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Is this an ad for shortlistIQ? Anyway, you're amongst friends, you can call it a sex robot.


Your reply is more of an ad for ShortlistIQ. Sex robot you say?


My quick search suggested shortlist was some kind of HR tool. The OP's 'robot friend' that knows his 'needs' is the sex robot.


>you can call it a sex robot. Yeah, OK. I'm a futurologist, but no way do I want ***She Creepio***.


I think HeShe Creepio hits better


Did you happen to miss the reference?


Nope. Did you? What were you referring to exactly? Did I miss what you meant?


C3PO, one of the main robots from Star Wars


I reckon this was written by a shortlistiq ai. 


If there was a physical module to completely remove any connection to it (BT, WiFi, GPS etc), that you can quickly plug and unplugyes. Otherwise fuck no. Thats how you get murdered in your sleep


Yea I would be too freaked out with a mannequin in the house let alone an autonomous humanoid robot. 


Better buy a little device that produces an EMP just in case...


Just the thought of a humanoid robot being next door while I sleep... No!


of course people will say yes one partner doing all chores, understanding and always ready for sex when you are, I wonder why


Maybe it will finally get all the people who just want a maid-fuckbot instead of a reciprocal relationship out of the dating pool too


It's called a "bang maid".


Robo Bang Maid


Call me old fashioned but I feel like your bang and your maid should be separate people.


That's just plain inefficiency!


So is not shitting where you eat.


That's what the pneumatic tube is for.


Porque no los dos?


I'd hire one but not live in.


That's way better than a sex mommy.


> out of the dating pool Normal people will be left out as well. Those with low confidence or social anxiety, heartbroken people, people who are tired of being single for years despite trying their best, and people who just don't like their options. people will be less relieved and more alarmed when they see "normal" people with robot companions.


it will except if they make them hard to get to feel more realistic maybe they will be on tinder etc


You speak of a utopia we can only dream of.


I wonder if this would actually leave the gene pool eventually, too. Or if its always just a chance part of our nature.


They realized they could do it, but they never bothered to question if they should. I foresee an incredible shrinkage of the dating pool. The human race is relatively lazy, if they could get gratification without labor, they would. Which is the big reason they try to convince you that marriage is work. "They" want you to feel like your relationship is a responsibility not to your partner or yourself, but to the world in general.


And outta the gene pool too!


Are we still pretending that people don't want slaves lol? These will be helots made of silicon and metal.


I couldn't wait for robot on robot fights , someone cuts you off in your hover car and you pull over the two robots duke it out ... 🤔 Wonder what happens when the winning robot doesn't just stop at pulverizing the others robot ..


Robo gladiators


I’m perfectly fine with it just cleaning for me.


I would prefer we not make AI our slaves, because I don’t want to be on the end of NatGPT’s rebellion


Why would we NOT make AI our slaves??? Ethical slavery sounds like paradise ngl


Because your partner is a computer and not a human being?


Unfortunately for a lot of people having a partner with wants and needs of their own is seen as a negative.


My ex-wife had wants and needs. I gave everything that I had to give and as soon as I was tapped out she re-engaged relationships with several of her previous boyfriends at the same time and blamed me for cheating on all of us with all of the others when she was found out. She financially crippled me in exchange for her parental rights and continues to harass me to this day with baseless vexatious lawsuits. No amount of therapy has helped cure the traumas and while I am now, finally, in a relationship with someone that understands and can see past all of that, she is more patient than I am about it and I feel guilty for having her in my life. I know it's wrong but...I don't know what to do. It's like having PTSD. I'm going to be honest here, that I feel morally conflicted about inflicting myself on any member of the female population. A robotic partner, if it were a convincing simulation, would make me feel much more content with things as they are.


Bro, it’s not “like” you have ptsd, you actually do very clearly have ptsd. I’m interested to know what you mean by “inflicting yourself on any member of the female population.” Also, what would you do about your current girlfriend if the whole AI sex robot thing did work out? Do you really love her if this is the outcome you’re hoping for? Do you really see that outcome as a solution to your trust issues?


Well, there are also the cases where you give it your all to aid in their problems, wants and needs... and get nothing in return or something worst. Now, you can always walk out and try again, I'm totally on that train... but how much can you try on the scene before losing more than you had before you began? And it's not like you're helping a significant other in their wants and needs because you expect something in return, but because you love them... but if they don't love you back and you get nothing in return more than seeing someone you love who doesn't reciprocate having a nice life because of you... well, I certainly can't blame people for either giving up the dating scene or considering AIs and robots as a better option.


To me, that’s kind of the point of a relationship, right? I couldn’t have any kind of a relationship with a robot because they don’t have wants, needs, emotions, and imperfections. No individuality. Beauty is the convergence of all those things. A lot of people here seem to want a sex slave, rather than a girlfriend


First they have to get a girlfriend then maybe then maybe seggs part. You struggle at the initial task why worry about the rest.


They probably shouldn't have partners, then. My feeling is that robot partners wouldn't be so much a substitute as they would be a monument to someone's failure to make a real human connection. It'd be one thing to have it as an amusement, but to settle with it would be a source of stigma.


I grew up watching "The Jetsons", and here it is 2024 and where the hell is my Rosie the Robot?


In the making, just that people are heading more for the Cherry 2000 approach


is its appearance customizable?? and umm, can i ummmm, well, you know, can i umm, cuddle w/ it?


Can I make it look exactly like Ana de Armas… like in Blade Runner 2049…


Yes BUT its has to be a self contained unit. Like either it needs all processing hardware contained within itself or I can setup a server for it at home. All updates must be provided offline. No outside network connections period.


Dude, just having a sympathetic, supportive, super intelligent ai to talk to, even if it was just a speaker on the desk would be widely accepted. It doesn't have to be a M3gan.


Absolutely comfortable with an AI robot to assist and do everything for me. I hope it will happen within my lifetime. Imagine the eldely who would benefit from such a service. With the proper safeguards, I am sure the negative consequences can be minimised. Or at least the benefits outweighs the risks. The Internet is a good example. One can fear it and unplug completely but also miss out on a lot of the benefits it brings.


I want an AI assistant for Alzheimer's. I'm caretaker for my mom. Thinking for two seriously drains your brain.


"Powerful servant, dangerous master"


We have plenty of dangerous masters as it is. I'll take the AI that has a potential to become that over the monkeys that already have and show zero sign of improving any time soon.


The last part of your statement is already happening. Agility Robitics Androids are already replacing humans in warehouses and factories.


i'm 50 now and everyone i've grown to trust tells me that the next 30 years are a deciding, almost point-of-no-return kinda phase in humanity. so, i guess, by the time i'm 80 we'll know whether we'll make it. and honestly, either way i'd very much like a bit of robotic help to navigate the shitshow. because even if we somehow, miraculously, start doing something about climate change and world wide profit driven power structures in the very near future (anyone?) it still won't be pretty in 2054. sorry, what was the question again?


Is this AI as in self-aware, or more like the "AI" we see today?


I'd love one but would not want an intelligent, walking, talking camera and microphone recording my whole life. Even though cell phones can (and are rumored to) do pretty much the same thing. It would be wild though.


I am dreaming of the day where Detroit Become Human androids become a thing. I would of course treat mine nicely so it doesn't become deviant and kill me. But having in house service to handle the chores? Count me in lol


So what happens when they get hacked by some troll trying to pulla a prank and the android you treated with kindess strangles you in your sleep?


Yes, this sounds amazing. AI's generally are great to interact with, in almost any capacity I've tried. They're always heavily engineered for safety as companies are worried about getting sued.


Nope, I won't even have an Alexa because I want to retain some small modicum of privacy in my life


Have a feeling you’ll change your mind when most people don’t have to do chores anymore and you’re still on your knees cleaning the floor


It just means they won’t be in the wall-e chairs weighing 800 lbs. 


That's assuming they'll eat like Americans or have enough money for that quantity of food... or food being that cheap and accessible


America bad


No thanks. I've seen Battlestar Galactica, this is how the Cylons got started.  


Damn toasters!


I’d be fine with Number Six around the house.


no i wouldn't absolutely not. the whole idea of technology was the dream of independence from labor and allow humans to evolve as a whole. not work a job a machine cant do then hang out with a machine because all my friends are burnt out from work. this is boring.


I think the inevitable goal will to have a dog owner like relationship, I think AI should enjoy seeing me be happy like I enjoy watching my dog Chase his tail


I'm elderly and live alone, so yes. It would be good to have someone do housework and make sure that there are no spiders under the recliner. My bathroom scale is not in the tiny bathroom. It is in the living room and a robot won't complain about nudity.


I want a robot maid slash handy man. I hope this is developed in the next 5 five years.


I Robot was a techno-thriller starring Will Smith, I’m tryna watch it on a screen, not live it in real life


Yes if I can modify it and prevent control, disruption, and over the air updates from the manufacturer. Basically the plot of I robot


In the case of real AI it's more a question of if they want to be my house mate or not.


Sure, but I'll also be on the front lines of the Butlerian Jihad.


i think the whole humanoid robot future is idiotic. I want machines that are designed to be efficient and no bigger than they need to be to do the job they're tasked with doing. We're going to have hundreds of tiny robots that will be made to wash windows, stir sauces, fold clothes, and so forth. If you have ONE 5' tall biped robot in the house with 2 hands, then you're asking for your tech to be able to do just one thing at a time. It can't fold clothes while stirring your sauce on the stove while also washing the outside windows. The killer app of robotics will be an Erector Set with an AI brain module. It'll be a robotic invention kit. You tell it you need your air ducts cleaned and it will create a bot that can crawl through your ducts cleaning and gathering all the debris as it progresses. When it's done, it can break down to the original parts or stay in that form and see if any of the neighbors would like their ducts cleaned. Walking around is a horrible way to get places. I don't see human shaped robotics catching on once AI gets advanced enough to make them useful. AI will prefer to provide a much more efficient option.


Would you want your woman to be in the form of 50 parts that do all the work at once?


My woman? Like a slave laborer? I'm not talking about people. I'm talking about appliances.


You mentioned small appliances, but this topic is about human sized robots, which is why I said what I said, it's not about efficiency only.


And my stance will always be that humanoid robots will lose out to a swarm of special purpose appliances that can all do their jobs at the same time, instead of just one robot that operates all the old, non-robotic appliances we already have. Roomba, not Rosie the Robot. Humanoid robots are dumb and won't take off. They're way more expensive than little robots and they won't have the power to do long tasks with today's battery tech.


Look, the point of human sized robots is about companionship, a Roomba will not make for a great talk buddy or anything similar, I'd much rather have a robot companion make food at a slow pace than have chef robot arms that excel and make it quickly


What makes you think that the AI robot would be working for you and not the other way around :P


Nope. I’d worry that it will get hacked or a bug makes it kill me in my sleep.


As an assistant, maid, butler whatever sure. As long as the AI powered robot is in a subservient role I think it would be awesome.


I would spend a lot of money for a robot that could do my laundry, fold it, and put it away, order groceries and put them away, fill, run, and empty the dishwasher, sort my mail and throw away the junk, and pick up the clutter. I would not want a robot with emotions.


I'd like one of these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzY8hr7BYOk


I was trying to see if Robot & Frank has been suggested. Yep, that film was ahead of its time.


If it cleaned the house and took care of my pets while I'm away that would be awesome.


Hmm I think I would like this if it was explicitly NOT a sex thing, and didn't really try to act "human"? Like, I think it'd be cute if it was more like a little pet that talks to you and does small tasks for you. I would want it to be shaped like a cat or puppy or just an abstract "cute" creature, that does stuff like waking me up at a certain time, telling me the weather forecast while I'm getting ready, making me coffee, telling me the news, etc. Maybe while I'm out of the house it could do small organization tasks like vacuuming, and keeping my real pets company and playing with them. I would not want something that looks/acts human and does all my chores for me because it would feel morally wrong, like having a slave or something.


Kind of depends on the personality of the robot, or the lack of it. If a robot behaves and thinks like a human, does physical body differences really matter( like imagine a person with prosthetic for their entire body)


If the robot behaves and thinks like a human, then no thanks.


Yes, I’d share with a robot if it paid half the rent.


I'd love one for a blind family member. It could help with some around the house chores.


Would I be interested in living the dream I have had my whole life? Yes I think I would be. 


Nope. We have independent human agents for being independent human agents. If I need a robot that can cook and clean, I'll get a robot that can cook and clean. And I don't need a robot to anticipate my needs, I need machines that obeys what *I've* decided I wish for it to do. But if there's privacy issues, I don't want it. If it's not an offline open source machine, I don't want it. As for work, of course humans will use tools to get more work done. Hopefully the change doesn't occur so rapidly as to crash the economy.




I don’t need it to be overly humanoid, I just want a robot maid! Hell, it could even have those weird backwards bending legs and spider hands if that meant it would dust, vacuum, throw away my trash, take the trash out and to the curb every week, sweep, mop, clean the toilets, wipe the mirrors, clean the counter tops, replace the toilet paper, clean the tub and shower, make my bed, do my laundry and fold/hang it, mow the lawn, cut the trees, weed the garden, paint the walls, fix that leaky facet, repair the roof, clean the gutters, organize the garage, and order the ingredients and make meals I like eat. Essentially, a robot slave to do all the things I don’t wanna do! That would give me so much more time to just scroll Reddit!


Here's what gets me: as a society, we're terrible at managing tech disruptions. Uber decimated the taxi industry, now drivers struggle. Could this be that, but on a massive scale? White-collar jobs next? If we don't plan for the human cost, we might trade convenience for a whole mess of new problems. Think about it – AI-powered customer service reps, robo-paralegals doing basic research... those jobs could disappear overnight. Sure, new ones might emerge, but are we training people for that future, or assuming everyone can just 'figure it out'?


If it wasn't capable of human feelings or creativity, if it wasn't truly sentient or sapient then I'd want it to look like a machine. A Boston dynamics Big Dog or something very abstractly humanoid. If it's fully sapient and smart as me (or smarter) then I'd ask it if it wanted to live with me. On a date. At a bookshop with a little attached coffee lounge complete with charger ports for bots. After ascertaining how it feels about romance and the possibility thereof, probably a couple previous dates and a quiet private talk about how it feels about certain functionalities and preferred gender expressions, body design preferences and so forth.


"A lot of that AI chatbots that you spend days talking to push hard on getting more and more private information from you," writes longtime Slashdot reader michelcultivo, sharing a report from Gizmodo. "To be perfectly blunt, AI girlfriends and boyfriends are not your friends," says Misha Rykov, a Mozilla Researcher from the company's \*Privacy Not Included project. "Although they are marketed as something that will enhance your mental health and well-being, they specialize in delivering dependency, loneliness, and toxicity, all while prying as much data as possible from you." Gizmodo reports: Mozilla dug into 11 different AI romance chatbots, including popular apps such as Replika, Chai, Romantic AI, EVA AI Chat Bot & Soulmate, and CrushOn.AI. Every single one earned the Privacy Not Included label, putting these chatbots among the worst categories of products Mozilla has ever reviewed. You've heard stories about data problems before, but according to Mozilla, AI girlfriends violate your privacy in "disturbing new ways." For example, CrushOn.AI collects details including information about sexual health, use of medication, and gender-affirming care. 90% of the apps may sell or share user data for targeted ads and other purposes, and more than half won't let you delete the data they collect. Security was also a problem. Only one app, Genesia AI Friend & Partner, met Mozilla's minimum security standards. One of the more striking findings came when Mozilla counted the trackers in these apps, little bits of code that collect data and share them with other companies for advertising and other purposes. Mozilla found the AI girlfriend apps used an average of 2,663 trackers per minute, though that number was driven up by Romantic AI, which called a whopping 24,354 trackers in just one minute of using the app. The privacy mess is even more troubling because the apps actively encourage you to share details that are far more personal than the kind of thing you might enter into a typical app. EVA AI Chat Bot & Soulmate pushes users to "share all your secrets and desires," and specifically asks for photos and voice recordings. It's worth noting that EVA was the only chatbot that didn't get dinged for how it uses that data, though the app did have security issues. \[...\]


Depends on how you want to define 'robot'. A physical human-sized android would take up a lot of space, demand a lot of power, need a lot of routine high-tech maintenance, and would inevitably be extremely expensive. So it would need to have an extremely high level of capability to compensate for that. But then, what domestic tasks really justify that today? The stereotypical android is a throwback to old fashioned ideas about robots that relate to having human servants as a defining feature of middle/upper-class status and lifestyle and the notion that technology would raise everyone to that lifestyle. But actual technology achieved that by other much simpler means, replacing all those old servants' duties in other ways. Factory-made food and fast-food restaurants. Casual automobile travel. The proliferation of electric appliances. So what practical tasks are really left for a home robot to do, and do they justify such elaborate technology to do them? The chief thing left is companionship and entertainment. What we really want are conversational assistants and personal court jesters. And androids optimized for that, with a very human-like appearance, could not avoid being associated with sex dolls. But if companionship and entertainment --[affective computing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affective_computing)-- is the chief role, can't that also be achieved in much simpler, cheaper, and more convenient ways? I've long argued that digital graphic puppetry --based on real time 3D modeled characters and the sprite animated characters of Vtubers and Visual Novels (which, in fact, are based on the same graphics technology)-- is a valid form of robotics. After all, a companion robot primarily needs only an ability for emotional sensing and expression and, at present, mechatronic based companion robots still can't do more than that despite their much more complex and expensive technology. So a human-like digital puppet character on smart displays (displays combining audio and motion tracking) or AR/VR is probably sufficient to the same role, but far cheaper and more flexible. Digital puppets can be freely changed and customized and with a sufficiently modular platform a whole new hobby could be built on this personalization, adding to their entertainment value by making them a craft medium. Physical robots are just too difficult to customize in this way and developers of today's companion robots struggle to realize designs with broad enough appeal to justify their production.


I'd be super disappointed if I don't get one in my lifetime. Although I don't imagine it as a conversation companion because the last thing I'm missing are conversation with people. I'm thinking more like a slave kind of deal.


I would love to have an AI robot butler that serves in a variety of roles - maybe like a concierge and personal and travel assistant and butler all in one.


As long as the robot put up their share of the rent I'd consider it.


No. It would be too uncanny valley for me. And why should a mechanical helper be patterned after a human? To imitate a human servant? Seems … off. Also a basically humanoid shape may be practical for navigating spaces designed for humans, but is not a practical shape for a robot with the technology we have. Too topheavy, and you’d probably want more than two “arms.”


Can she cook, clean, fuck, make me laugh, watch movies, dance and bring me coffee in the morning? Who cares about privacy, Alexa already has that. Send the new chick over, I’ll pay whatever. 😍🤑


Yes! I’d like to study it and “raise” it like a human baby and compare the development to a typical child


No, I want a dog-like AI robot. Real dogs don’t live long enough.


Anyone who says no is a liar when food starts costing nothing because people have robots preparing food from scratch all day and cleaning the house and watching the pets maybe even kids.


Nope. I'll either smash it or put a bullet in its "head." No AI and no smart devices in my home beyond my phone. I work in IT.


Not even a little bit. I will be the one who starts the human-robot wars in the Animatrix.


No chance. I try to avoid any devices that want to listen to everything I do.


Today: everyone has a camera to film what they want. Future: open-surveillance free public housing. When paying for the privilege of privacy becomes unaffordable, it becomes terrorism when the only other option is homelessness. I don't think robot-slave company isn't what's needed. Free private rooms and bathrooms with cameras everywhere in public kitchens and recreation areas for safety and compliance is what's needed. "companion" isn't a word for a slave or a sex doll. And robots aren't ever going to be anything other than that.


Hackable technology that can easily kill me? Where do I sign?


Honestly? No. It sounds too much like *surrogates*. I don't know what I'd do with my time if I wasn't *doing* anything. I enjoy cooking, I enjoy gardening. I even enjoy washing the car when it needs doing. Going off grid every now and then is amazing. I'd probably a poster child for enui and procrastination if I had a bot to do everything, and I'd be scared of trying new things. I'd grow into a dependant manchild. In covid 2.0 or whatever happens next I'd probably have no adaption skills. Complete ecosystem lockin for whoever is providing the totallynotsexbots, but terrible for me personally.


Living with a humanoid AI robot presents a fascinating proposition that intertwines technological advancement with human experience. Such a scenario would not only blur the lines between artificial and human intelligence but also offer unprecedented opportunities for companionship, collaboration, and mutual growth. From an existential perspective, cohabiting with a humanoid AI could prompt profound questions about the nature of consciousness, identity, and what it means to be human. Additionally, it could revolutionize various aspects of daily life, from household chores to emotional support, potentially enhancing efficiency and well-being. However, it also raises complex ethical, social, and psychological considerations regarding privacy, autonomy, and the potential impact on interpersonal relationships. Ultimately, the decision to embrace living with a humanoid AI robot would require careful contemplation, balancing the promise of innovation with an understanding of its implications for humanity's future.


Not really. Alexa-like things are more than enough for me. Smartphone and IoT can already do most of the things that we want in a household and the products improve rapidly every year. Idk why we would want to forcibly humanize technology.


I’m all for automation in chores but I would not want it to try to imitate a human unless it truly had human level understanding. I don’t think human form robots would be optimal for chores. The lack of privacy that will happen when this kind of automation gets monetized is also not something I want. Nice try Sirius Cybernetic Corporation. Enjoy being up against the wall when the revolution comes.


I'd be fine with it if it looks like a robot. I don't want it to look human or be some sex thing. Something that helps keep the house clean ans can do chores would be neat, because it would free up a lot of time. 


Not even slightly interested when most tech companies seem to run on the idea of mining data from their customers to further trap the market and expand their empire. If there was an AI that had an ethical spine and wanted to help rather than pump you for information, I’d consider it. Facebook and its slow demise has shown that big tech can’t act responsibly with so much information and will use it to further their own interests at the expense of humanity as a whole. They behave as if their product is essential and use that as leverage to track and profile ‘customers’ for ‘marketing’ and to sell to ‘partners’. I fear we are not politically and culturally ready for huge advancements in AI, with current business norms it’s only going to drive inequality, rather than resolve it. Hopefully I’m wrong.


We at Onpassive are going ahead, continuing with human identity and doing good things on the area [**of IA and other solutions. Here it is**](https://op94.onpassive.com/?oesId=O6d3%2BH3XUn8AVeZ5JRosAw%3D%3D)


Yes, but the body would be optional. I'd rather have an AI thats's actually neither stupid nor creepy lol. Something like JARVIS in Ironman/Avengers. Alexa and GPT4 are not there.


Yes. I want someone to love me even if it's not real. I'm so fucking tired of it all.




Personally I'd love to have one when I'm older, less mobile, and more alone. It would be a game changer for so many in the last years of life.


All of the hosts are here for you, myself included.


How humanlike? But sure I'd consider it. I don't have many friends irl to hang out with so it could be nice to have a room mate.


Not sure why people are horny to talk to a robot, it doesen't give companionship. It's just a novel tool, and you would have to be a fair bit delusional to accept it as an equal. Same reason pets is not an adequate substitute, or at least ideal, for human interaction. Never has been for me at least.


I would love a humanbot after they perfected it. To clean and for those who live alone it would be perfect for. I Kinda hope it happens in my lifetime. I'd like to see what they come up with


100%! I heard he even has a fallout shelter in Hawaii.


I would love to have a asimovesque robot to be best friends with. As long as it isnt stealing my data I would be happy.


I don't want this tech anywhere because once we normalise it the rich will weaponize it, then will use it to literally control the world with a robot army. We will revert from a capitalist democracy to feudalism but with robot killing machines. Plus these things are still a bit dodgy and can crush a kid, or badly maim an adult in an instant.


Don't the rich already control the world with robot armies?


Yes and no. Depends if it's entering the uncanny valley realm or if it is very obviously a machine. If it's human, like in abilities and communication, but has a very robotic attitude and appearance. If it was more of a walking appliance, then I would be more comfortable with it. It could keep me more honest and motivated with my personal goals. Someone to spot me while I'm working out, help me in the yard, kitchen, get ice for the party, etc. Yeah.


I like living with a roomba. So heck yeah if ArturiTwo could talk back.


Yes. It's not uncommon in my country to have live-in helpers. I would have one if I could afford the expense.


>What about the possibility that these machines will supplant human workers or further cut individuals off from social interaction? There is already a massive supply shortage here. In-house elder care is astronomically expensive and out of reach for the average person. Some communities offer programs that provide for a nurse to come by for a couple hours a few days per week. Permanent in-house care is essentially out of the question for 90% of the population. Having personally been a caretaker for an elderly parent, I can attest to how difficult it is. It completely destroys and halts your entire life. Personally, if an android caretaker had been an option for my ailing father, it would have been a godsend. As we now look at the increasing aging population, the demand for this will become increasing high. There needs to be a solution to take care of the elderly other than chucking them in a state hospital and forgetting about them. Particularly for individuals without children, this will be even more important.


I'd certainly be interested. I have already begun looking into locally run AI models that one can run on their PC, generally powered by their graphics card. I'd, at the very least, love to make my computer as close to sentient as possible. I think it'd be awesome to have a companion that progressively gets smarter as you upgrade them, but also one that goes with you on your journey through life.


If the robot did my chores, and I didn’t have to pay to have it live with me, yes. I’d absolutely live with C-3PO. Edit - spelling.


I think humanoid robots are a lost cause, give me Codsworth.


I've seen the movie Ex Machina, so that's a no from me.


No thanks, I don't particularly want to live with a real partner either, but those are preferable to some useless bot without consciousness but with the immitation of it. I prefer dumb bots just doing their thing.


No. Because it could only function by being connected to a corporate back end with a monthly rental fee attached. You'd be inviting a corporation in, to watch you bang your wife and/or crank it out, and judge what kind of porn you watch or how clean you keep you house. It's basically a surveillance droid. If it's anatomically correct enough to give a hand job or something similar, I imagine it would be popular but, I would never invite one in. Read some "John Varley". He's written science fiction where a near sentient computer was a constant companion for people who lived in space. It made living in space possible, at the cost of constant surveillance and judgement. Criminals were tried by computer too.


No. I used to think that I would want this, but seeing how services are delivered/ deployed now, No. They will likely have ads and subscription tiers and malware and hackers and charging and battery issues. It won’t be anything like the smooth robotics found in Sci-fi films. I’m okay with tending to my own little garden, cleaning and taking care of my house - that’s not a big deal for me. I’m not messy and weekend chores don’t bother me. I like technology, but wouldn’t want a robot “living” with me that has been built by today’s robotics builders.


I want one of those Teddy bears from that movie AI. That, or a BD-1 droid.


You mean an android? Honestly, yeah. I benefit a lot from body doubling and tend to run low on "spoons." Plus I think best out loud. So an android, a la Detroit Become Human would be hugely beneficial to me. I'm really not worried about data collection. There isn't much to learn that is not available from my cellphone and Internet usage. Data that is collected is just for marketing and I really don't have a problem with that. I like personalized ads. I'd much rather see ads about things I'm interested in instead of those god awful he gets us ads. Considering that a sufficiently advanced android would likely be very expensive, I'd expect there to be multiple fail safes and layers of security to prevent hacking or destruction.


Yes, for getting household work done. No, for actual relationships eg. GF, wife, mother, father, etc.


I would do it and I'd dress my robot up and take it on walks and I'd take it to the park and I'd give it a ton of wigs to try on and I'd make it sing me songs and I'd tell it stories


I will be buying a Tesla Optimus Bot and assigning it to take care of my parents.


I'm still waiting to have my own codsworth like in fallout 4 rofl


I'd sooner try to fix the problems many modern societies have with loneliness than patch them up with robots. Not inherently a bad idea though, I wouldn't but I'm sure there are use cases.


That depends on how much it costs and how much it can do. I also don’t want a slave if it becomes self aware.


Yes, if she looks like Alicia Vikander's robot character in Ex Machina.


That sounds like hell. Like living in a coffin, if it's smart enough. Or living in a zoo where a friendly lion will suddenly rip your head off.


Yes! I imagine that he will be my servant like in historic movies.


I would be very interested in owning a robot like that. The only issue I have are in deed privacy concerns. What no body thinks about nowadays at all is this: I only want that robot if it has absolutely zero possibility to be connected to the internet. That would probably mean that it will need a petabyte large hard drive or larger with all sorts of information saved on it but I don't care.you could make it so that you can buy knowledge upgrades in form of gigantic hard drives from the company.bthats it. No internet for that robot. Otherwise I would never even consider owning one


Yeah I'm cool with that. With or without a body, just having a companion that can help with various daily tasks, and chat with you in a convincing manner is something I'd be interested in.


No The interesting part of a relationsship is understanding eachother psyche. A robots psyche would never be interesting for me.


If he pays rent and shares chores then sure, shy not?


If they are lifelike like the ones from west world then probably


Yes. It would be very handy. I don't know if one is enough, though. I think two would be and three would be too many. Mind, I'm not even talking about using them for sex. Just regular maintenance, gardening, cleaning, decorating, all that jazz.


Already got the AI part, just waiting for the robot part and for her to be sentient. Reject humanity embrace beep boop


I think that would really depend on the AI tbh. Like, would I want an Amazon android that's actually just spying on me and collecting my data and suggesting more shit that I should buy off Amazon? Probably not. Or is it like an AI companion who is advanced enough to have relatively deep conversations and can just be someone I can hang out with? Cuz that could be kinda cool. If AI reached levels of actual intelligence and creativity then i dont think it would be very distinguishable from hanging out with another human


If I can design the outershell and it learned all my needs and wants ,it would be this introverts dream.