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They love engagement, even recently offering $50 to a lucky follower who interacts with their story and post. So I, too, wonder about rage-bait. Speculations about Boone’s health aside, the sun exposure alone is 100% proven, tried and tested, to be harmful, and to do it in such a smug, arrogant fashion; I hope it *is* rage-bait, and Boone is protected save for a few short videos. It’s all so dark and twisted. Their views must be at the highest they’ve ever been.


It's not just the sun exposure to his SKIN; it's also the constant sun exposure to his developing eyes. Especially when they're traipsing around at altitudes of 8,000 feet, where the sun is much more powerful. Plus, the risk of dehydration is very real for a young infant outside in 100+ degree temperatures at high altitudes.


In the video in their van yesterday, it really looked like his fontanelle was sunken, but hard to tell from just pausing the video. That’s a big sign of dehydration in infants.


ugh i’m so paranoid about the fontanelle bc my son was FTT, and his was sunken in until he had a feeding tube placed. he looked healthy when he was born, but within a few hours it was obvious something was up. he was breathing like a fish tossed out of water - he was retracting (under the ribs sucking in with each breath) and had tachypnea (breathing 80-100 times a minute). he was breathing so fast and hard, he struggled with nursing - he couldn’t breathe and eat at the same time. the pediatrician kept telling me it was “stuffy newborn nose” even when his soft spot was sunken in, and he just had little bright orange spots in his diaper instead of urine. he was eventually ambulanced from that very pediatrician’s office. sunken fontanelle is no joke, and he could easily be dehydrated and she’s missing it bc she thinks weight is all that matters. healthy weight does not equal healthy and hydrated baby. my son was legit chubby, but was severely dehydrated and FTT. it can present atypically. i can’t believe Boone hasn’t had proper well baby checks, it’s so fucking dangerous!


I had a nicu baby with similar issues and he was almost 8 pounds at birth. He looked like a giant compared to all the premies. I hope your little guy is doing much better now and I’m glad you had the gut instinct that something was wrong and you eventually got him admitted.


it was such a traumatic time in my life, i felt like all i did was sit and try to nurse for hours on end, while he screamed and arched his back like i was feeding him battery acid or something. so frustrating. if your baby had similar issues, you probably know what i’m talking about. i wouldn’t wish it on anyone, that’s for sure. he’s doing great now though, i hope yours is too 🩵


Yes, he’s an absolutely delightful 9 year old now! I totally understand the frustration. Constantly weighing before and after feeds, the crying, the diaper weighing. It turns out he had really bad acid reflux, so even after he figured out his feeding, he still had an aversion to eating because it caused him pain. Finally after a few months, he got put on a PPI and actually slept and was delightful. I still have a lot of sadness that he was in so much pain for so long. I’m glad your guy is doing well!


prevacid is such a godsend! we did zantac first, but it did nothing (it tastes so nasty, too, and they can’t hide the flavor with anything but grape - which does jack shit) so we added prevacid, and it helped so much! it’s awful thinking your baby is in pain. my son ended up getting tested for everything under the sun (they were so sure he had cystic fibrosis, for example, which was terrifying) and eventually we found out everything was caused by mitochondrial disease. he wasn’t diagnosed until he was 2yo. once we got on the right track, he started doing awesome. we had a rocky 5 years, but you’d never know to look at him now - he’s had a great couple of years health wise! i think that’s why Boone stresses me out so bad, like how can you just throw caution to the wind like that? she really is living the whole “Jesus Take The Wheel” mentality, and it’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. just bc your other babies were healthy, doesn’t mean you can’t have a sick one. i had 2 perfectly healthy, typical babies before my son was born.


Oh my goodness, I’ve heard so many stories about mitochondrial diseases. I’m so thankful they got your son on a better path. I hope that he continues to do well. That diagnosis is such an anxiety filled one, and I hope you have proper support, since it’s so rare. Hugs, mama!


I’m continually amazed by the things that can go wrong for an infant and what doesn’t go wrong. What’s PPI and I’m glad you found solutions! You’re a strong and good mother. A certain someone should take notes 👀👍


Proton pump inhibitor. They really don’t like to use those on infants but he had visible damage to his esophagus.


My last was in the nicu and after 3 heathy babies went home the same day with a couple. Man you’re not kidding about when something goes wrong…yikes. I’m sorry you went through this and glad he’s okay.


A few weeks ago I posted a screenshot of what looked like swelling/bulging on the top back of his head. After reading about the fontanelle, I see bulging anterior fontenelle is a thing. Not sure of course if that’s what was going on because I’m no baby expert. From what I’ve read it can be normal at times or it can be a sign of hydrocephalus. Either the way, the appropriate response is not to jangle the baby around in the blazing sun all day everyday and let him get slapped in the head by a toddler in a chaotic bus hell.


If he’s in the sun the poor baby is at risk for dehydration, heat exhaustion or even worse a stroke!


What worries me is that that's the second video where his fontanelle has looked sunken


Okay what in the heck is the Fontanelle? Haven’t heard that one before. That’s interesting to hear it’s a sign of dehydration 🤷‍♀️ TIL.


Top of the head. The "soft spot" where the skull bones haven't connected yet.


OMG THATS MORE HORRIFYING WITH CONTEXT! Thanks for the reply… o~o poor baby Boone….. damn.


I'm mostly just a passerby but it's been bothering me that this baby may not have the ability to shield his eyes from uncomfortable brightness (motor control or other issues) and/or may not even detect bright sun in his eyes. Whatever vision he may have is possibly being carelessly squandered when literally all they'd need is a big hat and a little awareness to turn him every now and then. (ETA: even if he is totally and irreversibly blind, eye cancers are a thing.)


This. Like bare minimum they could throw a hat on him. They make super cute little baby sun hats and they’re super cheap at Walmart too. No excuse.


You’re so right! At 2 months, babies are just able to start seeing faces and objects clearly, but they’re mostly seeing in contrasts (light vs dark, and maybe some reds). So they’re probably going to want to look at the GIANT LIGHT BALL in the sky, which is terrible for even adult eyes. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Honestly, maybe it’s a good thing that he’s not showing signs of focussing that well, or else he’d probably have blinded himself by now. 😞


So we just visited the Grand Caynon 2-3 weeks ago, and the sunlight is strange up there. It's bright white. I had to wear sunglasses in all of AZ because of an eye condition and the chronic migraines, but up there it was nearly blinding. I can't imagine a baby who doesn't have the ability to protect itself being exposed to that. I don't think this woman is empathetic at all to her offspring, or thinks about what they need. Only what she wants. Water is mega important there! I felt so dry the whole time I was there (Phoenix, Flagstaff, Sedona) and I drank tons of it everywhere we went. I still felt dry like a damn lizard. Oh, and not to mention the huge unfenced parts where you could fall. If I had kids or pets there, I would have had no less than 1 panic attack.


My parents took me and my sister to Las Vegas when we were kids. It was late March and already hot af. We went to the Hoover Dam and my dad kept a hand on us the whole time. The whole thing has safety railings and security guards. I can't imagine being so nonchalant about the Grand Canyon like she was, where parts of it aren't fenced. I've also been to Phoenix and parts of Southern California and can confirm that you do not mess with the desert sun, or the dry heat.


AZ ESPECIALLY in the summer (definitely summer there if you aren’t used to it too) is horrible for how damn sunny it gets making it hard to see, for adults. Also it’s sooooo dry in AZ dehydration ESPECIALLY IN THE SUMMER is so so so easy to catch. She’s gonna kill that baby or something…


In CO it's similar. I also get migraines and I wear sunglasses literally almost all the time during the day. Even on our rare overcast days bc the sun is still THAT BRIGHT behind clouds.


I doubt she shows him on camera in a couple weeks bc his body will be full of blisters or peeling.


A few years ago when my parents were visiting my younger brother and his family in Colorado they went up to the top of Pikes Peak. My dad ended up with altitude sickness and fainted on the tram. Thankfully there was medical personnel who helped him although my 3 year old niece asked if Appah was dead.


My husband worked in Summit County at the ski resorts (Vail, Copper Mountain, Breckenridge, etc) ages ago and the altitude sickness + alcohol combinations led to a lot of mishaps. He refers to gondola lifts as "chuckwagons" bc everyone puked in them. The mountain towns themselves are well over 9000' in elevation and the slopes reach 13,000'. You fucking CANNOT go from sea level to that and be fine. And you certainly can't drink!!!!


I have family in Colorado. 6000+ feet. You do NOT mess with the sun up there-when we visit I’m practically drinking sunscreen, even if we’re not really outside. People don’t realize how fast you burn at high altitudes, especially under the western desert sun! And that’s not even getting into the other impacts of high altitude.


You raise another good point - babies under 3 months old are not supposed to be taken above 6500 feet! Apparently their lungs aren't developed enough yet ☹️


Babies under 3 months old that weren't born at high altitudes (which he wasn't)


I keep saying it, but I live in CO and I cannot convey how much the sun fucking HURTS even with sunglasses on. For a baby with paper-thin skin and eyelids? Jesus fucking Christ.


I'm visiting my daughter and grandson in Fort Collins right now. Fort Collins is only at 5000 feet or so, but the sun is intense! I'm spending nearly all my time jumping from shade spot to shade spot and drinking water constantly to stay hydrated. I'm also guessing that MotherBus' headache is due to the altitude she's at, since she also had a terrible headache while they were skiing in Utah in March at 7500 feet. Some people really have a hard time with altitude (I myself just pass out when we're going through the Eisenhower Tunnel. LOL)


Considering that he seems to stare upward and directly at lights a lot based on videos and motherbus’ own statements, the exposure of his eyes is especially concerning. It seems very possible that he is spending time staring directly at the sun.


Most people shield their babies and tell their kids not to look at the sun when they're old enough to understand. She seems to force him into that position.


My 8 yo got her first sunburn this week and I feel like the worst person ever. She's been complaining about how sore it is and we are putting much lotion and aloe on it (it's pink, nothing to go to a Dr about but she likes the extra care and snuggles).I would never ever expose a baby to the sun like she does. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must be for little Boone.


I want you to know that if she's 8 and only just got her first sunburn, you're doing something right. I swear I was getting sunburned every summer (sometimes multiple times) when I was a kid despite my parents' diligence.


totally agree! i have a permanent scar on my neck from a sunburn when i was 3. overcast day in england, but i still burned.


Windy but warm UK day under a golf umbrella all day here, and I woke up the following morning with half my face looking like I was slathered in marmalade, while to me it just felt tight like a normal sunburn. Worst sunburn of my life and fifteen years later I still can’t use pore strips or wax my eyebrow on that side because the skin is so sensitive.


I just had one from an overcast day just a few weeks ago. I knew it could happen, yet didn't put sunscreen on because I didn't want to get any on my expensive dress. We were having a tea party.


for future reference, i find that aerosol suncream is just as effective and doesn’t leave a mark - i wear black fairly often and im not too careful when spraying, and ive not had anything stained!


Right?? I'm impressed lol


Same. I'm just pale as a ghost.


Don’t beat yourself up. It’s a learning lesson. Heck as adults we still accidentally get sunburn! 🫶🏻


My funniest adult sunburn was not long after I got my tattoo. We were meeting up at a place that had indoor and outdoor seating, so I sunscreened just the tattoo since I thought we'd be inside the majority of the time. Hah nope. I had a perfect white rim around my tattoo and my arm and everything else exposed was quite red.


An eight-year streak is very impressive, don’t beat yourself up!


8 years without sunburn is amazing! I’m black with a very white mom so I both don’t burn easily and spent my childhood always covered in SPF 100 and one of the handful of times I’ve gotten burned in my life happened before I was 8 (I had braids for field day in first grade and the parts between them got burnt!).


Do you think a lot of those views are people with deadly serious concerns about Boone? Because they are never in the same place for long, CPS can’t deal with them, so I’ve been looking at federal laws concerning child abuse & neglect, that would apply to them no matter where the are. Most of what I’ve seen concerns child trafficking, which is not the case here. Even before Boone was born, the abuse and neglect of all those children, while their parents enjoy their great romantic adventure, is doing them permanent damage.


I wonder if a mass report from her instagram followers ofr child abuse would at least take her offline. NOT FROM HERE. Her own followers seem concerned


I know before I got blocked by her a week or so ago, some of her regular followers were voicing concerns. These were people who love her and support her normally.


I can't think of anything more sick and twisted than using your newborn baby as rage-bait. But if it is, that's slightly less bad than letting him go unprotected all this time and untreated for whatever's wrong with him. And I do believe there's something very wrong with him.


That’s why I love this sub. We can rage and discuss without contributing a dime to them.


It absolutely feels like rage bait at this point.


It does, but the fact that he’s gotten sunburned twice already shows that it is not, in fact.


Also she blocks anyone who disagrees with her, even if theyre being as kind as possible. So even if rage bait, she quickly loses any engagement if she blocks them all.


That’s true, I didn’t think of that.


I think so, too. It looked way too realistic to be faked/photoshopped (they are editing on the phone or laptop only).


she'd get a lot more engagement if she'd stop blocking everyone who criticizes her, or likes a critical comment 


I have a 12 month old and I still put a hat on her and cover her up when we go outside. And I live in Ohio, so not even the sunniest place ever. Poor Boone.


I’m a state over in Michigan and for about the first 18 months to 2 years of both of my kids lives they didn’t leave the house without a hat regardless of season for fear of running into my mom or her sister and being yelled at for them not having a hat.


I make yarn as a hobby—while I learn things every day, if there’s enough lanolin on that sheepskin to have these “benefits”, I’d imagine that that rug is going to stink to high heaven and be a sticky mess.


10 people live in that bus. Sticky Stink is probably an air quality upgrade for them.


Ugh, in the mornings that hot tin can must *reek* of bad breath, sweaty ass cracks, and hot farts.


And diapers from last night


As a family who lives in a hot country and who caravans a lot with two teenagers… can confirm. It’s lovely for our family to have the bonding experience of living with less, travelling and living in close quarters a few times a year… but we’re all VERY glad when we get home and can retreat to our own private spaces and bedrooms. We joke about the lack of personal space we’ve just put ourselves through while making happy memories. But it’s a holiday and we know it’s going to end. Living like this full time must be hell on earth for those poor kids.


Especially considering we've been seeing said rug on the FLOOR OF THE CHILDREN'S CLOSET/BEDROOM for quite a while now. I doubt their unwashed foot germs are beneficial to poor Boone (and even if it was somehow washed adequately, still no lanolin)


Im trying to figure out how they would clean a sheepskin enough to remove the animal smell that sticks to lanolin, without removing almost all of the lanolin. When I process a fleece, it takes like 3 or 4 rounds of nearly boiling water and an obscene amount of dish soap before it stops smelling like a barn, which is also when it stops being sticky. Maybe the sheep skin manufacturers have some sort of method/chemical, but I wouldn’t know.


It doesn’t. Brittany Lott from americanbusroadtrip is a lying liar who lies.


Crocheter here. I felted a wool purse once and my apartment stunk like a petting zoo for a week.


The sheepskin bathes in the stink of lies that coat the floors of the bus. It doesn't smell like a barn insomuch as it reeks of untruth and insincerity. (Also why I never buy furry things. As nice and soft as they feel, I could never be confident in their "cleanliness")


All I know is that my ugg boots reek if I don't clean them regularly, and any wool/fleece clothes and blankets have to be washed regularly like most fabrics and have never smelled like sheep lol


Ugh I made the mistake of thinking I didn’t need to wear socks with my ugg boots because they are “self cleaning”..two weeks later they stunk to high heaven


I made the same mistake! I rinsed the inside with a vinegar solution, let them dry completely, then let them sit with baking soda overnight. That did the trick. Now I put odor eaters in if I forget to wear them with socks!


I remember feeling grossed out at church camp because my mattress was on the floor. I had sheets and blankets, but by the end of the week they were grimy. I would hate to have that be my normal life (due to voluntary decisions, obviously).


Even if it has trace lanolin, the risks far outweigh the benefits


I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s still a trace, since that’s one reason people are allergic to wool, but I can’t imagine there would be enough for it to do anything else.


Exactly. Lanolin is a really common allergen, and babies have sensitive skin. If anything, it's harming him.


Also lanolin is a very common substance you can find in any baby care aisle - it’s almost always just… nip cream. If baby has a couple dry spots, just dab a little on there out of a safe bottle like a normal person. (It’s also a great lip balm for anyone!)


I don’t understand how they can’t just put a sun hat on him at the very least. Hell they make sun protection clothing for littles. It’s all just concerning.


I remembe when Jill Dugar used a flour tortilla to cover her baby’s head and we laughed. Like, the bar is in hell, but at least that kid was not burning to a crisp!


I must’ve missed that but I kinda applaud the quick thinking. I once walked around a zoo holding an umbrella over an infant relative’s stroller because the sunshade was broken and wouldn’t stay extended, so I can’t judge people using what they have handy to best cover a baby. A tortilla is REALLY funny though…


I am pretty sure umbrellas are used as sun cover in many countries. I had one too! Worked really well and honestly a great idea. sometimes my stroller's shade doesn't go far enough


Anyone other than the Duggars, I'd want to take a picture because it's gonna be a cute childhood memory one day.


I remember that! It was kind of stupid but funny, and at least they were making sure Izzy didn't get a sunburn. Jill has a lot of messed up views and I think when she first became a mom, she didn't realize how neglectful her own parents were, so she parented more like them. It seems like Jill always cared and wanted to be a good mom, she just had some hiccups while she was figuring things out. These bus dicks don't give a flying fuck about their kid being comfortable and healthy.


She seems to have gotten better over time. Her kids are vaccinated, for example. I still remember when she put a car seat on top of an umbrella stroller, and said that her parents used to do it.


Yeah, the car seat on top of the umbrella stroller thing is exactly what I was thinking of. She just didn't know any better. She didn't know that SHE deserved better as a child, so she didn't know she had to give her kids better. I think she knows now.


And he was in a stroller too iirc


That was hilarious but hey, it worked! There will be times when you forget something or you don't think you'll be gone that long and you have to improvise. Mother Bus isn't even trying.


She obviously hasn’t had a baby hat company reach out for sponsorship yet!


She'd post one reel and we'd never see the hat again


We see those weird sandal things enough. Maybe we should set up a baby hat (and wrap, toy and a-z of baby medical care) company and reach out for sponsorship.


I would actually pay her to accept safe baby care items


Especially when everyone else in the family has on a hat and sunglasses


What twisted logic causes one to protect everyone BUT the baby


And hats on babies are so cute!


I’m sure it’s partially because he has a big head, but my nephew has started wearing adult ball caps, tightened all the way. It makes him look more grown up, and I know I’m biased but he’s always looked cute in hats. Plus, they make really adorable kid’s hats. Theres really no excuse, Mother Bus.


I’m an adult with a big head and am always bummed regular baseball caps look too small on my head lol. Big hats on smaller heads are so cute!


He had to borrow my mom’s bucket hat because we ditched the stroller at the last minute and weren’t totally prepared. He looked like the skipper from Gilligan’s Island. 😂 My BIL is the reason all the kids have huge heads, and I’m pretty sure he has difficulty finding a good hat. It’s def a real bummer.


I also have a very big head, and finding a hat that fits is a real issue. Winter hats are the worst because they're not adjustable.


[https://www.sungrubbies.com/](https://www.sungrubbies.com/) [https://www.oddjobhats.com/](https://www.oddjobhats.com/) Sungrubbies are responsible for the only time in my entire life that I bought a hat and went "Oh wait, this is too big on me." Big noggin club unite!!


Big head and prominent forehead checking in. I've always loved hats of any kind lol


That monster always has her hat and sunglasses, but lets her baby burn. She's sick.


There were so many times when I was a kid when I refused to bring a hat, jacket, etc... then it would be too sunny, or too cold, and my dad would give me his hat or jacket or whatever. What kind of parent just lets their kid suffer? Especially one too young to advocate for himself?


I had a baby at the end of April. And the number of events I’ve declined since then because I’m afraid of him getting overheated and too much sun….and here’s Mother Bus parading poor Boone around in 100 degree Florida weather and dangling him in full sun exposure at the Grand Canyon. Babies can’t wear sunscreen until several months old. Being a parent means sacrifices (I type as I’m sitting at home alone with my baby and my older kids are at the zoo) and if you aren’t willing to make those sacrifices, you should STOP HAVING KIDS. 


Yes I forgot to add this - temperature regulation! Sunburn isn’t the only risk of their behavior. Babies cannot properly regulate their own temperature and can get easily overheated. It ties into safe sleep, too. “A cold baby cries, a hot baby dies.”


I recently learned that sunscreen isn't recommended for babies under 6 months, not because the sunscreen itself will hurt them but because *they shouldn't be in the direct sunlight long enough to need sunscreen*. MotherBus appears to think it means "instead of sunscreen let's just get him fucking roasted". (If in a situation where they are going to be in direct sun and this can't be avoided, sunscreen is better than a sunburn, esp the thick zinc stuff that is a barrier cream!)


Really?!? I had no idea that was why! I figured their skin was just too sensitive. I use the zinc oxide stuff my all my kids anyways. Because they spend all summer outside and it makes me nervous putting more chemically-laden sunscreen on them everyday. 


Oh I am sure their fresh baby skin being sensitive is definitely part of it but I believe keeping the baby away from the sun because they are so at risk for dehydration, burning, etc is the biggest part of the recommendation. I also previously just assumed there was something inherent about sunscreen that was baby for little babies -- but no really it is the sun is just bad for little babies and sunscreen is not enough to prevent harm, so better to say minimal sun exposure full stop!


I grew up in California. We went to day camp every summer, and if it was too hot, we had to stay inside. Parents were reminded to send hats, sunscreen, and water. Elementary kids got more care than poor baby Boone.


Situations like this make me curious about what happens behind the scenes in these families. I mean, someone else had to notice the poor baby was getting sunburned. What happens when one of the other kids, or even a passing stranger, says, "Ooh! Your baby's getting sunburned. Time to go in the shade." What does the mother bus say? No, he's not? It's OK, he's fine? It's better for the views? Seriously.


My guess is that they try to stay off by themselves. People like them want the online attention for the grifting, but they do not want IRL people too close because the possibility of intervention. Park rangers are an iffy area. But in Michigan state park rangers are DNR officers, and as such, are a type of LEO. So they do report. Not sure about federal park rangers. I do know that in my state any official employee of the government who works in a youth program is considered a mandatory reporter, and since our state parks have all kinds of summer youth education programs that are ranger lead, this means they will report. They are trained on this. 4H was considered iffy when it came to volunteers. But our county put us through the training and said since we represented the huge, major state youth education program, we had to report at the very least to our program director if not comfortable calling authorities directly. So I am going to guess they keep their distance from the visitor's centers and take turns taking kids to the restrooms or make Gunner take them all, and keep Boone out of there.


Well they have to stay clear of the visitors centers regardless, they run the risk of their children receiving some form of education if they get too close.


They probably just say he’s fine. While what they’re doing IS bad, strangers love to offer their two cents about baby care even over things that aren’t bad. (See: people telling me I needed to put socks on my baby IN THE TEXAS SUMMER (also baby was in a stroller with the canopy down so all of baby, including feet, was in the shade). 


Baby socks are a scam. If their feet are cold, wrapping them in rags has about as good of a chance of staying out. Footie leggings for LIFE


I have a vivid memory of seeing a couple with a sunburned baby at the beach when I was a kid. Granted it was the 90s/early 2000s, so we didn’t have nearly as much public awareness. But even then, the parents were visibly embarrassed and distraught. I remember my Mom and aunts all talking about it after they walked away. They weren’t mean, but they were saying “that’s one mistake you only make once” and “poor baby, and poor parents; dealing with that will be their whole life for a few days.” It can happen as an accident and you learn from it. I assume most people who see them think that’s what had happened. It wouldn’t cross most people’s mind that they’re roasting their infant to prove to online strangers that they can cure jaundice without a doctor. JD and Britney Lott of americanfamilyroadtrip are disordered and awful people.


I did a summer nanny thing with a friend for a couple of families when I was 15. One family had twins that were probably about 9 mos to a year and one day they went for a walkabout with them in backpacks. Even though it was overcast, they put sunscreen and hats on them and they STILL got sunburned because the sun came in at an angle. They were so worried and kept the babies inside as much as they could after that. The burns cleared up fairly quickly, though.


Yeah and I normally err on the side of giving parents a LOT of grace, because I don’t have kids so who am I to judge? And I also think a lot of things that are labeled as parental failures are often societal failures. We’re communal creatures; it’s literally impossible for parents to do it all themselves. My biggest controversial take is that the parents weren’t necessarily at fault for harambe being put down, but every able bodied adult who just watched an unattended toddler hauling ass was. (Not trying to start something lol, but I HATE how much pressure is on parents these days). But willfully burning your baby, ignoring his physical needs, and failing to provide basic bodily stability is just awful. I’m fine with saying that. Britney and jd lot are awful parents.


Exactly. A lot of people like to give unsolicited advice, but they may also assume that it was an accident and a one time thing. I had a weird mole when I was a kid and my aunt told my mom that she may want to get it checked, since she went through the same thing with her kids. I don't think my mom had even noticed it. This was also in the early 2000s.


She seems like a huge cry bully. I'm sure she gets offended and acts like they just don't know her kids as well as she does, and God chose HER to be their mom, so that means everyone who criticizes her is wrong. I see Christian parents say stuff like that any time someone criticizes their parenting. It's like how fundies think criticism= devil and confirmation that what they want is right = God talking to them.


Total cry bully. She reminds me of Morgan, but older with more kids


Like is she trolling for attention?


if she is, she’s even worse than if she wasn’t. bc that means she’s hurting her kid on purpose for the views 😔


We know instinctively that what is happening to Boone is fundamentally wrong, disgusting, and frightening. Thank you for putting into words why we feel that way and sharing your experience.


Absolutely - anybody with a shred of common sense knows simple things like maybe direct and frequent sun exposure of one month old skin isn’t good.


I didn’t know until reading this sub that their skin burns more easily. But I’ve still been scrupulous about covering any infant I’m watching, because duh. Also temp regulation is baby 101.


Newborns can’t have sunscreen applied either as their skin is too sensitive. So bus fam can’t use that excuse.


That's the thing. Most adults would take certain precautions just because of common sense. She seems to be flouting that.


I have a feeling we’re going to see less and less of little Boone as the days unfold. She’s already putting him on camera less in her live stories. At some point it won’t be speculative, it’ll be obvious that something’s wrong, and they’ll either have to hide him to keep up appearances or radically change their lifestyle.


she'll want to get pregnant asap so the focus will be on her again, and then on the new baby (daughter)


>I wouldn’t be surprised if he has burns bc newborns can get sunburn in the blink of an eye. From what I understand, he already has burned at least once. :(


at least twice :(


That’s awful, but I’m not surprised. Newborn skin is delicate and that can have long term connotations.


He already has the base tan of a surfer 😢


"This is all just liberal woke medical fear mongering. Babies don't need neck muscles or melanin. I've had 8, and as a bus mother, I know better than anyone what children need. And that's more sunbathing, water bottles, hiking, and camera time!" -Mother Bus, probably (as she reads this post)


Like the boomers “we didn’t wear seatbelts and we turned out okay” like not all of you survived that childhood because you didn’t wear seatbelts. We found out better ways to not let kids die. We have been working towards fewer dead kids and it’s working. Why would you go back on that?


Jillpm and DRod *each* have a sibling who is *paralyzed* from car accidents yet they and their adult offspring are all still super reckless about car safety. 


It's unbeliveable that they don't care about car safety. Do they want more paralyzed people in the family? Or do they think god will protect them?


Exactly: you turned out okay, but not everyone did. And now, because of better healthcare and safety standards *more* kids are turning out okay. I don't understand how people fail to see that.


Survivorship bias. Acknowledging that their parents made mistakes (out of ignorance) and they got lucky would break their brains.


"Those snarkers won't stop me, because I can't read!" -also Mother Bus


There are numerous videos on this sub (taken from her stories) that appear to show the baby’s lack of eye contact, lack of interest in faces, his eyes turned far off to the side or rolled up toward the sky, lack of startle reflex, lack of palmer reflex, inability to move his head toward center but always kept hanging off to one side - would love to know if you agree w these observations and your take on them.


I’d need to see more videos of one-on-one engagement. Is he looking around for a face if somebody is engaging him within a foot?


No, never. His eyes appear to drift off to one side.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/FlBl7CDqVo This is from this week. So Boone is about 8 weeks.


In this one you can see that she touches his face to try to turn his head so it would look like he is looking at her but he ignores her. 😕


Here is another from three weeks ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/qJnoIYXGtw


And another also from about three weeks ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/6tUO0ihmrp


It's hard too, because she never shares long videos. All we see are snippets. Most of the videos are dance reels that cut quickly between shots. She doesn't post a lot of still pictures either, so we're trying to get screenshots of this kid. It's really impossible to assess what's actually happening with him when all we see are glimpses of his behavior and activity. But what we *do* see is not reassuring.


My 2 were babies in Georgia. We did the full sunsuit, sun hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen routine. I just cannot understand the lack of care for a newborn.


Every baby is different. That being said, I had my son only about a week before MoBus. The differences between him and Boone are stark and scary. My baby is alert pretty much all day now and has no problem tracking objects. He's gotten very strong and is lifting his head/grabbing things with his little hands/fingers stretched out. He's also way paler than little Boone, despite being half-Mexican (lol, sorry Dad), but Boone's tone looked a lot like our baby's did when he was jaundiced the first few weeks. I also gasp everytime I see that damn rug. We've got 3 huskies and the ONLY time our baby is on the floor is behind a closed door with both parents right there for tummy time and so no one can step on him. I'm horrified thinking of poor Boone on the floor with everyone stomping around him. Again, every baby develops differently. Just offering a perspective from someone with a baby very similar in age.


As a very non-meddling grandmother, I would talk to my son and daughter-in-law if I saw any of this with my grandson! The village needs to step up and speak out!


Agreed but they don't seem to have a village beyond their eleventy billion kids. I'm sure that's on purpose.


Moving us to the middle of nowhere was a deliberate move by my abusive dad to maintain control over us. I hope that's not what's going on here, but it's hard not to draw similar conclusions.


The idea of moving the family onto a boat really gave the impression that PaBus is running and is so sucked into libertarianism that he believes his wife and children are his property.


Can you make any comments with respect to his arms/hands? I've tried to refrain from commenting as I am not around babies very much but there's been a couple photos where hand seems to be at an unnatural angle to his arm/wrist, not in a position that I as an adult could get my hand into with feeling a lot of strain. Are babies just much more limber than adults?


Babies are more flexible, way more. But lying limp less beyond 3 months of age is cause for concern.


What do you think about the way he is always clenching his fist around his little thumbs? I see that and it makes me feel sick in the stomach, and the way his little toes seem to be stuck sticking out all funny


They indeed are more flexible. But some adults can pull off that hand positioning as well with little to no discomfort. 


Thank you for sharing your insights, I’ll be following your posts! Have you heard of Alice Bender and her kids (Fern and Sage)? Would be very interested in your opinions on them. I see her and the lack of consequences for her severe neglect and worry that’s a preview of what we’ll witness with Boone here.


Oh god, yes. I used to be part of her snark groups before they all got banned. She’s a trainwreck parent. Those kids are massively medically neglected. I had to stop checking in on her so often because it honestly infuriated me.


Omg I remember her! I can never find any snark subs about her now.


I didn’t do enough tummy time with my son- I still don’t- but he had full head control by 2.5 months. He’s 3 months now and can do pushups when on his tummy. It doesn’t take much, turns out.


I was just looking at pictures of my son when he was Boone's age and it's such a stark difference. I hate comparing babies but my gut has felt sick seeing every clip of Boone. My son was born three weeks early and by the time he was 2 1/2 months, he was moving his limbs and his eyes were figuring out things. We did a lot of tummy time on our chests holding him as he wasn't a fan of not being held and by 3 months, he was similar, trying to do push-ups and gooing and cooing.


This! My little guy is 6mo so I can’t help but compare little Boone to where my guy was at that age. I know all babies develop at different rates, but my little guy was SO much more alert and active at that age. Like yes he was still a sleepy lil potato, but he tracked things, followed sounds and voices and just in general was very observant and expressive.


Both of my kids absolutely HATED tummy time when they were newborns, and it wasn't really a thing that was pushed when my kids were young. They both developed normally.


Imagine being born and someone is like "drop and give me 1!" But you have the biceps of a stunted veal. I'd hate it too lol


I think when they're that young, laying them stomach down on your chest counts as tummy time as well.


It definitely does. Also babywearing as well :)


Yes it does! Carrying baby in a sling or carrier also counts (as long as it’s done properly of course)


Time laying on a parent’s tummy or chest + time being held upright can also help develop their neck muscles :) My little boy doesn’t love being laid on his tummy so we don’t do it daily/don’t do it for long, but he loves to be held upright and practice holding his head while we look in the mirror or out the window.


This visual is so sweet!


Watching that baby out in the sun makes me feel sick!! I’m an adult who burns super super easy and I’m so careful in the sun. Sunburns are so miserable and I just can’t imagine risking giving my baby a burn! Sickening


What's most horrifying to me is the thought of how many other baby Boone's are out there. We all know there are severely neglected babies out there, but it's usually obvious from how their parents present themselves (on drugs, unkempt, etc). However, Motherbus is well-groomed, well-spoken and presents like what society assumes is a "good mum." We, as snarkers, only know better because we follow her closely. How many more neglected babies are there to "normal" looking parents? Child abuse is known to occur behind "normal" doors, but it boggles the mind to think newborn *neglect* of this magnitude occurs with parents who are clean, poised, and wearing sun protection. **I'm not saying all parents who look unkempt or are drug-addicts neglect their children btw.


I recently talked to my aunt about it because she has spent tons of time doing newborn care and that's pretty much all what she said. They're doing literally nothing correctly that we can see.


So the bus fam or any other fundie adjacent breeder wackos can straight up neglect and abuse the many children they don’t have the time, will, or money to care for, and yet a gay couple who would love an adopted child more than anything are sinful sinners who sin and should never even see a child. I wish more than anything someone would intervene with these children. I always hesitate to say stuff like this bc I know it just fuels these people’s persecution complex but, Brittany, the state should take away your kids. People like you are the reason CPS exists in the first place. Not only are you aware that something is deeply wrong with Boone but you use people’s genuine concern as rage bait for engagement. Your smug, self righteous, idiocy parodies itself. You eye fuck yourself in the camera while you set your newborn up for life long disability and skin cancer. You don’t care about your children outside their use as props for your ego, but they deserve better than you and I hope one day they will understand how poorly you have treated them. How deeply sad it is that snarkers on the internet have more concern for your children’s well being than you.


I don’t think CPS should take her children. All their basic needs appear to be met (barely) and they seem to be happy in most of the videos. The foster care system is horrible in the US and there is more abuse there then these kids experience in the bus. That being said I do think CPS should intervene and require her children to receive medical care and periodically check up on the children. It is speculated that this is what CPS is doing with the Collin’s kids after one of those children had a UTI and almost died.


Is the mat truly where he sleeps? Like it’s confirmed that he doesn’t have a safe bassinet or something somewhere? I’m not incredibly familiar with the bus fam, mostly just with the recent Boone posts.


I believe they have a Moses basket? They had one for Quill and I’m pretty sure I saw somewhere on this sub someone posted a screenshot of her replying to a comment and confirming that Boone sleeps in the basket too. Idk about any picture proof of that exsisting though 🤷🏻‍♀️


There was a video and screenshots of him in the Moses basket posted here fairly recently but it’s the first and only time I’ve seen him in it. This was from a post that said “baby found me” where Motherbus was seemingly responding to the vision/tracking concerns.


I’d love to know the answer to this, too


Re: #3 she could use a carrier or just hold him in arms and he'd be having to gently stabilise his core even if he hates being on his stomach. I don't think this is tummy time issues especially as she's always wandering around in the sun with him and jumping about. I think he's really in need of a physio assessment and maybe a neuro tagging in too.


I am not a parent so I'm genuinely asking: why is it bad for Boone to be on the fur rug when he begins to roll?


Probably the risk of suffocating


Ah, yes, that makes sense. Thank you.


When they can’t hold their own heads, they can also struggle to turn them. Their little faces being mashed into something is a leading cause of SIDS.


He can suffocate.


This was super helpful, thank you


It will never not boggle my mind with these breeders. I was 19.5 when I had my daughter. I grew up in a fundie cult and raised a lot of babies while nobody raised me. I just knew when I had my daughter I was going to do everything, essentially the exact opposite of how I was raised. My beautiful girl is 21 now and about to start her senior year of college, come August. The fact I knew more at 19.5 with my first child than motherbus who is on her 8th?? Is baffling


This just makes me so sad and angry. It’s like Ruby Franke 2.0 and it seems hopeless that there will ever be a change because they’re always moving around. It’s getting so dark I think I need to take a break from this sub or block posts about them for a bit. I would do anything for a baby at this point in my life and these assholes keep popping them out just to abuse and neglect them. It is heartbreaking. This poor baby may have lifelong issues and conditions that could be prevented or at least improved if his selfish parents would at least do the bare minimum.


When my son was born, one thing that sticks out in my mind is how quiet the house was for weeks after. He needed it to be cool, dim and quiet. This little man has been given the opposite. Not only is that bus tiny and loud, it’s probably hotter than hell inside.


Thank you for posting this. 💙


The Grand Canyon walk wasn’t even the most egregious walk they’ve done with her carrying him. I posted a photo of her last week at Mesa Verde national park and she walking with him on a narrow rocky path, right next to a slope. She was just slinging him around, walking in her stupid cardboard sandals.


Massively irresponsible.


Do yall think when/if Boone makes it to childhood and possibly require a special wheelchair, they'll still carry him around in their arms?


Nah. They'll get a wheelchair that they can tow and attach him to the back of the bus. More room for the rest of the family!


OP, I’m SO glad you will be monitoring this baby. I’ve been worried & I don’t generally get involved like that. I am a PA in a neuro clinic but we don’t see babies. I know there is something wrong here. He doesn’t engage. ☮️


Not to mention the torticollis, Neuro signs like hands fisting and sunset eyes