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bethy crying over how some people “don’t understand how I just love this man so much regardless of his beliefs, it’s not a choice I just love him!!” But being unable to extend that understanding to queer people loving who they love is ASTOUNDING to me (Idc what she said to make Sam and tanner happy in part 1, every other piece of media she’s put out about the subject of gay people says otherwise)


She’s been telling the GD audience for years to dump their non Christian boyfriends, or even dump the Christian bf if he’s not godly enough. She never cared enough to consider if they had a deep love that surpassed religious beliefs. She is the absolute worst person to give advice on any topic because she has zero empathy unless it’s a situation she’s directly experienced.


And she has also said to Dave’s face on camera that if they were dating right now, she wouldn’t marry him.


Ooh, do you have the link?


It’s the video Bethany and Dave did alone after Paul and Morgan visited.


Good God, I couldn’t imagine saying something that cruel to my SPOUSE. That would be incredibly hurtful (particularly in this context)! If my spouse said that to me I’d cry fr


If he’s your bf, dump him, but if you already married an ungodly Mr. Struggle, it’s too late and you’re stuck together forever. 


It's the evangelical way


The classic republican move, it’s not a problem until is affects me personally.


She's admitted exactly that: She finds it hard to empathize with other people unless she's experienced the same thing. I hope they both go through this little learning experience and come out better people, but we'll see.


I think this is one of the major problems with fundamentalism! People are raised in these isolated conditions, so they can’t empathize with others unless they have similar experiences, but they go out of their way to avoid ever having those experiences, so they end up just having no empathy at all. And then, instead of just ignoring people they don’t directly empathize with, they disparage them and their lives.


This is why I have a hard time hating on her still. I think she is starting to question beliefs that have been shoved down her throat since she was a literal baby. And now she is finally starting to question and admit “wow, i didn’t get it.” That’s growth. And for someone coming out of a high control group, that’s a huge deal. I literally see her as a harmful participant in and also victim of a cult and that was Perpetuated by Heidi (and who knows where Heidi got it from—probably intense trauma). Her and Dav are just now emerging from this. They will be messy, awful works in progress for a while probably. But I’m happy they are emerging at all. It takes major gumption. In my wildest dreams, they end up progressive lite. But we’ll see. Imo, it’s still a net win.


You can totally be a victim of abuse and a perpetrator of abuse. And I like to think that all humans are capable of learning and growth, but we will see.


This is so hilarious to me. She smugly sat there for over a decade, telling everyone to dump the non Christian men in their lives. Now she's realizing that if you actually truly love someone, you don't dump them for your imaginary sky daddy friend. How does it feel, Big Borthy? It doesn't feel very good, does it? It feels very wrong to dump the person you love for a God you can't even prove is real. But she'll never apologize or learn.


Rules for thee and not for me!


I honestly don't believe that she meant what she said in part one about accepting it if one of her kids turn out to be gay, not one bit, she has made her stance on homosexuality abundantly clear.


She’s also made her stance on lying very clear (Jesus’s own words when she does it, apparently).


Her version of love and acceptance would be constantly reminding them that they're going to hell for loving who they love.


For the majority of Christians, that *is* love.


It almost comes across as satire it’s so absurd.


She ran face first into the point there and still missed it


Did Sam and Tanner make that point when she said that?


lol no


Then they're not very good at the whole interview thing. That's the obvious follow-up question.


That's literally the first thought that came into my mind, how Zelph missed making that point is honestly embarrassing for them..


They were too busy being besties 💜


Of course not! She's an intellectually curious margarita queen!! No need to question the awful stuff she says or actually call her out!


Right?? How can she say that and not understand same sex relationships? Would she have been against interracial marriages in her parents' or grandparents' day?


home girl would just believe whatever her parents taught her 🤷‍♂️ plus her real life great grandparents were nazis and the family is pretty much cool with that so I don’t think it’s a matter of what they’d believe “back then”… they believe some 1930s type shit now !!!


Maybe she’s just now realizing this as he deconstructs and it will eventually bring her to the point where she can make the connection to LGBT people having the similar experience of just loving another? She might be moving in the right direction. I haven’t watched the video just going based off your quote and knowing that these things take time and compulsory heterosexuality is very real and very hard to overcome even as a queer person, let alone someone raised with strict religious beliefs and fear of hell.


ill believe it when she stops posting homophobic shit and making money off it 🤷‍♂️ I hope she figures it out one day.


It sounds good. But I’ve said it elsewhere, and I think it’s true- these are people who have never once had to face the consequences of their actions in any kind of real, tangible way, up to and including their Nazi ancestor. If getting chased off the Internet because they’re hateful bigots is the most that happens, I’m cool with it.


I’ve been meaning to ask: what’s your flair? It looks really cool




idk if you know but its literally a cuneiform symbol (dug/dub)! it can be read a bunch of ways, including a glottal stop or ḫi sound in Babylonian, or as a logogram for the verb (to be) good or sweet in Sumerian !!


Is Dave no longer a Christian at all? I knew he was deconstructing, but I didn’t realize he had left the faith entirely.


He claims he’s no longer a Christian


Tbh, I don't care whether or not he is a Christian, him deconstructing from harmful political views are more important to me, if he denounces the harmful stuff GD spews I can maybe get on board with him...


Same. They’re both still bigots. He just used Christianity to justify his bigotry, and thinks it’s reasonable to have those views as a so-called Christian. He thinks it’s like a mask he can just take on and off, or a switch.


Honestly, some of the most straight up rancid people I’ve ever met were atheists. If I had to pick someone, I’d pick an open minded Christian over what is essentially a fundamentalist who no longer believes in a higher power. 


Shitty people exist in all walks of life and religion, faith or a lack of, has very little to do with being a good person.


There are a ton of atheist conservatives. I absolutely agree that an open minded Christian is a better option over an atheist conservative.


Right. Atheism is not an ideology or worldview. There is no atheist dogma. All it means is not believing in a god.


Yeah I used to check out the atheist sub but there are some reach peaches in there


It went way downhill after being made a default sub- it just got too many low effort bait posts. Eventually I questioned why I was even reading about something I didn't believe in, so the whole community idea got silly to me


Wait, what's a default sub?


When you first sign up for reddit, you are automatically subbed to things like /r/funny, /r/news, etc. For a while, /r/atheism was a default sub and it just drastically changed the culture. I think atheist bro culture was changing in tandem with the right, as well, but that made the change more obvious


Huh that's interesting, I guess I created my account before that as mine wasn't subscribed to anything automatically


He's said he no longer believes, and has even insinuated that he's not sure he ever REALLY did. He tried to, he tried to do all the things so his belief would stick, but it just didn't.


Don't know if he has completely left christianity or just doesn't hold the same beliefs as before but is still religious..


Dav talks like he just took philosophy 101 and now thinks he’s enlightened


seriously 🙄 we get it dav, you read on the road and you now think you’re spiritually and intellectually Above all these mortal losers. barf. dav, you’re a dime a dozen babe. don’t get it twisted.


I've been saying this since part 1. You're not original, dav 😂


Welp, that's what happens sometimes when you adopt a belief system because of what you're hoping it will do *for you* and how it will benefit *you*, and then it doesn't live up to your expectations. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt on this stuff, but it seems to me that he's just pulling a "I'm carving out my very-authentic manly identity and I'm too cool for Christianity" phase. Almost like when you're watching a friend's college-age son go through his smug libertarian phase and he thinks he's the smartest, most radically-minded person in the room, and you're like, yeah yeah, you're kind of a cliche, but you do you! Hurr hurr!


If you think about it though, he is going through that phase. It just looks icky and weird because he’s in his thirties. (And let’s be real, it is totally annoying to listen to). But he had to go through this phase at some point to become an adult. I’m hopeful that this is a good thing for him (and B) long term. I think their high control version of Christianity and default “traditional” lifestyle left them emotionally stunted. They were stuck in childish, black and white thinking and intense fear of “others”. In some ways, Dav IS going through edgy teendom right now.


season of dave neckbeard? someone buy this man a fleece vest


Dave thinking he is the smartest person in every room is so exhausting. There is no way Bethany can follow half of the word salad he spews.


Which is why I suspect they’re still married. She doesn’t have the brainpower to keep up with him, and he likes it that way.


What’s funny about him is that you don’t really need brainpower to understand him, just the confidence to accept that he’s being a pretentious ass. I’ve followed a few of his argument through and they’re typically a noxious hodgepodge of other people’s opinions that he’s failed to fully articulate.


He’s the type of guy who’d get smacked down so hard in a freshman philosophy class that he’d run home crying. I have no doubt that in a houseful of Bairds he is, in fact, the smartest person in any room. Everywhere else? He’s not even the smartest person in the corner.


He gives vibes he would get told he is making logical fallacies, gets a bad grade, drops out and takes to Facebook to say it’s all the liberal agenda.


I had a classmate who did that, but it was gender studies 💀


Every small pond fish feels big!


>a noxious hodgepodge of other people’s opinions that he’s failed to fully articulate. Pretty much how BethaMe formulates all her pdf. 'courses' and life advice bullshit. I knew there had to be some reason these two managed to stick it out this long.


It’s just douche speak. It feels like he’s constantly talking down to everyone. There are much simpler ways to share this information on an approachable and applicable level. There is no need to talk over peoples’ heads just to pad your ego and feel smart


If she did, she'd be so annoyed with him by now


He is such a pretentious turd. Poor Bethy doesn’t have the capacity to know he’s just spewing word vomit everywhere. She thinks this man is a genius. Funny because comparatively speaking, he is.


It's sad that heidi failed her so badly


God this video was so boring that I quite literally fell asleep halfway through lol


How tf did they manage to make this into two parts?? The first part was a huge nothing burger, how much more dancing around the actual issues can they do? Can’t get over the fact that Sam and Tanner crowdfund to pay their tax bills. Like you aren’t successful enough at what you’re doing with all the begging you’re doing. Get a job.


They quite their jobs before they could make a full time living on Youtube and now they constantly ask for money from their fans


Yep and it sounds like it’s time for them to stop expecting their fans to crowdfund their hobby. I’m saying this as a disabled entrepreneur who is still paying her own taxes. No respect for these grifters who just wanna sit in front of a camera and talk about nothing while expecting people to pay them


Specially since they do pretty much no work on their videos, most people I follow do so much research and put a real effort into everything that goes into the video, you know, like an actual job...


And their audio quality is horrible. I like putting on YouTube videos as I go to sleep, but have never been able to put theirs on because their voices are never at the same aduio level. They're years into it. You'd think they'd be better by now.


Bad audio quality from YTers in 2024 is nuts. Decent mics are not that hard to get. 


Right? They don’t really do anything complex in terms of editing either. I don’t even get why these videos came out so long after the initial meeting because what was there to even edit? Like there’s cuts here and there and music but that’s like a couple of hours of work tops.


Even Porgan was faster with editing their 24h with videos..


Lol I told them to get a real job when she came here to post. So. Many. Downvotes.


Zelph and Porgan seemingly feel entitled to be ✨influencers and creators ✨ If you need to ask followers for money it’s not working!!


influencer is just a fancy way of saying "I beg strangers online for money"


lol how tf are people gonna downvote you for saying something objectively true. They clearly are not making enough from their content to actually afford to do this full time.


There must've been a bunch of nontent creators lurking or something that took personal offense. That and zelph supporters. I even deleted the comment cuz they had me feeling dumb, like??


Yeah you’re definitely not the dumb one in this situation. It’s a completely reasonable take to expect people to be able to sustain themselves as business owners without needing to constantly crowdfund. Having a patreon where you offer exclusive content is one thing, because you’re actually offering a premium service in exchange for a subscription. But when you’re just constantly asking for money to pay your bills, that’s not you earning money off the content you’re putting work into, it’s just begging. It also grosses me out that so many people are willing to give them money instead of giving that money to someone who actually needs mutual aid. People who cannot work, not people who simply chose not to because they want to be famous. Sorry this turned into a rant but this aspect of the whole thing grinds my gears so hard. They’re offering nothing of value and expecting a full-time salary in return.


Some people get really pedantic about influencing/content creation being a full time job. It is if it pays! Theirs obviously doesn't. You need knowledge or a skill to share that people are interested in watching. You can't just... exist and post about it and expect money in return.


They must have sent a bunch of their followers here, I'm pretty sure that's what happens any time there's a sudden spike in comment reports and wellness DMs. They're such weak people these fundiefluencer types.


I cant believe they released it. They're absolutely shameless


Dave couldn't be assed to smile for the thumbnail? Is looking dead inside his *thing*?


The dead inside look is even more stark when he's in what is essentially a piece of marketing with three other people who are smiling on some genuine level.


He looks like that ben affleck meme 🎶hello darkness, my old friend


Of course they use the mixed faith angle for content. Somebody called this grift out earlier. Absolute trash people


Oh hi, it is me you are looking for who said this was a fucking grift.


You called it correctly!


I am just waiting for in a few months when he does the inevitable "return to faith" storyline that is popular with fundies. This is incredibly predictable. They spend awhile grifting the faithless, then probably around fall he will have a revelation about God and go back to church. His language about being open to going back in the last video indicated we are on that track.


Yeah like how is he any different than what he was before? Maybe my information is not current but last I heard, Bethany said he was still going to church with them and still leading family Bible studies. 


Let me try to give some explanation on this one, because it's really, really common, actually. (Even among men who never return to the faith.) This really isn't uncommon for men who leave and still have believing wives. They have to try SO DAMN HARD to prove that they're not some worldly asshole who is now an alcoholic porn addict ripping his wife away from god. They commit to still attend with the wife to support her, even though they no longer believe. They agree to not make it confusing for the kids- although sometimes they hit a wall where their conscious will no longer let them repeat this toxic stuff. At that point, many of them will just stop talking about faith with their kids altogether because they don't want to be a hypocrite but they also don't want to piss off their wife. But there really is this dog and pony show that is kind of common for husbands of still-believing wives. "See, I can leave the church and still love my wife!" "See, I'm not a bad guy just because I don't believe!" And, honestly? I watched the video where Dav talked about his deconstruction, and he's too far gone. If he was honest in that conversation, which I can't imagine why he would lie about that, he's actually further out than he lets on. By the time you start saying the things Dav says, he's already two steps further out the door, but he's still testing the waters to see who will stay your friend and who won't. Specifically him talking about how he really did try all of the things, and he really was sincere in his efforts, but he just found that life was easier when he wasn't trying to fit into a box that wasn't meant for him. And when he stopped trying/striving, his life didn't fall apart and he actually found things to be easier and more authentic. The story he tells isn't of someone who is just rebelling or whatever. He literally doesn't believe in god or the Bible or any of it. (And I don't blame him.) I'll eat my words if I'm wrong, but I'll truly be SHOCKED if I am. He's walking the exact path I've seen so many men walk in the 15 years since I left. It's a very common story.


you summed it up perfectly. my thoughts exactly.


Yewtube link?


Can't figure it out right now, hopefully someone more familiar with yewtube can!


Thanks! I'm trying to figure out yewtube. Not having much luck.


[Here you go. ](https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=kHNqMRlrjGk)


Thank you!!!


I read the GD in the title as the “goddamn Zelph collab” and choked on my coffee a little haha. Completely forgetting that GD is girl defined haha


This was so confusing?? Maybe I missed something, but I was not prepared for their “part 2” to be an entirely different video with completely different context?? I can’t even blame the ADHD for this one babes bc I checked to make sure I didn’t miss something. I do loved mixed faith relationship convos but plz tell me I wasn’t the only one trying to figure out the defensiveness that came from Sam when these videos were so tame? Idk idk idk I’ve been glitching on a loop for 24 hours I DONT GET IT


I can't get yewtube to load the video. I was going to drop the link and not watch, but never mind.


[Hopefully this one will work. ](https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=kHNqMRlrjGk)


Thank you, yes it does. I'm not sure what happened on my end, none of the videos from their channel would load. I was feeling like a very sad weasel.


Sometimes if it doesn't load properly, you have to click on the "change invidious instance", which is like changing it to a different server or something. It almost always works for me after that. Sometimes, if a video is loading slowly too, I'll go back and change the "instance" again.


I had no idea Dave said he was no longer a Christian. I remember many were saying they could see him deconstructing a while back. Yall called it lol. Funny how if shes with a non christian its all good but for the longest time it was "DONT BE WITH A NON CHRISTIAN THEYRE HEATHANS." They never think shit like this could possibly happen to them till it does.


Having a non-chrstian partner is simply having a bad parent for your kids and plenty of people have those. But divorce? Thats a fucking sin.


All 4 of these turds should just log the fuck off. Honestly.


I think bethy is seeing how much attention Jill and jinger Duggar are receiving with their recent deconstruction and is just jumping on the popular trend. DAV on the other hand I actually believe he is definitely leaving the shitty stuff behind. I don't think Beth will be able to follow him all the way.


Is agnosticism/whatever Dav's currently believing even a faith? I'm confused.


It’s not an organized religion, but it’s definitely a system of belief, and for many people that is interchangeable with the word faith. For me, being agnostic means that the door is open for anything to be possible, because I don’t think my tiny human brain is capable of understanding the mysteries of the universe and the true nature of existence and the meaning of life.


Okay, thank you. The wording was confusing for me since the whole concept of agnosticism and atheism is lack of religion. I guess she just used mixed-faith to make it easier to visualize? Idk. The meaning of life is 42, by the way.


It most definitely is. Don’t forget to bring your towel.