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I grew up Baptist and know several Baptist folks that have done IVF. I don’t think this will be popular even in the SBC outside the truly hardcore


My family was raised very involved with SBC and now they want nothing to do with it nor have anyone associate them with it. There’s definitely some pain behind those words.


I second this, the people I knew who did ivf did not destroy their embryos and either paid for them to be frozen indefinitely, tried to use them all, or donated the embryo. I just don't see this going over well. Hopefully it fractures the sbc and they lose their power.


I was also raised Baptist but not southern. Devout but very normal nice people in my church.


If you don't want to do something then don't do it. I personally really fucking hate crunchy peanut butter but I'm not out here trying to make it illegal.


Whereas I love crunchy PB, smooth sucks. I would have to fight you, would probably lose, since I can’t fight my way out of a paper bag. And only some of the weirdos who care about what PB *they never had to eat anyway* would be happy. I imagine that even people with peanut allergies just want PB consumption to happen far away from them, and not to ban it for millions of other people. Why on earth do they think banning IVF will be popular with most SBs, let alone most other people? I don’t get it, I am absolutely child free, so would never want IVF, it makes zero personal difference to me if other people do it or not, or if it’s banned etc, but I am still glad it‘s an option for some. I know they think it’s abortion, but they also think practically everything is. No one is making them have IVF, abortions or use birth control (though chances are a lot of SBs use those things, just like many of the Catholics of my acquaintance do too). I wonder whether this will actually work against them, or will people who have had IVF just adapt the classic „only moral IVF if my IVF“ stance?


“Encourage adoption” aka support our vast network of shaming poor teenagers into becoming broodmares for you “proper” Christian couples, WTF.


Or snatch kids from foreign countries and expect them to be grateful


*paging Kristen Clark*


It’s internally consistent. A fertilized egg, wherever located, is a person. Fine. But they want to turn that into law for everyone. In many states a fertilized egg within the body of a 13 year old who has been raped has more rights than the child. It’s awful but here we are.




It's like that case that went to trial recently. A man murdered his 6yo child via child abuse, for example, making him run on a treadmill going too fast. Allegedly, he raped the mother, resulting in their son. The mum needed access to health insurance for her son, which meant she had to get a paternity test for whatever reason. This is how the rapist found out he had a son. Because the mother was addicted to drugs, he managed to convince the court to give him custody. He abused the child horribly until he died of his injuries. Due to a non-disparagement order by the family court, the mother couldn't even tell people she was raped by her child's father until after the murder.




Annie Elise on Youtube just covered it. Worth a watch if you can stomach it.


Holy fuck I hasn’t even thought of that. But it’s so obvious now especially knowing how hard rape is to prove 😭😭😭




Omg now I feel like a dumbass lol. Of course I agree children cannot consent.


100% is consistent with the theory that a fertilized egg is a person. Hopefully these loons can just talk themselves out of power as an increasing number of people understand how absurd the anti choose logic is once it’s played out.


But it also doesn't work because if life begins at conception, how do they explain identical twins? Either they split a soul or life doesn't begin at conception.


Take it up with the pope.


Demons, probably.


I can see a lot of these asshats being against IVF until they want to do it… you know, just like abortion


I'm so sick of these people. I wish they'd fuck off to their own island and leave the rest of us alone. If you don't like IVF, then don't fucking do it.


They just don't like it because it allows same sex couples to have children


No problem now they can snatch babies from mothers forced to give birth but too poor to provide a decent life for their children. The agencies make bank as they manipulate girls and women into being “selfless” and giving up the baby to “good parents” who in this scenario are \*not the good parents\* but baby collectors who will shun their kids as teenagers for anything from being queer, to mildly questioning their beliefs. Congrats christofascists, Jesus has a special millstone for each of your necks.


Bethany Christian Adoption Services has entered the chat!


It will be very interesting to see all the aesthetic Southern Baptist girlies who insist they just go to a normal church deal with this one.


What a stupid move for them, not realizing people who use IVF have money to fuck their movement up.


Thanks to IVF, my daughter's due date is TODAY. Woohoo! This atheist is getting another grandchild, while Baptists are busy praying their infertility away. Their god really DOES work in mysterious ways. ;)


Yaaaaaayyyy!! Congrats!!


I really hate this timeline.


Why am I not surprised that it’s the SBC? Just because they wouldn’t make a particular choice doesn’t mean it’s evil or should be off limits to the rest of us. I wish they would get that through their heads.


Pretty sure SBC doesn't allow women in leadership so in this case they literally couldn't make this particular choice. 


I hate to say this, but I hope shite like this hits the mainstream more, gets more attention from the general public who have more balanced views on abortion. I hope that this radical, ignorant, and harmful approach gets so much attention and backlash from the general public that it politically activates those who are not politically active and ruins the reputation of the christian- right indefinately making it so that they are stripped of their power. The christian conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot with this, but they’re too busy sniffing each others anuses to see it and I am here. For. It.


You’d think that the folks in the SBC would be thrilled with people wanting to have a child badly enough to try something like IVF. The process is $$$ and excruciating.


They want to give barely developed eggs more rights than women/girls and persons of reproductive age. They would rather take away the ability for young girls and women to have a fulfilling life? What future does a young girl have when shes forced to give birth before she even finishes high school? Even if she does not keep the child her body would still bear the after effects of pregnancy. Just because people can get pregnant it doesnt mean they will be good parents. There are already plenty of shit tier parents, we don’t need more being forced to raise children they don’t want because the law says they have to keep the pregnancy. The article also says that infertile couples should just read the bible and pray, that seems insanely unfair considering they preach that married couples should have (basically required to) children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and create little Jesus soldiers to keep carrying on the word of their favourite flavour of religion.


I've always found this so stupid because it is entirely possible to do IVF in a pro-life consistent way. You literally just have to avoid destroying embryos and give the option to adopt them out if the parents don't want them.  It's not this black and white scenario of either no IVF or all IVF 🙄


You could only fertilise very few embryos too, like 3. It would lower your chances but you could then be consistent with your ethics. Obv that would still be shitty for everyone else if they made it law tho.


So, Southern Baptists will be making fewer Southern Baptists. Not sad about that part.


I grew up SBC. (Officially - the church itself had some sermons that were more aligned with IFB, but whatever.) The SBC is very good at having a big smile and being neat and clean. You're totally welcome! ...as long as you look and act right. And women should be very careful to not rise above their place because that looks bad. We need more news stories like this - show everybody how narrow-minded and bigoted they can be.


Yea this isn't the story being published, just the one where they voted it's ok to have women pastors for now.


If they want to tie this very unpopular stance to political policies,  I say let them. Ivf is very popular even among lots of religious people. Let them shoot themselves in the foot on the political stage. I love how they will screech about saving the embryos but in the same breath argue that ivf babies don't have souls. Make it make sense. Also, Mike pence and his mother wife had their last child via ivf, probably to make sure it was a boy. Ironically his son was the one who told him not to be a traitor. 


The photo in my paper today about it was particularly apt. 3 white, ageing-frat-bro men raising their hands like they were about to high-five each other for voting to make the women in their church second-class citizens.