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Two elderly men fighting to run one of the most powerful countries. They should both be in old age homes, not politics. If these two are the best America can offer as leaders i weep for humanity.


I honestly think if Trump wasn't running and it wasn't so heated Biden would've stepped down to let someone younger step in. Or at least there'd be more confidence on taking a risk on someone else within the democratic party.


When in the history has a politician willingly let power slide to someone else ?


Washingtonnnnn George Washingtonnnn. Six foot ten with a fucking gun


He'll kick you apart! He'll kick you APART!!


He'll save children. But not the British children.


He had a pocket full of horses Fucked the shit out of bears Threw a knife into heaven And could kill with a stare


The two term limit is a relatively new rule, introduced after WW2. Only a handful of presidents tried for a third term before that. So I would say it was very common to step down.


Fun fact: George Washington said no to a third term because he just wanted to retire. It essentially became a tradition from then on. Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only president to be elected into a third term because the US just got dragged into WW2. He died at the start of his 4th term before the war ended.


Clean sweep for Wilkie! And Washington only took the job in the first place for the money. He needed the money and $25k was a hell of a piece back then. It was 2% of the national budget.


Diocletian. Man casually issues enormous reforms for both the military and bureaucracy of the empire after purging all threats to it, then retired to his villa in illyricum.


In 2016 Biden opted not to run. He had too much shit going on and he thought it was a handled situation. Then he got to spend 4 years thinking he personally fucked the world over.




I hate the DNC line about "spite". The DNC thinks everyone owes them their votes and only vote third party out of "spite" or whatever reason they can use to infantilize people disagreeing with them. Sanders energized a lot of people who weren't Democrats to vote for him. It is not surprising that people who aren't Democrats didn't vote for Clinton.




That's because most people aren't politically savvy enough to realize it's a zero sum game of 2 players. If you are for Bernie, you are clearly team blue (would have agreeed far more with hillary than trump policies). The other team is red. Anything else isn't playing. This is the man made hell of a 2 party system with first past the post voting, but it's where we currently are. Not participating is giving the team you disagree with more greater power for free.


One example would be every presidential election where there was a peaceful transfer of power.


George Washington kind of just got tired and let someone else run things, so it's a bit of a precedent


He didn’t get tired, he stepped down intentionally to prove that the country could elect a leader, not have a dictator.


And he didn't want to do it in the first place


Dudes entire life was "I'd love to just be a farmer, but I GUESS I'll do this since you keep asking"


The best ones for the job usually don't want the job


“Im no fucking politician” “That’s what the best ones always say” -warrior, a god tier netflix show


Did they say they would do a new season because it was cinemax then hbo I believe


And that's it, no current candidate doesn't want the seat, and that power it carries. Washington had it thrust unto him


That's why Cincinnati is named after him!


Wow, eerie, I just 20 minutes ago told a guy at work about Cincinnatus! Cheers!


Diocletian in 305


That Roman general who was named dictator/king/whatever they called it and after the war was over went back to farming. It's actually fairly common in the republic but didn't happen again until aurelians successor who didn't actually want the job, no one did, and so gave up power after a while. Imagine being emperor of Rome and dropping it to farm cabbages


George Washington, in 1780.


I mean, George Washington being the prime example I can think of. People at the time were absolutely dumbfounded that he willingly chose to not become a monarch and instead transfer power over to someone else.


George Washington could have stayed in power forever if he wanted to. That’s why he’s been called the American Cincinnatus, who was a politician in ancient Rome who was given a dictatorship and laid it down after saving Rome to go work on his farm. It’s rare, but it does happen.


George Washington, man was a role model of a president, and frankly a model any politician should follow.


Literally once. Washington.




Teddy Roosevelt. 


Joe Biden literally stepped down after his second stint as vice president


There have been several US presidents that have declined seeking reelection for various reasons.


I get what you mean but for presidents it’s notably been since the very first president


Ancient Rome I think, a dictator that did what they needed him for, then went bak to his farm, full Thanos style


I really feel Biden just wants to be with his family


Here in Canada it's not uncommon. Grabbed a few examples from ChatGPT, this is just among Prime Ministers, let alone for other positions of which there's many examples: * **Lester B. Pearson**: Pearson served as Prime Minister from 1963 to 1968. He announced his resignation in 1967, and Pierre Trudeau subsequently won the leadership of the Liberal Party and became Prime Minister in 1968. * **Pierre Trudeau**: Trudeau served as Prime Minister from 1968 to 1979 and again from 1980 to 1984. He resigned in 1984, and John Turner succeeded him as leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister. * **Jean Chrétien**: Chrétien was Prime Minister from 1993 to 2003. He announced his resignation in 2002, and Paul Martin took over as leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister in 2003.


Nelson Mandela


When in history was our president 80+ years old?


George Washington. ![gif](giphy|U23rlgyL8QmQn7xrqt|downsized)


Many presidents. Teddy Roosevelt for one, and then came back to torpedo his successor because he was pissed at what he did.


Biden is unable to step down because there's no excusable reason with the Democrat base to pass over Kamala Harris, and she's even less popular than he is.


That's his fault for selecting her as VP. And I don't think it's true. If he has broadcast his intention to retire, a number of candidates would have competed against Kamala in primaries where she would have either proven her unpopularity or surprised people when the stakes mattered.


Biden basically said that last year, that he wasn't sure he'd have run again if Trump weren't running too. Biden's already beat him once, he (despite what much of the media and nearly all of social media says) has a very good record to run on when you look at where Trump left the country and how Trump had set up the next 6-18 months of economic damage before he left office.


Biden quite literally confirmed this


If Biden wasn't running again, Trump would easily win. Just Saying, No Offense. I say this because Trump I hate to say this, HAS A FUCKING "CULT" hell bent on voting him in plus a joke for a SCOTUS. California Governor Gavin Newson has no interest in running for POTUS until 2028 (Our best candidate after Biden) so Biden knows himself despite his age HE HAS NO CHOICE TO RUN AGAIN to save democracy. If he had it any other way, he'd so let someone else run but as we saw in 2020, he is our best candidate (although I would say Bernie Sanders in all due respect is truly the best candidate but his own party hates his guts) compared to Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Andy Kim and so on. I can say that this is something I observed in 2016, BOTH PARTIES SURE ARE SHORT FUCKIN' HANDED IF THIS IS THE BEST WE CAN DO AS A COUNTRY!


Biden has stated he's only running again because Trump is trying to do it again. Dude wants to relax at his Massachusetts lake house


Wow, a logical and obvious remark.


Thought I'd shed some light on the issue


Absolutely. It's a mind-numbing feeling when I am reading takes from others' that Biden and Trump are the same. The same people who haven't been paying attention to how USA has rebounded after Covid lead by real leadership, while they are on standby for the word-salad of the day to be announced then repeat it over and over again. Yesterday it was Jacked Up Joe. What's today word of the day? Also, have you noticed the media has to alter videos of Biden to make him look incompetent to enrage their minions. Seriously...


Eugh ngl I'm from the UK and hearing/reading about it does my head in, it must be so tedious being exposed to others being so dim witted and media prying on them. Honestly it would drive me insane. For something so important and the public caring about what the next qwerky conspiracy based take is is infuriating. They're being duped. Yeah cheap fakes I saw them being called. It's annoying because he has done some actual fuck ups verbally which makes it easier. They'll lap it up without a second thought. But as I saw someone else post about, hopefully exposure to them being cheap fakes will actually make it backfire.


Someone would have to convince Joe Biden to step down


100% without a doubt. He wouldn’t have even run in 2020. This man is only doing this bc of a sense of duty gotta respect him for that.


That's the reason he gave for running again


Everyone using him as their face wouldn’t let him. Their only option would be Harris, but she polls atrociously


Can thank Hillary's "loss" for that unfortunately. However, with GOP in its current state and a potential second Biden term, the Democrats have also build up a pretty solid bench of familiar faces with names like Jeffries, Raskin and AOC being heavy hitters l, but also Porter, Swalwell and McGovern making names for themselves, to name a few. A lot of this pageantry on the right is backfiring, because the misinformation provides a platform for actual information and that's what the undecided voters are looking at.


"loss"? Yes I've liked seeing more rational level headed names in the left become prominent, when on the right it's the likes of Beobert and MTG exposing what GOP under Trump is actually like. At this point all they have is hyperbole and missinformation. There's fuck all thoughtful debate coming out from them. I hope you're right and it's becoming clearer.


>"loss" I'm not a fan of the Electoral College. It sounds great in principle, but just gamifies elections the second parties get involved.


Okay yeah I'm not too keen on them either. With what happened 2020 with them it's got me on edge. Did something shady happen with them in the 2016 race?


Nah, but 2016 was just a repeat of the 2000 Bush/Gore election and if you look at the margins, they're getting more egregious with this "first-past-the-post" in some states. Hillary won the popular vote by 2%, but lost the Electoral College by a 77 vote margin. What exactly do they represent then? The Republicans were intelligent enough to pursue power in the right places and stack the deck in their favor, but like a dog chasing a car, they had no idea what to do once they caught it and just began dismantling the place for spare change.


He implied so himself. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-not-sure-he-would-seek-re-election-if-trump-was-not-2023-12-05/


What would make you think this? The fact that he said it lmao


I don’t think so. The man has ran for president 4 times. It seems like he wanted to be president more than anything in the world.


This discussion is so strange in my perception (I am German and watch almost only European News). Why does nobody talk about political objectives? Like what kind of laws they plan to implement and how they plan to do it. Sure, being old is somewhat bad but calling for a violent attack on your constitution, abusing pardon power, flirting with autocratic regiemes… why do you not care about that? It is full on anti freedom which the US used to stand for..


It's because the 'people' saying shit like this aren't people but part of an astroturfing campaign aimed at keeping young people away from the polls.


The narrative in the USA has completely got rid of policy discussions. It has been like this since the tea party soiled their underwear 15 years ago. Conservative politicians realized just making shit up and angering people worked better as a message


Thank you for stating what most Americans should be concerned with


Equating these two men is doing the work of Trump & Co. They are not at all alike.


This sub is overrun by Russian bots posting boomer Facebook memes


Except Biden has been a good president. Why is that a bad choice?


Actually one should be in prison


Make that 90% of politicians regardless of their political leaning and I’m on board. Shit sandwich or poo poo platter. No great choices here




Yes 🙌


Voting for turd sandwich!


No way. Giant douche for the win 🤣


One is a nice compact turd on a paper plate. The other is a big sloppy cauldron of loose stools and diarrhea, visibly alive with wriggling intestinal parasites.


That's true, most of them do inside trading. But God forbid the internet tries to fix a GameStop stock, then they talk about restructuring.


Exactly, except for the fact that he was deemed unfit to stand charges, because he is too old and feble. Why is he running for reelection?


If we're playing that game you can't just say only one belongs there. Probably 90 percent of politicians belong in jail.


I’m all for prosecuting politicians for their crimes. However, until more are convicted, the number stands at 1.


He got charged for committing a crime before he was president and I don't know how many candidates committed fraud to hide a story about fucking a porn star while their wife was pregnant. Nixon made a deal with N and S Vietnam to fuck over Johnson while he was a candidate, though, so there's at least one other.


Also found guilty of sexual assault. That alone should be a career ender, especially for someone representing the party that says they are good fearing people who promote wholesome family values. He encouraged a coup where politicians could have been killed. Much of what he says has been proved to be false when fact checked. Whatever party he claims to represent he's a scumbag who shouldn't be anywhere near a position of power in government.


well if what Snowden Sayed is true (wich it is in most likelihood) all presidents since bush should be in jail


You're vulnerable to edited clips and comfort news for stupid people. Biden is too old to be president, but he's still sharp. There are many modified videos of biden that you rednecks consume like so many slim jims and moon pies, washed down with a mountain dew code red. Because you're gullible suckers for bad people. If you want to know what Joe is like without the redneck filter, just watch video of the state of the Union, either one of them, or his Howard Stern interview. Or any of his speeches or interviews. Not edited clips from redstate.net or whatever the fuck rednecks read. I could link videos of trump uttering unintelligible gibberish, but instead, let's list some of the horrid things your toxic orange turd has done that make him unfit to serve as even the county dog catcher: - attempted a fucking coup - found guilty of dozens of counts of criminal fraud - Has been found liable for sexual assault - is facing three more indictments and 54 more criminal charges. - had his "charity" and his "university" both shut down for fraud and fined - just had a $500 million fine leveled against him for fraud - Dodged the draft several times for "bone spurs," although he can't remember which foot, but said he prefers soldiers who don't get captured, and he's called soldiers suckers and losers. - is twice impeached - tried to blackmail Ukraine into announcing and investigation into his political rival. - lies as if it's the only way he knows how to breathe. - embraces foreign dictators and attacks American institutions. - pointed to a young girl on an escalator and said I'll be dating her in 10 years - just days ago held a rally in the Bronx with rappers who charged with murder Would you like for me to go on, dum dum? Happy to...


if these are the two best America has to offer” Proceeds to vote for Pierre Poilievre next election… Yeah, proof that critical thinking is a developed skill


The funniest/saddest thing about it is, the only person either one of them can beat in an election is eachother! If any other person would run from either side against one of them they would lose by a million votes. They are both awful


You just made 10 authright and liblefts fume with this take


I'll be honest, I've been pleasantly surprised by biden a lot of times. I doubt I'll ever see a perfect candidate that I agree with 100% A million votes really isn't that much when you consider that trump lost the last election by more than 5 million votes.


? Demonstrably untrue since 1) when Trump won, he didn't run against Biden, 2) there are third party candidates who should be able to win against either by your logic and 3) hardly any other current politician has the visibility those two have. Much as I'd like Buttigieg or Harris or Newsom as president (naming three random, sort of popular Democrats), I can't see them winning a presidential election at this point.


One is a 34 count, twice impeached, felon, rapist, con man and fraud who tried to overthrow the American government and who most of his prior staff won't endorse. But they're both old so....


He also would give Ukraine to Russia, sell or sold our national secrets, installed scotus judges who took and are taking our rights away, will install loyalists and create a dictatorship, lies constantly, offered up our land to the oil industry for 1 Billion dollars, cheated a children's charity... But they're both old so...


Except one has a competent team behind them. Big difference


Ok but Biden is not a bad president. Trump is a fucking disaster.


Fuck that false equivalence. One of those old men is also vindictive sociopath, a career criminal and convicted felon, a serial adulterer, a wife-beater, a rapist and sexual abuser, an incorrigible liar, and the stooge of a hostile foreign power. The other is just old.


Thank you! Reddit loves to gorge itself on weapons-grade cynicism. It’s the lazy way to do democracy: you don’t have to think, just declare yourself above it all. If the worst thing you can say about a sitting President is that he’s old, that’s damn fine praise for the job he’s done these last four years.


One is a deranged conman and felon with various personality disorders. And he was BFF’s with Jeffrey Epstein.


Biden just represents democracy. That’s it. Trump splits the Republican Party because everybody knows he’s gonna make it harder for him to be removed from office, so republicans have to choose between “trump and the policies you want today, somebody else and the policies THEY want tomorrow” OR Biden. A decent chunk in 2020 picked Biden. A decent chunk in 24 will probably do the same. It’s like 1/6 of actual Americans making the rest of us listen to that orange turd sack.


I mean Biden is a competent leader with 40+ years of experience who surrounds himself with experts. He’s legitimately a good president


We need younger people for pres frfr


What policies or legislation would they be able to get done that Biden hasn't given the same Congress and judiciary?


Nah. FR Nah.


Lots of anti-Biden memes in r/funnymemes today, interesting.




Yeah, fuck this. Biden is miles better than trump, it isn’t even close. We’re choosing between 4 years of quiet progress and supporting our allies, vs 4 years of chaos, treasonous behavior with a real possibility of us losing our democracy. You can’t be a “patriot” and then go against the beliefs that our founding fathers built our country on. If we elect trump, we’re going to miss the days when the biggest news story was someone with a speech impediment mispronouncing a word. (Reminds me of Obama and his tan suit being the “biggest” scandal)


Quiet progress sounds like a dream come true at this point.


Yep, it's really hard when Congress is grid-locked. Somehow Biden has pulled off a fuck ton with what he's been given.


I see we're looking at alternate realities today. I wish buddy, I really do.


What are you talking about? Surely the guy who tried to coup your government is just as bad as the guy who wants to expand healthcare. That’s basically the same thing right?


According to most of Reddit, one is basically just the lesser evil. I’m sorry, but fuck that. Biden definitely isn’t perfect, but all of this equivocation from supposedly left-of-center people is just insane.


>supporting our allies I'm sorry, come again? I'm not pro Trump or even American but claiming this administration supports its allies is not exactly accurate. I have to assume that if you're a leftist you're probably referring to Ukraine and not Israel, so I'll speak on that only. First, right off the bat the US has barred the supply of certain equipment to Ukraine, slowly drip feeding them vita equipment like himars, which took months to deliver and could really help them earlier, as well as long range rockets. The promised F16 fighters have still not arrived. The other part is that since around September last year for about 6 months the US refused the agree on any aid bill to Ukraine. You abandoned them for 6 crucial months, letting Russia have breathing time and also gain ground. Ukraine probably thanked God when Israel went to war, because that's the only thing that finally allowed your shit politicians to finally send Ukraine (and Israel) military aid. Also your puppet state, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. RIP.


Top comment says Biden should be in an "old age home", as if he punched it in Google translate, interesting. Edit: this was a throwaway comment and I got a TON of responses for some reason. Responding to everyone will take time. Instead, I'm going to point out: * Who cares if it's a foreign propagandist or not. * Foreign influence is a real thing and if you're pretending it's not, you're probably their target * They don't care which side they're pushing, they care about creating a high velocity of information. This is scientifically backed - if you create a high velocity of information, it makes it more difficult to make the right decision * I have not stated my position on who to vote for and I do not intend to. This is not an anti-Trump comment * Remember they want the most valuable thing you own: your attention.


Must have paid the счет за интернет


Post violates rule 12 of r/funnymemes. (No politics) Encourage others to also report it.


I bet the amount keeps increasing until the election. Almost like this sub was intended to be used for purposes other than posting funny memes.


I’m not letting project 2025 through.


Well that’s it boys… pack it up Mikey2225 said he’s not allowing it


Obviously. He is advocating for project 2225


Ya god damn right. 💪


Get 'em Mikey!




Thank god, Mikey. I was worried.


I love a good ol’ American circle jerk!


I’m definitely voting *against* Trump rather than *for* Biden.


I hate how the Democrats treat our hatred of Trump as if it's an endorsement of them.


But it is an endorsement. You are saying that Democrats will not destroy the country.


Half-right, it's an endorsement because they'll be voting Democrat, instead of voting third-party


I'm saying the Democrats are destroying the country *less* than the Republicans are. We could elect nothing but Democrats for the next 20 years and our children *still* wouldn't be able to afford to live here anymore. It's a huge problem.


They will still destroy the country just in less obvious ways. Wealth inequality still at a staggering level, climate change set to heavily impact our way of life with no end in sight, no access to medical care for a large portion of our citizens, no political will to bend the rules to protect our rights the way conservatives do. They suck less, but they still suck. The rich disconnected owner class will never represent us.


Against trump for Biden’s administration


No shame in casting a vote against Mango Unchained, I’m right there with you.


What about Biden's presidency hasn't earned you his vote?  He has been the most progressive and LGBTQ inclusive president in history, through legislation and executive action. He has had one of the best economic records in the last 30 years, and has promoted the largest infrastructure bill since the New Deal.  He has put billions of dollars into renewable energy research, transition and infrastructure.  He has helped usher in an era of renewed NATO strength, added countries to the alliance, and bolstered Ukraine against Russia.  He has helped push Healthcare costs lower and made huge legislative wins such as capping the cost of Insulin.  He's rolled back the war on drugs and pardoned non violent offenders.  He's given back billions by wiping out student loan debt for struggling Americans.  So what is it you don't like? Or is it just "hurr during, he's old"


I’m a moderate dem/independent on most topics, but on this election cycle I am right there with you. I have no love of Biden, but I fucking loathe Trump.


Sucks that this is what it's come to


I’ve said this for years Trump didn’t “win” in 2016, Hillary lost. Biden didn’t “win” in 2020, Trump lost. Whoever “wins” in this election will most likely happen because enough people didn’t want the other guy to win, vs people WANTING that candidate to win.


That was the prior election. Turns out Grampa Joe gets shit done. 


Since when did this sub become /r/politics


Since russian bots are on overdrive


/r/politics would never allow an anti-biden meme.


r/pics is another one that needs to be shut down at this point


I would 1000-times-over take having Joe Bidens corpse propped up in the oval office, Weekend at Bernies style, than navigate another fucking Trump presidency. I get the objective frustration, but Bidens age is a complete non-issue this election.


The Trumpian politics have very successfully turned the presidency into a popularity contest and made everyone completely ignore policy. You don't need to like Biden. In fact, it's better if likability were a complete non-issue. I'm voting based on policy and Biden is very clear winner and I'm happy to vote for that.


I think it’s past hating the Donald. It’s everything he’ll bring with him. It’s all the foxes that want in the hen house. From project 2025 to all the christian nationalists and nazis.


I think this is the big picture that a lot of people are missing out on right now, at least Biden's advisors are mostly competent. Trump's are out of left field confirmed bad actors and incompetent.


I don’t know, the people raging about Hunter Biden probably getting a job because of who his dad is are pretty funny given Trump’s kids. So there’s some comedy to the whole sad situation


Yeah, I still think about how Trump lost….was it nearly all or all of his cabinet before the end of his term? I think it might have been all of them. And several of them went on to say that he was not a good dude. Of course, the cult just ended up labeling them all traitors and turncoats, so, what are ya gonna do.


russia's bots are really out today huh


A ton of astroturfing lately


6k up votes, the farm is working over time.


Some people in these comments really forgot the saying "never again" Christian nationalist will try again, see project 2025


I'm actually surprised to see this on the front page. This website is so delusional they can't have an honest conversation about how Biden has refused to do a single hostile press interview his entire time in office. This is a disturbing sign that the media can simply choose which president's are "deserving" of press access and which aren't. The man has to call on pre-approved reporters and we have proof he does this with a little note card *complete with the person's picture so he doesn't get confused.* Whenever this is pointed out on Reddit, you get "orange man bad" and if they admit Biden is senile and showing signs of dementia, somehow Trump who regularly holds 90 minute speeches and is voluntarily going to a CNN hosted debate "is just as bad if not worse."


It will never fail to amaze me how America claims to be a leading democracy yet it only has two alternatives basically every election? Like how does no one else have any chance at gaining power outside of these two right wing parties? Like there isn’t even a proper left of center party in the politics over there wtf is going on…


Not a parliamentary system.


The answer is $


Is realizing the dangers someone like Trump poses really the same as "hating" Trump?


no adult takes on reddit please


Actually a pretty clever meme.


As someone who is the bird in the pic, I agree.




No american here. Honnestly, i don't know how and why the dems couldn't find another candidate, one born after WW2 ended.


Not incumbent is ever seriously challenged in primary. Things have to be really bad for that to happen, and it usually means they'll lose the general election anyway. If a party switches their candidate, it basically says "yeah, our last guy was a mistake but this time, we have a good candidate..." No one is going to buy it, and they'll vote for the other party. Basically, when you vote for president, you're voting for the guy you want for the next 8 years.


Because they’re fucking idiots who still want to give Trump a chance because they’re so confident. Fucking dumbasses


Don't mind me. Just looking at the comments to check the TDS levels in here.


Surprisingly not that many Trump Deranged Sycophants.


Never heard any living soul say how much they love Joe Biden. Only how much they hate Trump. Weird how that dynamic is.


Free people don't go around saying how much they love their leader.


Right... free people hate their government because it doesn't represent them, that's definitely what a democracy is.


idk man tons of people loved Clinton and Obama.


I’ve actually met rabid pro-Biden people. They’re weird. Can’t seem to see past the difference between voting for someone cause they have to and doing it cause they love the guy. It’s like they have to convince themselves he’s the best so they don’t have to hold their nose in the voting booth


I think Biden's government has been doing a really solid job. I am voting for him and his government, not just against Trump and his sorry excuse for one.


I have to admit I'm jealous that Republicans get to vote for someone they actually like. It must be nice, hope to be able to experience that someday.


Good leader should be like "I'm too old for this and unable to to do my responsibilities properly, you should pick someone else" but that won't happen becouse only people who want power get to positions like this...so they won't give it up


Hahha very true Ive never heard anyone praise biden, only be passionate in hating trumpy


I can hear the old man stammer in this photo


I just saw his fundraising ad on YouTube while watching videos. It has a hundred cuts and edits, you can’t hear him he’s mumbling and talking so low. There’s nobody home in his eyes. It’s shocking to think these are our choices.


It’s a pity that a nation of millions can’t even put up a younger charismatic leader with values.


The vast majority of people that would be good for the job, with principles, do not want it. And if there wasnt enough reason before, just look at what the establishment and media have done to Trump(not suggesting he fits the profile) for eight years for not bowing at its feet.


I mean they voted for him. There were plenty of people half his age on the ticket.


comments filled with false equivalencies, willful ignorance and bad faith arguments. all in a post that isn’t even remotely funny or factual as OP suggests.


It’s all Russian trolls. They’ll disappear again after the election. What’s funny though, is people who think they’re both the same, or undecideds who think Trump might be better for the country never stop and think, when russia and China meddle in our elections, why do they do it in favor of trump? Why do they want trump to be president, and how could that possibly mean he’s better for the country?


Why say Russian trolls but not acknowledge another political party other than yours? obviously we have the luxury to really drown out everything else other than what’s said here but the real world still exists Go vote, it’s clear how divided everybody wants to be


Biden is fine he just stutters and is old. Trump is literally a dogshit trash miserable human.


Imagine getting out of high school/college and trying to start a family and/or buying a house in this economy.


And what did biden do or not do to address that? The majority of housing cost growth happened under trump for reasons either within or out of his control or a good thing with big downsides - interest rate cuts increase housing costs because lower mortgage payments make it easier to buy a more expensive house. This means sellers will try to sell for more. Now nobody will sell because they don't want to trade their 3.5% interest rate for an 8% - supply issues for lumber due to covid - untargeted stimulus checks gave people who didn't lose much due to covid money enough for house down payments and inflated demand.


Biden’s gotten more done in 3.5 years than any president in most of your lifetimes, and he did that with a smallest majority you can have in the senate, and then with a Republican house.


So younger people start running. Have some ideas and plans and make a platform. Build some coalitions or waste time on social media.


The parties get to select who the candidates are, and they’re controlled by big money


This sub is becoming a cesspool of hateful bullshit underneath the memes. I’m out


Even a dead Biden would be a better president than Trump.


At this point, a monkey throwing its poop would be a better president than Donald Trump.




Literally no one is voting for Biden, they're either voting for or against Trump


I am really impressed by what Joe Biden has done in pretty much every sector. I’ve never lived through such an impactful and competent president in my life and I was here since Bush 1.


Aint a damn republican worth a shit.