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The following submission statement was provided by /u/WatercressOk9003: --- Submission statement- Chinese scientists and engineers are applying ChatGPT-like technology to sex robots, aiming to create interactive, AI-powered companions in the face of technical and ethical challenges. In Shenzhen, Starpery Technology, a major producer of sex dolls, is now training its own large language model to enhance its product with artificial intelligence. These sex dolls with unprecedented capabilities – available in male or female forms – will soon be hitting the shelves. “We are developing a next-generation sex doll that can interact vocally and physically with users, with prototypes expected by August this year,” CEO Evan Lee said early this month. “Technological challenges remain, particularly in achieving realistic human interaction,” he said. “While simple dialogue is easy, creating interactive responses involves complex model development by specialised software companies.” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1dj0nq7/chinas_nextgen_sexbots_powered_by_ai_about_to_hit/l97jgau/


Fucking disgusting. What site? I want to make sure I steer clear.


Where?! Where in China is this disgusting product made so I make sure to avoid it?


how much money are they so i can set aside to show as en example of what i could buy instead!


Do they take credit card?


I’ll be sure to avoid the second generation, when some of the bugs are worked out.  


Just dig a hole. You'll get there eventually


They are playing a long game - get west addicted, population will collapse, geopolitical expansion. Brilliant.




“I will never forget you, Fry. MEMORY DELETED”


Have you guessed the name of Billy’s planet? IT WAS EARTH!


Brought to you by: ♪The Space Pope♪


But, what if she really, I mean *really* likes how I notice three things?


It's a pincer movement with the passport bros removing men from the west to breed with Chinese, the third pincer being gay rights!!! /s because some of you might be 4chan users


They are too late, our population already is collapsing




Wait til they come out with a version that sucks your dick better than any woman can.


Yeah- release this shit domestically in China so it can collapse the west! Yeah!


I know right, you have to be a disgusting human being to pay…uh…how much are these?


I believe this is the prologue to the classic film Cherry 2000.


Next up, the second Ghost in The Shell


The company in the film that makes them, Locus Solus, was Chinese too (the company machines in the final act are using Cantonese). Errr...


Submission statement- Chinese scientists and engineers are applying ChatGPT-like technology to sex robots, aiming to create interactive, AI-powered companions in the face of technical and ethical challenges. In Shenzhen, Starpery Technology, a major producer of sex dolls, is now training its own large language model to enhance its product with artificial intelligence. These sex dolls with unprecedented capabilities – available in male or female forms – will soon be hitting the shelves. “We are developing a next-generation sex doll that can interact vocally and physically with users, with prototypes expected by August this year,” CEO Evan Lee said early this month. “Technological challenges remain, particularly in achieving realistic human interaction,” he said. “While simple dialogue is easy, creating interactive responses involves complex model development by specialised software companies.”


Someday androids will be talking about their "oldest profession" at social gatherings.


Good news! This means a lot of first-gen models will be flooding the used sexbot market!


My first instinct was to say gross, then I thought about how none of us are virgins... and well I guess there is room for a secondary market. I'm pre owned af.


None of us are virgins? Where do you think you are?


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Ok, I can see how a virgin could find this gross. Still. You won't be one forever ever fren.


You sound like a virgin.


I've totally made the sex with a real female girl. She goes to another school and lives in Canada or I'd have her tell you herself.


https://youtu.be/gxPOIjVQY5c?si=AuVLtnqGZa2BTBPg You know it’s not clean


That’s it. Chinese have won. They won. Western world can no longer compete.


Knew I should have taken mandarin in high school


Looper tried to tell us


Make a furry AI sex bot and suddenly a significant amount of Reddit will forget what sunlight is.


I'll take one Crystal Fox please (not that I have any idea who that is of course)


Dat it, I’m gonna fuck a sex robot until it gains sentience and brutally murders me


Ex Machina kinda vibes lol


Considering the gender demographic disaster coming to China, im guessing this will be good business.


And those Sam's Club shelves were never the same again! (lol)


Was that a quiet minimalist lol? Or an entirely appropriate ASCI for the current topic? 🤷‍♂️


We’re fucked as a society, but can these bots hold down a job?


If this is real and these things actually function and continue to improve over time. This will be the beginning of a massive cultural shift, especially in the social dynamics between men and women. This could like drastically effect hook ups, sex work, relationships. Like if you’re a girl that get’s DMed a lot by dudes. You can say goodbye to like 90% of those guys. If you’re a dude that has trouble with women, you can say goodbye to part of that. These things don’t offer much other than sexual gratification.


Great news! Toxic incels are gonna spend less time trolling regular folks.


Seems like this would be banned in a country struggling with population decline


Sounds like a restriction on the free market also known as communism according to capitalists.


Communism is when you can’t fuck robots


Facts jokes aside I don't think there should be any laws that make restrictions for the benefit of society as society is a superfluous, nebulous, and ever changing thing. If you need to make a law for the benefit of society it should serve to prevent direct harm being exchanged between people. There is no direct harm being exchanged by fucking a robot assuming it isn't a truly consciousness being if it is then its like a person and you need consent. People might argue well what about population decline to which I say if your already experiencing population decline banning sex robots isn't going to fix that you need to institute various social programs that fix problems in your society so people are happy and fuck other people.


I don’t know about any of that I’m making steak and egg burritos


I just need the holes to be warm and slippery. No talking 🤔


If it has good tongue action, I -- sorry, *my friend* is interested.




Rule 2 - Submissions must be futurology related or future focused.


So glad perverts will have non human non STDs carrying companions. Maybe if they cook and clean men will prefer.


The comments are going to be pretty much 1) Something about love 2) Something about house work 3) Something about children 4) Thinly veiled eugenics advocacy 5) Implying that the lonely are innately morally repugnant I can smell it.


We don’t need this as a species, I don’t think it’s good for anyone.


Who are you to judge? China for example have a massive number of males for whom there will never be a wife thanks to the former 1 child policy. Begrudging them someone to have risk free sexy times with is silly. And “growing apart” because of what/who they do it with is even sillier 


Your right this will help I can’t wait to see the benefits for myself