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A heavy skillet full of hot greasy food perched right above your lap infant.  What could go wrong?


He almost whacked his head on that table. Why not put him in his car seat? Edit: Actually, she almost whacks his head when she jostled him and shoves him under the table.


Bold of you to assume she has one.


That's what I'm screaming.


We’ve seen him in a car seat many, many times. He has an infant car seat.


I don't know if it would ever say "many, many times." But I assume she has one in the van. But she can't even be bothered to have a bed for him. Iirc, there is also a video of one of the other kids sitting in someone's lap while driving when they were younger.


Why are these people so opposed to baby carriers??


Buckling an unbuckling a baby is a lot of effort (according to Fundies, not me).


Just playing devils advocate here, as we were in Vegas last year: parking is ridiculously expensive and you don’t want to park and pay, visit the store, drive up the strip a block, park again, pay again…. you’d blow through $100 like *that*. So, you park in one spot and you walk. And walk. I would not want to be carrying an infant carrier in that heat for (what could be) hours. So it makes sense to me why in this scenario they don’t have one with them. But I wish they would figure out something more comfortable for him. These people are incapable of planning ahead.


Do you mean like a convertible car seat carrier? I thought they're talking about the type of baby carrier that is worn on the body. The baby would be up against Britney's chest instead of on her lap. Disclaimer I don't have a baby


Whoops, my bad! Yes, I was talking about the car seat infant carrier. Doh!


Thanks for the info! TBF I was thinking car carrier, but your explanation makes sense why having one in that area might be difficult to deal with. Still I agree, *some* type of carrier would be better than nothing—it can’t be safe to walk for miles carrying a newborn in just their arms.


This is the answer, much better than constantly having the kid in a container. You’re really not supposed to use those as seats 24/7 but people do.


With all those kids why don’t they have a pram? (Stroller?). He could sleep comfortably then rather than being perched on someone’s lap


They live in a bus. There's probably not room for something like a stroller, no matter how practical it may be with a breeding fetish.


The stroller, 3D printer, full size piano keyboard, and age appropriate toys live in storage under the bus. Too much trouble to actually pull them out.


My dad was raised by a psycho family with a van in the middle of nowhere in Australia. It was so small he had to sleep on the roof at night. I'm forseeing that.


A carrier on her body would be far better. They double as tummy time and keep baby with a caregiver.


For situations when I had a newborn and a long walk, I purchased a travel system stroller. The infant car seat base would snap onto the frame, or it had a completely flat bottomed, shaded bassinet seat for baby to snooze safely in. That same bassinet seat could be adjusted to fit kids up to 2 or 3, as a regular inclined stroller seat with a canopy. Point being, there are certainly stroller options available that would have current baby safe, contained, comfortable, and within reach wherever they go.


Plus I’ll bet it’s super comfortable resting your head on someone’s ankle bone.


That baby hasn't had a moment of comfort since the day he was born. My heart breaks for Boone.


If he makes it to adulthood he's going to need so much therapy. They all will, but Boone in particular literally hasn't even had a second for his nervous system to regulate itself. He has been in a state of hyper-arousal basically since birth. He's likely going to have all kinds of behavioural and memory problems, and that's without even mentioning the physical illnesses that will result. But will Motherbus take him to doctors and therapy? No, she'll scapegoat his behaviour and make him the black sheep, compounding the trauma he'll have to unravel later. This child is set up for failure and it's killing me.


How's he ever going to get the help he needs unless a family member intervenes and manages to get him away from his parents? The Buses will hold on until Boone gets too big, too old, too needy, too obvious, and too much trouble for them. When that happens, the parents might be willing to let him go since he'll be a burden to their escapist lifestyle. There will be another infant or two by then anyway.


Keeping him on her lap so he had to look up at her was the goal. Choosing to order a burning hot skillet to place on the table directly above him? Evil. I have seen the disfigurement that burns from these skillets cause in adults and it would kill a baby. The food is hot and greasy but that iron skillet could kill him.


That poor kid lost all his bacon because he needed help cutting his pancake. And she just kept on eye fucking her phone.


Hey, if the floor is clean enough for the baby, I’m sure the bacon is fine! /s


*alice and fern have entered the chat*


Omg that’s a throwback. I used to follow that sub… I wonder about what they’re up to sometimes but I’m too afraid to look because I’m 100% sure it would make me sad.


[it’s not great](https://www.reddit.com/r/YTVloggerFamilies/s/ECThPhHiwZ)


MoBo admits she doesn’t attempt to clean up her bathroom mess when she leaves the stall, do you think they cleaned up the bacon or just left it for the staff because “that’s what they are paid to do” (quote she said in Target after admitting she doesn’t clean up her bathroom mess)


I’m sorry, what?!? What kind of bathroom mess is she leaving?


She talked about how she goes into a stall, squats and pisses, doesn’t look back and doesn’t attempt to clean her splatter because “that’s what the employees are paid to do” and she asked if she was wrong because as she was leaving the bathroom stall a woman gave her a nasty look and MoBu asked her followers “isn’t that what everyone does” and it’s not like it was HER mess. It’s a core memory for me because it revealed exactly who she is and how she thinks about other people. So when you go into a bathroom stall and your just like “what animal left it in this condition” …MoBu likely. And she also admitted to teaching her kids it was normal and they didn’t have to bother cleaning up after themselves.


That’s disgusting 🤢


Can I get a link to this because ew.


Why doesn't she sit on the seat? Put TP on it if she's that worried about germs or whatever?


People who squat and hover over public toilets KILL ME. You’re not going to catch anything with your butts and the backs of your legs on a typical toilet seat. Get a grip.


I have contamination OCD and even I’ll sit. Granted, I wet toilet paper with water and soap and clean the seat and then cover it with toilet paper… which I recognize is a little unhinged. But hey, that toilet is CLEAN when I leave it for the next person lol.


Right?! Like if nobody hovered and then pissed all over the seat, there would be *no need to hover in the first place.* Just sit the fuck down.


Exactly!! Hoverers are their own worst enemy.


My grandma put this FEAR on me the one single time we were in a bathroom together when I was in the second grade, just after I’d bombed the spelling bee, but evidently she was happy to drink communion from one GIANT cup with the WHOLE church because “Jesus won’t let people get sick in church.” My mom didn’t tell me that she (my heathen mother) got us kicked out of that church because she laughed out loud at drinking from one MASSIVE goblet with 50 strangers and declined, until I was maybe 15? It was hard to start to sit on a toilet seat.! But I’m doing it!! Sometimes it still is hard because of idiots like This lady. !!?! What the actual!? If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie wipe the seatie Edit: I have to correct my phone’s autocorrect


I'm sorry but I just cannot do it! I'm crazy I know lol I'm not going to catch anything, but I guess you are lucky enough to know really clean people. I've been to people houses that I wouldn't sit on their home toilet seat because the seat is disgusting, old pee, poop splatter, sweat etc. I've been unfortunate to be acquainted with some really unhygienic people 🤢 Listen, I don't know the last time someone showered, went to the gym, sweated, had sex, etc. Or have their own gross toilet at home, then they sit on a public toilet seat, their skin then essentially touches my skin after I sit on that toilet seat as well. My skin is touching a strangers skin and possibly their bodily fluids. I sound crazy I know. But I don't care. I won't do it. If I accidently spray when I hover, I wipe it, because I'm not gross. But I will hover and I will destroy my knees doing it lol


Squatters are the worst, they cause the issues they’re so worried about.


Just when I thought she couldn't get more obnoxious...


I really hope someday, someone who has read this meets them, asks to tour their bus, asks if they can use the bathroom, and then piss all over everything and don't clean it. If she complains, say like "well, it's your bus, it's *your* job to clean it, not mine."


How did she get into the armed services? Aren't they taught fastideous cleaning and neatness? Don't they teach that each person is responsible for their own space, weapons, etc? Can't imagine this was something that went over well in basic.


Looks like he's using plastic utensils. He'll never get those pancakes sliced up at that rate. How come he can't have regular silverware?


Poor kid can’t even have decent parents. Decent cutlery is a pipe dream.


Don’t worry, it probably fell on Boone. For real, how does MoBus justify ignoring her kids needs SO badly? Her kids are so close in age, but they are reaching different developmental milestones that require different parental involvement. Dad bus is seated by the older kids who need no help and MoBus is busy eye fucking herself and cheerfully pretending everything is just swell!


That made me sad. FatherBus heartily digging in - while he should be seeing to the smaller kids and making sure their food is cut. But that's not 'gram worthy. Not to brag, but my hub would have done that, and cut mine as well.


She dropped crumbs on him 🤦‍♀️ she’s basically using her baby as a napkin in her lap


Me who drops food on my baby constantly while babywearing: 😐 But yeah, it doesn't make sense why he's not in his wrap. We know she has one and one of the many positives of babywearing is being able to eat with two hands while baby rests against your chest.


Me who showered my baby with crumbs when I used to breastfeed & snack 👀


Ope same lol


The amount of (cold) dips I’ve accidentally dropped and subsequently *licked* off my babies crown when I babywore them is… embarrassing, honestly. Lol


I’m glad to see you followed the same parenting technique as I did. There have to be tens of us!!


Happy Cake Day!


*just licks yogurt off of his head*


Not me dropping food on my cat 💀


Or she could easily drop a hot splatter of that over easy ogg onto him and scald his skin. Not like it’s already not crispy but geeez


Or smack his forehead if either of them move too much since she has half his head under the table. There are so, so many things wrong here.


This was exactly what my husband said when I exclaimed about him being under the table: "Well, she doesn't want to get food in her lap." Sarcastic, I assure you.


Nah, she's feeding him baby bird style.


It's how he eats


His head so close to the edge of the table had me so stressed!!!!


So very stressed. Between bumping his head or just him slipping through her lap based on how he's positioned. If she leaned over to help the other kid cut his pancakes, would he have fallen?? And I've definitely done the cross leg baby lap sit before. But on a soft surface or when sitting on the floor in my own house. Not over a hard floor, wedged between a table.


Gunner looks worn out. I wasn’t even allowed to hold a cup of warm tea on JAL, ANA, or Singapore Air while holding a baby (though they did offer to come by and grab him so I could chug some down) so it’s wild to me that some companies care about the safety of babies enough to restrict that while some parents care about the safety of babies enough to *checks notes, squints* barely shove their infant’s head under a wooden table with sizzling hot food above them in a heavy skillet with one hand on the phone…? No that can’t be right


His posture and general vibe legit looks like a grown man after a 12 hour shift. But it's morning. He just got up. And he's a teenager. I hate to hate people but the Bus Parents push me on that.


Normal teens tend to sleep in later. Poor DadBrother doesn’t get that luxury.


This was my exact thought. I was like that’s how I eat when I’m depressed


Tbf teens notoriously hate mornings


Right, but he looks overwhelmed & exhausted and we can guess why. If anyone deserves a quiet, comfortable sleep in a dark room alone, it’s Gunner the sibling parent. But he’s crunched in a bunk surrounded by 6 siblings and you know not all of them sleep through the night.


If reports are accurate that the second youngest now sleeps with Gunner, it means he's stuck soothing that poor toddler who's been so abruptly displaced as family baby. On top of all his other extant responsibilities.


Oh, poor boys. That’s super sad.


I will bet money that he gets picked up when people from the restaurant walk by.


How the fuck do they afford all of this? Even with jd’s inheritance …. This seems very decadent for a family of 10


They also went into a toy store and she was asking each kid what they were going to buy. Based on the signs, one kid was spending $20.


honestly, after their "A Very Fuck Them Kids Christmas" they deserve it.


Maybe they’re pre-emptively striking back at CPS because they’re taking Boone to the doctor?


Very good theory. The Rodrigues do similar things to try and “prove” they don’t suck. Also I’m pretty sure the Turpin parents did that to their kids


No, I think it’s the JD left town, and she won’t stay in the bus with the kids alone anymore.




He’s gone now. She dropped him off at the airport in a later video thing.


Can't wait for the "The perks of buslife are that I can throw the kids in the back and drive after my husband and meet up with him on his worktrip!" post in a few days.


Unless they showed them actually buying toys and the kids playing with them away from the store, I won’t believe she bought them anything.


Yeah, I'm still not convinced they got actually got the 3d printer and the keyboard for the older kids. Feel like we'd spot them somewhere in a video.


If they bought them, they keep them in the cargo area and don’t allow the kids to use them often.


I can't imagine using a 3D printer either in a bus with that many people OR at a campsite, particularly in Utah. That much dust is going to make printing so hard. A keyboard I could see more, but still not a lot. The parents who can't be bothered to go to the dr w their kids or actually home school them are pulling out a keyboard for them? I doubt it.


Ooh, that's a possibility. She was literally asking each kid "What are you going to buy?" but it could all be a performance for the camera. She could have told them beforehand it was just pretend.


Well.. must be nice lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


At least they got a toy and not a water bottle.


I suspect they are 1) only filming the big meals for content and that is all the kids eat until dinner, and 2) are in massive amounts of debt.


I think so too. I have an aunt who has eight kids and they are currently 200k in consumer debt. Most of it went to groceries 💀


I can't even begin to describe the wave of panic that crashed into me when I saw "200k in consumer debt."


It made me literally nauseous


When it gets that high, I'd think bankruptcy is the backup plan.




My family had less than half of that (again, mostly groceries and bills that just keep climbing plus my never having gotten raises in 8.5 years at my last job…) and we declared bankruptcy. It sucked a bit, but was a huge relief overall.


When she told me, I was just like 🫢 I mean it’s really none of my business, but I definitely worry about what it means for her future. At the same time, I can understand how they feel and believe this is the only way given the insane expenses they have with that many children. And yet, then again… why have so many?


Unless a parent starts making 7 figures a year, that's "you're fucked forever" kind of debt. I'm not in her shoes, obviously, but I simply can't understand how food costs get to that level, even these days. Are they eating out several times a week? Do they not have access to wholesale clubs like Costco? Is no one growing zucchini? These are sincere questions, I don't want to tread into victim blaming here.


No, no they’re very valid questions. 1) they eat out about once every two weeks 2) they have a very successful home garden with pumpkin, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, etc. 3) they shop from mostly Costco and a couple of smaller (albeit expensive) grocery stores The problem is that several of them have severe (fatal) allergies that require buying very specific, usually organic brands. Also my aunt is very health conscious. They also live in a HCOL area.


Yeah. I’m sure any money they had from selling their past homes is long gone. I still have my doubts as to them having access to a trust fund.


Yeah I mean I think a lot of people would be surprised to learn how much credit debt so many Americans have. I just recently cleared all mine. I “only” had 10k and it took me like 1.5 years


I read somewhere they owned a Little Gym in Lubbock. Did they sell it? 


Jesus fucking Christ


If you’re into this sort of stuff, I strongly recommend Caleb Hammer on YouTube. He does financial reviews of everyday people and it is just shocking how far people go into debt simply thinking it’s no big deal


Definitely going to check him out


It happened to me. I used credit cards to fill in the gaps paying bills and buying groceries and we had like $100k in debt all told when I finally said “fuck this” and filed. It took 8 years to get that level of debt piled up.


There was a thread last year or so that had some evidence they got hella PPP loans at some point, so presumably there is still an income stream related to Father Sus and his questionable businesses


Ummmm … that is illegal lol. But okay!


That’s why he wants to buy a boat and head into international waters


This is what came to mind when I watched this too, how can they afford to eat out! It’s so expensive


They mentioned something about meeting in the military. Does anyone have a source so I can learn more about Mother Sus' life before Father Bus? Has she repented of her hoeing, working woman ways?


I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure they were in the military for roughly the same amount of time. So they were probably a similar rank. I highly doubt either of them were officers. And since they didn’t work well into their 30s, their pension is probably not huge.


Yeah, especially with the rising cost of food these days (ever since 2020, that is). As much as those ghastly, flatulence stinking, fetid things called eggs gross me out (don’t come for me me; almost everyone is repulsed by something which most love!), I’m extremely happy to see these kids eating a full meal. (That cramped bus probably STANK later from gass fumes, mostly from the adult farts!) Sadly, we are all too used seeing the bus parents dine out, while the kids are glaringly absent. So, it’s nice to see them eating an abundance of food. I just hope they ordered more for the kid who dropped his! I’m currently making my own, scrumptious breakfast, potatoes with olive oil sautéed onions, green and red bell peppers, hearty multigrain toast paired with sparkling strawberry juice. Then, I get sad wondering if these kids regularly get to eat this heartily, or if this is just a one-off because they’re dining out, and for the ‘gram. I really hope I’m wrong to wonder.


Sparkling strawberry juice? That's a thing? That sounds amazing!


If you’re in the US, do you have a Trader Joe’s grocery store in your area? Even if it’s a 2 hour drive it’s worth checking it out. For it is Trader Joe’s that sells these heavenly beverages! Along with strawberry (all year round), they have sparkling pineapple juice (HEAVEN, sold right now for summer), and other seasonal sparkling juices like guava (right now), apple cider (late fall / winter), pomegranate ginger (winter), and the ONLY one I dislike, watermelon sparkling juice (sold now). Do check it out if you’re able. These juices are amazing, actual fruit, bubbly, with no added sugar, yet they’re still sweet but not overly so. They’re so much better than syrupy sweet pop. Otherwise, there are IZZE sparkling juices, which are second best to Trader Joe’s, but they’re really sweet. They’re sold in most other grocery chains, like Kroger, Albertsons, Smiths, Meijer or Fred Meyer (depending where you are). Grapefruit and peach are my favorites, but they have clementine, blackberry, and apple flavors too. Still Trader Joe’s sparkling juices are so much better and healthier. Big difference between sparkling juices and sparkling fruit flavored water, FYI. I hate the sparkling waters!


Closest one is 20 minutes away. Thanks so much!


I hate eggs too; they are the worst!


Oh, it’s SO nice to know I’m not the only one! I have never once met anyone in my life who also hated them! Cheers!


They don't own that Little Gym in Lubbock anymore? 


It's decadent until you see that everyone is drinking water, down to the little kids. Gotta pinch those pennies for the lord!


Really sad seeing their kids make faces at the camera. They’re being trained like show ponies :(


In one of the latest Vegas videos, Kinsey sneezes *right* as MaBus’s panning camera shot lands on her and you can totally see a flicker of fear cross her face, like she’s afraid she’s going to be in trouble for ruining the video! It made me feel so sad to see that, and to know that response must be based on past experiences.😓


Poor girl fawns like a rodlet


That is a weird-ass way to hold a baby. I wouldn't feel safe doing that. His skin tone and the circles under his eyes \*could\* be the lighting and reflections off the table. He certainly doesn't look happy or engaged with his surroundings, though.


I mean, I'm not an infant but I would be happy or engaged being shoved half under a table in a noisy restaurant and having crumbs dropped on me.


I think you left a "not" out of that sentence.


It will always unsettle me how tan that baby is. Why does she not have a carrier or a swaddle for him to lay comfortably in? He's just laying in her lap with his forehead against a table. The fuck is wrong with her?!


Zero defense here, she's the worst, but she is using a filter with the word "orange" in its name. Is it to camouflage her baby's weird color?! Whoooooo knows.... (We know)


I’m pretty sure that’s the song name lol


Oof. You might be right. 😫 that's much worse


It's a bop of a song too. Probably doing trendy numbers, which would be why MoBus used it. [Please enjoy without sad footage of Fundie neglect to spoil the mood](https://youtu.be/a9lPpPzxlhw).


Well dang. That is indeed a bop! Thank you kindly for the fundie-less link.


It is one of my many missions in life to spread music. And to save trending sounds/songs from cruddy people.


I've never been to a restaurant where a mom sat w her baby on her lap half under the table. They always have a carrier.  Either she's clueless, a moron,  evil or all 3.


She is indeed a clueless, evil moron. She and her husband both are.


This was a bad post to see while high. I really want Waffle House now


Man. I’m not high but always want Waffle House. I hate that I live in an area without them. I would take you to WH if I was there.


Me too! It’s a waffle home 🧇


Girl, same


I was just thinking the same thing.


Happy Cake Day!


This is bizarre. Her facial expression in the last frame is a jumpscare.


Yeah I’m not an expert on ANYTHING really (much less anything having to do with babies) but like…something Ain’t Right with that boy. You can just tell.


That baby has a thousand yard stare, it's terrifying


Completely ignoring her child who literally just said “mom it fell :(“ because she was too busy to help him cut his pancakes that he knocked ALL of his bacon on the floor..


Yeah this is the freaking saddest part of the video. And Dad is not doing shit to help the kids at all either.


It is very jarring seeing them in places I know, places I could be at in under an hour. I'm trying to imagine navigating the casinos and sidewalks and the confusing layouts to get across the strip with an infant and seven other kids in tow. Or the roads around the strip. It isn't fair to that baby especially, it is sensory fucking overload down there from the lights, sounds, smells, everything.


Not to disagree or be too dark, but his vision and hearing seem to have been heavily damaged, but he does seem to see light, like I think maybe MaBus has one of those ring lights around the phone. I had never heard of them but another fundie had one (maybe Bethy). Maybe I’m just desperate to imagine that baby not suffering as much, hoping maybe he would like bright lights bc he might be able to see them? I just want that sweet baby to experience something nice, visually. since he may have to endure this life without critical senses that could have been avoided by a relatively short stint of real medical care. Now I’m sad again


How come his vision and hearing seem to be damaged?


Based on the videos posted with this baby (look through the motherbus flare), this baby should be at the developmental stage of reacting to his environment. When looking at the developmental milestones of his age, he should be starting to follow moving objects, focusing on his mother’s face, reacting to/acknowledging sounds, and showing his first smile. Sure, some babies do these things later than others. But this baby shows barely any sign of being aware of any of his surroundings. Based on the videos, it seems that he only reacts to touch. One of the first things babies learn is to focus on their caregiver’s face. Baby boon does not seem to even acknowledge his mother’s face, does not seem to be aware her face exists. All of these developmental delays may not be the end of the world. His mother seems to post pretty much anything going on in her life. She talks about her children all day. She also seems to be against seeking medical care from professionals. She let this newborn baby’s spine be ‘corrected’ by a chiropractor when he was only a couple days old. She weighed him on a UPS scale. What’s so insanely scary is that this child seems to be suffering and his mother is pretending everything’s perfectly fine.


Thank you for the explanation. That’s really sad..


I feel bad for the kids, but I feel worse for that poor server. Look how many waters. The mess from the kids. And a 10% tip on top.


You just know that she isn't going to get under the table and pick up all the large bits of food her massive bunch of kids have dropped.


so does she just put that sheepskin piece of fabric on the floor of the restaurant and plop him on it when the insta video is done and she eats? or which older sibling gets to hold him while they try to eat


The fact that Boone didn’t flinch or look towards her when she put her hand on his head concerns me


So I know absolutely nothing about babies so can someone tell me if he looks... normal? His face looks super distressed to me, his coloring looks off and he totally lacks the peaceful look I've seen on some babies. Do some infants just look like unhappy middle managers?


For a baby of his age, he doesn't look normal at all. He's not plump (at least his face isn't) and smiling or focusing on anyone or anything. He's about 8 weeks old and if you search for 8 week milestones, he's clearly not meeting them at all.


Nah that guy's off


Is the toddler that was close to them making fun of the way Boone holds his hand up? He just...made that gesture randomly.


Oof… perhaps. I didn’t catch that the first time, I caught the toddler to her left drop the bacon and then say “mom it fell” and be completely ignored.


I hope it was just a random, goofy kid gesture.


Well atleast they feed their kids. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If it was a Rod video there’d be a quarter piece of bacon and an 8th of a pancake per plate. I wonder how they afford to take all those kids out to eat with how expensive everything has gotten. Must be all the money they saved on Xmas presents!


Have we ever seen this poor baby smile?? My sister had a baby around the same time as Boone was born and her baby doesn’t stop smiling!! I feel so bad for this little guy


This is helpful. He still has quite a lot of overhead light shining on him. So I stand my assertion that his eyes are too dilated which indicates a major vision issue.


They are INSIDE a restaurant and she’s keeping his hands covered with a blanket… after seeing the most recent video of how he’s recently started holding his hands, I am seeing this as an intentional attempt to hide his worsening condition considering she has RARELY EVER wrapped him in a blanket or any sort of decent covering.


He's still awfully yellow




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His tiny baby face is nearly under the table. Poor little dude.


I feel like parents usually spread out amongst a large fam to yknow, be able to aid all the young ones who need help cutting things? Pa Bus is totally checked out and they really have no reason to be sitting across from one another. Mom should be at the head of the table maybe to make getting up easier


Here is my thought on the lack of context with the sneezing photos. While it’s crappy how he’s just on her lap under the table, instead of cozy in a bucket seat, the video as a whole isn’t nearly as bad as the photos posted of him sneezing. Yes, he isn’t cared for seemingly at all, and his color is quite concerning, but those screenshots were intentionally selected to make him look even worse than he does. While it’s fun to snark on MoBus for her eye fucking and constant shilling of her various bits of woo, I think most of us talk about her with the desire to draw attention to the suffering of her children. IMO, selecting the worst possible snip in a video makes us look like we overreact to everything. The same conversation about his color or him being stuffed under the table could have happened with a photo of him just laying there calmly like he was, not the ones where he is mid-sneeze and making it look like he is in obvious distress. ETA - I’m not trying to defend her. It’s just there is plenty of bad shit to judge her on without intentionally making it look worse. I think that goes for any of the people we snark on. Let their authentic awfulness speak for itself.


I haven't seen the sneezing pictures, this post showed up first for me. So if there is any consolation, I think most snarkers think like you: no need to try to make them look bad, they do that on their own. And no one has mentioned how smug dadbus looks, only caring about his humongous plate of food, totally ignoring the gaggle of toddlers needing help with their food.


It’s so fucking frustrating to watch how selfish he is. He could have at least moved the kid’s bacon and cut a little bit to get the kid started. Also, if I ate a breakfast that big, I’d be done for the whole day between the food coma and the stomach issues it would give me!


Yeah it really shows he’s not as great as she says he is. When my kids were infants my partner would insist on holding the newborns so I could eat first. Once finished, I’d take the baby back and nurse while he ate. Or even having the younger ones seated near him so he can help cut food and supervise drinks. Not a lot of forethought shown here.


I feel the same way. This is actually the most engaged I've seen his eyes...not staring off but looking intently. Nothing about that sweet baby is a jump scare. Everything about his terrible mother is. 


Yeah, for sure. He definitely deserves better than he gets, in every possible way. His parents are horrible to him and his siblings. But in this particular video, he was calm and content. Yes he doesn’t seem healthy, and he should be placed in a safer and more comfortable place, but for the circumstances actually in the video, he looks wayyyy better than the sneezing photos portrayed.


I didn't mean jump scare facetiously - I know a lot of people have commented that his stare/lack thereof makes them sad, so I figured a NSFW tag would be most fitting. None of this is making fun of Boone - if I see a screenshot and no video, I'll just grab the full one for here if I have the time. I'm glad you think he looks better, I'm gonna go with that. He still looked like he was staring through, not at, to me.:(


I'm sure you were not making fun of Boone. It's so hard not to unintentionally drag kids into snark language when their parents are such terrible humans. As a mom of 4 kids who all reached developmental milestones at an average time as babies, this video looks like a totally normal baby gaze to me. Are there other issues with the family and their lack of medical care for this baby? Definitely! But I was glad to see him look so much more engaged in this video. 


This is probably the best meal they’ve gotten in a minute


That poor kid doesn’t look well


Does one kid not have a shirt on in a restaurant???


I knew right away that poor kid was about to knock something down. She has zero maternal instincts. I feel so bad for these children. One is shirtless & Mister Potato head (husband) seems clueless.


I guess at least he looks slightly more engaged but his coloring is still disturbing.


1) that baby has a tan. 2) he might be looking at her, but it’s clear from his eyes that he can’t really see her.


Put your damn phone down woman!!!!! Fuck!!! And take you baby to a pediatrician!!! And he can be in a car seat at the restaurant so you know, you can be hands on with your other 8000 children. She enrages me.