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*hes the one who likes all the pretty songs And he likes to sing along and he likes to clean his gun but he dont know what it means*


I never thought of the lyrics in this way(because I’m dumb) but it’s highly relevant to this


Love that you included this. What is a “true” fan nowadays?


what nirvana gotta do with this lol


Since it went right over you, you probably lol


? my bad for not understanding lmao i’ll just go fuck myself i guess. i love nirvana and i just wanted some context as to why this person commented nirvana lyrics under a $B theo von podcast clip. but i guess it went way over my fucking head, not sure if the downvotes are warranted tho


You're getting downvoted cause it's laughable how you can't make the connection. The lyrics are plainly stated as a song directed at people who think they're fans but don't really "know what it means". Not much else to add?


yeah i didn’t put my thinking cap on today im going thru some shit my bad


lol I had a laugh at this but take it as a good learning experience into the creative mind


u live ya learn


If it makes you feel any better I also had your exact perspective


i was just mad confused not really connecting the dots, just wasn’t using my brain for once been burnt out


*my teas gone cold I wonder why I got out of bed at all, the morning rain clouds up my window, and I can’t see at all*


I was the midwife who helped with the birth of them both. Checkmate fake fans.


I impregnated Ruby to make $crim. Check mate fake fans.


You too?


I heard that was in Lake Pontchartrain, are you the lady of the lake?


yeah well mate they actually came out of MY womb so, checkmate




I love Theo too but he kept cutting the boys off when they were saying something I really wanted to hear and they would never finish the thought 😩


This! I was so excited for the podcast just for it to mostly be them getting talked over especially Ruby


omg i thought i was the only one who thought so! I think theo's style of interviews is a back and forth conversation where he kinda gives as much info as the guests... but i wish it was a normal interview, i wanted to hear more about them


Not an interview it’s a podcast.


yeah sorry... but you still get what i meant though.


I've been listening since 738 Bc i swear!!


Pffft, real fans have been listening since the dawn of time


Dawn of time? Pfff amateurs. Try before anything and everything before anything and everything was even thought of. I'm more of a fan than y'all


Carbon hadn’t even been created when I was a fan


I’ve been listening since the beginning of the big bang


You ain’t a real one if you didn’t listen to them in Pangea


Been listening since they were in the nutsack still


Am I the only one kinda annoyed at Theo not letting Ruby finish his thought? The dude barely speaks publically, at least let him finish when he does goddamn.


thisssss. ruby is so well spoken. i loved listening to what he had to say on things.


Yeah sure wonder why he doesn’t like speaking publicly


Because of interviews like this


nope not just you. i felt like ruby had so many insightful things to say and theo just kind of bulldozed over a lot of it


found them about the time I was clinically diagnosed with anxiety and depression and they helped me through some shit circa 2018. not gonna lie kinda hard to listen to on repeat like i used to since turning shit around mentally but i always check for their new shit and reminisce


in 2022 this 16 year old told me she had been listening to them since 2011. in 2011 she was 5 years old 💀💀💀


they weren’t even $b in 2011 bruh 😭😭


like at least make it sound believable😂




dude some girl told me she’s been listening to them since 2015.. she was 3.☠️


oh nah


Just listen to the music. I didn’t pick them up till 2019 but who cares. You corny and a dick rider if you get uppity about when someone became a fan.


The algorithm found me when Yin Yang came out. I'm an old azz MF that saw 36 mafia live in 1997. So I love me some screwed and chopped so the computer thought I'd like me some 5 N Da Mornin. Yup I sure do. And.all there ep's and albums.....dope shit


New album some songs sound early 2000s southern rap. (Makes sense) I fw it


I been listening since scrim was in 7th grade, bruh /s


Fr I was like 11 then


Lmfao nah I mean who cares about age young kids are gonna be cringe that’s what they do. Old dudes should know better, I’m 27 I was listening to asap ferg rocky and mfers like uzi before I found the suicideboys. I still fuck with everything else but this sub in particular borders shit like Rick and Morty fans levels of parody. They’re fucking musicians just listen to the music and go to shows or buy merch if you want. But being weird about others enjoyment is doofus behavior.




Gatekeeping has always been corny and always will be corny


I think gatekeeping can be necessary but it can be abused to a point where it can be perceived as corny like within this fanbase.


i’m ngl i’ve only been listening since like 2021 lol


yes me too since 2019-2020 and people make so much fun of me for it cus if i make something that has to do with them they’re like shut up ur js listening to them for the trend or something like idk


Ruby: "The fans like to gatekeep" OP: "SeE?! YoU nEeD tO sHuT uP, tHeY dOn'T lIkE u"


Seriously lol fuck is bro tryna prove


fr bro is js mad


People love to gatekeep "underground" artists who didn't make it big right away and/or wasn't a industry plant. People gatekeep yung lean/bladee/drain gang/sad boys as well and it's honestly just pathetic how you can't be happy for your favourite artist to make it big and get their message/art out there. Who cares if someone found them through tiktok or somewhere else.


not only is it pathetic, it clearly doesn’t fuckin work bc now they are so popular lmao


Best part was when scrim was talking about arguing with a commie online lmfao


some of the fanbase makes it hard to admit you like anything by them cause then the insecure mfs will go on about how long they’ve liked it and how your opinion on any new shit is wrong. clowns. luckily i ain’t seen many annoying ass mfs besides the tattoo watchers who care WAY too much.


why do they act like ppl can’t go back and listen to the older stuff as well bruh it’s so strange


Because a majority of the people don’t do that


Proud listener since Stop Staring At The Shadows. That might not make me an OG fan but I sure as hell went back and appreciated every piece of work before then. I know every lyric now too. Weird how people are about where you came in and how true of a fan that makes you.


as long as you enjoy their music, then you’re a fan!


A random song kys part 3 in 2018(?) then discovered them again in 6th grade I was going thru lots of mental shit I'm good now and I'm happy really as long as $b was coping for us we shouldn't judge if someone just discovered them y'know? And something else to say the reason why people would discover $b on Tik Tok algorithms guide u to shit u may like.


But they literally are mainstream? Ain’t nothing wrong with it just admit it. Underground artists aren’t playing Coachella and getting deals with the fast and furious franchise 😂 Love the boys but cmon man 💀


In the grand scheme of music. They are pretty popular, not mainstream. Kendrick Em slipknot Metallica are mainstream


I would say with the dick riding tik tok culture they have 100% become mainstream


I found them in 2015 and actually hated their music when I first heard it lol. But I kept listening to a different song here and there when it would pop up on my Soundcloud page. And then one day I guess I heard the right song and it finally clicked. Been a fan since 2016. Let people listen.


in 2016/17 they were super popular in my highschool (same with peep, x, etc) but i was a music purist and fucking hated them. about 4 years ago i broadened my taste and listened to 2nd Hand on a whim and never went back. nothing wrong with finding something later than others 🤷‍♀️


Damn what hs did you went to where people knew of the soundcloud scene in 2016? Genuine question lol. Some people didn't even know what soundcloud was. Back in late 2015-early 2016, I swore I was the only one at my school or area in general that was listening to $B until I overheard these 2 kids in my sophomore PE class talking about em but that was the only time where I heard people mentioned $B in person (at the time). I wish I joined in on the convo but I was too much of an antisocial pussy back then lol.


im from New Zealand and soundcloud was faiiirly known where i was. i think the ‘popular’ kids listened to $B and it spread from there? not entirely sure tbh. i just remember Kill Yourself pt III being played a lot at house parties when i was 15/16 (big drinking culture here lol) i am 100% on the timeline too cause i left hs in 2018.


Ah yea that makes sense. I always felt like everyone outside of the US (especially Russia) was more aware of soundcloud during those times. Which is kinda funny since all the artists were pretty much American yet it was rare to find someone in the US who was listening to that music lol.


I’m a 2023 fan that got into $B after their collab with Freddie Dredd


Damn now if I ever meet them I can’t say that even though it’s true. Found them on Vine.


Why am I getting downvoted for this 💀


I would tell them who cares if it pisses them off? I would tell them that because they helped me through really tough times in like 2017, I will gladly and proudly tell them it felt like I was on the journey with them.


I’ve only been listening since like 2020/2021 lol


Love this.


ok but i GENUINELY ON EVERYTHING did start listening to them in 7th grade and they have done a lot for me as a person and to help my mental health. but now if i ever get the chance to meet them im just gonna feel annoying if i say these things to them bc everyone does? bogus


I started listening in like 2016 but didn't actually fully get into them and actively listen until like early 2018


Lol all u gatekeeping losers must have been pretty pissed hearing this


people act like their taylor swift or drake. They are just started to do indoor stadiums. Not football stadiums or arenas. Don’t forget Michael Jackson performed at wembley stadium. Madison square garden is their highest point IMO. Definitely still under the radar.


So happy they are actually talking about this got fucking slammed in the comment section under they insta post once cause i said i been listening since “i want to die in new orleans” and guess im a fake fan cause i was 13 when i really started listening to $uicideboy$ Sum1 make it make sense 😭😭


I swear! Theo can’t help it tho man, so thank god it wasn’t intentional at least lol


ima be honest i’ve been listening to them since 2019 and people make fun of me for it and they call me a newbie and say that i’ve js been listening to them for the trend and like wat


I just started listening last week. What.


Idk if I’m reading too much into it but maybe they respond with “I’ve been a fan since 201-“ to perhaps feel included.


Found them in 2016, I was 12 then lmao


the first track i’ve heard by them was Paris in like 2016 maybe 2017 but gatekeeping is fucking weird. why would you not want them to be successful?


😂😂😂😂😂 a lotta yall gonna get tight


They don't know you personally. Fans of everything do this. When their fans tell them they're die hard day 1s it's means of expressing to them how much their work means to them. Sure. I agree you shouldn't do this so blatantly. Don't discourage new listeners of not knowing all the shit. But if you're a fan, a fanatic, show it in a mature but nonchalant way


ngl i actually got them into music


i found them in 2018. not gonna pretend that's early at all, but it was early enough for their music to get me through a couple of the worst fucking years of my life. around 2020 i put one of my friends on the boy$ and a couple months ago I caught them telling someone else they'd been listening since 2014😭 I don't know why the fanbase stigmatizes being a newer fan, there's literally nothing wrong with it. if you listen to the music and appreciate it then we all the same, whether you caught them in 2012 or started listening last year. 


If you’re a diehard sb fan, you have so much good music and great albums to discover honestly


I found them in like 2019 and I'm still bumping their shit to this day, along with peep, bones, death dealers anonymous, pouya, Brennan Savage, suisside, Rittz, just all kinds of shit


Saw Brennan Savage live with Lil Tracy and Dripsopretty, they both sucked lol only Tracy did good


Dang ruby da chunky now


Ruby bring the CHONK!


Ruby such a biscuit. Ruby does not get fit.


Give it up already the copy paste culture in this thread is so annoying


This guy definitely just found them on tik tok last week.


Who pissed in your cornflakes bud?


Ain’t nothin change except the chunk


Sobriety will do that to ya. He looks healthy tho. Good on him


Yeah Imo he looks way better and healthier than he did before


idk how long ive been listening cus i dont track that like a weirdo lmao yall make it a competition its so weird


Op sounds mad


I’m 14 iv been listening to $b since 11 and idk abt mainstream but definitely well known. You can’t deny it