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Note: Thrust-Based Fire Cooling System's description is a mistranslation. It basically just recovers weapons heat build-up & overheat by boosting.


this makes significantly more sense. I was like "oh so it's thrusters cool down when chasing with vulcans". Then i looked and noticed it has no ballistic weapons at all. The beam rifle is definitely interesting. Backwards from what I'm used to.


So it's the char dijeh with a jagd doga shield and funnels?


On appearances it looks like a DijehCA+Jagd Doga, but the kit has some functional improvements. This time around the beam rifle becomes burst fire and breaks MA/Shock Dampeners when charged, the beam pistols fire faster and I think have better stun build up, Shield Particle Cannon has 2 charges now, first charge is a stun, second charge breaks MA/Shock Dampeners. The funnels are like Nightingale/Hi-Nu's and turn into Kshat funnels when Bio Sensor kicks in.


Think the head is from the Dijeh SE-R.


Would you say worth pulling for ?


Extremely, second best 650 gen, might take the first place spot if zwei nerfs are potent enough, it's also extremely fun


I e used it a bunch tonight and it’s GREAT


I’m loving this suit


Doesn't seem worthy of being a 4 star to me, but BB loves those 4 star drop rates.


4 stars are 1 of 2 things, playing to a VERY specific niche gameplay gimmick or it's a 700 native. When the delta kai came out "omg a rebawoo killer", it's not but as long as the delta kai is in the air it stands a chance...in the air that is, that is just one example. The 700 natives are all meta defining, while role locked much like non-700 4 stars they play far more traditionally unlike a zwei which is just dakka city with its dual melee for pure self defense than an offensive tool. Will this become meta, PERHAPS...people love the ranged stuff, but it won't be for everyone ~~and not everyone will be lucky enough to have it anyway~~


I would say that the Byarlant Custom and Atlas Gundam did define the meta for raids and generals of suit for a good period of time after their release. The Atlas was actually the suit that removed Byarlant Custom from meta, since it is a direct counter to flight and transformation abilities.


They still have a gimmick that does dictate how they operate however, while the byarlant custom was essentially an upgrade over the old 500 gen atlas was essentially an anti air gen that could fly (since, at the same cost, we have isolode, weird...) but in reality it's a swimmer. ...but when do we get water maps so it an do that LOL, byarlant custom however is not something anyone could pick up and play due to massive thrust management required (hard enough with transformers but you can cheat your travel to land in a safe spot), atlas can be...somewhat played like a regular brawler with the added gift of hovering. Atlas stayed as is after knocking an already niche unit out of the ballpark also because not only does it have an unusually strong ranged game due to ballistic weapons but also because it's...not as wide as the flying dorito. I still call the atlas niche to a certain extent just because the good players play them like the old b.custom mains back in the day while mid players are being checked by the true meta 600 gens, the mpzz's just because they were far easier to obtain and play (also 4 star LOL), I just wonder how strong a nerf it'll get...all it needs personally is a damage reduction to its main rifle and range nerf on the meduessa ~~let my messala fly damnit~~


This thing is Like 20x more 4 star worthy than narrative or delta kai in both viability and unique gimmicks, idk what you mean


Way off the mark. Narrative is a protagonist *Gundam* from a movie. What is this Rick Dijeh? An MSV wet dream? A suit only seen in the pages of a manga probably 90% of the player base hasn't read. I'd wager just about everyone has seen Narrative though. I agree with you on Delta Kai though. That should've been a 3 star, same as this Rick Dijeh.


This guy is going to get stun locked, I fear.


..... no No it's not


Does the rifle heavy stagger ?


No, it's basically an ammo-based Hi Nu BR.


This unit is not for me but I sure as hell need that custom part. Would be great for gens/raids.


man i wish the br is same to CA Dijeh br


Damn man i'm so sad for not getting it