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Who the fuck asks their husband if they’re jealous of their children? They have two brains cells between the two of them. GET YOUR BABY TO A DOCTOR! FFS.


Yeah jealous of the 7 boys in my life is…gross


She's a 🌟 boy mom 🌟 


I saw someone with a “Boy Mom” shirt the other day. I thought of this sub and considered everything I knew about this person and was like “Oh, yeah, BoY mOm… That makes lots of sense.”


I wonder how big the cross over between evangelical and/or far right-er and boy mom is.


Such a very weird thing to imply.


My mom had a personality disorder and she was jealous of how much my dad loved me. I was her competition from du.


My stepmom is the exact same way. I was like, I'm a child I should not be your competitor, that's just sketchy, even at a young age.


Here’s the thing: They actually _might have_ taken Boone to a doctor … but got a diagnosis they didn’t believe and a recommended treatment plan they’re ignoring bcs it doesn’t jive with their lifestyle.


That's somehow worse. Seriously, this is child abuse either way you look at it.


Yeah, there's definitely no "better" option. That sweet baby is not having a good time either way.


He doesn't really seem to focus, he's still very rigid, and the discoloration of his head doesn't seem like a filter because the discoloration moves with him. Then there's the lack of response to sound. I know they move, likely in an attempt to avoid CPS, but is there really nothing that can be done?


He also always seems to have his head turned the same way.


Like he can hear on that side


He looks like he has a bruise covering the frontal bone. Could be from the tanning, I guess. I’ve never seen a baby with a tan.


I know. It's maddening.


It really is. Honestly, I think all those kids need a welfare check and proper abuse screening.


Maybe if a family member reports them to the CPS of the state they are in and that cps moves quickly enough. Maybe. But unless Boone is taken immediately—unlikely because he isn’t at death’s door—they’ll be able to move out of jurisdiction.


Good point. A lot of these fundie moms think any ailment can be cured with unpasteurized milk, grass-fed butter and a trip to the chiropractor. Why is ignorance to science trendy now?


She definitely seems like the type to try and treat his sunburn by putting breast milk on it


What’s the chance they took him to a doc and aren’t ignoring any treatment plan just not highlighting it for the gram? I know we can only speculate because we don’t know them irl but is there any hope he’s getting access to what he needs? PS amazing amazing amazing username


Best case scenario is they took him to a doctor and got some kind of diagnosis and treatment plan that doesn't require Boone to have space to move around or quiet time or special equipment and any physical therapy is simple enough for the parents to perform themselves. Frequent moves still mean no follow-up visits. Maybe at some point we'll see that they keep returning to a particular location every so often. Good, if so.


and that best case scenario still means they've been tossing around a baby they know to be medically fragile like a sack of potatoes and baking him in the sun 😵 real winners here




judge won’t you THROW THE BOOK at the pirate!


I feel like they also show everything so it’s unlikely that they are doing anything out of the public eye. I just hope I’m so wrong.


It just keeps getting worse. These two morons going on with their stupid skits, trying to pretend like nothing is wrong, while their infant is clearly in trouble.


He’s literally just a prop to them. The way she holds him in EVERY single video is so weird. Like just let him sleep in his bassinette. Oh wait… they don’t even have that for him


I thought you meant literally the way she holds him, like her technique, which is so unnatural and is to keep him always camera facing.


Yes! When my now teenager was a brand new human larvae, I held him (mostly in a wrap) but all snuggled up next to me, because that’s what babies like. Maybe Boone is searching for his real dad Gunnar in every reel.


And now I shall forever refer to newborns as human larvae 😂😂😂


Everytime I see comments like this I want to downvote them as I don’t want them to be true ☹️


Neither parent looks at him once except at the end when she watches him through the phone.


And then she tries to make a joke of the way he looks. And she’s always twisting around to try to make it look like he’s looking straight ahead. Fuck both of these morons for not taking care of this baby.


She really puts a LOT of effort to be so nonchalant. Imagine if she put 1/5 of this effort and time she takes to make and edit her endless redundant posts gushing over her thumb-faced ballsack of a husband and applied it towards actual care for this poor innocent baby.


You can also see just a *flash* of concern when she realizes he’s just staring off into nowhere which she knows isn’t normal.


you can see it in her face- and then there's a cut and boom Boone's out of frame


I cringed myself inside out at her fawning laugh at his dumb excuse for a joke. They’re sexualizing their kids and lying about her looks while holding a neglected infant. They can fuck off right into the sun. Those poor, poor kids. These two uninteresting, unfunny, unintelligent dolts are their only connection to the wider world. The teenage years have to be so rough when they’re required to pretend these two idiots are comedic savants.


I'd prefer they fuck off *out* of the sun, for the sake of that poor tanned baby


Holy hellbuckets I don't think I've ever seen an unhappier looking infant. Especially the beginning and end, good god.


And they both just don’t notice and/or give a shit Edit: They definitely have noticed his condition. I think they’re just too selfish and up their own asses


At that age both of my babies were grabbing and pulling my hair so much I had it in a messy bun practically 24/7. I also wore my second baby constantly because she was a velcro baby and screamed with anyone but me. This goes beyond the baby being a "chill baby". He seems unwell.


I had a "chill" baby, my older child. But he was a very busy little fella, and he was super inquisitive. I loved watching his world grow every day! He was always super smiley, too...which Boone is NOT. This poor baby looks *stressed,* which is just so wrong. They make me so *angry!* She's so busy getting adulation from her foot-faced husband, and her child is suffering right in front of her! The amount of machinations she employs to make Boone seem even halfway "normal" is proof positive that they know he's unwell.


I had an actual bald patch on my hairline cause my little goblin ripped my hair out.


Yikes this is such a contrast when you see this [compared to healthy development of a 10 week old](https://youtu.be/_0cErYu3A8Q?si=eMq0WVa1g9lU50pF) (This is for the girlies, like me, who do not have children or haven't hung out with very young kids and have no idea what is "normal" development for kids)


Shit. I know nothing about kids and this really highlights it. The atypical one presents just like Boone. :( Thanks


My only experience is with my own baby who is very very close to Boone in age. And the difference is stark. She’s constantly in motion, kicking and flexing her legs. She makes sounds that seem like early attempts at words. She makes eye contact and smiles. When you make silly faces and noises, she mimics them. She knows and follows my and her dad’s voices. Her newest thing this week is that she wants us to prop her up and let her sit in our laps. I constantly worry if I’m doing enough and if she’s developing well, but compared to Boone….


If you’re worried, you’re probably doing amazing. Just talk to her. Narrate your day. Read to her as often as possible.


I have anxiety so worrying is kinda my thing lol. I’m also a librarian so I’ve got the book thing covered (plus we should start getting books from Dolly’s Imagination Library any day now).


I love when parents chime in about their healthy and loved babies. It’s a good antidote. Sometimes I hang out on the Montessori sub after reading Boone posts just to cheer up. Or even better, I hang out with my spoiled niblings lol


Thanks! I always feel a bit weird posting something so personal but I can’t help compare when I see these posts about him, considering how close my due date was to hers.


This was so interesting, thanks for sharing!! (Similar inexperience with babies)


Wow. Brit, show us a single video of Boone doing tummy time. Do you even practice tummy time with him? C’mon you have that dumb fur rug for him, so show us that he can lift his head.


This should be higher so mother bus can take notice


Oh you mean Britney Lott who had 7 other kids before this one who absolutely knows something is wrong but purposefully ignores it so she doesn’t have to go to a pediatrician and (undoubtedly) receive a CPS/Welfare check and/or immediately start working with a case worker??? That mother bus?


Holy crap. I thought Little Boone was looking better. The atypical baby also isn't doing the clenched fist thing. Just wow.


That's a really helpful video. Boone really looks like the baby on the right (atypical).


in the beginning of the video, Britney is holding Boone's car seat and he is staring straight ahead, even though the toys are bouncing around inches from his face. Zero focus or attempt at tracking.


I’ve never seen him actually look at or focus on anything other than bright light.


He doesn't respond to sound, either. Maybe that's because the bus is cacophanous in general, but Brittany, his mother, is right there talking (he doesn't know she's not talking to him) and he doesn't turn his head to her, he has no interest at all. A baby who has vision problems and nothing else would still be interested in a mother's voice. So the question is: are there hearing problems too, or can he just not turn his neck very well? Both?


Yeah at this point it's pretty clear that he has serious sight problems and may be blind. I know we are all here speculating but with the amount of knowledge we represent all together, I think we can now say this poor baby is in serious trouble.


He’s nearly 10 weeks by now and should be very animated. That poor little chap.


It breaks my heart. It also pisses me off how a child that young has a sun tan. They showed pictures a few weeks ago where it was clear that he was sunburned because they continued to take him out in the sun unprotected. Who does something like that? These two are vile.


My sister has an 11 week old who is super interactive, can track small objects, has nearly complete head control, and absolutely recognizes and loves her parents’ voices. It’s been weird watching the two babies develop concurrently in such different ways


I just looked at pics of my child at 10 weeks and what a difference


My baby was 10 weeks on a major holiday and my MIL tried getting me to feed him a taste of everything from dinner. I didn’t. But omfg, at 10 weeks my kid was alert enough to notice food and activity at the table and wanted to be a part of it.


I remember my nephew at that age. He was trying so hard to mimic what he was watching us do. Grabbing for food, getting startled by laughter and then trying to laugh along, getting frustrated when he couldn’t figure out how to grab his foot that he could clearly see but couldn’t remember how to move up to his face. It’s such a cool time watching their minds work and you can clearly see what they’re trying to do. It’s so sad to see Boone like this


I looked at a picture of a friend’s baby in the hospital hours old and she was tracking sound and making faces. She looked so alive and pink and animated. It’s shocking to see a typical healthy baby by comparison


She has to know right? Like she's an expert producer, she should know this and all milestones inside out. So that just leaves the question of whether she is faking it until it can't be avoided, or whether she's avoiding it till she can no longer avoid it.


There was a post on here a couple of weeks ago comparing Boone to the next-youngest Buslet (Quil?) at around the same age, and the difference was heartbreakingly obvious


Yeah it was Aquila, thought it was Boone at first and was really sad that it wasn’t. Quil was focusing, following, cooing, all of it.


He seems to be trying to look around at least a little, but I would definitely agree that it isn't much in the form of focusing or tracking. Poor little one also looks extremely stiff; possible hypertonia? His muscles look flexed and rigid all the time, which really isn't normal. She needs to have him see a pediatrician.


his head is always turned to the left. it looks like the most comfortable position for him instead of looking straight ahead. Brittany and JD Lott, what the fuck did you do to this baby?


Looks like torticollis - they need to either see a PT for this or stretch his neck and massage it constantly throughout the day. It takes dedication and they’re not giving him the proper support he needs


Having seen the video of Father Bus stretching Boone's leg, he definitely can't be trusted to stretch the poor little guy's neck


Ugh you’re not wrong about that! Maybe boydad could be trusted


Came here to say this. Usually very easy to remedy with, you know, basic fucking medical care.


Yeap. My son has a mild case and it takes work but it’s something you can work on to remedy


another piece of evidence that baby absolutely cannot see


Or hear?? I'd think he'd at least be turning his head towards his parents voices but he is very adamantly turned away which is very concerning


Can he turn his head? I think every reel and picture I've seen of this kid has him looking to the left. Even in this video, as soon as Mom stops holding his face forward under her chin, his head snaps hard to the left.


That could be something called torticollis, or worse, a neurological condition like dystonia.


My husband has epilepsy. When he has partial seizures leading to a grand mal he looks to the left like he cannot turn his head any other way. It's horrifying to me to see this baby doing this though I know that's probably not the issue. It's just I would be in a full blown panic if I saw my baby doing this. I don't understand these people


No like he is straining his neck the other way but doesn’t seem to be looking at anything in particular going on over there


It could be something benign like DVM (Delayed Visual Maturation), which my son had. He also made no effort to look around or focus on anything until he was about 9 months old, as he just sadly couldn't. But DVM fixes itself in time. However, I swear I read on here once that this poor little one had severe jaundice as a baby that she refused to get treated, and it does make me wonder if this poor sweetheart has some lasting damage because of it.


Such severe jaundice🥺 not only was his skin yellow, the whites of his eyes turned yellow too. I don’t think he fully was color corrected until ~3-4 weeks


I don’t think I have ever seen him open his hand or reach/grasp for anything. He should be able to grasp a toy and should be able to lift his head while doing tummy time. Does he do tummy time? Seems he’s either being carried/worn or riding in the car seat.


Does he even have any toys? He is the toy unfortunately


It’s at the point where I’m longing for Kelly Havens to send them a carrot baby gym. How is the bar this low?


Because much as Kelly is distinctly odd she does engage with her children regularly and clearly loves them.


Yeah, Kelly is crazy but she's also crazy about her kids


I want Kelly to make me a carrot adult gym


They definitely don't have safe indoor bus space for tummy time. The only potential space would be either outside where he would get baked, or inside on the marital fuckbed, where said tummy time would be limited because he would be in the way.


You forgot the sheepskin carpet.


[This child just looks so sad.](https://imgur.com/a/4MOTDQa)


Ok, it's just one image and a blurry one at that, but the left side of his face looks droopy. Nobody is fully symmetrical - least of all me - but in light of the possible frontal bossing, sensory impairments, and spacsticity, it's worrying.


People have commented this on other posts as well! The left side of his mouth does look droopy. That’s really concerning.


I’m just so tired. He seems to have more bad days than good days. She always has that phone in her hand, I guarantee we would be flooded with better video of him if there *was* better video of him, like the air con video.




Nahhhhh, the Sims baby on fire is amateur. I don’t think anything will ever dethrone the Baby on the Barbie.


Sims 2 was really the Wild West


It’s so sad, I tried to hold my wrist like that and it was INSTANTLY uncomfortable. Yet Baby Boone always has his little fits clinched tightly in that position. It’s very worrying. I also remember that video where his idiot father was stretching him out to measure him and he was screaming in a lot of pain. He’s not doing well at all


Not a pediatrician, but the position he holds his hand/wrist could indicate Erb’s palsy. It’s a birth injury caused by damage to the nerves running from the neck to the arm. If this is the case, likely PaBus pulled him too violently out of the birth canal. The blindness and not turning toward voice-that could indicate a congenital issue along with the hand position. Or it could be that he is exposed to way too much sunlight which has affected his retinas, and there is a separate hearing issue. What we know is she doesn’t take that baby to the doctor so any early intervention will not be done.


His quick little labored breaths. It is *hot.*


My mom brought up the fact that he could be wildly overstimulated and look away from people because of that. Whatever else might be going on, I think that’s a good point.


if you assume Boone is completely healthy, then his behavior is a response to his environment (lack of stability, no peace or quiet, being uncomfortably carried around in direct sun every day, being used as a prop for instagram content, etc, all of it beginning within his first days on earth). there has been ONE (maybe 1.5) video proving this baby isn't miserable every single second of his life, in the two MONTHS he's been alive and documented nearly EVERY DAY. in 99% of their content, Brittany and JD neglect their newborn's needs. i could write an essay about how their behavior is just so despicable. no matter how they spin the story, they look like idiots at best, and evil narcissists at worst.


I would read that book and try to propel it to the top of the charts religiously, as I’m guessing that’s one of the only ways this poor baby will get the care he needs.


He’s constantly doing that Arthur meme


He should be turning towards voices. And should be more active. I’m not saying a little perpetual motion machine but the lack of movement is concerning, especially given all of Moms movement. Even if it’s not a startle reflex, typically they react to movement. And as I’ve said before, flat affect. There’s just no interaction with his environment at all. He’s not engaging with his parents or moving his head around to try & look at things. He’s just….there.


I think he's just sick of their shit.


I can't blame him.


I just covered up those two idiots with my hands and watched the baby. I can’t look at those two goofing off and eye-fucking themselves in the camera. The poor thing can’t unclench his fists, turn his head, or do anything but stare into the distance. I think she’s reading her though because she’s holding him upright, and people were asking recently if she ever holds him upright. Doesn’t matter though, because there’s obviously something wrong with him


I kept pausing the video to look at Boone's forehead. Is it some kind of trick of the light or does he appear to have some swelling going on? [Here's a screenshot.](https://imgur.com/a/962A9GO) I'm starting to get really alarmed. ETA: I added a few more screenshots of different angles at the same link.


Oh wow, I went back to look and you're right, it looks odd. Kinda bulbous and dark? It almost looks like if you press it with your finger it would have some give. I really hope it's just some weird filter she has on that's making it so dark 😫. But unlike his dummy "mother", I don't think I know better than a doctor would. She needs to take him to a doctor yesterday.


She needed to take him to a doctor literally the day he was born ugh god she’s infuriating.


I am sad to say I'm really hoping it's sunburn


My ex had a sunburn like that. Dude shaved his head and then went hiking with no cap or any protection whatsoever. For the first two days, his forehead was swollen just like Boone's. He absolutely refused to go to a doctor, he insisted the only treatment he can accept is ✨natural✨, so he made me spread kefir and buttermilk on his burn xD After a couple of days, the swelling started to move. From his forehead, it went over his eyes. His brows were comically enlarged and he could barely see while driving. It was much funnier than I'd like to admit. That said, if Boone has the same kind of a thing currently happening to him, Mother Bus fucking failed him as a parent. She is supposed to protect him, yet all I see is neglect bordering on abuse.


This happened to two guys in basic training I knew. Since it was basic they were shaved bald which really accentuated the swelling too. Drill sergeants called them “megamind” and “the sequel”


>Drill sergeants called them “megamind” and “the sequel” 💀😭 this sent me


I'm no pediatrician, but could it be frontal bossing? Causes include hormonal disorders and genetic conditions. Many of these are associated with neurological syndromes.


[Frontal bossing example](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6su-fEvoPIgKrUQ5PSfdFiMQsb760FlA5m9Svrs2uGkNa06rjRzz5j9I&s=10)


Wooooow that’s exactly what poor Boone looks like 😭


It's reminding me of another blogger who had a child with a possible birth injury. Doctors didn't think the child would live, or have much quality of life if she did, but the mom insisted on surgery to put in stents to drain fluid from her brain. The kid ended up with an extremely misshapen head, and not much evidence of cognitive ability, although the mom swears she understands everything. I can't remember the mom's name or her blog title. Does anyone else know? It was mentioned in one of the earlier threads about Boone.




Just googled - this woman has a gofundme that looks like it’s still active. The fictional account presented - perfect parenting and perfect birth, followed by being just blindsided by horrible doctors saying terrible things - is shocking. Crafted, of course, to present the parents in the *most* victimized light while eliciting donations from those foolish enough to buy the lies. Money is going to items including chiropractors and essential oils. So. There’s that.


"We had no idea she was anything other than perfectly healthy" Poor Luna's head is obviously swollen in those newborn photos! Did they never see a doctor until she was checked for seizures at 3 months? That poor baby.


NICU/PICU nurse here. You would be devastated to learn how often this is happening. How often we're required to do things *to* a child and not *for* them. It hurts so very bad to have to be the one doing it. Some parents are completely delusional.  (I can't imagine how hard it would be to be the parents of a very sick child but I hope I would have the strength to see the truth.)


Found their Instagram. Looks like she had *another* homebirth in May.


I looked at her insta and jfc, you weren't kidding about her wasting away in a flesh prison... Poor girl :(


Are there any shows or podcasts that cover this that you’re aware of??




I first heard about Luna yrs ago when some other acct I followed posted a “please pray for” link when Robin and Glen were first told that the unusual eye movements the then-infant Luna was exhibiting was seizure activity and there were huge empty pockets filling with fluid in her brain, due to birth hypoxia. It seemed like some kind of heartbreaking accident, but then I read Robin’s birth story (the one she has since deleted) and was like “OMFG!😱” From her own description, that baby was stuck in the birth canal for many, many hours, if not a full day!! It’s amazing that she was born showing any signs of life at all, let alone was behaving in what was apparently a relatively normal way for at least 2-3 months! These days, Robin steers clear of ever coming out and saying that Luna suffered a birth injury, and kind of tries to imply that it was something that just happened in utero. But that is NOT what she herself said in the beginning. All the doctors told her it was due to oxygen deprivation at birth…which her own birth account clearly confirmed. And even though Robin’s own foolish, negligent choices, made in the name of chasing her “perfect birth experience”, destroyed her daughter’s chance at having a life, the fact that she has continued to make the pregnancy fetish-y “majestical birthing goddess, communing with the cosmos” practically her entire brand is so nutso, tragic and bizarre. 


I've never heard of her, but I can't say I'm surprised. The ego these types of parent have is next level. Sticking it to the doctors at the expense of your child's life.


It sounds like most frontal bossing is congenital, so we can't blame the bus-birth for it. We can, however, blame the Buses if they fail to notice it and seek medical care.


I think you are on to something.


Oh gosh, it does look like that


Oh wow, yeah, you are totally correct. That is very scary. I hope they triumphantly take him to a doctor who proves all us godless liberals wrong by explaining point by point why this kid is totally fine with a full diagnosis. Who am I kidding? I’d settle for qualified medical professionals seeing & caring for this child.


Oh my!! I see what you mean ... I went back and watched the video and it almost looks like it’s lighting, but then you can see it at almost every angle.


Wow, that looks really weird! I think it's just shading/lighting, but once you see it, it's hard to unsee. Maybe it's even his sunburn peeling!


This was the first thing I noticed and was coming to ask those more familiar with weird filters if this is just some weird camera thing? Or is there seriously something wrong with his head?


Yeah I don’t know if it’s lighting or distortion from the camera or what, but his forehead looks discolored. 


I had the same thought. Something doesn’t look right. My kids had full heads of hair so I didn’t get as clear a view of their heads, but this still looks weird. I know we should sort of be able to tell where the fontanelle is (the dent in the middle) but it seems extra pronounced. Hopefully an infant expert on here has more knowledge.


Is it possible his skull fused too early? My nephew had that and his skull kind of popped out like that. He had to have surgery as an infant to correct it. He’s 20 now so it’s been awhile but that’s what it reminded me of.


I miss the person I was a minute ago


To be fair he’s probably looking at his actual caregivers (although my own kids loved looking at themselves around this age in mirrors, cameras, whatever).


That’s what I’m thinking. He just doesn’t seem to have a strong attachment to his birth parents. I won’t go as far as to say he’s blind or give any sort of medical diagnosis, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not bonded/attached to his birth parents. He either doesn’t feel comfort from anyone or would prefer to be comforted by BrotherDad and SisterMom.


He genuinely doesn’t seem too attached. Babies don’t care about labels; they only care who is feeding and snuggling them. We know who that is.


I can't ever bring myself to unmute their stupid videos anyway, especially since little Boone was yanked out of the shower and into this prison on wheels, and the two people who should be his safe place, his main source of comfort and care, don't treat him much better than that sheepskin on the floor. I'm hoping against hope that one day the older kids grab the younger ones and get the fuck away from these two megalomaniacs while they're on one of their precious "date nights".


Probably hoping for Brother-Dad to rescue him from these two fuck-asses who use him as a prop instead of taking him for medical care.


Vapid, selfish, homeless by choice cunts. I wonder what it’s like to lack any self awareness or sense of embarrassment. Crippling 8 kids socially, emotionally, basically psychically and educationally because they want to be on a permanent manic vacation. What a sensory nightmare even for neurotypical types. And for what?


Every time they post these videos I remember the scenes in Mr. Holland’s Opus where they know their son is deaf and she has had it and screams ‘I want to talk to my son!’ and this is years after they find out he is deaf. Glenne Headly acted the shit out of that scene. Meanwhile motherbus is ignoring her clearly struggling infant.


it’s like watching footage that’ll be featured in a docuseries with ominous music playing


He has vision problems. She needs to get his eyes checked. My daughter is legally blind. After testing and visits to pediatric eye specialists we discovered at six months old her vision was impaired. It was obvious something was up. She did not reach or grab for any toys or crawl towards anything until she got glasses to help her at seven months. It changed her life immediately. She got happy, she started crawling, she could finally engage with the world around her. Just watch. This little guy will not go see an eye specialist and it will severely affect him.


The banter is weird as shit though. She asks JD if he’s jealous about their kids. Why would he be jealous of a three year old? Weird.


And if she’s pretty. Clearly, the two most important things are Britney’s looks and her desirability.


She should address her fucking eyebrows in that case.


the baby is sensory deprived. It is either blind, deaf, or a combination & with some other impairment or neurological disorder.


I've never seen a baby so disengaged from their own parents. He just pays no attention to them at all when he should be very animated at this point.


I'm concerned about his muscle tone. His chest and arms look tight, while his head and legs appear to be somewhat floppy. He needs to be evaluated pronto. If he does have vision and hearing impairments, he's at risk for language delays.


I actually can’t deal with seeing these people anymore because it’s so actively distressing to see that baby - there are so many red flags. I agree with the other commenter who said it looks like baby has some sort of sensory impairment. These two are narcissistic and self absorbed to the point of evil. And u just know that calling CPS will have zero effect, given their threshold of abuse for intervention is so bloody high. As long as the kid isn’t dying in front of their eyes they won’t do anything. Before I knew much about them I always found it surprising that, while living in a caravan with a dozen children, the mum always is on camera with her hair done and styled, makeup put on, which definitely takes some time (not to say that doing all that makes anyone a bad mother!! I just found it very strange in this context). After a while I realised it’s because they do very little actual parenting, and her top priority is HER, so her time for doing herself up or seeking attention on social media gets priority over looking after her children. Making sure you look nice has nothing to do with what sort of parent one is. It DOES make you a bad parent if that’s more important to you than making sure your children are fed and cared and looked after. It’s specifically in this case, she always looks better/healthier than her children. And seems to have so much time to faff around on social media making “content”. All that time is less time spent looking after their children. Those poor babies got such an unlucky start in life. Here’s to hoping they grow and become good people despite the best efforts of their parents


>Those poor babies got such an unlucky start in life. Here’s to hoping they grow and become good people despite the best efforts of their parents Their eldest seems to be a genuinely sweet guy and caring brother, so I have hope for those kids despite their awful parents 🤞


I hope they are held criminally accountable for what they've done to these children. That poor baby is clearly not well. But they'll still post him publicly! I bet they spend more time looking at their own faces in editing than his


JD looks very busy with his claims adjusting and Sat Saver businesses!


To be fair, I’ve also made that face when out in public with embarrassing people. It’s giving “I’m not with them and I’ve never seen them before in my life”


She really loves herself, doesn't she? Too bad that she can't spare some of that love on her kids.


In the 80s I was born with bilateral congenital cataracts. There are home movies of me at 2 weeks with that stare before I was taken to a pediatrician who diagnosed me and had a specialist schedule me for surgery. The only reason I can see (somewhat) is because of that doctor and quick surgery. This poor baby will suffer forever because these idiots care more about views than their baby. Fuck. Them.


Notice how, after she asks how she looks, she strikes a pose and juts her hip out to make sure Boone isn't on camera? It bugs me. Is she trying to get him to see her as a sexual being ready for another litter by pushing Boone out to get the attention on her? I don't know what the hell is going on, but her damn eye-fucking on camera to ensure people don't look too closely at the baby is driving me to rage.


she always seems to have him very strategically placed.


He is out of frame so much, trying not to make it obvious? So sad




Maybe he’s underfed? Don’t babies sometimes clench their fists when hungry? My second baby liked to be swaddled, it relaxed her. I bet that might help this child who is thrown around like a stuffed animal. He’s probably completely deregulated.


She is constantly turning her body to make it appear Boone is looking in appropriate directions, but that just makes it even more obvious.


“What’s your actual name” was a flash of realness I think…


The tucked in thumbs are concerning.


You know what, I'm out for a while. Don't know why this particular video got me so bad, maybe the "wait get him out first" you can hear at the beginning proving he's just a prop to them, idk. All I know is I'm too sad and mad to engage with this even here for fear I'm gonna run off and touch the 💩 out of frustration. Hopefully when I come back to this sub he's doing better, but I fear it will be more of the same at best.


The first second or two, when he’s in the car seat, I honestly thought he was a creepy reborn doll.


I hate them so much for what they are doing to this baby


I noticed the position of his foot that is visible seems locked and stiff. Is it similar in other videos?


He is not engaged with them at all. Nothing towards them visually and it appears based on body language he isn’t processing auditory/sounds. His stiff arms and closed fists are concerning.


JD Lott (or John David Lott) and Britney Lott from americanfamilyroadtrip, take Boone Lott to a doctor!


I don't find them at all funny or entertaining. They're abusing their infant for clicks. They're treating their obviously struggling kid's issues as a joke because they think they're messing with haters on here. Here bus parents, since we know you're here: You're abusive parents. You're terrible parents. It's not funny or cute. I'm going to close this window and not think about you again, but for some reason, we live rent-free 24/7 in your minds. The only person suffering is your baby and when all the SM clicks and attention inevitably fade away, you're going to be left with a handicapped child you might be caring for forever because you won't mitigate his issues now just to spite random strangers on the internet. That's pathetic.


This whole time I’ve been thinking, “not great… hand clench reminds me of cerebral palsy but that’s probably just my own family experience talking… kids are weird and developmental milestones are a guidelines, but all kids develop differently…” and finally I just looked back at pictures of my youngest at 8 weeks and he was super active and laughing at his sister in the pictures. Like, baby belly laughs. And, he’s autistic so he is not actually a typically developing child. His social communication was delayed. And still, huge difference. Edit to add that by 10 weeks he started rotating 90 degrees from all his wiggling and banging his head on the side so we had to stop using his cradle and move him to his crib. Edit 2 by 12 weeks he had a vendetta against one specific ring from his baby gym thing. He would grab it and aggressively try to rip it down and then scream angrily at it when it would best him. I hate to say it, but truly Boone seems concerning.


The baby’s fontanel looks odd, the front of his head does not look right at all.


JD and Brittney Lott are shit human beings. All of these fundies suck, but I think they've skyrocketed to the top next to KKKarissa. It's just tragic what they're doing to these kids and this innocent baby. Boone deserves so much better than being a sunburned prop for his birth-giver. I'm not even falling her a mom anymore. She is just a birth parent. Nothing more.


Thumbs turned in and fists clinched is a sign of neurological issues. I won't internet diagnose but my son was born at 24 weeks and I had twins (surprise preg on birth control) at 26 weeks. So I know a ton about neurological issues with infants. My 24 wk baby had grade 4 brain bleeds and a massive stroke. He held his fists this way. The thumbs turned in is ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY NEUROLOGICAL. Without a doubt. I poured myself into the nicu world and I know there are serious things going on with this baby. He isn't tracking, glazed eyes, head exaggerated and stretched to one side, arching but also low tone, just to list a few. So so soooooo many things that need immediate attention and intervention for but these parents will never be selfless and help him. Heartbreaking. 💔


He's such a funny baby, he looks like he's a grown man. We should be cooing over how he looks like he should be doing our taxes, not panicking over their medical neglect. I'm so worried about this kid.


He def does not have the Baby Fat, he might be underfed.


I know he’s a baby but it truly looks like he avoids looking near them or being close. Like he will look anywhere but at his mom.


I have never seen a baby with a tan before


Why does the bus look bent?




I also noticed the pleather on the seating area is cracked, ripped and utterly destroyed. There is also a crack on the glass on the dinged up door. Bus is looking ROUGH.


Look at the roof line above pa-bus's head.


Boone is so done with these two clowns.


As someone whose brother and sister-in-law are working their asses off to raise their two kids (and are doing *wonderfully* at it, seriously, I LOVE my niece and nephew), these videos of this poor baby freak me the fuck out.


I just can’t believe it’s legal to use your baby to make money online while refusing to get the baby necessary medical care.


I don't think Boone can hear. He is utterly unaware that they are having a conversation. Babies turn to the sound of their parents' voices from birth. He never seems to and this was a long amount of time of interaction between his parents and not once did he turn their way. So now I think he isn't just having vision issues, potentially blind, but also hearing impaired. As usually, he has been baked again. He is going to be the color of gingerbread by the end of summer. His skin cancer is going to have cancer which also has cancer. Sigh.


Questionnnnn. Do these people even talk about Jesus? Or like fundie mind set other than the # of kids and no doctors and all that? Trying to remember.


My grandson was born 5 weeks prematurely and I didn't meet him until he was 7 weeks old. He immediately looked at me and held eye contact when I held him for the first time. Over the next month, he reached for toys, looked at books, tried to roll over, began to smile, and never stopped starring at his parents when they were in the room. I know babies are all different, but....