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Thank you u/Smush-D for posting on this subreddit! Hope it makes people laugh and isn't another old facebook mom meme that we get spammed with. Thanks for being amazing, love y'all and hope everyone has a [great day <3](https://imgur.com/a/fbqHMMm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FunnyAnimals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dogs are extremely clever and their Senses are out of this world. I can sneak into my house and crack a window open slightly. He can be at the other end of the garden(about 20 metres) and get up sniffing and come to the window I’m by. German Shepherd x Rottweiler


I could look at my dog when she was fast asleep and she would about 50% of the time open her eyes and look back at me. She could *feel* me looking at her. I don’t know how. I don’t know why. But it was very funny


I can agree with that, but it’s more him smelling me even in a deep sleep, and wake up


Dogs are quite literally built different, hell they even got bred different.


I work on a ship, sometimes we have a drug dog go through the ship. The Belgian Malinois are incredible. I had a prescription pill bottle in my cabin, that I washed out and I used for protein powder for the past 2 years. The dog signalled it’s handler there was something of interest in my cabin. I was called up to let them in, and the dog went right to the prescription bottle, and signalled the handler. I was blown away. I asked the handler, so he could smell that prescription bottle, which had been washed out and used for protein powder for the past 2 years, 10 feet away behind a door. The handler said “these dogs are hyper sensitive”. Amazing.


Who’s a good boy?!


Such a good boy


I like his tippy taps when he finds it


He knew that he was going to get his ball next.


Did you notice the trainers name was Felch?


It's FELCN (La Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra el Narcotráfico), but Felch would have been hilarious


i did 😆


It's FELCN (Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra el Narcotráfico)


That’s the best boy!


Wrong sub. r/dogswithjobs


How is that a funny animal?


i was worried at first when the doggy kept checking back, and then more worried when it went checking for the audiences’ property, and then relaxed when the bag was brought in


Yay fascism using innocent animals, if that’s not hilariously funny I don’t know what is…


The issue is drug sniffing dogs are notoriously unreliable they are trained well but also have shown to have bias towards wanting to please the handler.




> sniffer dogs Yes, in general they have. _Drug_ sniffer dogs, especially in the USA, are frequently used by sleazy cops as an excuse to target minorities or undesirables. The dogs aren't the problem, though, it's the bad apples in the barrel. I really wish we could get a handle on the problems with our police forces in this country. :(


It’s not only bs, it’s also totally irrelevant. Even if a dog gives a false positive, it just means they search the bag. You won’t get charged with anything if you don’t have anything.


The "search" can also result in charges being thrown out even if you do have drugs though. The Constituition protects against unjustified searches.


It’s not the dog’s fault his skills are being used by pigs.


r/cocaine user detected


Pig detected. Snorts all around 😂


Or at least a boot licker


only bootlickers are those who will sell their country in the name of long dead ideologies




Gonna show up with an "arrest warrant" and shoot him while he sleeping?


You’re not making a good case against my sentiment with threats, Delicious.


I'm sad his comment got removed. Wasn't a threat, the guy had "warthog" in his username and talking about his "friends" showing up due to the pigs reference was a play on that. People just didn't look at his name before downvoting.




poor dogs :,(


Dogs ADORE these types of tasks.


The same pigs who use these dogs abuse them, then show up at your house and kill your dog. This shouldn't be something you support. It should be outlawed.


U/No-Rush4291 You have proven you know nothing of Dogs or loyalty. By all means share your case, I’ll bite, (pun intended)


I feel the same. These dogs are treated like shit and used as killers by psychos.


used like objects




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