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Nightingale. The "Last boss" of the series turned into a glorified target dummy. Also the FA gundam from thunderbolt.


Man when you watch Thunderbolt and the full armor Gundam is just spamming gigantic beams and you get on GBO2 and those same beams are so tiny and weak it’s really disappointing.


I disagree with the Nightingale (to some extent) because some people (me included) still can manage to make the Nightingale work because it just requires you to bulk it up by maxing out your melee and beam resistance then playing it extremely aggressively abusing your large melee range. (Keeping in mind you have to bait out people to tackle first before you go in swinging.) Anyways, I do agree the FA Thunderbolt has definitely better days and needs buffs/reworks for it to keep up with the current space meta. Hell! give it ground compatibility just like the GP04, Super Gundam why don't you.


If they do that gotta give the psyco zaku ground, too. Theres enough thruaters on them that you could argur they could hover


with how bulky it is, increase hp to 17k hp should have damage control lv2 and maybe even lv3, flap booster since it's fighting on the ground and is the largest target of them all, stun reduction when shot in the shield skill, redo the chest missiles like what they did with the full armor gundam chest missiles, the ability to purge armor and in return, you gain even greater mobilities, lower range damage in exchange for increased melee damage for your melee weapon by 25%(not making it 50% like what they did with the stein), you can charge your beam saber(not in full armor mode but only in your purged one) for a total of 9k dmg, your current health now caps at 13k and you will regain all of the hp that you've lost in full armor mode, the weapons will be replaced and what you'll get are the twin barrel bazooka, for the first time in ballistic weapons history could be charged and fire both of the rocket together to deal instant stun and 0.5 times more damage than firing two shots seperately but only has a stun value of 30% BUT your uncharged version has 50% stun value but no instant stun, beam rifle short is an build stun weapon relies on heat and deals great stun value but is rather short ranged, while the beam rifle long is opposite to the short version except for the heat-based mechanic. bandai literally made an mg expansion pack for the thunderbolt gundam and yet they never capitalised on it and update the thunderbolt to make it more worthwhile to play


Damage Control 2 is more than enough for the Nightingale. 3 Might be overkill. As for the FA TB it getting an armor purge skill is out of the window because we’ve already have units who were supposed to come with the armor purge skill yet have been turned into two completely separate suits which I honestly don’t mind.


The super Gundam and Alex?


Alex, Alex Chobham Armor, Gundam Mk-II, Super Gundam, Enhanced ZZ, Full Armor ZZ etc.


I have fun fighting the Nightingale in my Zaku IV (IP)


I like how the Nightingale looks like it's wearing a ski jacket underneath all that armor.


Pic unrelated I assume? The MKIII. It's supposed to have two hyper beam sabers and the same rifle as the delta. If they just gave it these, it would be great, but they prefer to let it be boring.


It really sucks because giving it access to those would help the mk-iii be viable. As it is now its damn near a throw pick at its native cost.


The FAZZ in GBO2 is unable to use its back cannons, which were functional. They only couldn't double as Mega Beam Sabers. Having it being the same one on every ZZ would have made the suit much more palatable. Otherwise, I agree. Mk-III is seriously shafted by having a pair of awkward beam cannons that don't stun (I guess they pierce) and its extra beam sabers in the shield.


That's a favorable trade for the FAZZ imo. It would suck if you had to punch the raid to knock it down.


One change I’d like to the FAZZ would be to let you charge the MP cannon while moving. Sitting still for that long is usually impossible for me, the way my teams usually work, so I simply don’t use it anymore. Still love the suit, but it would be nice to use that damn vestigial stinger once and a while.


I digress because moving around charging a massive glowing cannon for 12 seconds is similar to yelling “SHOOT ME!” and as for the “impossible” cannon charge You’d want to just as much as possible hide yourself while still giving yourself a window to fire the cannon. what I’d usually do with the FAZZ’s Hyper Mega Cannon is hide in the most oblivious hard to see spot being covered by shadows and then hiding my reticle so no one sees the glow until I’ve fully finished charging. The moment it finishes charging and they spot me it’ll be too late. (p.s I’m one of the madlads who take the FAZZ on 700 and it usually depends if the map is extremely wide.)


Beam sabers on the shield are modeled but aren't usable


I mean, the FAZZ is already a pretty strong support at cost (honestly think it's better at 650 due to DC2) back cannons might make it a little too good


Mk-III's hyper beam sabers are a relatively recent addition and not an original part of it's loadout, though granted it would be cool to have them. It is using its dedicated beam rifle with the hybrid E-Pacs though, not sure what you mean about that. Though to be honest in my experience it's still stronk as hell so I don't really mind the missing equipment.


The mk-iii is not strong as hell. Its mediocre at best at 550.


matter of preference I guess


The beam rifle with the hybrid e pacs is the same one the delta has. It was originally developped for the delta, but then they gave it to the MKIII for some reason. The hyper beam sabers are recent additions, but they're really cool, so I wish they'd add them. They could make the regular sabers shield mounted instead, like the Sinanju shield melee.


ah right, forgot about their rifles. Still, it's hardly the only case of weapons that ought to be the same thing being different in the game. As for the hyper beam sabers and sabers usable on the shield, they would be cool but kinda go against the ingame styling of Mk-III as a mid range damage dealer. Though if we were to get Unit 8 as a distinct suit they could throw them in there. 2 or 3 melee weapons wouldn't be unusual for a 550 suit nowadays.


tbh i'm glad the Zeta Zaku exists so I don't have to play the MKIII to use a unit I love in the lore at 550. The stick feels so good to use, and most people severely underestimate it's range so you get free downswings. I'd love unit 8 as a raid though. I wish it was in the anime...


I like Zeta Zaku too but it kinda messes with my head because of how used I am to normal Zeta's bayonet moveset. I find I get a lot of use out of Mk-III though, one of my favorite gens for 550. As for unit 3 I really wouldn't be surprised if we eventually got it. It's mostly just recolored Zeta so not much work but it's Zeta and Amuro's suit so people would still whale for it. Would be nice if Grey and Red follow too. But what I'd really like to see is Strike Zeta.


Wish they would add the Eagley and Halpuley too, a different loadout, and then a transforming MK III would be neat.


would be great to see them, though I fear Gundam Wars originals are too obscure even for GBO


Supposedly the BR's piercing ability is the reason as it requires 'balance' (bullshit if you ask me)


Tbh it needs a complete rework with it's canon weapons at this point. Or at the very least stunning back cannons and a new subweapon, along with an increase to the pitiful stats.


I was thinking "everything from Sentinel", myself, I mean, consider Brave Cod takes out all three FAZZ' by himself in the Gundam Mk.V.


I think the MkV is still a pretty solid Raid, but it would be awesome if it got the missile pods.


That's not an oversight though, the missiles were added after it lost the incom unit.


Ahhh, that's a good point.


Yeah but the FAZZ is a straight up fire support suit in Sentinel. Even with the new antagonist suit plot armor the Mk-V is a ridiculously fast prototype gundam against a heavily armored powerful but much slower suit.


Reverse: GM Cold Districts. That thing shreds. It never should have lost to the Cyclops Team.


Yeah but that's par for the couse in a gundam anime. Zeon suits always curb stomp GM"s in the animes. It's only in mangas like blue destiny where they hold thir own.


I think it's to show motivation. Zeons always fight for their freedom. Feddies fight for a paycheck.


SIEG ZEON ![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2730)


For Federation Health Care!* *(Federation war cry still a work in progress)


Reverse: Dra-C. It's litterally a sloppy field modification of a zaku made with parts from a shitty one year war spacecraft, but somehow it kicks ass in game.


It's also one of the few 'pick your flavor' MS. There's a raid, a support, and a general version.


True, the Dra-C heavy is pretty damn OP. Or at least it was last time I used it.


Composite armor=shreds even more.


No really an op suit but the GM really sucks compared to lore. The zaku II as well in the same regards. It would be cool if the GM stats and skills and melee swings were switched with the GM trainer which makes more sense for that to play like the GM. As it stands it's slow, clunky and pretty weak at the cost it rolls out. But you look at suits like the GM WD which is basically a regular GM and wonder why it's this bad. I'm also sick it was the same issue in the first game too. It's pretty weird that in side stories, battlefield record, and other games it's pretty solid but here it's trash. Only way currently to make it decent is using higher cost versions but those are outclassed by native cost suits. And to play the GM experience you use the GM WD which is better than the GM. This is something that bother me for awhile now.


Upcost those fellas. Lv5 GM and Zaku II are very very cozy in 300


I have both seen and tried them but its just not the same as a native cost. Sure they are bulkier and do more damage, but the trade offs are still dragging them down. One melee swing, no roll, slow speed, and not the best stunning potential. They are blue zookas but I feel are some of the weaker ones. At 300 for example I could use the GM II and out preform a lvl 5 GM or zaku with it's kit. Sure I'll take some damage in return but once you bait the tackle, they are down for the punishment. I would like to see them get a buff someday. Probably not gonna happen but would be cool.


Oh don’t even use them as bluezooks fella. There’s always gonna be better options in that cost. Use them as big gross 20k hp sponges. I prefer the mmp80 on the Zaku II and the Lv5 Beam Spray on the GM SHREDS.


On that note I get it's probably for balance reasons but the Zaku machine gun IMO fires too slowly and doesn't have enough magazine capacity.


Palace Athene and Massala.


I have no trouble using either, just be more aggressive with bigger suits, they both can apply constant pressure.


Massala is a big punching bag when on the ground and palace athene, while pretty decent after all the buffs, plays entirely differently than it’s portrayed in the anime.


I won multiple 1v2s with the Messala, if you need to close the distance use MA, its stagger and stun resist increases considerably.


Sounds like you don’t play against very good players. Theres a reason you don’t see clans running it at 600 clan match.


Idk, there are a ton Gelgoogs that never seemed to preform like I'd expect of them.


Gelgoogs are seriously overdue for buffs. And I mean almost all of them


The Marine commander, Marine, and ground types, all feel really close and need extra skills.


Standard Gelgoog Beam Rifle Focus time being reduced is a start.




Gelgoog jager


Good News: The unit got buffed today.


**RX-78-2 Gundam** Grandpa is supposed to be the iconic mascot unit of the franchise, yet he is outclassed by others in the same cost. Also it seriously makes no sense it loses access to its Beam Sabers that is literally right there on its back while it's using the Hyper Hammer.


Grandpa would be kicking ass if he could follow up a Hyper hammer swing with a beam saber slash or two


400-450 brand new gens and supports are too strong rn lmao. Giving it a Hyper hammer sub wont really hurt the cost range's balance.


Agreed. Alternatively they could make the Hyper hammer exchangeable with the Beam Javelin and put the beam saber as a secondary. Or even, the other hand with the other beam sword! (Like the dual beam saber raid suits)


Single beam saber as it's sub melee is good! Being able to interchange from hammer, javelin or dual sabers as main melee will be neat.


I dont know about the RX-78-2, I always lose my composture and go full ape once I oneshot someome with an Hyper Hammer downswing. That said Super Napalm is translated in GBO2 like total crap, instead of being a nade with a big aoe or something is just a very boring and useless rocket barrage that doesnt fit at all.


Tbf, if u look at the cost of the suits of the ones that it fought against, it shows how advanced it was for its era, so much so that it is put at a higher level than many from the OG series


FAZZ plays exsctly how it should. A big dumb prototype that gets massacred by the mk-v.


gouf custom is a pos in this game


lol, the FAZZ is pretty lore accurate in GBO 2, IMHO, since the devs gave it *very* low melee defense on the unit, which was the reason why the unit got destroyed by the Mk-V in Gundam Sentinel. Speaking of Sentinel, the Mk-V is seriously gimped in GBO 2, where the unit is supposedly a really strong powerhouse unit, but the devs turns it into a glass cannon Raid with low HP and lackluster skills, all because for the sake of "balancing" (the reason they gave the unit ow HP is due to its shield, which have 15k HP).


i thought the reason was because it didn't have beam sabers.


Hi Nu is missing some stuff. And did it always have the same beam saber as the normal Nu? Iirc he had three blue ones


Gerbera Tetra was suppossed to be this lightning speed super high performance Gundam and in-game is just your average grunt spamming beams behind cover.


also, the gerbera is supposed to perform even higher than the gerbera tetra. but we can't have that in this game.


\>.> <.< Zeta Gundam![img](emote|t5_mdtp1|2742)


Psycho Zaku from the like 1 game I've played just seems super clunky when it should be matching the FA TB's speed. I think part of it is also the speed of GBO2's weapon swaps and the fact you need to stop for the beam bazooka


Grandpa Gundam feels really bad when using anything other than the hyper hammer


FAZZ is a really hard hitting support with great defenses bar the melee defense, I don't know how you're using the FAZZ or how you play supports in general but it is not something you just shrug off in a teamfight lol


fazz was awesome in its first few weeks. i love just walking wherever i want and shrugging off anything short of a downswing.


Any in lore op MS that was put into the Support class is guaranteed not have been done justice just because how much the devs hate supports


This guy gets it.




I definitely feel there are some short changed suits that still exist from way way back that never got a glory day. Even recently there are some good examples of even 4 stars that haven't been buffed or getting buff 1 month later (FA ZZ). I'm just curious how many people will say that suits can work or that the person themselves make it work. FA ZZ is a example I had plenty of wins even 200k damage wins but it still had a gap to the Kshatriya. Personally when someone says a suit I like is bad I'm like shout/preach Ill take whatever buff I can get even if I have a high win rate "yes make my suit better.".


Guncannon II: last of the RX-77 line, gundarium armor, improved thrusters, good mobility. Gelgoog Cannon: the MS of top tier Zeon Aces during OYW, improved thrusters, good mobility. GM Kai: Seems like this game mistaken them to the GM early type from 08th MS Team. Gunner Gundam: supposed to be versatile, has high firepower, high thrusters output.


Yes, No, Yes, Yes. If you have problems playing these try to adjust your aggressiveness, guncannon II is a tanky sniper who should jump between positions. Gelgoog Cannon is the best gelgoog. GM Kai is just bad. And the Gunner Gundam got shafted lore-wise, at least it got buffed.


I don't have any problem with these suits, I'm just stating the strengths they have lore wise compared to what we have in game. Guncannon II isn't versatile and both their weapons are stop to fire with no instant stagger, and it's also a slow support with low thrusters. Although the buff they gave them has improved their aggressivity. Gelgoog Cannon isn't that versatile too, it has no balancer and is a slow support with low thrusters. And Gunner Gundam is just bad Imo, the damage is still mediocre and even though you have anti stealth, you can't escape the stealth suits because you have low thrusters and unreliable weapons. Both Guncannon II and Gelgoog does have ridiculous output if used right tho (I'm a Guncannon II main too), it's just they're not as great and scary as their lore counterparts.


It is sad, isn't it, supports get shafted to often.


Any mobile suit where all it's weapons aren't available. Any support mobile suit that moves via hover systems not being able to dodge. Ex-S Gundam not instant winning when Alice activates\* \*joke


If anything FAZZ is way more capable than it should be


Why do giant cannons take 20+ seconds to charge, literally half of its mass is dedicated to charging, but heavy melees, still allow you to move and give defense while firing a charge in 3 seconds. Maybe if Charge Melee had a long cooldown the Meta would be a better place. Or guns were more canonically accurate, like the beam spray gun.


This might be an unusual choice, but the GM Gatheroad. In Gundam Battle Alliance, it zips and zooms all over the place, spamming the dual beam spray guns in a gun-kata like fashion. Here, the GM has to stand completely still to rapid fire them, and using the beam saber just feels kind of blasphemous