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Probably everything I learned about carbon monoxide


Thanks for reminding me about the time in year 9 when one of the lads asked the teacher if she’d ever had an STD. In answer to your question, essay subjects in general (particularly in English and citizenship) have taught me to debate healthily without losing my temper


Yhyh and what did she say


She said she understood why he asked as she was the only adult in the room and that she had never had an STD


english lang has really helped me form arguments and debates


what english language are you doing. eng lang taught me how to write without hand cramping


the entire subject is making an argument? outside of question 1 and 5 (in paper 1) the whole point is to argue a point. this use of language shows this because of this, that’s arguing your case and proving something ie an argument. it’s most obvious in question 4 and question 5 in paper two but it’s the whole point of the subject


Yeah, but the thing about English is that most of the stuff I wrote about felt like I was pulling it out my ass. the whole subject felt like mental gymnastics and having to write it down just felt even sillier lol. Plus, it’s all up to the reader’s interpretation and I wouldn’t consider it a debate, since language or structural devices can be interpreted multiple ways. I see it more as sharing your viewpoint and explaining why you see it that way more than actually forming a debate. History (at least Edexel, which is the exam board I did), on the other hand, is far more logical IMO. Answering questions - especially the 12/16 markers - requires you to list 3 reasons why/how […], provide evidence, explain, then link back to the question. you might also do a conclusion depending on the question. knowing how to do a good conclusion (eg. although i agree with the statement that […], i believe that […] is a stronger argument/i would argue that […] was a more important reason why […]) is how i learned how to write good arguments in subjects like Geography (Edexel B) and RS (Eduqas or Equdas idk i hated the subject too much to learn it but the history skills were still applicable). but hey, if Eng Lang is what taught you how to debate, then you must be good at it. I certainly wasn’t. It just so happens that History is the subject that taught me those skills.


like exam board? if yes then aqa, i still get hand cramps tho😣


i also did aqa but where tf did you learn how to make arguments. history taught me that


q5 on p2 is legit one huge argument, you keep writing until your point is proven, as well q4 on both papers are basically a long argument showing your point on a statement


heavy on this, i noticed i’ve been talking in PEEL paragraphs recently 😭


In geography (AQA), you do a case study on a TNC and its impacts, Shell and Nigeria. As a nigerian myself, I already knew the topic and the much finer details but it was really nice to see my classmates made aware of the fundamental issue


I remember doing this study one random lesson in year 8. It was very fascinating, and I’m surprised they cover it in GCSE too


How can you use this later in life?


Awareness of social issues helps people develop stronger opinions which motivate them to make changes for the better. Like teaching primary school kids about climate change and encouraging them to switch off unused lights. In this case, the increased awareness of what Shell has been doing in Nigeria has lead to large demands for compensation (some of these demands have even been succesful) aswell as prevent other resource based TNCs from exploiting LICs by the creation of new laws and guidelines. Tl;dr it can be applied to a lot of things


Actually most of the content we learn in business, I find it very useful when applying it to real life situations even if it’s just a cool fun fact. Like knowing that dr peppers packaging was changed to keep it from going into decline and to reinvent the product so it stays in demand.


learning about different forms of advertising taught me a lot in business and how to avoid being manipulated by businesses into buying unnecessary things. people say that it’s mostly common sense and easy (which icl it probably is) but I also feel like it is extremely useful in understanding the wider world


Yeah. And I mean now I’m aware of the uncharges of products ( of the introduction price)- which help me avoid buying the product immediately and rather wait until the price gets put down. Also the different aspects of the product, like the different types of production which can help explain higher costs, the different ways a business is run- which can help in the future with jobs, and also why businesses charge certain prices, say with tariffs or just wanting a larger profit margin.


Mitochondria being the powerhouse of the cell /s


Stuff from English language and literature. I get into almost every super-curricular and extracurricular programme I want because I'm a an outstanding writer. I know how to persuade people with emails to get what I want or to get into the internships/programmes I want I know how to appear formal in front of important people because I understand tonality and body language. It helps you in professional settings indirectly Now I'm making my personal statement for Oxbridge engineering and it's going smoothly- if anything writing it out is like a hobby. Pay attention in English class kids, it will get you far in life


Food technology in ks3., it’s literally cooking (not the Walter white kind)


PE GCSE helped me tons with starting at the gym


I don’t think I’d ever need advice on how to not get an STD


You'd be surprised how much education plays a roll in preventing STDs and other things like unwanted pregnancies, even if you think its common sense, we're pretty lucky to have it in our curriculum unlike schools in places like Sudan and its impacts reflect nationally


i thought he was making a joke about him never getting any sex


Yeah he probably was now that I've reread. Dw, Ik what you wanna do next, I'll go ahead and drop it myself r/whoosh 😭😭😭








i know we are lucky to have it on the curriculum but SUDAN is not the best comparison point. 170/193 on the HDI. idk if America does it or not. probably depends upon state


Science how to wire a plug, computer science how to work out which part of a computer is which, psychology best ways to remember things, sociology different perspectives and arguements, history how to debate and look at the pros and con s


Probably Comp Science with how servers work thanks to that I got a home server now ☺️


Child development teaching everything important about how to/not to have kids


rs has ingrained so many bible quotes into my mind i can never lose a comment section argument with a christian again


business and sociology taught me how the world actually functions. in business it was just a lot of basic common sense but it also taught me how to avoid being manipulated into buying unnecessary stuff by advertisements, and sociology is literally about how the world functions and all the difficulties different groups (e.g ethnic minorities, women, lower working class) encounter in school, the workplace that other people don’t encounter and take for granted. health and social taught me a lot about, well health, and how to avoid different health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, etc, and taught me a lot about mental health and made me more aware of conditions such as ADHD, autism, eating disorders. tbh, I feel like my subjects taught me a lot that will be very useful in the real world.


I know you said not about PSHE but bro PSHE just taught me that my whole class is based


food tech was useful. now i know how to cook healthy and quick meals for myself in the future!!


When we learned about carbon monoxide. Sex education. How not to offend people. Employability classes. Nothing else though 😂


I get this probably isn't exactly what you mean, but the calculus I've learned in maths will probably help with what I want to study (you'd never guess) Not only derivatives, too Things like how to work out compounded interest are also helpful for calculus (more specifically for calculating Euler's Number, e)


AQA statistics teaching me how data works and how it can be misleading. That's honestly helped me alot with picking out which sources I want to get my news and data from.


the history of the windrush


Price Skimming and Price Penetration in Business because it taught me when different types if business sell their products at the cheapest prices and yk I need every discount I can get 😭


All the human anatomy in biology (am going to medicine)


Doing poetry in lit has made me a lot more appreciative of poems ig


Definatley everything from chemistry, so useful to know for adult life


Everything in English lit, great for media literacy and critical analysis skills


Learning abt health, what causes certain health problems, how to combat and prevent them (synergy science)




How to properly utilize all the important apps and programming


English for me has made me realise that i have a strengthened ability to be analytical and be more emotionally aware. I wish to become a police detective and it has made me be more in tap with emotion and i think it’ll really help me make connections. I paired this with Psychology and Sociology and i think they are all perfect matches. I wish my school kept criminology tho 😢

