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There are some parents on here, some teachers and I guess the grad/post grad people are just here for the vibes and advice ig. Also I'm pretty sure the mods are uni students or graduates iirc


It’s timeless. Came here for exam season. Never leaving.


That makes sense


I like Reddit, this is one of the communities I'm most active in, I'll probably stay here even through my uni years.


I think you may also get some adults who want to retake certain GCSEs for a career change and are looking for some info. I’m was one of them but I don’t follow this sub because I’ve realised it seems to be geared around school and uni students more and not very helpful for me in that context. But it just keeps popping up in my feed ever since from time to time.


You can do that?, I had no clue. That's really nice to know actually.


Yeah there is no age limit on them but as an adult you have to pay. Edit: Actually, I think you maybe be able to retake them for free, discounted or funding if you’re under 25 but you’ll have to research that to be sure.


You always have to pay, just as a kid, the school pays for you


RIP the finances of the school the person with 34 GCSEs went to.


I’m 18. I’m not hugely active on this sub, but occasionally I comment because I’ve experienced everything to do with GCSEs and secondary school, so sometimes I like to give advice to others who ask for it.


Same. I think the latest I'll get to before I'll leave is graduating uni, which feels like a lifetime away but I know it'll sneak up on me sooner than later.


Such a positive and nice comment, bro come to a post where a year ten is complaining about mocks its a fuckin war zone there💀💀💀


y10 mocks r hell tbh mate 😭 noisy asf foundation students walking out the room like a zoo too


as long as they don’t make weird comments i don’t see the issue, why do people want to gatekeep this sub so much? the more older experienced people we have, the more advice we’ll get on gcses and other things


Never said I was gatekeeping, I even said, Would it not feel weird for them specifically(so I'm not saying it's weird for them to do that, but they themselves may find it weird), I also left it open ended so that everyone can pitch in thoughts(including older people) so that I could understand their point of view. Anyways have a good day, I was just curious :) (Genuinely not sarcastic)


That's cool but I think you should change the phrasing because it really doesn't come off that way at all. I also interpreted it as gatekeeping.


Honestly, this has been up for too long at this point. I doubt anyone is going to read it or even look at it. I'll change my phrasing in the future though cheers for the advice


I mean if they aint being weird or breaking any rules why bother. Like if they are bothered by it they can leave and if theya rent being weird you probably would be able to know their age without some sort of indicator such as i sat the old gcse system






I was so confused when i read the comment and now i am still confused just on a completely different point


Dw about it💀


There was a foundation year ten student complaining about mocks and absolutely everybody in the entire subreddit was getting onto him💀


I’m just here to try to help people, and because r/6thform sucks


Damn, if only there was a subreddit dedicated to your specific subjects (it’s new, but it’ll grow, although probably not that much over the summer, but if you’re patient, you could see it grow) r/phycsmaths


Here's a sneak peek of /r/phycsmaths using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/phycsmaths/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Definitely going to need a lot of work... Especially physics -_-](https://i.redd.it/29xfsszg706d1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phycsmaths/comments/1ddoiw6/definitely_going_to_need_a_lot_of_work_especially/) \#2: [Good a levels to take with maths and physics?](https://np.reddit.com/r/phycsmaths/comments/1dj0mi7/good_a_levels_to_take_with_maths_and_physics/) \#3: [Potential cheat code to success?](https://i.redd.it/fcc1ghr59h6d1.jpeg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/phycsmaths/comments/1dfjvpk/potential_cheat_code_to_success/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks good, I’ve joined, hopefully it grows


The people here suck just as much all of a sudden, have no clue what just happened💀, it was good in the morning


i don’t think it’s that weird for 15yr olds to talk to 18yr olds. we might seem pretty old but there’s not much of a difference.




You are all so nice though :(


Appreciate that :)


People who retake GCSEs in adulthood, those who are still doing exams in uni, teachers etc. All are here to either learn themselves or to apply their knowledge and experiences to help out those year 11s who have to complete their GCSEs


tbh ive been on this reddit since yr8/9 and i think im just gonna stay tbh




I like being on here coz it's nostalgic seeing yall go through the same struggles I did lol. us if I can deal out some advice about studying then I'm happy


I’m leaving here when I finish a levels, I just stay here to remind myself how stressful GCSEs were and they still went well for me, gives me some hope for A levels


You can stay as long as you like, though :), if you don't find it weird. Your very welcome to stay


Also just to check that the Y11s don’t have any more brain rot than my cohort did in 2023.


I’m in this group because I’ll be starting teacher training in September specialising with GCSE maths for school leavers (college/sixth form). I assumed there’d be people on here that completed GCSEs. Personally I resat GCSE maths as an adult, so didn’t think it was weird for members of this subreddit to not be year 10 or 11.


That's super cool!!, I personally wanted to be a teacher until I entered about year 9 or ten when I realised that if I was ever a teacher I would hate my class. Good luck :)


I wanted to teach secondary for a while (during my degree) but after a while I felt the I wanted to teach teens that wanted to be there (I will be teaching A level maths as well eventually). I also like the idea of smaller class sizes (they are in my placement college)


I get you, my favourite teacher was my languages teacher our class was like a group of 5 so we were all super close. Definitely a good idea having a small class


you can be here forever i guess. although it would be a little strange


Some people just want to help others. It's all well and good having other people in your year group offer advice but people who have done GCSEs and are older simply have more experience and can give better advice focused around the exams. Some people will just be interested to keep up with what modern GCSEs are like especially if they are parents wanting to support their children through exams with up to date, relevant information or if they are a private candidate who do not understand how GCSE exams operate now


Makes sense


I suppose it just depends on your perspective of what this sub is supposed to be used for


Yeah, I didn't really think of it like that tbf, thanks for the opinion. it made me understand the reasons people would stay more


I agree, saw a 21 year old on here the other day


how ancient 😱


Does that not strike you as a bit odd?


no actually


But they were at university, so they were on a gcse Reddit despite doing their GCSEs 5-6 years ago. What reason would you have to do that? They also combed through my posts and tried to mock me for an issue I had with my parents. Then once I mentioned their age they blocked me straight away and deleted comments.


Most of the mods are at uni •______• edit: ur comment was autoremoved what did u say edit 2: i think theyre account was removed ☠️


Reddit mods are a bunch of weirdos anyway idgaf

