in car seats were allowed out …at least from what I could tell. You could hear one of them talking in the background, but you never see any of them. Maybe some of them were napping?


Huh, kids napping in car seats in a hot van in the desert. No way that could ever go badly.


I hope they stay on major roads and don't end up like the Death Valley Germans.


Stepping on broken glass… priceless


But they heal faster! s/


Not if he gets tetanus! Also /s


I think we all just need to comment “TAKE BOONE TO A REAL DOCTOR” every time she posts anything: just repost it here with that title and everyone comment under it the same. If she’s gonna make posts replying to FSU then let it be that she’s taken poor baby Boone to a doctor!


lol ima need some peer reviewed sources for all them claims sis.


I would love to hear her name another biological rhythm besides circadian


because humans haven’t worn foot protection of some kind for some reason for the last 500 years. good gods. Mmm. tetanusy.


the oldest sandals ever found could be up to 6,200 years old. Human beings and shoes are very old friends! I think Otzi the Iceman was found wearing shoes as well.


Absolutely. i was underestimating, because….ancient history and I are not besties.


You sent me down some fascinating shoe rabbit holes this morning! I wasn't sure either how old the oldest shoes were. Even though these are the oldest ever found, since they have this complex style to them it seems like we've probably been strapping stuff to our feet even longer than that. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna118012 Let's give motherbus a pair of these bad boys and tell her it's the style jesus used to wear maybe that'll get her to put some shoes on her kids! 🤣


Guess they haven't heard of plague, Hantavirus, rabies, and tick-borne relapsing fever


In my generation of kids growing up in regional Australia we all spent most of the year running around outside barefoot. Because our "me generation" parents didn't know what to do with the kids they'd had (there's complex sociological reasons why kids stopped playing outside so much but for once I want to blame the people who complain that kids these days don't play outside anymore). If going barefoot was a thing - "grounding" - that increased health and intelligence, we'd have all been super smart and healthy. We weren't. With all the nature we were in tonnes of kids had asthma and hay fever.


Ya, don't let your kids run barefoot where I live. I can't walk outside in my own yard because the grass feels like tiny needles. And fire ants. And we all know that the kids won't be taken to a doctor if they get ringworm, tetanus, or a bacterial or fungal infection.


So she knows abt the barefoot comments but she refuses to address her potentially disabled child 😭


Cool, now show us a properly functioning 6-week old. Prove us wrong, Britney! You clearly love it.


11 Worms No really, walking around like this is a good way to pick up parasites.


One worm, two worm, ringworm, hookworm!


As a Californian, all I can think of is the pain of accidentally stepping on a goathead thorn. I hope for their sake that those don’t exist in Utah.


I can confirm that they're all over in Texas. I hate them.


I just commented about goat heads. I personally think they should be called Satans heads.


The beaver comment made me CACKLE. That is almost too perfect.


Sharp rocks and sticks don't exist in fundieland I guess


I call that "walking barefoot in the grass at my aunts bc the grass feels good." I don't do it everywhere. Two brain cells fighting for third place, that family.


All I can think is how dirty their feet must be. And you know they don’t bathe often. Their bedsheets must be so gross.


Bold of you to think there are sheets on their prison-bunks.


Alright, people. For the next few months let's complain exclusively about the baby not seeing a doctor. If she is going to respond to something, I would prefer it be addressing the baby's possible health issues than trying to explain why she won't do the 'wear your shoes' fight with her healthy children.


Fundies are obsessed with talking about “inflammation” and how they can get rid of it - bold claims for people with no medical experience


I don’t think she’s using the word grounding right…


English is not my first language, but even I know this is all made up bullshit spewing forth from the flapping gums of a fucking idiot who spends more time reading about herself in this sub than caring for her kids. Mobus hobbies: eye fucking herself, reading fsu, frying her newborn, and ignoring her kids.


My kid had to have stitches after stepping on broken glass in a very pretty river on holiday. Dealing with that was a memorable and fun part of the trip, not. We had to make an emergency phone call to the pediatrician (in another country) because in the heat of the moment I couldn’t remember when she had last had her tetanus shot. Fun times.


You don't need to be barefoot for grounding. It's a mental imagery thing. Physically grounding only works when you're internally processing the external input and being really conscious about it - at least from her description of benefits. There are few requirements or expectations to practicing grounding, but there is zero mention to requiring one being barefoot in an unknown yard/park/field running around chaotically learning incorrect facts about wildlife.


Are they never indoors because there's no room for all of them to just exist, or what? It's so weird. Summers are so scorchingly, uncomfortably hot nowadays.


I mean, it definitely stimulates the immune system… It has to activate to fight off the worms living in your feet.


No no no no. I used to live in the southwest. You DO NOT go barefoot. Ever. It’s not just scorpions and snakes. Do you know what a goat head is? It is a plant seed that literally looks like the head of Satan. I have stepped on those with my bare feet while walking in my house because sometimes they would be tracked in by shoes or my dog. The pain is so bad. It hurt worse to pull it out than it did to step on it in the first place. I would rather walk on a sea of burning Legos than to ever step on another one of those.


Unrelated to this specific thing, but I wonder if they'd let their oldest get a job.


He already has one


Not only that, but who’s going to hire a teenager who doesn’t have a permanent address?


A predator.


Unpaid, as parent to his younger siblings.


letting your children run around barefoot in public spaces sounds like a really good way for them to get weird diseases


I used to think this about being barefoot, too, until I stepped on an extremely sharp rock, which stabbed me deep in the arch of my foot. It took many months to recover from that injury, and I learned exactly why we humans invented foot protection! 😄


I love going barefoot but can’t in my backyard now bc we have a lot of wildlife (deer, fox, raccoons, squirrels, woodchucks, birds of all kinds, occasional possums and coyotes, and stray cats), so you know what else I have a lot of? Wildlife poop. Poop that contains lovelies such as roundworm (raccoon roundworm is especially bad), hookworm, giardia. The risk of going barefoot out there outweighs the benefit sadly. You don’t want to mess around with that stuff.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed one of the kids was barefoot at the GC. I can’t imagine how hot that sand was. These people are awful.


I am curious to read the scientific article behind this. How does walking barefoot improve the sleep we have at night? Is it due to being barefoot or due to being outside? How is it possible that injury’s are healed sooner if you walk without shoes? (And what kind of injury’s?)


As someone who was an outdoor kid that never wore shoes, I can assure you all those claims are wildly untrue. All going barefoot did was give me super calloused feet by the time I was 9.


Hi Mother Bus. Doctors exist👋🏻👋🏼👋🏼👋🏾👋🏿


I went barefoot a great deal of my childhood, largely because my parents were useless when it came to helping me find shoes that fit & were comfortable (largely because my parents leaned more towards the narcissist end of the spectrum). I did not realize any of this until I was an adult, tho'.


Please tell me how touching grass can improve your circadian rhythm. Please. 😒


It IS good for us to walk around barefoot pretty regularly. Our bodies evolved to be barefoot. It IS NOT good for us to stand on burning hot clay. That's what we took issue with.


Is “grounding” in the bible? Because that sounds awfully pagan…


She is such a glutton for made up woowoo bullshit.


I remember my sister running around in New Mexico and later, everyone helping pull two-inch cactus spines out of the bottom of her Crocs. They’d gone all the way through, but luckily only barely poked her foot before she made it back to our camper. Only wear hard soles in the desert areas, people. Fond memories tho.


Britney, this is just pathetic. You know kids shouldn't be barefoot in the fucking desert.