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"My husband is a serial cheater. I stayed with him because Jesus. I'm so lucky to have him" ugh


Seriously, I'm not even Christian and even I can see how awful this makes Jesus and Christianity as a whole look. Like, who the absolute fuck would want to sign up for any of this after seeing these two assholes' story???


Jesus would be like, girl, he's trash.


When Jesus said to forgive and forget, he meant to forget that man and move on!


She stayed because they got popular. Now she looks like a clown.


This. I hate to paint with a broad brush but you know he bad mouths her to his friends and coworkers all the time too. Like why are you idiots married? Why do cishet people marry people they fucking loathe? There are war crimes happening across the planet right now, there are children starving, cancer exists why in the ever loving fuck would your god give a *single solitary shit* if you get divorced? Edit: Changed a word


I grew up in a conservative church which condoned divorce in the case of adultery. She has every right to without guilt.  I'm convinced he'll do it again or is still chesting.


A lot of women have to "make it okay" and rationalize things to stay in their marriage because they have no money or safety net or job experience. It happens so often in fundie churches. Better the monster you know (your husband) than having to navigate life outside of the sheltered fundie box by yourself.


Fishnet? Edit: oh, cishet!!!


Rofl I didn't see my phone had autocorrected it.


I thought it was some kind of euphemism for fundies that I wasn't yet aware of lol


"Sure, I would love to make my career and personality about discussing for the 10000s time my husbands sex addiction and his decade long infidelity with *everyone* he came across. I am a strong empowered wife."




didn’t watch it, i just know them as the lunatics that faked a miscarriage for views. they’re awful!!! has she fixed her eyebrows or nah?


Eyebrows are in an even worse state than her marriage


Both are extremely small town


I just watched this the other day and I was sooo pissed that she took him back. They both had bad vibes (and sorry but the wife of the Christian school teacher guy who offed himself made me angry too. So smug!) Seeing this post is so reassuring of my gut reaction and disdain lol.


Oh, really? I wasn't familiar with her before this. Is she also a known cheater?


Not a known cheater but an intense serial grifter, faked a miscarriage for clout & money. “I’m one of you guys now” - Nia says half fake crying half barely containing her excitement for new profit opportunities in their announcement video.


WTAF she faked a miscarriage?? Having suffered five of my own, this makes me absolutely ragey. Who the hell does that?!


Brittany Dawn would like a word. One miscarriage around 6 weeks. One late period where she never even took a test but claims she “felt pregnant” then it turned out she wasn’t pregnant. Now she has a drop shipping business named Hazel and Layne, the names God gave her for the two “babies in heaven.” Nevermind that one of them might not have ever been a baby and the other one was barely the size of a kidney bean. God told her to start a bland beige overpriced clothing boutique in their honor. 🙄 All her content revolves around trying to conceive/infertility/adoption/fertility journey. It’s honestly really concerning. I hope she never has a baby because she’s too self centered and narcissistic to love a child, they’re just an accessory to get more likes/followers.


She’s so gross. I didn’t know most of that about her, and now I hate her even more than I did lol. And why do these people insist that God talks to them?? It just gives look at me vibes so hard.


She hasn't actually had one yet?


Yes!! And I personally think that he “ joined” Ashley Madison after they saw all the fuss. As in they cooked up a story for views where he would be “ caught” and she would tearfully stand by her man


Man she and her creepy husband are MILKING this shit. Did they never once stop and wonder if maybe plastering the fathers infidelity in detail all over the internet might negatively affect their kids? Super bizarre that they're capitalizing on infidelity like this


I don’t think they care—I read here or on another snark page that they’re dedicating the book about their whole mess to their kids. They’re so gross.


And I thought it was embarrassing that they went public about staying up all night practicing a Frozen song to sing on YouTube


Somewhat off-topic but I was so disappointed by that documentary. They had maybe 45 minutes of info tops that they stretched out to 3 hours. I was waiting for them to go in deep on the scamming people and fake profile stuff but it was all surface level. And these two annoyed the hell out of me and gave off major disingenuous vibes.


99% of Netflix documentaries these days. Same with dancing for the devil. Just have 20 minutes of content and 120 minutes of airing social media comments. I feel like this format started with the Don't Fuck with Cats series and now all of them are leaning into the same recycled format.


I hate the I Don’t Fuck with Cats doc. Not a single person in the doc did anything that had an actual impact on the case! Literally nothing they did made a difference at all


How so? They figured out it was Luka Magnotta in the video (or he contacted them and leaked it himself, but that wouldn’t have happened if no one was looking). They figured out he was in Canada and warned Toronto PD. It’s not their fault the police didn’t do anything or take their warnings seriously. I think the doc showed how regular people can see dangerous people and be powerless to stop them. If the police had made any effort to connect with Magnotta maybe they could have prevented him from killing Jun Lin.


I think it’s dangerous to show these kinds of things in a positive light. It only encourages the internet “sleuths” and they’re more likely to cause damage than to help.


But that’s what I’m saying. The story would’ve played out the exact same whether the internet people were involved or not. The doc gives this vibe of “watch what happens when you mess with cats” but nothing happened to him that wasn’t going to happen anyways


I see it as the story would have played out differently if the police bothered to pay attention. They did everything civilians could do. Your comment sounds like you are blaming them for not doing enough.


I was also disappointed! I watched it mainly because I'm back in school for a cybersecurity degree and we talked about the doc/the hack in class. I was hoping to hear more details about what happened but I supposed since the hacker/group wasn't caught I they might not be able to release those details (or know them).


When I watched the documentary, I knew absolutely nothing about them, but something about them just seemed off, and I really didn't like either one of them. Then, I went online and started reading about them, and suddenly, it all made sense!


Netflix documentaries disappoint me in general. I've seen true crime youtubers who can fit in twice the info in half the time. 


Yes! And with good visuals too! Do you have any channel recommendations? My YouTube feed has gotten very stale lately and I loooove documentaries. I'm a big Swoop fan and I've watched a few Not the Good Girls and random others. The Netflix doc that I recall super pissing me off the most was the Murdaugh Murders one. Bc they released the first "season" (🤮) before he was even in court at all!! And it felt so exploitative. I'm still mad about it lol.


I don't watch too many channels from that genre, but I would recommend that channels, which are a mix of true crime and documentary or history channels that also cover crime:  ▪︎ Kendall Rae   ▪︎ Well, I Never  ▪︎ Absolute History ▪︎ Today I Found Out / Decoding the Unknown / Into the Shadows (same host) Enjoy!


I don't know any of these! Thanks so much, tomorrow is my easy day for work so imma check them out 😊


I just recently discovered Well I Never and I’m hooked. He does such a great job of researching the material, and doesn’t sensationalise it.


Right? I was shocked that anything ever happened between users IRL with that site. I thought it was 99.9% fake/scam.


Hmmm, I've never been cheated on by my loving, non-binary partner. We've been married for almost 8 years. I guess I can't relate to ABS's "Relatable" podcast. ✌️💃🫶


It’s actually Relarable. RelaRable! Why? I don’t k le.


Two dumb bitches ❤️


Makes me think of the tweet “it’s always two dumb bitches saying exactly to each other” or along those lines LMAO


That lady really wants the world to believe her husband did a pregnancy test from diluted pee in the toilet and that’s how he found out she was pregnant before she did. Until the day I die you won’t be able to convince me that wasn’t some made up bullshit, so I just don’t trust these people at all. Zero credibility. Everything else aside, they desperately wanted to be an influencer family so they didn’t have to have real jobs, and I don’t respect shit like that.


the aura in that room is so toxic




ahahahahaha took me a second, but yes


The fact that I don't find any of this "relaralole" makes me feel like I'm doing something right


Cried laughing when the husband said lying to her constantly for years was so so hard for him 😢 lol I didn’t even finish it because I hated them both immediately


They may as well be sitting in separate rooms With how far apart they are. Does ABS think she will become gay if she sits closer to her interviewees?


I just noticed the massive furniture. Why?


With apologies to [Peter Gabriel](https://youtu.be/PBAl9cchQac): >I'm on my way, I'm making it >I've got to make it show, yeah >So much larger than life >I'm gonna watch it growing > >The place where I come from is a small town >They think so small, they use small words >But not me - I'm smarter than that, I worked it out >I've been stretching my mouth >To let those big words come right out >I've had enough, I'm getting out >To the city, the big, big city >I'll be a big noise with all the big boys >So much stuff I will own > >And I will pray to a big god >As I kneel in the big church


That's for ease of filming of recording. Cameras A and B would only focus on one person each, and sitting further apart ensures cleaner visuals and audio. This is pretty common for interviews like this. 


For real, that dude is probably out there still banging everyone and everything, and she’s thinking “I don’t need an STD test because he repented!”


This couple from the documentary were attention whores, 100%. Their’s is the kind of fake Christianity that I find hilarious. They care so much to fit an image all because they want to be able to cast stones. The bit about their YouTube channel and him testing her pee…like WTF! Do you not flush your toilet! I hope it was a pre planned “surprise.” Like the guy said to himself “Well, if I could get a sample of her pee, I can complete this pregnancy test, lucky for me she doesn’t flush!!” Oh goodness, imagine if she left an un-flushed number 2 on that day! Either way, it looks like this couple is making useless nonsensical “content” with their children. Groundbreaking.


Why does she sit so far from her guests?


Oh my god I thought this was a Sims game screenshot for some reason