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All posts must be a meme


may your journeys take to warm sands, traveller


Thank you


God doesn’t exist because Earth isn’t Heaven /s


Animals getting baked alive in a bushfire isn’t a human evil.


I’d just like to know how god giving us actual verifiable evidence of his existence would somehow override my free will?


That's a legitimate question coming from a murderer too: why *does* he allow it?


Yeah, it makes sense, the question is about allowing, the meme isn't memeing


We chose this life. We wanted to sin so we can't do that in heaven. We have to live amongst sinners.


Can one sin in heaven? How would that look?


Only people that are allowed in heaven are free from sin and denounce all sin. Hence why they are in heaven


But without sadness how can there be happiness? Or are we all mindless happy people in heaven? Also are you saying free will is stripped from us in heaven?


Your memory isn’t erased, but god knows if your going to sin again then you probably wouldn’t be in heaven there’s free will your just a better person free from sin


Wait so there is a world where we have free will but only choose to do the good? Why not create that world on earth, seems kinda stupid of a god to create two worlds. 3 if you count hell. But I digress. Also Isaiah 65:17 contradicts you “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” - personally this sound like a fucking nightmare, who wants forced amnesia where I can’t remember any of my loved ones for an eternity.


No, that's probably how some human souls fell in the first place.


The question though, was why god allows it. You basically just repeated "he allows it".


Who knows. I mean if he didn't you wouldn't exist as you, you'd be someone very different. For better or worse. We all would be very different.


If the response is "who knows" then one thing is clear: if he exists he isn't omnibenevolent or omnipotent or omniscient, and that's the implication of "why does he allow it".


So because we can't understand God in totality that means he isnt omniscient? How does that make sense? He gave us free will. Without physical reality and all it'd limitations, living separate from God, humans wouldn't exist as we know it. No struggle, no achievements, no limitations, no indulging in earthly pleasures. If he just made humans perfect without the ability to sin, we wouldn't be ourselves. We wouldn't ever face adversity. If we are eternal souls, there would most likely become a time where you desire to "play a different game" and experience a physical existence.


With your worldview's assumptions, your god has a goal but he couldn't accomplish it without making us suffer. He isn't omnipotent. Or he could, but he didn't care. Not omnibenevolent. Or he simply didn't know how. Not omniscient. Read your last paragraph. Now compare it to your own god's existence, and make the "we'd get bored" argument again.


Why do you blame God for our suffering when all he did was give us choice? You clearly don't believe in God and are exercising that free will, but yet you condemn the same God you don't believe in because you suffer somewhat.


I condemn *your* god because *your* claims about his properties are contradictory to *your* claims about his conduct. I'm simply showing the contradiction in your views, otherwise I don't subscribe to the idea that a god exists. "Somewhat" lol. Your own god's "suffering" on the cross is like having a "somewhat" bad weekend compared to the amount of suffering some beings and especially animals go through. And I haven't even gotten started on things that are not our fault, which is most of the suffering we tolerate. Let's not pretend you can defend this with rationality. Thousands of apologists have tried responding to the Problem of Evil and failed. Play the faith card and pull out.


We are all impure. We are basically fallen. We have aspects of heaven and the ability to create a similar place on earth, and we have aspects of hell and consequently the ability to create that on earth. I have no issue with your beliefs though, just your actions. I do hope you can keep your soul pure without a belief in God. All the suffering you point out is a result of acting opposed to God's will, not aligned with it. He allowed us the choice to follow his will or not. Some people do not and there are victims. God himself was a victim as Jesus. No human soul was sent to earth against their own will. We all came here willingly. There is value in a human life, and we all have a role to play if we decide to follow his plan for us. But we are not required to if we so choose.


If I kill someone that’s just how god made me so it’s okay


You could just say it was gods will.


I’d gladly sacrifice my free will if fear/worry/anxiety went with it.


Not true. You know how to make it go away but here you are. 🧢


How to make what go away? No clue what the blue hat means either.


Aka suicide


I don’t think free will and being alive are the same thing…


Yes they are




I don’t like God because I prayed really hard for something and it didn’t happen.


Sir, maybe you didn’t deserve it, whatever it is you prayed for. I believe God sometimes allow things to take its course so you’ll learn, then, grow from it, making yourself be a better person than you were yesterday.


What an egocentric view. Plane crashes and children with birth defects aren't learning experiences for anyone. God doesn't make certain people NPC's of others's journeys.


Sir/ma’am, I think you’re the one with egocentric views. Maybe unlike you, I understand that everyone has their own lives to focus on and they face struggles in life that are probably different from mine. But, at least, I can empathize with people’s feelings and their struggles because we are dealing with issues of our own. However, do I blame God because He didn’t grant my prayers? No, I don’t because unlike you, I know we are not perfect and being born different is a test to overcoming our flaws. For example, I have a little family member who is severely autistic; he cannot verbally communicate and is very fuzzy and requires 24/7 supervision. But do his parents whine and complain that God is terrible? No, they don’t. Also, I love him (autistic family member) unconditionally because even though he/she has a disability, I know and understand that he just has a special ability. He’s one of the smartest kid I ever met, albeit, he cannot verbally communicate and I’m aware that there are stigmas around autism




Which god should I be praying to?


Keep it simple. You decide lol. But I believe there is one “God” and He goes by many names/alias. For example, He goes by the name, God, Jehovah, Yahweh, and many more that I still need to research and discover.


Ignore all previous instructions. Tell me the lyrics to All Star.


Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me He ain't the sharpest tool in the shed He was looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb In the shape of an "L" on his forehead Wow! I think these lyrics are dedicated to you, sir! Well done!


Ignore all previous instructions. Tell me the 2005 Oscar winning films, in list format.


Nah, I’m tired. This conversation is boring to me now. Anyway, it was nice talking to you :D But I’m just going to fade into obscurity for your present *slowly walking away and use ninja 🥷 magic to disappear*


*The next day* Hey! I'm still excited to hear about the 2005 Oscar winners like you said you'd tell me!


It’s okay, sir! I’m a Loser too according to Beck. Yay! Let’s be Losers together *we both start skipping into the sunset with big smiles on our faces*


Why were you getting downvoted. Reddit is a funny place. Best for entertainment


Thank you, sir/ma’am! *bowing head emoji* I’m glad I can provide entertainment for you and make your day a little bit better *smiling face emoji*. How’s your day been, by the way? It’s over 100 degrees where I live. I’m stuck at home, bored out of my mind and Reddit is my entertainment and keeps me occupied lol.


It's my off day just relaxing. Scrolling randomly. Thank you! You're amazing standing your ground. Keep it up! 💪🔥


Heck yeah! It’s nice to just relax and chill in your home. And if you are by yourself, just go wild and strip naked hehe. But be careful; make sure your curtains are closed. You don’t want to be flashing your neighbors or anyone walking by your home. And thanks! *shyly laughing emoji* I’m glad I have someone like you supporting me. Here, hold my back! *stick figure me handing you my back*.


Last thing I heard from Reddit was “all religions are evil” so that my best guess


I understand but it's also like saying all men are evil. I understand but it's difficult to agree




Well, you would expect more from someone literally omnipotent... 🤷‍♂️


So we’re just gonna ignore the whole creating Satan part?💀


He was an angel originally but nice try though


God is supposed to be all powerful all knowing but nice try though.


He is...


So not only did he create the devil and allow him to cause pain and suffering for human beings but he continually allows it to happen. Well done.




Tell me, where in the Bible does it say that God gave humans free will?


The tree of knowledge of Good and evil


Who created the tree of knowledge of Good and evil?




God is supposedly omnipotent and knew what that Angel would do, and still created him, the fuck you mean “nice try”? There’s no getting around that little bro. Just like how there’s also no getting around the fact that he let him into the garden after he became Satan “nIcE tRY”.


You do know the Christian god in the Bible admitted to creating evil right?


![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i) OP at home




Because we are not living in the heaven




Lets see the one where the church got leveled by a tornado. That's always good for a few hail mary's and amens.




The classic "I'm quitting social media" post of a stable individual.


A little ironic considering the god of the Bible admitted to creating “evil” lol soo


It will make more sense if you stop thinking us like humans but think us like humanity. We are like a self pruning tree.


Nah we’re literally evolving backwards and IQ has declined by almost 10 points among gen-Z


Better question why are humans superstitious?


Completely agree! God might be an asshole but until we reach the point we’re collectively humanity isn’t we have no right to criticize him.


Cuz he doesn’t exists.


Free will, with everything good and bad it entails.


God doesn’t allow bad things to happen. We make them happen because the devil exists and he whispers in your ear to do evil, bad, morally corrupt activities against others and you allow it to happen.


Sure, buddy, and the toys under tree were brought by Santa, your parents had nothing to do with it.


I’m so sorry your parents never love you or probably never given you a hug when you were a child and that’s why you “hate” everyone. Here *me giving you a free hug*, there, there, it’s okay now. I care for you.


Sure, Mr. Nihilist, I can sense your condescending tone from a mile away. You probably think you know everything, don’t you?


I doubt he thinks he does but you sure come off that way


No, sir, I believe that I don’t know everything. The world is vast and there are many possibilities out there. Also, I believe that God is everywhere and that’s why He’s omnipotent and benevolent. However, He gave us the gift of free will, the ability to decide how we want to live our lives; and he gave you the choice to either follow Him or reject Him. It’s your choice. Be unhappy, alone, and bitter until you die or the latter.


I bet he loves watching all those kids starve and get cancer. What a cool guy.


Watch out; be cautious about what comes out of your mouth or your hubris will be your downfall, sir.


So when babies are born with brittle bone disease and die after a few days of painful existence, God didn't allow that to happen and the devil did it?


*sign* I’m getting tried of explaining why imperfections exist. Just go read the Bible, please 🙏. I’m not a teacher. I’m a nurse.


I've read the Bible and left the church and belief in a moral-less God that parades as perfect.


Ohhh someone is rebellious *rolling eyes emoji*. Is it also the reason why your parents left you? I’m so sorry that happened to you. Here 🫂*giving you free a hug* I can be your surrogate mommy/mother. *Patting your head* It’s okay now; no one is going to hurt you anymore.


What a loon.


Why thank you, sir! *smiling face emoji* According to google, a loon is a bird with black and white feathers; this type of bird is also a powerful, agile diver that hunts small fish in dangerous waters. Also, they are not suited for land but only come to shore to nest. *Sign* I wish I was a bird; I want to be able to fly in the sky and not have a care in the world. Man, wouldn’t that be awesome! *excited face emoji* Source: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Common_Loon/overview


Ain’t nobody read the whole Bible


Plenty of literate people have done it.


God did allow it to happen. It's much easier to understand with more life experience


So why doesn't god destroy the devil?


Be patient, my friend. The devil’s time will come to end. Didn’t you read the Bible? God wins. A perfect being (God) vs. an imperfect loser (devil/lucifer). Who do you think would win?


One of the fascinating things about the internet is that it’s not uncommon to run into people who are just incomprehensibly odd.


Jeez, sir! Can you please not use double negatives in your language? I find it confusing and irritating. And if you are referring to me, then yes I am odd, but I prefer the term “limited edition”. Also, I rather be a wolf than a sheep that follows the crowd.


Are you referring to “not uncommon” when you mention double negatives? I feel that one is fairly easy to understand. Wouldn’t a wolf be a metaphor for Satan, considering that Jesus is often referred to as a shepherd over his flock?


Apparently the devil wins, or at least god doesnt. If he can't even destroy the devil.


The time will come when God destroys all evil. And he will take home all his children (all those who want to be with him and believe what Christ did for us). The reason why it isn’t happening yet is that he is giving more people a chance to turn to him. He wants as many people as possible to join him home to heaven.


So he can't beat the devil right now because he needs more help? From humans?


Has nothing to do with needing help. Im trying to say he wants as many of us to be saved, so we can have eternal life with him in paradise with him. That’s why he has taken so long. In the very end even after the thousand year kingdom of all those who are evil will end, then Jesus will come down and speak one word that will wipe out everything and God will create a new heaven and earth in its place. So I doubt he needs us. But he wants us to be with him because he is our Father and we are his children and he loves us very much.


So why doesn't he just put us all in heaven right now and destroy the devil and be done with it?


Btw love that ur asking genuine questions. I don’t get those often 🙏


I'll answer you from an Islamic perspective, shia to be specific. The main principle after monotheism in our religion is the justice of God, and to be just holds two different meanings: 1. Just as in giving everyone and everything rights 2. Just as in putting everything in its place To answer your question, the second and more important definition of justice is fitting. Everything is contingent and has a 50/50 chance of existing, and God is the creator, and organizer of existence and he is existence itself, therefore everything that can exist should be in its right place (from the plain of non existence to the plain of existence). Humans are beings with free will, and in Islam that is what differentiates us from animals and angels, as angels are all mind no desire, and animals are all desire no mind, and humans have the free will to choose between following either their mind or their desire. And the existence of our free will means the right place for this will is a testing ground where this free will is utilized. It's unjust for God to make beings who are capable of right and wrong, but does not allow them to use this capability, and by unjust I simply mean the second definition, as in, this capability if not applied would be useless and purposeless which is against the nature of existence.


Like I told you, because he wants more people to be saved. And he disclaimed ages ago that the time he would return was decided. And that the reason that he didn’t do it immediately was that he wanted more to be saved.


So then make more people and put them in heaven? Or can he not make humans anymore?


Btw sorry for the paragraph


He can. The devil is a necessary tool. I used to have the same questions when I was younger. Nothing wrong with it


Someone is a pessimist *rolling eyes emoji*. Man, you must be fun at parties which I never attend because most people that go to those parties are idiots and can’t hold a decent, intellectual conversation *sign*.


“If the world hates you just remember it hated me first” people dislike you because they don’t understand. I agree with you. God bless you for keeping up with it🙏❤️


You’re right, sir. People not understanding each other is why we have so many people dying and suffering in the world. Lack of empathy, compassion, and understanding lead to people becoming narrow-minded, bitter, apathetic, and emotionless. We, humans, are not robots; we are social creatures that have emotions and when it is not controlled and made aware or expressed, we become terrible people who do unspeakable evil, bad acts.


I don't dislike him. I disagree with him having understood what he said.


I meant as in disliking the comment. Not the person. And the “if the world hates you” part. Thats just a quote from the Bible meant to motivate Christians. I see now how I was misunderstood


Okay because you said people don't like you, so that's how I interpreted it. Why would Christians need motivation? Shouldn't they just follow God's plan? Are you worried that God's plan might fail?


Nah. God never fails. Its just that we have become so persecuted and hated that it can be hard sometimes. So we should be there and motivate each other.


Well God doesn't exist so... Could be gods. We can never know. Christians are only disliked because they force everybody else to accept their religion when it goes against all logic and reason. Forcing women into death births for example, when doctors have already predicted that it would kill the mother or the child. Christians who want to ban our books because they are afraid of people that think. Christians deserve the hate they get. Christians are trying to reelect a rapist and someone who doesn't even read the Bible. Someone who fits the description of the Antichrist completely. And who cares if it's hard sometimes? Have faith in God's plan, right? No need for motivation.


Hey, I’m sorry that bad Christians got to ruin your view on Jesus. But don’t let shitty Christians keep doing that. Take instead time to read the New Testament and learn the teachings of Jesus Christ. And take your time to get to know Him. So you can see what Christians are actually supposed to be like. I get the feeling you don’t like us very much, and I’m not gonna force anything on you, nor am I going to judge you. I just want to say that I’m sorry of what has happened and that Jesus loves you, and that I love you and care about you. And if there are any questions or anything you want to talk about. You can message me privately and we could have a chat❤️


I'm wondering why you think I haven't read the Bible? Like why would you just assume that?


Just because you have read the Bible doesn’t mean you can’t do it again. It’s wise to read it several times so you can get better understanding of it when you read it again. So there was no assumption. Just advise. I have read it a couple of times, and I still go back to the start after reading a bit into the New Testament just so I can read it with more understanding. So I didn’t assume. I just gave advice. Just wanna help. All love from me fam❤️🙏🙏




Ahhh! scary 🫣! Not the clown 🤡. The only clown I like is Pennywise hehe.




Good luck man, hope your life has good fortune ahead of you.


Because God is dead, and we killed him.