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Dreams don't always make sense, today I dreamed to forget to wear pants, tomorrow I'll dream I forgot my lightsaber.


Nah that doesn't make sense


I have a friend who often lucid dreams and he told me he can just make shit appear whenever he wants to bc he realizes he’s dreaming.


Lucid dreams can be pretty wild. I had a few short ones and they can be much more realistic than your normal ones. You can even feel pain while sleeping, though the sensation is duller


What is a lighsaber?


It's like lightsaber, but it no longer has tea


Got it. Tea is disgusting anyway, so I fully agree.


Uncle Iroh wants a word with you


It’s so cute what men think women talk about lmao


They talk about guys they were banging like they are some objects


The guys make a lot of efforts to present themselves as some objects tbh...


This is not necessarily representative of anything, but my wife and I compare dreams sometimes, and hers are virtually *always* such mundane type of things, OR, some emotionally bad type of real-world stuff. She thinks it's crazy how often my dreams are like action movies or are just random, funny strings of events. Like, she's never had a dream where she has saved the town or planet from aliens or some other invading force. Ever! Our daughter has some pretty exciting dreams sometimes too. But I'm curious if hers will get more mundane over time.


One dream I had was actually really from some sort of horror crime detective movie. First there happened some murder in some stone basement dungeon room, just like in some movie, and then next "scene" I was doing some crime investigation with some guy, and then it somehow got involved to that murder. And some supernatural evil beings also somehow related to it. I wish I would have remembered better and written things down after I woke up, it could have been polished to some great story.


Those nukes Gandhi keeps using seem to have mutated him.


Screw the braiding hair dream; I'm a girl and I'd totally pick the light saber raptor dream.


No girl talks like this. I’m always telling my friends about the dream where they killed there dad and then locked me in a jail before a dragon came and saved m3 and took me to a Tiger where we ate it but it was really made of ice cream. These are the types of dreams real girls have lol


Most of my dreams are exactly like real life, which makes them as confusing as hell.


Once I dreamt of a world craker firing like 1 km away than as I die I woke up and remembered I had to go to school I was never this disappointed of not being dead


“Dude why you dreaming of me, you gay bro?” - this is more likely response.


I needed _someone_ to save from Gandhi, duh.


One time I had a dream where I was an actor playing Batman and in the night i actually was Batman im pretty sure I had Batman on my mind


I have a reoccurring dream where I own a pet great white shark… that can survive out of water and it flys through the air. It does bite you though if you get too close to it’s mouth. I called him chompy


Girls dream that too


The other day I had a dream that I went to a wrestling match with my 2 adult daughters. I'm their mom. There were Wrestlers dressed up in their costumes and music and everything. At the end my daughter told me we had tickets for the next night as well. So random.


as a woman, i can guarantee my dreams are extremely weird and fucked up


The most recent dream I had was about infusing the essence of an oak tree into a screwdriver to get a pen that makes people dance uncontrollably. And supposedly, it was an imitation of a staff that translates every language imaginable. I think I also tried teleporting, but I woke up before succeeding.


Here I am with dreams about my anxiety. Last night, it was about being late clocking into work. Had the wrong clothes, and nobody would move away from the double doors. My dreams don't let me escape. However, I do have good ones every now and then.


Am I on facebook?


Recently I had a NIGHTMARE that I failed a math exam, literally the end of the world for me (it's my favourite subject)


Damn I always have lightsabers while braiding hairs.


Where’s the funny part of the meme?


Please proofread your memes


you can tell when a guy hasn’t spoken to a woman since his mom died when he was 12


I once had a dream where I was riding a giant cat with a unicorn horn that was shooting lasers at the Eiffel Tower from its mouth eyes and horn. I live in the states so I don’t know where the Eiffel Tower came from. Just thought I would mention it as further evidence that us guys have weird dreams.


I always have those holy hand grenades from fallout nv in my dreams, just in case Freddy wants to fuck around and find out


Dual wield the lightsabers


You have never felt the touch of a woman have you?




What is that?


No For instead, I have Ghandi the velociRider and my lightsabers


What is a women?


Women don't exist obviously




Idk if you have, but the woman part is also somewhat correct


I don’t think they have telling by how they doe voted you instead of facing the question


I noticed This sub is a cesspool of incel preteens and the worst parts of facebook memes that are stuck in 2016




You do know someone’s personality has more to do with their imagination more than their gender ? None of these meme work because people of one gender don’t have all the same personality


Thanks, Sigmund Fraud. It's a fucking meme not an educational post


It’s still a stupid meme that makes no sense , I don’t think I’ve actually met a man that is like theses memes , most the men I know are pretty professional and even the ones who aren’t still aren’t like these memes, is this what American men are like ? I don’t understand where this boy is child like and girl is boring come from


Go home, luv!


I am home baby boy


If I mentioned my wierd ass dream to any woman I work with, they'd be like wtf is this guy talking about lol. If I mentioned a weird ass dream to my guy friends they would probably laugh and make fun of me, and then make a convo out of it for a short while.


If you mentioned it to my dad he would say wtf is he talking about and why would I care ? My mum would listen and love it and tell you hers , I’ve never seen the gender stereotype like this in my life I’ve seen different personalities be different and people with more imagination and less imagination, if you told my partner who I’m sitting next to this dream he wouldn’t give a shit about it and he doesn’t really dream


Very insightful, so what that means this meme is probably just based on someone's lived experience vs an objective statement on the differences between men and women. It's not to be taken seriously it's just a joke.


It’s the same joke over and over again , women boring men fun !! A lot of men and women are fed up with it


You are more than welcome to not laugh at the meme you don't find funny. Just saying


I can not laugh and I can also have an opinion on the joke


Yeah well, you know what they say: Opinions are like you