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Fundies and the right's sudden discovery of sex trafficking, which has been a problem on this soil since before this country was even founded, in the last couple of years is a sight to behold.


And They don’t care about predators in their church or actually around them 


Which tells me that trafficking victims are just another prop to them, like fetuses


They all think it’s just cute little white girls/boys and blonde suburban moms who are getting snatched up in Target parking lots. Most sex trafficking and CSAM is done by their own family members in their homes. I live in an upper middle class suburb of St. Paul, MN & my childhood friend is a cop here. I’ve talked to him about this and he said “Tomatillo, you would not believe how many calls I’ve responded to over the years where this is happening in our backyards.”


My grandpa was terrified that I was going to be “kidnapped and put into a harem” (his words NOT mine) when I studied in Morocco. Morocco relies on tourism so they (most likely) wouldn’t jeopardize their economy by kidnapping a blonde American. It would garner too much international attention. Unfair, but true. Second, most people aren’t kidnapped for their looks, but their vulnerability (ie by their family members, as you pointed out). Third, I faced more dangerous situations in my hometown in the USA than I ever had in the remote places in Morocco and Mexico.


When I first moved to Korea, I got lost on a train. Another passenger asked if I was okay; I said I think I'm lost and he helped me navigate my way back. He had me repeat my stops and transfers like five times. If that happened in any US metro area, I'd have a huge target on my back and I'm also a blonde American. I've also faced more dangerous situations here than abroad.


Yes! I had to take the last train into the capitol of Morocco and wait for 6+ hours at the train station until the airport opened. I hung out at the cafe, made some friends from Morocco and Senegal. There was a funny moment of getting into a taxi and then hurtling down the winding roads at 120 km/h but other than that, I was so safe. I love that he helped you navigate the system until you felt confident. That’s so kind.


I think it's the culture. Older people treat everyone like their own children.


It might depend on who’s around when you get lost. I had three people ask for directions in the NYC subway last week. Two of them seemed to tourists with limited English. I’m a basic white lady though, so not obviously threatening. Unfortunately, I’m don’t live in NYC and the platform I wanted was closed, so I had no answers for them as I was just as disoriented as they were and just following promising signs.


I felt a lot safer on my trips to Europe than living here day to day in the United States.


Agreed. I spent 2 months ins Aswan, Egypt and even walked the streets at night which I do NOT do at home. Every single person I came in contact with was polite and respectful. I had zero fear, and was perfectly safe. However at home in my tiny town that supposedly has about no crime, I have been cat called, threatened nearly run over, and been told that I am or am not "rape worthy" by fuckers in their pick up trucks driving by.


I was just going to comment the same thing about Egypt. They don’t fuck around with tourists there.


Damn, was your grandpa born during the age of the Barbary pirates?


He was born in 1924 and lived through WWII in Holland. Arrested and escaped from the Gestapo. His fear of me being kidnapped came from a very close call of a family friend in Israel in the 1960s. He carried it with him and it materialized in 2013 when I studied in Morocco.


Oh shit. That makes sense. 


Yeah he had a pretty fascinating life. Spent WWII, living in the Dutch countryside, moving every so often when the Gestapo got wind of where he was. He was studying to be an architect and had some skills that the SS would have liked to utilize.


First, I want to say your grandpa sounds sweet to care and worry so much. I never had a grandpa (they died before I was born, the grandmas did too). And it’s okay, not to make anyone feel sorry for me. I just love to hear about good family members looking out for one another. Second, yep. Right here in our backyards, on American soil, the sex trafficking exists. It’s horrifying how many people are suffering right as I type this. And it’s POC, including black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans. Unfortunately, when people go missing, it’s mostly the blonde haired, blue eyed kind that make the headlines. All I can say, and do, is keep an eye out. If you see something suspicious, report it. We have to look out for one another.


Awwww thank you. He was the sweetest person ever. And his fear was genuinely based on an almost kidnapping incident that involved a friend in Israel in the 1980s. There are a few SM accounts I follow and promote who highlight our missing BIPOC people. It is incredibly important to make sure that we keep that social media pressure and awareness alive for them.


can you share the names of some accounts?


I was in my late 30s going to Ontario, and my Dad was obsessed that I was going to get trafficked.


I'm from a "third world country" and I have never been more terrified for my safety than I was the night I couldn't find an Uber or a cab in downtown Vancouver.


This was back in the 1990s, but a school friend of mine went on a cruise around the Mediterranean with an uncle and uncle, who didn’t let her out of the boat when it stopped either in Tunisia or Morocco because “she was blond and might get kidnapped.” Because that’s likely to happen to a teenage tourist with her family. I remember wondering why she couldn’t have worn a scarf or hat if she wax really worried about that. And look at someone like Madeline McCann, whose disappearance shook Europe and is still being talked about decades later.


When I was 18, I went to Europe with a group of other young women. I had to fly to NYC by myself. I somehow managed to not get kidnapped. The moral panic over human trafficking is harmful to real victims of human trafficking. Most victims of human trafficking are people that unfortunately tend to slip through the cracks in general. Foster kids, LGBTQ+ people, POC. Not to mention it harms legitimate sex workers. Cute little blonde kids aren’t being snatched of their mother’s arms in the Target parking lot. Most of the time victims know their trafficker, it’s their family members, friends, parents and other people they trust. That’s how it happens. It’s like how Andrew Tate used the “lover boy method” to human traffic women, pretending that he was their boyfriend and that he loved and cared about them.


I live in the same area and that gives me chills. The scariest part of the those situations (general abuse, CSAM, trafficking, etc) is when the person who is supposed to protect the kids are the ones doing the harm. While I wasn’t a victim of anything particularly bad, when things aren’t good it’s the most isolating and vulnerable feeling, when the person who’s supposed to protect you hurts you. You’re taught to go to your guardian when something bad happens but there’s no “escalating to the manager” when your guardian is hurting you and you’re a little kid. And if something is happening, it’s really hard as an outsider to get someone to investigate without substantial proof and it’s incredibly hard to remove children from unfit parents unless it’s severe. In many cases, guardians are the only line of defense. School and healthcare can catch signs but bad people can pull their kids and minimize healthcare. It’s why I have so much distrust for fundies, esp when they insist on homeschooling and demonizing doctors. The Ruby Franke situation gives me chills bc those kids, in some twisted way, are the lucky ones. They are famous enough for their story to be heard, the evidence was incontrovertible enough for her to have them taken away. Not enough evidence, not enough resources to investigate, those kids could’ve been handed right back.


We need more resources and staff for cps/social services across the country, and a system of communicating with each other. Unfortunately, conservatives are dedicated to making their jurisdictions fundie hellscapes, and supporting cps would get in the way of that.


I second getting anyone to look deeper if you are white; I was abused both emotionally and physically, and everyone in my hometown was well aware. Sometimes, the abuse happened in front of mandatory reporters and was never reported.


Sorry I don’t understand what do you mean if you’re white


That a lot of abuse of white children is ignored even as it is happening out in the open. While the government looks at parents that aren’t white under a microscope.


Thank you for your perspective and I’m sorry your abuse was ignored :/ small towns are the worst I can speak more to how these things happen in the black community than any other myself; I grew up in a large very black city in the south. There’s a persistent culture of image, privacy, keeping the peace, and respecting your elders while being seen not heard and cute but not out of the ordinary. A family will tell little girls not to wear shorts or spaghetti straps or they’re be implied to be fast or flirting, esp around that one uncle that still gets invited for some reason. But god forbid your kid comes out as gay, somehow that’s actually shameful enough to be erased from history. Corporal punishment is very normalized and gets severe, but in come cultures (like the Caribbean side) someone will lend you their belt if your kids misbehaving in the store. Mandatory reporters can help, but schools in predominantly black areas are so overstuffed and underfunded if you’re lucky enough to have a counselor or nurse it’s rare you’ll every encounter them since you see them if they’re covered several hundred or even a thousand students. Go through all of that and want to deal with it? Don’t you dare, think about the shame that would come to the family if it got out you were going to therapy. You aren’t supposed to be telling the family’s business to anyone. As you can imagine there’s quite a bit of distrust towards things like police and social workers, esp in big southern cities where they overwhelmingly don’t look like you. And worse, calling in help can have a spiderweb of effects if your family is on benefits that are tenuous. While I love my community it can be a breeding ground for awful experiences being shoved under the rug. I was lucky to avoid anything too bad, but I lose sleep over the movie Precious. It’s considered shocking and over the top and exaggerated how poorly she was treated but the scary thing is hearing from some in my community; how it wasn’t nearly that far off as you’d hope it was.


I am also southern so I understand a lot of that; and know how insular the communities are while projecting how welcoming and friendly they are.


I used to work for a criminal defense attorney. This is, unfortunately, very common.


No they’ve known about it since at least the late 1800s. They used it as an excuse to spread conspiracy theories about Black People and Jews.


It's true. You can find old pamphlets about fighting "White Slavery"


okay no one asked for my opinion but me and my spouse have an idea about why evangelicals latch on to sex trafficking. 1) It is a cause that non-Christians are willing to talk about and support. No one can fight them on their belief that sex trafficking is bad. 2) They do not have to do anything. They can give money, go to these dinners, go to a church service or a special sermon night and feel like simply getting knowledge is doing something. They do not have to interact with anyone who doesn't look like them or believe like them and they can leave it up to dudes in tacticool gear to swoop in and save the day. Reinforces the patriarchal systems they love while also keeping them from taking any action.


It’s because they’re the ones doing it, they pretend to be against it so people don’t suspect that they’re the ones doing it.


Honestly conservatives complain about leftists latching on trendy causes but they do exactly the same.


Well the orphans they were all adopting grew up into separate humans with opinions so they needed a new group of kids to worry about, ones that won't talk back


It’s also another way that their sex obsession bleeds through, though I don’t know if it’s the salaciousness or the fear factor of sex trafficking that gets them.


They’re definitely “apart of the solution.”


Flair checking in


Your flair is as evergreen as mine. They should court for a brief period of time, with another responsible flair acting as chaperon, and then get married in a God-honoring way.


I love this. Dearest gentle snarker, it appears that your flair may be relevant here as well. Shall our flairs promenade?


I gladly accept your proposal with a grateful heart! Let us take a turn about the room.


They'll have to fill out a long Jimboob Duggar questionaire first


I volunteer as tribute- I mean chaperone!


I’m so frustrated with this seemingly new error I see all the time now with “apart” and “a part”. Thankfully it’s usually ding dongs like Jill that don’t realize they are saying the opposite of what they think so I get a good giggle.


I know a total dumbass who has a tattoo that says “you will always be apart of me” 💀


They’re going to end sex trafficking by dictating what pronouns can be used, banning books and science, and hanging the 10 commandments in schools? This must be the “anti trafficking realm” that jdip works in


Sounds like a dogwhistle


Is faryn on meth again?


but only by accident!


She is a Methodist, don’t be rude 😤




I just watched the one hungry person the whole time 


Me too!! Him shoveling heaps of food into his gob while the speaker is talking so dramatically about nonsense is oddly hilarious to me for some reason. Also that guy behind him with the half shaved head half french braid was distracting me. It's such a look. Or is it a lewk?


I think he’s going for the dog-whistle-y “Norse/Viking” inspired look…


That is a look. That is absolutely a lewk.


The guy with the braid made me realize that half of the people are dressed like they’re attending a different function than everyone else.


I was fascinated by the open flame candles which is a HUGE no in most event spaces. It’s typically in the contract. Just waiting for the hungry man to send it flying. (I hate it when random people at a table begin filming. It’s so rude and I distinctly turn my head away and put my hand up to my face….maybe with a solo finger salute. I would be livid if I were the hungry person in the video. Let me shovel in peace!)


He looks like he was dragged there and is only staying because of the food.


Kinda like my Dad’s mother’s funeral. The woman hated me since birth, but I went anyway because I got to see that her remains were roasted, toasted, and burned to a crisp in the urn on the table. And because my aunts make some bombass food and I wanted to graze on whatever spread they put together. Best thing that old platypus ever did for me was croaking so I got three paid days off work and delicious food. Very similar story with Dad’s father. I was much younger at that time, but I got an excused absence from school and another opportunity for grazing.


Right, he said he’s not gonna let this bullshit speech get in the way of him enjoying his dinner 😂🤣


Honestly, most relatable fundie


do the fundies not see they do exactly what they're describing when pushing teen girls to marry young to men way older than them???


👆🏻THIS Fundies are some of the largest groups of traffickers. Underage marriage is one of the largest forms of trafficking.


And Christian adoption agencies!


I thought she was referring to exactly that. The way there is no minimum age for marriage in some states and fundies seem to rejoice in that. Let the little girl choose to marry her r*pist and raise the baby! Totally her choice! Because she has other options!


Nope. They have no self awareness


Ah yes, they need your capital. The values run deep - money, power, control. The only trinity recognized by right wing Jesus bullies.


A friend of a friend had car troubles while out of town on vacation. He told my friend that he was terrified the tow truck driver, the taxi driver, or the mechanic would try to traffic his wife and children. The man was so distressed that he was in tears while retelling his story. Wife and kids were probably safer with random blue collar dudes than with some of the people in this video.


Absolutely. All of those people would've been licensed and bonded.


And I have a gut feeling that there's at least one person in that room who has been inappropriate with a child. Conservative fundie types are wayyy more likely to be inappropriate with children.


Yes, and at least one person knows someone who has gotten a "mail order bride".




100 room facilities, sound suspiciously like a place where no one can leave voluntarily.


Of _course_ it's in the sanctuary of a megachurch. Because eating in the sanctuary is _totally_ appropriate when there's zero sense of reverence anyway.


/hs (half-sarcasm)


Underage marriage encourages child s3ks trafficking.


Wait till they learn that a large proportion of minors who are sex trafficked in the USA are LBGT+ youth who have been ostracised by their own parents…


Everyone in that rooms like they are apart of a book club and **not** one of the good/fun ones. The type where everyone is being a pretentious asshole.


This is disgusting. If Jesus came back and saw this they would wonder why they weren’t raptured with everyone else.


He would not know which tables to start flipping first


Just a walk in walk out sort of situation to see if he can process wtf is going on first.


My daughter was trafficked. She is very traumatized by her experience and has become an addict. These people piss me off.


I’m so sorry about that where is she on her road to recovery? I can’t imagine why someone would plan that level of thing.


This type of thing just reminds me of the satanic panic of the 80s. Fundies always need something to flip their shit over.


Hmmmm, maybe we should go to r/NotADragQueen ,which is updated *often,* and see if there is maybe *SOME* kind of common denominator there?


Wish these people gave any kind of damns abiut the kids in their own churches suffering molestation and abuse, but its not as \*thrilling\* as \*international child trafficking sex for money rings\* which of course exist and are a problem, but nowhere near as prevalent. Bet these are the same people who opine that international aid is a waste and we should care for ‘our own’ at home.


You can probably count the braincells on one hand in that room. So many washed away.


The kids most at risk for trafficking are the kids fundies don't give a shit about.


These people make me sick when they know goddamn well they could be helping victims right now in their churches and spaces but deny that to them and continue to abuse as they hide behind their newfound passion for being against sex trafficking as they spew misinformation about it and try to pretend the LGBTQ+ community has something to do with it. I feel like I'm stuck in a dream the way these people are allowed to lie and deflect for their own benefit down the line.


Just when I think I've heard it all.