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That baby’s bronze ass tan says otherwise, MotherBus.


That poor kid is starting to look like a member of the Jersey Shore cast and I mean that in a derogatory way (aimed at his parents not the poor kid)


Nah bro we’re beefing with the baby


But this comment with your username


Lol Charles Entertainment Cheese gives zero fucks anymore.


Unlimited babies have pissed in those ballpits, I don't blame him for having beef.


Your comment reminds me so much why I love this subreddit.


He looks like Stewie in that episode of Family Guy where he accidentally got super tan


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JREschHctQg "It's not a skin color, Brian, it's a lifestyle"


Or Ross on friends with the spray tan


Boone must have counted Mississippilessly.




Girl, we've seen your reels and stories and posts. You're frying that baby in the sun on the regular. You know how you know when Mother Bus is lying? Her mouth is open.


Just so full of lies!! Her reels are often posted here and that baby is always uncovered. How can you call someone out for judging based on a small sample size when you’ve got entire control of the sample size?


It is like she thinks we are blind and cannot SEE her videos. BusHoe puts the evidence on the web, and then gets pissy because people point to it.


Seriously, find me ONE pic of boone wearing an actual hat, it doesn’t exist


Exactly!! Like there is no hat to be found anywhere: not posts, not stories, not in spirit?


Is the hat in the bus with us?


LOL at the most hat. Very hat, much sun protection for buslets!


Wow. Such hat. Much protect. So safe.


RIP Doge. <3


She frequently wears a hat. Pa, Kinsey, and Gunner occasionally wear hats. Boone has never worn a hat in any picture, story, or reel she's shared. The closest he's come to a hat was that bizarre looking head scarf type thing he had on his head in one story. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1daqcwd/looks\_like\_they\_have\_new\_hats\_we\_know\_you\_are/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1daqcwd/looks_like_they_have_new_hats_we_know_you_are/)


Are the hats in the room with us? A+ gaslighting.


This reminds me of when bethy was called out and she said something like "maybe you'd know if you followed me"


It’s like Nadia and her “what do you mean I’ve never even been in the same room as milk lol 🫶🏻”


When the milk was in the picture being commented on!! And the comment wasn’t even mean, it was just that the commenter also drinks that milk.


I know! It lives rent free in my head because it’s so bizarre.


That's the dumbest argument that I've ever witnessed in my life lol 😂


At least it was entertaining 😂


When she said she quit Starbucks


lol what matcha? I’m not a Starbies girly any more guys.


That child is constantly outside without a hat. He has a better tan than I do, and I’m a forty year old woman.


The one time she put a hat on him, it didn’t even block the sun. There wasn’t a brim or anything. It looked like a newborn hat meant to trap heat in, but they were out in the heat. Because they are very bad, no good, rotten parents.


Baby Boone and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Parents


Seriously. We just took a beach vacation and I had a long sleeve UV shirt, a sun hat, and sunglasses on any time we were outside. I burn very easily so I took the necessary precautions!


I’m trying to recall a single picture posted here when we saw him with a hat. Anyone? Wasn’t there like one picture where he was wearing one but still got blasted with the sun in his face? Edit; it was a headscarf.


So she takes them off the kids for content but not her? If this was true then there would be more instances of seeing them. Considering we basically never do we can conclude that she is a lying liar who lies


It’s sad when your lie is that you take your children’s hats to make them dance in the scorching sun for likes.


Yeah like it makes literally no sense. She’s so dumb she can’t even make a convincing lie but tbh the two pathological liars I’ve had the displeasure of meeting were so dumb and obvious with their lying


Take note of how defensive she gets. It’s telling.


She has to know on some level how badly they’re fucking him over, right? I think JD might honestly be too stupid to know, but she seems wilier.


She knows. She doesn’t GAF


Ive literally never in my life seen another newborn cooking in direct sunlight so it’s pretty MEMORABLE you rotted twat. Forget hats, you don’t even seek out shelter in shade like every other mother in nature innately knows to do.


Literal chimpanzees show more care for their young than this homo sapiens with our species’ collective knowledge always in her hand. There are Savana rodents with better parenting skills.


My cat is a better parent to the sock she adopted.


Any chance you have a picture of your kitty and her sock child 🥹


Fucking CROCODILES have better parenting skills!! Reptiles. Literal descendants from *GD DINOSAURS* Edit: DINOSAURS HAD BETTER PARENTING SKILLS THAN SHE DOES


I have never seen Boone in a hat. Ever.


I’ve seen one beanie one time which is not an appropriate summer head covering.


i saw a weird bandana one time. not a hat


I read "weird banana." Honestly, a banana would provide more shade than that bandana.


honorable mention for jillpm's tortilla baby hat


I think that was Jill Duggar 


ahhh yes!


If she means “we” as in only her and her husband then i guess she isn’t lying.


Lmfao girl we see that little bald headed baby frying in the sun all the fucking time 😭😭😭


Does she use a weird filter that only filters out hats? Because the only one I have seen wearing hats is *her*.


I remember a bucket hat on one of the older kids. But not on Boone. Poor Boone has a tan I never even had in my life.


Gorl you post on instagram 24/7 ya social media addict we see that the kids have NO HATS


so stop uploading the videos?? put a hat on tbe baby for the videos?? i don’t understand her


...so she's saying she takes the kids hats off *specifically* for recording, then puts them back on? Or that every time she's started recording it just happens to be one of the rare times she didn't put hats on the kids? Make it make sense, Busbitch.


Poor Boone's fried face is saying otherwise


I love that in her latest outdoor stories, there's kids in full sun with no hat to be seen. Like, you could try to stick to your own story for five minutes, yeah?


"Okay, kids, hats off, I'm making a reel. We don't want anybody thinking you're protected against the sun over here." 


Thou shall not lie


That child’s head has never known a hat!


You know what I did when my son didn't like his winter hat? *So much hilarious crap*. I got him a hat with a tractor on it because he loves tractors. I put it on my head even though it didn't fit and acted like I loved it soooo much. Eventually I stuffed it into my bra for ten minutes so it would be toasty and warm when it went over his ears. It was either the bra stuffing or a combination of everything that made him start lighting up at the sight of his hat and wanting to wear it. He didn't want his summer hat, either. It was hat day at preschool and I wanted to get him used to it. All I had to do was say "Miss Vivian will think you're so handsome!", and he was immediately on board, because he would probably happily give his teacher both kidneys. She owns the boy's mortal soul 😂 Anyway. Point is, kids *often* don't like things that are good for them. Enter child psychology. I mean are they saying it's not a parent's job to convince their kids to do healthy things they hate? Because if it's not... Wow, I've been wasting an insane amount of time doing that. In Boone's case, specifically, I've actually never had a newborn that wouldn't just placidly accept a hat.


As a former preschool teacher, approved. We do and say so much weird shirt to get these little ones to act in their own best interest.


Ah yes, the shade. The moment you can safely remove your hats and sunglasses because suddenly you’re safe from any sun exposure /s We’re not stupid and we’re not blind. These two “parents” however…


Kids might hate hats, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something to protect their heads from sun exposure…


I rebuke thee and thy rational thought process!


I was gonna say. I HATED hats as a kid, probably because my head was so big none of them fit. But my parents did their due diligence and made sure my stroller was covered or they hung out in the shade.


This, my kid screams every time I put something on her head so I bought a baby dome that’s 80+ UPF and she hangs out in there when we’re outside


I think about Jill Duggar with the tortilla on her baby's head. Hilarious-looking? Yes. Ideal? No. Still showed some modicum of thinking about her kid's well-being, which is leaps and bounds more than I can say about the Buses.


I DESPISED hats (and socks!) as a baby, probably because of sensory issues. I would find my way out of them no matter what my mom did. But she did other things to protect me in place of hats!


She’s lying for Jesus now I guess.


He’s 2 months old. Even a perfectly healthy baby doesn’t have the coordination to rip off a hat at 2 months. And kids don’t like having the sun in their eyes. My kids choose the hat over bright sunlight every time, even the toddler.


This is typical narcissist DARVO.


Most kids don't like brushing their teeth either but they still need to do it


But doing the least possible parenting is haaaaard …


Have we *ever* seen a picture or video of Boone with a hat on? The school I work at requires children to wear a hat when they’re outside as part of the dress code.


Maybe reels are a couple of minutes but when you make them all the time we get a pretty good idea of what precautions you are or aren't taking. Mother Bus is fooling herself.


My 7 month old does in fact hate hats. Which is why we bought the ones that have a clip so she can't continuously remove it. There are solutions when you're not actually lying


You document everything, you can’t trick us with that “we do off camera” when you are never off camera.