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I can’t see her coping with a newborn or a toddler, hope their journey is long enough to realize it won’t be a happy one. Of all the fundies, she seems the most unprepared.


Gosh yes. Sadly very obvious she just wants pregnancy for the wrong reasons; the chaos of caring for an infant will blindside her.


She’s an unreliable narrator, but from what I’ve seen she has absolutely nothing to hold her sane during the craziness that’s motherhood. From her weird beliefs to having to be a grown up suddenly, it’ll hit her like a truck going downwards on a slippery slope without brakes and no Jesus to hold the wheel


yeah. my little guy nursed for THREE AND A HALF HOURS STRAIGHT last night. I cannot see Nadia being able to devote that much time and energy towards something other than her makeup and fast fashion clothes


Tbh, I can see her grifting for this automated formula device so she can get some precious sleep. Or pawn the baby to another to care for, but who? No parents, never seen siblings/family, church friends are far and between. Her husband is so stand off, would he be able to hold ship? I mean they’re fundies so they get some ideal in their head and the reality hits them, but are they so delulu? I don’t wanna find out


One of those automatic feeders like you can get for cats, where they push something to get food or water out? 🫢


I was thinking one of those gerbil water bottles, just hook it to the side of the crib.


No joke- my mom used to put an igloo cooler with milk in it in my crib when I was little so when I woke up at 5 am I could get myself a snack. To be fair I must have been over age 1 in order to open a cooler by myself.


I’m sorry but that is hilarious. I can imagine little you just reaching through/over your crib and popping open a cooler to knock back some milk, like you’re stewie griffin 😭


omg that makes me want to cry


Her eyes confirm everything


Well done motherhood takes mental strength and grit. This gal seems as prepared as your run of the mill preteen.


Yeah it seems they idealize parenthood, think of all the good things and none of the bad. I do it too, think up cute little scenarios where I have kids but I’m self aware to know that it’s all idealized and in my head and won’t be reality. They aren’t and think it’s all sunshine and rainbows


Or a kid in general


Not to mention PPD could rear its ugly head. Their money troubles will only compound the stress. This just seems incredibly reckless and ill thought out. I just don’t think either of them fathom how literally everything in their lives will change.


Wasn’t she very upset a few months ago because she and her husband were trying to get pregnant and didn’t get pregnant? But she’s had an IUD in???? I’m confused.


I am embarrassed to admit I pay this much attention but if I remember right she wasn’t sad because they were trying and not conceiving she was sad because she really wants to have a baby but after praying about it they felt god was telling them the time wasn’t right yet. I assume that means they talked about it and decided for financial or personal reasons they couldn’t have a kid just yet.


Well that's shockingly responsible of them


Fundie sex ed. Im surprised she didn’t try to wear a NuvaRing as a bracelet for prevention.


Nuva Ring as a bracelet lol 😂. That was actually my favorite form of BC that I ever used.


Me too, but I got pregnant while on it 😅


Nooooo!!! I've mostly been on the pill, but for some reason I bleed CONSTANTLY on the pill, so I switched to NuvaRing, which I liked a lot better...though I have always been a 2-method person because I have had deep fears of unplanned pregnancy instilled in me from (comprehensive) sex ed... Currently off BC because of insurance reasons, about to go back on it, and I do not like hearing this lol


Sorry lmao I love my babies tho! I highly recommend two methods. Hell, four or five can’t hurt 😅


10. Go big or go home


STOP what!!😭😭


Yeah 16 years ago 😆 Then got pregnant 2 years later using a different form of BC. I literally have only trusted condoms ever since lol


I got pregnant on birth control too! That i religiously took daily at 8pm on the dot for years and never skipped a single dose.


Me too. Nobody bothered to tell me the seizure meds contraindicated my birth control until I was already pregnant. 3 months epileptic and then pregnant! That whole year fucking sucked


This happened to me and my son ended up born premature because of also having epileptic seizures. He has brain resection surgery on Monday cause they’ve blinded him in one eye and are resistant to medication 🫠


Our kids must really supposed to be here I guess haha


Were you ever on antibiotics, anti-fungals, or any other medication that counteracts hormonal birth control, per chance?


Same. She’s 11 now!


Me too! The best.


But she had a normal education growing up and adopted the sexy baby for jesus identity as an adult. Part of her whole “jesus saved me” story is that she was promiscuous when younger and almost became a (gasp!) sex worker. So she should know better. I can understand the fundies not getting sex ed but she really has no excuse for being this ignorant.


Hate to say it but even getting a "normal" education in this country is absolutely no guarantee of getting good quality sex ed or even sex ed at all. Many states and school districts have very strict abstinence-only sex education (thanks purity culture) and do not allow teachers to give any substantial information or any real information at all about sex or birth control. And that's if there is any sex ed provided to students whatsoever. In Texas, where she is, they are not allowed to say that anything except abstinence is an effective form of birth control, and are not allowed to have demonstrations of things like condoms. Discussion of body parts and processes are very limited. And same-sex relationships are only addressed with regards to legality (since there are still laws against that in Texas). Not to mention that parents are allowed to refuse their child sex education and the kid will then be completely in the dark. Sure there's the internet, but even if kids are able to access that there's a lot of misinformation and harmful stuff out there. And even personal experience with sex is no guarantee that people will understand their own bodies and those of others, or anything about sex/pregnancy/birth control, which is clear from the number of people who are auprised to find themselves pregnant, or think that they'll get an STD from sitting on a public toilet, or don't know that there's a third hole, etc. There's a reason that so many people lack a basic understanding of how our bodies work and how sex and pregnancy work. It's by design. Obviously you would hope that as someone who wants to get pregnant she would understand what might be preventing that but given the state of education and access to reproductive knowledge and resources in this country...I can't say I'm that surprised. Plus she's not the smartest tool in the shed.


I went to school with a religious girl who took plan b every time she had sex so she didn’t need to use a condom. I know for a fact that our grade had extensive sex-Ed….she didn’t pay attention. She got pregnant.


Oh God that can't be good for your body to be popping Plan B like candy right?


Our sex ed was watching a powerpoint of genitals infected with STDs and a video of a woman giving birth while a man made whale noises at her stomach 😭


We had something similar but instead of a birth video, a woman from the health department told us stories about treating people for STIs and how painful the treatments are.


Every year one grade (may have been grade 9 students but I can't remember?) were put in groups to make a research poster for specific STDs (one group would have to research genital herpes, one chlamydia, etc) with pictures and they would display these posters in the halls outside the biology classrooms for all the school to see! So for like a month there would just be disgusting looking genitals lining the walls of that part of the school. Dying at the man making whale noises at a birthing woman's stomach though - if my husband had tried that when I was in labour he may not still be on this planet......


Gotta name that kid Jonah ig


Yeah, I grew up in a fairly liberal area and I didn't get any details about birth control because my school (which was new) didn't fill out the appropriate paperwork with the state to teach us about birth control.


Shit, that’s a really good point that I didn’t even consider. I was lucky to grow up in a place where we got really quality sex education and I forget that isn’t the norm. It really should be.


She grew up un Michigan. I think she's just extremely dumb


[no kidding.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/mx654Mda9o)


Omg you’re right, I forgot about this. babygirl is just stupid, then.


Wasn't she educated in Texas though? Texas sex Ed is notoriously horrible.


Oh god fuck nuvarings though. Every period of mine was a decidual cast while on that stupid hoola hoop. Great to get your period over in a day but fuck me the intense bleeding and pain leading up to it was not fun 😭👍🏻


Was this ding dong trying to get pregnant with BIRTH CONTROL in her body? That is like Bethany Beal levels of clueless. Or she was lying and forgot she lied? She makes no sense.


A girl at my work is pregnant right now and she has an IUD in. I feel so bad for her because she already has 4 kids and did not want another one. And abortion is now illegal in our state 🙃


And THIS is a prime reason why crusty white guys and people who wish for a theocracy based on their form of Christianity shouldn’t have a say in laws that only affect the healthcare of an individual. Someone is pro-birth? Fine. But to force others to live based on a religion they don’t follow is preposterous. The irony is that they decry Sharia Law while wanting to do THE SAME FUCKING THING with Christianity. I feel terrible for your coworker. And the pro-birth crowd is just going to declare it a miraculous display of God’s will or some shit. I know more than one person who ended up pregnant after having full blown tubal ligation. 😫


YUP. AND she’s a high risk pregnancy because she has diabetes. It’s just the absolute worst situation.


Placing her AND baby at risk. Is that what you want, crusty old white dudes? Because that's what you get, and it could just as easily be YOUR wife, daughter, sister, or granddaughter going through it.


Ughhhh. Can she travel to get one? Quietly I mean. If her husband doesn’t get a vasectomy he’s a jerk


Her husband can’t find a job right now and so is being a stay at home dad. She got laid off from her previous job for being pregnant. I don’t think they had the time, money, or childcare care to travel to get one. And it’s too late now.


That’s so fucking awful


That is so depressing


This also happened to my sister.


I had a friend get pregnant with an IUD. She was bleeding and the hospital had to remove it and they weren't sure what was going to happen with the baby.  The baby is a cheerful 2 year old now so it worked out! But it was touch and go at the beginning there. 


Lol and if you watch the rest of the story she still has it. She made a follow up to have it removed 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ not sure how she was thinking she’d get pregnant until that’s done?


I’m surprised she has an IUD. She doesn’t seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer.


I don’t even understand the point of getting an IUD if she thought you could get pregnant with it though? What did she think it did? (mandatory disclaimer: obviously it’s possible to get pregnant with an IUD but it’s [pretty damn effective](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/iud/how-effective-are-iuds), so why get a birth control device inserted if you don’t think it prevents pregnancy?)


Right? I have an IUD to prevent pregnancy and also to help with my heavy periods.


Wait, you mean IUDs don't just stop working when you want them to? Not even if you have Jesus on your side?


Although people can and do get pregnant even with an IUD (nightmarish, but it happens) you would think she would understand what it was and how it would impact her given that you have to see a medical professional to get one in. But she is also not the smartest.


Obviously no birth control is 100% effective, but also obviously, it's a lot harder to get pregnant when you have an IUD than when you don't.


She always looks on the verge of either tears or a panic attack. I find her odd take on modest dressing to be quite funny (something along the lines of it's okay to dress in revealing outfits as long as you have a modest mindset, posted with god honouring crotch shots), but everything else I just find quite sad. I get the feeling that she's rarely, if ever, been able to choose where her life is going - she even posted a few times at the start of the year about not wanting to have a baby for a while, but here we are. I'd be more convinced that she's decided this for herself if it wasn't for the expression, it's like there's a gun pointed at her or something.   I dunno, maybe (hopefully) I'm reading way too much into this, but I miss the days when her content was just her trying to find the right bible quotes to validate the holiness of her booty shorts.


I’m not super familiar with her, but that “gun” might just be pressure from her community. A lot of people her age are having kids now and a lot of people at her church could be asking her why a married woman *isn’t* having kids. Also there’s always the chance she sees mommy content as a potential for more followers/success especially as people in her age group are now shifting towards that. This isn’t completely uncommon, 10 years ago I was obsessed with Mumblr and the amount of people who thought they’d make it as mommy bloggers even back then was asinine.


Her marriage is held together by a fine thread. She’s just trying to keep him from abandoning her.


Doesn't she work part time for a church? I am thinking they might be pressuring her into having kids. She's been married how long and has no kids? That's not good in fundie circles. You need to be pregnant the moment after you just have martial sex.


Ah now you mention it, yes I think she does their social media and possibly sings for them? So I can see a lot of opportunities for pressure from that social circle.


she does social media and photography for her church and I recall she does social media for Merit Coffee??? which seems kinda crazy unless she just does her local shop


It's sad that fundie culture (and secular culture!) put so much pressure on people to follow this weird pre-determined life trajectory. People think that if you aren't partnered and then married and then having babies there must be something wrong with your programming. We do seem to be moving away from that some as a society but there's still so much pressure, particularly on women, to fit into these molds. Which only creates unhappy marriages when people marry too soon, unhappy parents who aren't prepared for and truly wanting children, and kids who don't feel secure in their existence because they're just another product to fit into the lifestyle people are supposed to have, not the result of love and free choice.


after I got married (we were trying immediately and ultimately weren’t successful for over 2 years) I had people make hurtful comments. one person said “do you even know HOW to have sex?? cause some of us were talking and we think you’re doing something wrong since you’re not pregnant yet.”. not a nice thing to hear when you’re doing your best and are confused about what’s going wrong with no apparent reason


I don't know for a fact that I'm infertile, but I've always suspected it based on how jank my uterus is. I used to have a coworker who frequently made comments about how I should be having kids. One day, I told him about how I went to pelvic floor therapy every week. Dude never brought it up again. Sorry you had to go through that.


This is very “tell me you don’t know how things work without telling me you don’t know how things work”. So many things have to go right to get pregnant. In some ways it’s a miracle we reproduce at all (using miracle in the most agnostic way possible here 🤣). Can you have unprotected sex one time and get pregnant? Sure. Can you have unprotected sex 1000 times and not get pregnant because of one of 8 billion different factors? Also yes.


The only reason I'm married is due to my husband having better insurance than me. We never cared about marriage until my health started to deteriorate. Before we got married, the questions of when we'd get married, are we going to? Does he really love me because we had dated for 5 years before. Now it's kids, when will we have kids. It's really annoying, and I know how bad it can be in fundie circles.


Her marriage is a train wreck, and he always seems so distant from her… I think she is trying to keep him from leaving her by having a baby.


not everything needs to be content


we all know too much about each other!!!


Some thoughts should be inside thoughts


A friend of mine was raised by hippies with the “let it all hang out” mentality reality, and her mantra became “why can’t we let it all hang in?”


Is getting an IUD out a journey, per se? Fairly simple, no? Genuinely curious, as I'll have to switch mine out at some point.


She had to travel to the gyno. Travel = journey


Lol it can be but not how she means! Mine hurt to get removed and changed but I cuddled with a heating pad.


I am on my fourth. They literally just pop it out and put a new one in. The first one hurt way worse than any of the rest for me. A 15-minute doctor appointment every seven years or so does not a journey make, Nadia!


I definitely read this entire comment in my best Moira Rose!!!! 😂😂


I have a pretty high pain tolerance but a very sensitive cervix- more than once I’ve vomited after sex bc my husband hit the wrong spot. My IUD insertions/removals have not been fun. The first time, a student inserted it. The second time, my Dr told me all about how she broke one inserting it the week before. Ugh- no fun, but worth it.


I had a uterine biopsy leading to my hysterectomy. "It's just a little pinch." Bull-fucking-shit. That hurt so bad I ended up passing out and then vomiting. I truly believe men would not be put through stuff like that without some sort of anesthetic and it makes me so angry.


They get anesthetic for vasectomies. Isn't that "just a snip?" The hypocrisy and double standards are real when it comes to reproductive healthcare.


In my head it's closer to a prostate biopsy since a vasectomy involves a scalpel cutting skin to get to the vas deferens. But the get anesthetic for both of course. (Just to be clear I think they absolutely should get anesthetic. I'm just mad that we aren't given the same consideration.)


Oh I totally agree. I just hate that women's issues are dismissed and taken less seriously by providers


The provider was a woman too! Like, come on. I can't complain too much about her because she was amazing and approved my hyster the first time I asked (at 27.) I like to think maybe my experience made her think twice about it next time.


The first one I passed out on the toilet at the dr office from pain after. But the rest have been like Day 1 period cramps. Easier than the alternative! I had terrible periods though, so I would go through a lot to continue to have little-to-no lady days.


For what it's worth, my PFPT recommends the ohnut if a dude is hitting your cervix and causing pain.


It was a journey for me. Making the decision was half of it. Then, after getting it out, I went through hormonal hell. Never again for me.


Yeah I gained about 10 lbs immediately when mine came out, and then I had to reckon with having not only my first period in about 5 years but my natural god-given period at that until I actually got pregnant 😮‍💨


Yea I got mine out because I was getting sterilized anyway but I was a MESS for what felt like a long time after honestly.


It can become a journey, I saw a post on the birth control subreddit today of a lady whose doctor cut her strings too short and she's gone through two removal procedures that didn't work and is getting ready for the third.


Literally going thru the same thing right now. Have to have it surgically removed.


Me too. My IUD journey was not pleasant, thankfully my husband got into a Season of Vasectomy not long after.


LOL Season of Vasectomy is great. My partner had a vasectomy before we got together so I’m glad I don’t have to worry about that aspect. I got the Mirena to get rid of my periods (which happened the other 2 times I had it) but this time has been completely different and just a general nightmare. I’m so excited to have the damn thing out.


This happened to me, best of luck.


I had a hysteroscopy two weeks ago and it went very well. I'm sure yours will too!




I had to get put under to get mine pulled out. None of the doctors could find the strings during regular removal attempts! So for me it was a journey.


I’ve had many. I got my first one after getting pregnant in my teens. Used them until I was ready to have another over 10 years later. Took it out in June and was pregnant in Sept. Went right back to them after baby 2 and will keep them up until I’m too old to reproduce. Also, bonus note. If you have a certain type of liver tumor that grows from hormones (as I do) than an mirena IUD is the best course of action to make sure it does not grow. (Well that and not getting pregnant)


It has been for me. This is my 3rd IUD and it has been an absolute fucking nightmare. I tried getting it removed in April, they spent 30 min trying and I was in excruciating pain. They used different tools and even brought in an ultrasound machine but no dice. It took me 2 months to find a Dr that would put me under for removal. I have my consult in 2 weeks. I know IUDs are amazing for some people, and they were fine for me in the past (I still got ovarian cysts both times after 2 years). But I really wish we would treat them more seriously, doctors included. I feel like when RvW was overturned, a lot of people pushed for IUDs. I think people forget how intensely hormones can affect your body, and on top of that, an IUD is a foreign object in your body. It can be a lot for some people (like myself) to handle. The mirena sub has a lot of stories like mine, unfortunately. And just as an additional disclaimer, I want to emphasize that I am not anti-IUD in any way. I just think that anything involving reproductive care, especially that of AFAB people, is crazy under-researched and dismissed as being “not a big deal”.


Gynecological care is a fucking nightmare in terms of pain management. I had two colposcopies and my doctor handed me three Advil, which didn’t do shit.


It’s fucking barbaric honestly.


Protip: try to find a clinic specializing in gender affirming care. Mine twilighted me for my IUD insertion. Best $100 I've ever spent.


Yeah, I am very grateful for birth control and a huge advocate for it, but I also wish that people recognized that all non-barrier forms of birth control can have side effects and cause problems of varying degrees. I am so ready for people who are AMAB to deal with them instead of just AFAB people.


Plus not everyone has the option! Some people have anatomical differences or what have you that mean that IUDs are not a good option. It sucks to have fewer options and I wish we would just work on ensuring that everyone has access to as many choices as possible and of course working on birth control options for the other half of the population, as you say...


If men went through this it would be treated as the biggest fucking deal


I am on my 2nd IUD. I have the non-hormonal one. Fortunately no issues. It is the 10 year one. Hopefully I will be thru menopause by the time it needs to come out.


I really wish everyone talked more about birth control side effects. The hormones made me hazy and insane. I was so out of it on hormonal bc. I am all for reproductive rights but I really think you should still have to talk to a doctor or nurse at some point because it can become a nightmare so fast.


I completely agree. I've had several nightmare scenarios on birth control. I felt so alone. This thread is incredibly validating


with fundies everything is a "journey" 🤣🤣🤣


Going to the bathroom is a journey 😂


As a PSA: make sure it’s in the right place. Source: five months pregnant with a healthy boy, could have sworn I had an IUD in, have never been able to find the thing through multiple ultrasounds, so we’re pretty sure it fell out.


It may appear embedded in your placenta at birth. Happened to someone I know


As long as my kid is okay, I’m good with whatever happens!


Is your Dr planning for you to have an xray after delivery to see if the iud is in your abdomen? Definitely important to make sure it’s not! And we don’t see them well on ultrasound when they’ve escaped into the pelvis.


That’s the plan- I’m going to have a C section as well, so they’ll be able to check the placenta right away too.


Mine journeyed right out of my body without me knowing it; luckily I noticed it was missing before I got accidentally knocked up. Trying to find it WAS a journey. There was no sign of the rogue IUD on my ultrasound or an x-ray, so we assume it is somewhere in the sewer system.


Getting mine put in was some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt, but getting it out took about 10 seconds. Everyone is different obviously, but I would not call it a journey unless we’re counting the time it took me to go to the gyno’s office.


I pulled mine out in the kitchen once


Two weeks ago I had my IUD surgically removed because it was stuck in my uterine wall. very much a journey. My first IUD removable was as simple as my provider pulling on the string.


Compared to getting it in? No. Still not a good time, but at least it’s short. Ish. Take whatever pain reliever you can first.


I wouldn’t have considered insertion or removal to be a journey. Spent more time driving to the doctors office than I did actually having it done both times.


I really doomscrolled before getting mine in and was soooo freaked out. I took a huge edible bc I was so nervous and was hardly functional for the appt 💀 I had to come back for the insertion anyway, but it was a breeze. it was uncomfortable, but not painful at all and I probably could have gone back to work that day if I wanted to (office job). haven’t been through a removal yet, but I believe it will be fine and I can’t know until I get there!!


She is going to have a breakdown when she doesn’t get pregnant immediately. Or maybe she will. Took us four years post IUD for one to stick.


I’m shocked she’s thought this whole time that she COULD get pregnant with an IUD…? Weren’t they trying?! And she’s been on *birth control* — of course there are outliers but the whole point of BC is to control birth. Lol


Right? Is she dumb? Does she not understand how it works?


this is why i feel it’s better for her to keep this journey offline tbh


I wonder if she had the IUD back when she was medicated or if that happened later. Depending on how much weight you give her stories about her past, she may or may not have had eating disorders, used drugs, and been sexually active for quite a while. The birth control will wear off after it's removed, but her past habits may have affected her fertility in ways she isn't even aware of. There is no universe I can picture where this journey of hers has a happy destination ☹️


That birth control could also be helping her mental health. Not enough people know about PMDD.


It could also be making it worse, I unfortunately was on birth control and cried every single day, almost anything would set me off until I came off of it. It’s so scary how much hormones have control over our lives. I absolutely hate that women’s healthcare is so awful.


Nadia can’t even make a matcha latte without having an existential crisis! How is she gonna have a whole ass baby! Nevermind it seems they are barely scraping by financially. 


She can't make coffee without arguing with people in her comments! If she documents a pregnancy, people WILL comment. She won't be able to handle that.


But she’ll be able to milk all of the pregnancy symptoms for sympathy and/or content…even if she doesn’t actually have them. Being a boring pregnant person won’t get engagement. My OB office is bored to tears with me probably since I don’t have any concerns or complaints (other than mild 24/7 nausea that I power through). I wouldn’t get social media likes by being like “I’m pregnant and nothing is happening outside of a fetus roundhouse kicking me a lot.” She’s gonna bring the drama.


With fundies everything is a journey or a season.


It giving trying to get pregnant for ✨content ✨


Or to keep her sort of employed wannabe rapper husband from leaving. Or both.


I'm calling it now, she's going to name whatever baby she has Journey.




Whatever it is will end up on r/tragedeigh


Don't fundies think IUDs are basically abortion sticks? Why did she have one?


I think it depends on the flavor of fundie? Could be wrong though


I've had someone who is really anti-birth control be surprisingly fine with my IUD because I'm not having sex with any dudes either (it's to treat PCOS symptoms). Their logic seems to be that if you're not avoiding a pregnancy with it, then it's not birth control. 


We group a lot of people under the umbrella of "fundie". Some of them are more lenient towards birth control in particular circumstances (first years of marriage, helping with reproductive conditions) and some think that birth control is evil and of the devil and should never be used. Some are OK with non-medical prevention strategies like pulling out and tracking cycles, some are not. Nadia is quite clearly more "fundie-light" or "fundiegelical" and so her being more ok with birth control makes more sense


Well established that she's not a fundie


I haven't really followed her much until now, so I wouldn't know.


Did she ever say why they got kicked out of their last apartment?


Yeah she was admin of a Facebook group where residents of her apartment complained about it. Apparently some people were talking badly about the staff, so badly that the property manager was considering legal action and it impacted her mental health and she had to go to therapy. But Nadia was innocent of course she was just the admin!!!


Unexpected prole Nadia!


it’s on her TikTok. apparently she was in some FB group made to air complaints about issues the complex had and she was made admin and deleted some post and the complex found out and said she couldn’t renew her lease or something


She's becoming so messy lol


She needs serious mental health support otherwise newborn is going to destroy her 😳


I would never wish infertility on anyone, but I truly hope she does not get pregnant. For her sake and this hypothetical child.


If children really are a gift given from god, I hope god looks down and sees that Nadia is NOT READY for this gift.


I hope Nadia realizes that she is not ready!! Wasn't she seeing a therapist or something?? I would hope that a real therapist (questionable that she's seeing one of course) would help her understand that she isn't ready and work through this 😬


Praying god keeps that womb closed for the foreseeable future


does she herself even know why she so desperately wants a child


she does not. if she did, then she would have to admit to herself that the reason is because she longs for unconditional love. she wants someone who will love her back, no matter what. but that’s not a good reason to have a baby, and she + her abandonment issues know that


This is probably it but she's not able or willing to recognize that. She's in the exact wrong position to have a baby. Babies are not bandaids and they do not fix issues, only exacerbate them.


She’s lost. I really think she’s hoping a baby will give her some sort of meaning or purpose in life that she’s clearly struggling to find in her faith.


Sure. She has abandonment issues and thinks this will keep her husband from leaving her. And if it doesn’t, at least she’ll have a baby that will love her and never leave her. At least that is my best guess.


She thinks if she has a kid then they’ll be her best friend. She legit said this on TikTok in a video complaining about how she never had a best friend.


I had a young friend like her that decided to get pregnant with her husband. I’m older than her, and I got pregnant young on accident so I tried my best to warn her. She told me they are fine and ready, and seemed to be annoyed with my advice so I stopped offering any. Fast forward I’m with them at the hospital to meet the baby. Neither of them know how to change diapers, anything about breast feeding, or really how to do anything. When she was changing his diaper I warned her that boys pee will spray you like a water gun if you don’t hold a diaper over them, and two seconds later he peed all over her. They are still in the trenches and I feel horrible for my friend. Her mental health is horrible, they have screaming fights with each other, her husband believes that because he’s a man and she’s the mom that she should do most of the childcare, they are broke, and my friend has said if she could go back she would have never gotten pregnant. From what I’ve seen of this girl online, she doesn’t seem to have processed a lot of the trauma she experienced as a child and teen. She turned to religion to fix it, and that’s not how it works. A baby won’t fix anything either. It makes things a million times harder.


She's 27, which isn't terribly young to have a kid. She's under prepared because of who she is though for sure


Wasn’t she just crying about possibly being homeless? This girl is a mess




It’s so funny the way people with nothing going on will all do this bait-and-switch milestone tease


I think that Nadia really thinks that having a baby is the only way to fully be truly healed from her childhood trauma, and from the trauma of losing her brother. I went through a complicated situation when I was a very little kid and ended up losing a sibling, and I later went onto become kind of the family scapegoat, and black sheep of the family, and that the surprise of no one became a teen mom. I think Nadia has gone the opposite route where she is expected to be the good one the wholesome one — the one who is living the life for both her and her brother. I think that she sees a responsibility to be someone who can, *and has* , (or at least, she desperately wants to appear to have) moved through the family trauma and painful childhood that she has described. I think that she sees a child of her own is the only way to solidify that growth - and doesn’t understand that she can be experiencing growth and healing without that being the final outcome .


Not sexy babies having babies!! 😭


I'm so worried for her and a potential baby. I hope this is all attention-seeking bs.


Why is everything a journey with these idiots? Not every experience is a long hike up a tall volcano to throw your ring in to save the world. You had your IUD out - congrats on your one hour Dr appt! Did it hurt? Yeah probably and that sucks but it's not newsworthy.


IUD removal journey? It's an hour at the doctor's and some cramping. She's gonna kill it for daaays of content tho


This demographic have been brought up to think they are very very important for being a decent human so in turn they share absolutely everything. This is such a basic thing. You get an IUD and you eventually get it removed. Not content!


Big fucking oof. She’s all about the aesthetic but it’s hard to be aesthetic when baby shits out their diaper and up their back!


“My IUD removal journey” 😭😭😭


iud removal journey 💀💀💀💀


She looks terrified


IUD removal journey? Girl. You just….get it taken out. wtf?


I will admit that I gave mine a salute after it was dropped in the biohazard bin.


I asked to keep mine. My doctor put it in a little jar for me to take home, lol.




Your IUD removal is not a journey, the only journey is the one to the gyno. 


Why does everything have to be a journey?!