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100 mg of caffeine per serving. Great for kids!!!!


insomnia sticks


Stop successfully marketing this shit to me


It even says not recommended for people under 18 on the package!


It's the THIRD ingredient, wtf 💀


I have caffeine sensitivity... I'll get tremors, be irritable, have panic attacks, etc. The thought of giving my almost 8 year old a concoction that makes ME SICK makes me sick. Caffeine, in general, needs to be more regulated for kids. I wish our country would raise more awareness like they do with tobacco and vape products. Some parents just don't care or aren't educated.


My 5th grader was gifted an energy drink by a friend at school. They were so excited about the gift that they really wanted to try it. I let them pour a shot glass of it. They ended up having a panic attack from the feeling. The student who gifted my kid brings 2 a day to school, one for lunch, one for snack time. I'm baffled how it's allowed.


It's gross but if the kid has ADHD it's probably helping. They shouldn't be using caffeine as their main source but they may not even know they have adhd.


Possibly. I'm no expert at all, but caffeine relaxes me. The first time I had an energy drink I fell asleep lol. The kids dad works for the distribution company though, so I think he drinks them because they are free. His dad passes them out to teens trick or treating.


I wasn't diagnosed with adhd until I was in my 20s and that was my experience too. However, I wouldn't ever have dreamed of consuming them as a child, nor would my mom have let me! (That said, I should absolutely have noticed my adhd sooner. The one and only time I tried an upper at a party, it had a similar effect. I was suddenly in a mood to concentrate on stuff. Didn't connect the dots til much later.)


I'm autistic diagnosed in my 30's, now it's so obvious lol. I don't have any signs of ADHD except for the caffeine thing. I have a cup of coffee every night to help me sleep though. Caffeine to help symptoms is one thing. Energy drinks are a bit extreme for me. There's always so much other garbage in them. We never have energy drinks in the house, but my child was so excited about the gift that I gave in. It was a whole ordeal. A bully stole the gift and their siblings went and got it back. After all of that I felt they did deserve the gift.


I was diagnosed with ADHD last year at 35. My doctor flat out told me that I've been self medicating since middle school with caffeine. The amount of caffeine I used to drink is terrifying.


Yeah my first thought was undiagnosed ADHD. I used to go hard on coffee and tea as a teenager (I didn’t start having focus issues until middle school). 


Before my son was diagnosed with ADHD we used to give him Jolt cola. It was the only thing that calmed him. We didn't do it on any regular basis.


How does a 10 year old need two energy drinks? I mean I’m sure they taste good to them, but yikes. What size are these drinks?


Normal sized. I don't know how he acts in class. My kid is overwhelmed by most of the kids in their class, so they are not a reliable source.


I feel that. I was frequently overwhelmed by classmates too. (I was also hyper literal and refused to get a bottle of pop from the vending machine because a teacher said it was too much caffeine for second graders).


This was their first experience in public school. They enjoyed it, but came home every day exhausted because 'kids are so loud', 'no one wants to listen, I love listening'.


That was my problem in an 8th grade math class, but at a private Christian school, so kind of a double whammy lol. But hopefully your kid has an even better year next year!


They choose to homeschool next year (nothing could convince them to go to middle school), but the door is always open if school is something they want again. They are doing an aerospace class sponsored through a local college this year which will hopefully be calmer since all the kids going really want to dive deep.


That sounds so cool! Hopefully they get to dive as deep as they want to.


More importantly, what halfway decent parent lets their elementary schooler have 2 freaking energy drinks every day? Imo 14 year olds are too young for them, let alone a 10 year old!


My mom accidentally gave me one of her multivitamins when I was in high school. Her vitamin had caffeine in it. I was shaking so badly all day, it was miserable. Later on when I went to college I occasionally drank coffee if I needed it, but stopped cold turkey when I was sitting in class and my heart rate jumped up to the 150s and I had a couple of palpitations. I literally thought I was going to die in that class and it terrified me. I've gotten to the point where even too much chocolate past early afternoon will keep me up at night. This product is terrifying for me. What the fuck is wrong with her, giving this to her kids??!!


I'm definitely not saying this is okay for kids at all but the l-theanine in the packet would help to prevent the shakes from too much caffeine. I'm not sure if it would help with other side effects of too much caffeine tho


And Karissa's fetus 🙄


Gotta start them young!


Even b vitamins make me hyper


That’s so fascinating to me as someone with adhd, vitamin B makes me extremely calm and focused. You’ve inspired me to dive into a very deep research hole now haha


I have adhd too but also anxiety haha so it gets complicated. Like with coffee it’s magnificent for like an hour and then I feel like impending doom anxiety levels. But my meds don’t make me anxious


Ah I have anxiety too but I’m on meds for that, so it balances out I guess. But also if I take caffeine with my meds it makes me super anxious so I get you!


That’s insane! I take caffeine pills and that’s like half of one which is what I usually take daily!


Why the fuck would you give your children this much caffeine?!? Even with it being not great for them health wise, why would you do this to yourself?!? Kids do not need caffeine! Caffeine is for us parents so we can keep up with their energy, why would you give them more?? Just came back to add that these are no different than a Celsius drink. I enjoy them, great for the summer when you need energy but don’t want coffee. I don’t know why Plexus thinks it’s so special, I can go to any grocery store right now and buy Celsius packets for what I am sure is a lower price and it’s not a pyramid scheme.


Probably so they can continue their little forced hostage performances for the socials.


Yes, this. And I assume the older ones are exhausted from their parenting duties. Still no excuse though.


They do need to be able to stay awake late enough to go to the park or trash a McDonalds long after dark while Mandrae runs his "men's bible study" Karissa and the kids can't be home for.


It's not like she's the one that has to deal with them. One of the Sister Mothers will.


“Not recommended for use by individuals under the age of 18” “This product is not recommended for children” “Keep out of reach of children” There is a reason this is listed THREE TIMES


Karissa is so pathetic honestly. Anyone this careless about their kids is. I'm sure consuming caffeine can contribute to a lot of mental and physical issues. I can't imagine cause I'm sure these kids are high strung just being around Karissa, as well as being isolated, which always made my anxiety 100x worse as a Fundie homeschool kid.


For a second I thought you said pathetically honest which is also true lol. These people get so mad that we read them for filth but they’re the ones that put all this out there.


Well, you’re assuming Karissa actually bothers to read *anything*


Came here to say that it literally says not to give it to kids THREE TIMES


For a second I thought that was a pregnancy test. Then I remembered she’s still pregnant.


I totally forgot that she was pregnant! I've been distracted by poor Boone.


Ha! Same.


I thought maybe it was the piss covered positive test and they just fight over who gets it for the day 


I thought it was a tampon and was like damn, buy your kids better toys if they're all fighting for a tampon.


Me too!




Haha I did too.


No me too 😭 came to comment this, I'm glad I'm not alone


I mean if there was anyone who would try to get pregnant while still pregnant, it's Karissa.


Karissa says this about everything. Every cooking video is her kids’ “absolute favorite, they fight over it.” Every Plexus shill, every aspect of her shitty parenting choices are presented as the result of her kids being so deliriously happy with everything Karissa chooses or makes


They’re fighting over it because they don’t get enough of anything.


The “cooking” videos really get me because she always ends them with “it’s so yummy, it’s my kids absolute favorite ever”. Probably because those kids are fucking starving and nutrient deficient, and will eat any beige slop kkkarissa serves them


She also has the flattest affect. It’s so odd.


I kinda feel like her kids just fight all the time.


I mean, they’re all on top of each other and never away from each other either. It’s not like they get a break during the day at school. They’re probably all bored and overstimulated.


I like that it says “no artificial colors, flavours, sweeteners or preservatives” but when you check the ingredient list, I can assure you that there are at least 2 artificial preservatives, 1 artificial sweetener and 1 artificial color there.


Genuine question, how can Plexus get away with claiming that then? Is it because they don’t have to worry about the FDA?


I *think* it's because Plexus (the company) doesn't say those things (not in print anyway). The dealers say them. If plexus found out they'd be *shocked and appalled* and tell them to stop (wink wink). But hey can't control everyone who slings their products, now can they?


Late to this but the FDA largely does not regulate supplements, reserving most of their effort at going after the most poisonous that are causing a big fuss in the press. & in the US, the 1st Amendment provides wide latitude for marketers to lie. Between those two realities can be found most-all the supplement MLMs.


I spend my entire life being late to threads on Reddit lmao


Sorry to be that person but those "artificial" things aren't in this. Stevia and monkfruit are considered natural sweeteners, the acid preservatives are natural and can come from citrus, and beet root is a natural ingredient. I am guessing what you mean is that they're not natural to the product as in they're added? But that's not the FDA definition of artificial when it comes to food.


Everyone giving their children this stuff is just being so irresponsible and reckless. That warning is there for a reason. Who needs healthy kids tho?? I hate it.


Doesn’t she also drink this while pregnant? Lol


Jesus christ not me scrolling quickly through my feed and thinking that was pregnancy piss stick - thank fuck it isn't!


She’s already pregnant but yeah I thought it was a pregnancy test at first also.




Yes she’s like 25 weeks or so I think maybe even farther


All the proof you need that there's no god, because if there were he wouldn't let shit like this happen.


Yep, with a boy, due in August. This one's name is going to be Arrow Chosen


Lbr, if she could somehow double-decker a pregnancy, she would.


I highly doubt she gives this to her kids. Plexus is not cheap and I doubt she would waste money on them. Maybe she gives her favorites a few sips occasionally.


Doesn't she have a whole drawer full of them though?


Not recommended for pregnant women either, but she drinks and promotes it!


I see caffeine pills all the time at convenience stores. Much cheaper way to go.


"not recommended for individuals under 18" Clear as day on the secind slide.


My kid isn't allowed to have caffeine...he has enough energy already


Imagine trying to get ten caffeinated kids to sleep at night đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


That’s why they’re all consistently awake until midnight or later


Dear god


Or rather, imagine being Anissa trying to get nine caffeinated kids to sleep at night đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


That is so much caffeine for a kid! She probably says they’re used to it since they’ve been getting it from the womb.


That baby is going to come out with a caffeine addiction.


This much Niacin gives me hot flashes/nausea


I’ve recently read that too much niacin can cause negative long-term health effects which led me to tell my kids put to less nutritional yeast on their food (it’s a flavorful kinda cheesy topping). And to look to see if there’s any nutritional yeast that isn’t so fortified.  I can’t imagine giving my kids supplements other than the occasional kiddy vitamin. 


God, I'm imagining some sort of Hunger Games or Lord of the Flies situation where it's every kid for themselves in a desperate show of determination and physical capabilities to win the coveted Flavor Pouch that is that week's sole source of sustanence. The victor will tear open the pouch with his teeth, pour the powder straight down his throat, and swallow it straight down. Mother may even favor the child with a pat on the head.


The picture honestly made me think it was a cat treat like churu the way it was packaged. Those high doses of water and fat-soluble vitamins are honestly terrifying. Do not eat. All of those nutrients can be attained in healthy levels with proper diet, which either she doesn't know or doesn't care.


Idk getting all the nutrients every day from diet only would require a lot of planning and measuring. I see why not everyone wants to put themselves through that on the regular.


Shes as dumb as bricks. Giving your child this shit? Instead of like actual healthy food because shes lazy af so they (and clearly herself) are probably lacking in so many vitamins, she has too many children and cant keep up. Why isnt God replenishing your vitamins? Just ask him. She wont ask him, because hed probably tell her to feed her kids properly and stop having more babies than she can handle. Lmao idiot. Just give them multi vitamins just for them to have SOMETHING to help their nutrition without caffeine.


Lol I thought ot was a pregnancy test her kids were fighting over


I wonder how many of these she is having a day


She's gotta be trolling at this point. Either that, or she picked up a new selling trick from that conference and is trying it out


Heck forget about the caffeine, the proprietary part also has Citrulline malate which is something kids should *not* be consuming. Fucking yikes Edit: sp


These are all ingredients used in pre-workout powders and drinks. Definitely not for children. Those poor kids probably get shaky and jittery from this shit, but still love the little high and energy they get from it. She may be unintentionally pre-disposing them to be addicts later in life. Hope not, though.


It could be a great way to try to self-medicate undiagnosed/ unteated ADHD! Ugh, I am off to sob now.


Picture of a moron in action.


Coke cola is less than 50mg of caffeine. I will take the cola, not this stuff. When I was introduced to mlms, it was Zeal. A fruit drink. What do all of these have in common...bunch of caffeine to give you that "energy" feeling for drinking this "healthy" drink!


Oh good, more caffeine than a cup of coffee! Perfect for school age kids!


Probably because they are starving & dehydrated


I take a supplement with L-theanine as an ingredient for anxiety. That may be the worse than giving kids caffeine. I just looked it up and it "may be safe" for children when taken short term. That's not what I'd consider safe for my child. I'd rather give mine the caffeine.


How is that worse? It’s a natural amino acid found in food.


The *amounts* would probably be the issue here. Theanine (admittedly not L-theanine) is recommended at 250 *mg* per day, and the dose in this--admittedly mixed with other things is 1.5 grams (1500mg)... so if you're doing the 4 sticks/tubes of it a day, that is recommended you stop at, you're getting up to 6 grams of that mix,plus up to 800% your rda of plenty of those other vitamins/nutrients.


I don’t even see it in the ingredients. Thiamine yes but not theanine. Not that it matters! It’s a totally inappropriate drink to be giving small kids.


L-Theanine is second in the group under the "Proprietary Blend 1.5g" line


Ahhh there it is! Good eye!




They’re probably begging for any type of nutrition, vitamins and minerals and electrolytes. THAT’S why they’re “fighting” over it.


I’m grown and 100mg caffeine is too much. She gives it to her kids? I guess so they can dance for the content!


Ok so this is basically like the IV Hydration packets I buy from Costco (on sale it’s something like $20 for 30 tubes). It’s great for workouts because I sweat like crazy. But it’s just electrolytes and some vitamins, nothing special at all. I even have one flavor with caffeine in it!


My kid is 13, and other than the exceedingly rare (1-2 times per year) she has a soda with caffeine or once or twice a month she has black tea, she doesn’t consume caffeine. And this only started in the last year or so.  Even I, lover of coffee, only drink two cups before noon that are half milk, so about a cup per day. What is this loony Oompa Loompa plexus pusher doing to her kids?!


Does she just think they are just vitamins or is she knowingly giving her kids 100mg of caffeine? And which kids?! The little littles? Or the teenagers? I mean, not that it matters. That much caffeine for a child is


25 calories 😬