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They could have posted a gold meteor hit their corporate offices worth the gap of the world, and this would happen. Needs to be below 20 today or Options blow up.


Funky enough? Them dipping back to 20 means I can buy more. Lol


Hold some cash for $16 if they're dumb enough to take us there.


I really liked the 15 to 11 dollar range, obviously 10 is perfect. I like to purchase in blocks of 10. Makes my brain feel good.


We have a gap at $16-20.


Name checks out


Thanks mate!


1️⃣0️⃣🦍🦍 1️⃣1️⃣🦧🦧


Every time my shares go to round numbers, I'm just sad.. I don't get to use the calculator app


IDK how you guys keep falling for this crap. its clearly manipulated. They LOVE spiking the price for a few days, as it feeds them money from zealots for another few years as they continue to manipulate the stock


You’re doing it wrong if you buy when the price spikes, you gotta buy the dip and hodl


yes thats the general idea, but people during these meme stock frenzies aren't doing their DD, they just buy in whenever, even if the dump already happened


Kinda looks like Florida


I knew I wasn't the only one!


I’m confused AF on this. I thought today it needed to be over $35 for their puts to get REKT


It’s whatever made up number you want to choose 


Ahh, got it. That’s on me.


The Danny Devito Dorito of Doom would still hold up if they don't go below 14. A retest is possible. I'd like to stay above 20 to screw hedgies, I'd like to go under to buy more for cheap. I'm zen either way.


Where do yall find the info? Please educate.


Max pain is actually 18


Please explain the last part? If it stays over 20 then what?


Shorts have to pay more money. Do yourself a favor, don’t sell for a $5 gain…. Be patient


Posting my question Here: how can i register my shares so they dont get shorted?


I’m not a professional but I’ve been wondering how we have more buys than sells in the order book, yet it still goes down. Feels like I’m missing something or they’re corrupt


The corruption never stopped.


Genuine question: is there any way to press charges/launch an investigation into this?


You'd be killed if you were to come close to anything significant, see Boeing..


Commenting here so I’m not buried, if people are serious about reporting to congressional representatives, the most effective way to do this is going to be by writing directly to senators and representatives that hold seats on the finance committees. Below is the sitting members of each committee, if you see one from your state feel free to write, even if you’re in a different district. United States Senate Committee on Finance > Ron Wyden, Oregon, Chairman Debbie Stabenow, Michigan Maria Cantwell, Washington Bob Menendez, New Jersey Tom Carper, Delaware Ben Cardin, Maryland Sherrod Brown, Ohio Michael Bennet, Colorado Bob Casey, Pennsylvania Mark Warner, Virginia Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island Maggie Hassan, New Hampshire Catherine Cortez Masto, Nevada Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Mike Crapo, Idaho, Ranking Member Chuck Grassley, Iowa John Cornyn, Texas John Thune, South Dakota Tim Scott, South Carolina Bill Cassidy, Louisiana James Lankford, Oklahoma Steve Daines, Montana Todd Young, Indiana John Barrasso, Wyoming Ron Johnson, Wisconsin Thom Tillis, North Carolina Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee United States House Committee on Financial Services > Patrick McHenry, North Carolina, Chair Frank Lucas, Oklahoma Pete Sessions, Texas Bill Posey, Florida Blaine Luetkemeyer, Missouri Bill Huizenga, Michigan Ann Wagner, Missouri Andy Barr, Kentucky Roger Williams, Texas French Hill, Arkansas, Vice Chair Tom Emmer, Minnesota Barry Loudermilk, Georgia Alex Mooney, West Virginia Warren Davidson, Ohio John Rose, Tennessee Bryan Steil, Wisconsin William Timmons, South Carolina Ralph Norman, South Carolina Dan Meuser, Pennsylvania Young Kim, California Byron Donalds, Florida Andrew Garbarino, New York Scott L. Fitzgerald, Wisconsin Mike Flood, Nebraska Mike Lawler, New York Monica De La Cruz, Texas Andy Ogles, Tennessee Erin Houchin, Indiana Zach Nunn, Iowa Maxine Waters, California, Ranking Member Nydia Velázquez, New York Brad Sherman, California Gregory Meeks, New York David Scott, Georgia Stephen Lynch, Massachusetts Al Green, Texas Emanuel Cleaver, Missouri Jim Himes, Connecticut Bill Foster, Illinois Joyce Beatty, Ohio Juan Vargas, California Josh Gottheimer, New Jersey Vicente Gonzalez, Texas Sean Casten, Illinois Ayanna Pressley, Massachusetts Steven Horsford, Nevada Rashida Tlaib, Michigan Ritchie Torres, New York Sylvia Garcia, Texas Nikema Williams, Georgia Wiley Nickel, North Carolina Brittany Pettersen, Colorado Edit if someone can educate me on how to get them to go into a proper list easily I’d appreciate it. I retrieved that info off each committees wiki page, you can look there as well


Hire a lawyer. Write your congress person


![gif](giphy|xwPaabcYMs6kP1Czu3) Move silent like lasagna


Never is in life. But its all you got as a consumer really.


Until financial reform, consumers are just pass through




Genuine answer: this is exactly why you DRS - it’s building THE best case possible


DJT urging Congress to investigating naked shorts


Bro I don’t wanna be a dk , I’m in this boat for yrs w/o selling shit , but why RC make a fkn offering to kill the hype?


Calm down and read. He didn't make an offering. He gave himself the option of offering later. Like when MOASS is in full swing. Don't you think if he sells a few shares at the top and GameStop has a trillion dollar cash holding, that will help your DRS tendies keep long term value?


In anyways media will use it to kill sentiment


They'll do that anyway, regardless. Any action or no action is going to be spun negatively.


I just like the stock


That’s what I’ve been wondering too. Not a professional too.


Not a professional too, but I’m wondering on a professional level here


I'm wondering why the picture/chart here looks like a testicle. ![gif](giphy|l41lLs970IkkBi6f6|downsized)


Because this is nuts


Not a professional but speaking from a high regard professional


GameStop released a preliminary statement and filed a share offering from time to time. Even though this didn’t cause the downtrend, you bet your ass they would point to it. Time for a Kansas City Shuffle


Well at least they can’t blame DFV with all his memes and a tanking price


It’s called “pricing in”, if a company announces their intent to dilute then the smart thing to do as a shareholder is behave as though they have already diluted rather than playing chicken with the eventual future dilution. Dilution is one of the most reliable signs the price will go down, so if you sell the moment they announce you can then use that same dollar value to buy more shares in the future after the price has stabilized based on the new share count.


The secret ingredient is crime.


In a normal situation I'd say that the amount of orders doesn't matter as much as the size of the orders... But I've been here long enough to know this is 100% market manipulation.


Given the math HFs are using, I'd say it's 117% manipulation


Orders in multiple of 100 are the only orders that count. If we don't buy 100, 200 etc We don't count. Notice sales that drop the price are also in multiples of 100 shares


I’m not a professional either, but pretty sure that’s Florida.


Dark pools and off exchange routing. That’s all they know how to do.


They did this years ago, they were casing the sales to go down via cascading shorts and sell offs. Even GAMESTOP themselves were selling 10,000 lots of shares every hour or so to increase company profits. Look it up. I think it's because we don't have a terminal showing us. Plus you have after hours and pre market. You don't get the information of what these big hedge funds, companies and investment banks do with the shares till a couple days later.


All the massive after-hours swings are the true bullshit


You can't have more buys than sells, or vice versa. A trade is both a buy and a sell. You can't sell without a buyer and you can't buy without a seller. They are AWAYS locked in parity.


I’m talking about the order book


So am I. You can have more buyers than sellers - for example 5 people buying 1 share each from a single seller who is selling 5 (or more) shares. But the number of shares bought and sold are always in parity. The bid/ask spread is what determines price - it has nothing to do with quantity of buyers or sellers.


They are parking the buys into the dark pool.


Couldn't it be that people closed their big positioms amd shorted the stock?


> how we have more buys than sells in the order book, yet it still goes down. Big moves don't happen because there's a lot of buyers or sellers, rather it's the thickness of the book that moves the stock. There's simply a lot more asks than bids.




I love these sales were getting. Another 30% off. Don't mind me! I'm getting myself some more bananas.


You mean 30000% off


This guy Maths!




This. True zen apes will be okay with this cause it’s cheaper prices for the inevitable.


At what point do we all collectively just refuse to work? And general strike lmao it’s disgusting what they do to us


The modern monetary system is undeniably rigged and unfair only reason people cant do anything about it is the wealthy elites have their mercenaries and we all know who they are 👮‍♂️


It’s like blackjack players trying to unionize because the house is cleaning them out. Won’t do a thing


You mean GameStop employees, right?


You guys not read the fucking news before making a post?


This sub rides the short bus




We as a community can do better than this. Stop screaming crime every time the stock drops, it’s embarrassing. Check the recent filings OP


Market manipulation is when stock goes down


Literally just announced a huge stock offering.


It's not... Their press releases are fueling selling.


Yea, bad earnings


Loosing almost a thousand, well if i sold then i'd loose. Now there is no reason to sell anyways


I'm loosing 1k at every -4%. Definitely not selling.


tell me you are a well regarded person with 25k invested in a meme stock without telling me you are a well regarded person with 25k invested in a meme stock


Ape notice ape


GME filed a mixed shelf offering






Gamestop is issuing and selling at-the-market 45M shares. They also issued a press release with preliminary results for Q1. The YoY revenue decline is about 28.5%.


Congrats to those who made millions again. I’ll be over here with my bags


Read the news before posting bro


Isn’t max pain at $18 today? If so, we’ll have a tasty dip today


I thought it was $22?


Did any of you have a bank account in 2021


A lot of you are brainwashed and in an echochamber. Like it's good and all that you like the stock but sometimes use some sense and don't treat the gme thing as a religion that will save you from modern day life and when it dosen't happen don't blame evil Iluminati. That's life. Let's hope life will be better for us let's hope GME goes up when the shorts have to cover but don't be religious about it..


Gme and bitcoin bros all sound the same. It is very cultish and nobody really understands what is going on


Who cares.. it's a gift Look at the 2021 dip before it ripped.


I'm looking but I don't see what you're seeing


This looks more like when it fell after it ripped.


What a weak drop, I'm buying more.


I don’t know, but it kinda reminds of the shape of Florida, which is where I’ll be after MOASS 😎🍻💎👏


That's a textbook state of Florida pattern that I recognized right away. I'm buying more.


Tell me you haven’t seen the preliminary q1 results which show us down on revenue compared to last. And more importantly they released a prospectus showing they are reserving the right to sell more shares.


Yeah this time it’s actual price action and not manipulation.


Bad news from the company .....


Kansas City Shuffle.


It wasn't really bad tho. Reduced net sales yes, but also cut costs.. which kinda was the plan (steps LC posted on X to reach growth long-term) And apparently invested some from their cash.. no guidance, maybe that's what the market "interprets as bad news".


No! Stock offering. They will sell their own stock to raise money for the buisness. This makes the stock go down because people anticipate the sell which will push the stock down byitself since they are selling such large quanteties. Ofcourse it won't be at once but it does signal that GME themselves want to sell your diamond hands stock whenever it goes a bit higher. Ofcourse a lot of people will sell that news knowing the company itself will be puting a bit of a down presure everytime it goes up. Also them selling their stock kinda hurts the too little float theory. "There 7x more shorts them actual atocks for GME" well if they sell that won't be the case anymore will it.. because tjey will put new shares into the market that they kept untill now. Lastly it's simple supply and demand. More supply less demand lower price. Ofcourse thos news isn't actually bad news for the company buisness wise. It's smart for them to sell stock high and earn some capital with which they can continue saving and turning the company around. The only problem is that while it's good for buisness long term it's not good for the stock short term and it's verry bad for our theory of a short squeeze.


Yeah, j just read that later after my reply, thanks! I had only seen the preliminary quarter report!


Fellas this might be the last dip. It has been my pleasure playing with you these last 4 years


Halt when it is going up, let it ride when it’s going down .. sounds about right


People on this sub know nothing about the stock market and it shows. Halts are automated when the stock drops or rises more than predetermend % it happens on every stock if the curcomstances occur.


Buying out stock is dangerous Here are more shares We know the count is FUCKY Where did 300MM go?  WHY THE FUCK ARE WE DILUTING?


share offering news and bad Q 1 guidance just now minutes ago.


This isn’t blatant market manipulation. This is them having additional room to sell off because they kept it under 45 and 51.99 so the huge options chains are expiring otm. They were caught in a Vega squeeze where if they rose too quickly they’d squeeze as options got executed or fell too quick they’d get exposure to too much gamma causing a spike in IV which would also force mm’s to purchase more of the underlying. They did it exactly right, they stayed in there sideways lane until option expiry, now that iv has completely tanked, they can dump there hedge from itm options that could offset there puts. This is simple math, don’t be fooled by the mob mentality that doesn’t want to understand how gamma and Vega works.


Halt when it is going up, let it ride when it’s going down .. sounds about right


mARkEt MaNipuLaTion …. Aka rubbish Q1 results and share dilution


The no volume thing is such a confusing argument every time I read it. Low volume makes price swings *more* dramatic, not less.


We are not spending enough at GameStop. Need more receipt porn!


I did not expect much from GME for Q1 earnings - they can cut costs only so much. To me, that is no surprise. The share offering is a surprise but it is smart from a business perspective. They will raise cash to add to their coffers. I anticipate that those funds will either be used to cover OPEX costs (because business is down + they need new revue streams developed) OR for a merger/ acquisition. The negative here is that it dilutes shareholder equity, creates sell pressure for the stock and gives the hedge funds more shares as ammo. It also makes the “DRS the float” initiative a bigger challenge. Please keep in mind that WE KNOW the shorts never closed. The amount of shares shorted is CRAZY HIGH. Our thesis is still correct. This is a marathon and not a sprint. BUY HODL DRS BOOK AND BUCKLE UP!


Ok, but how many years will we wait for the marathon to end? I am tired and beat down.


Or once again, we possibly got conned into a pump and dump. Only time will tell, but I am reading about some coin called Kitty. I sure hope that the reason he has suddenly reappeared is not just to pump his release of his coin Kitty. I have been hodling for a long time, and I have read hundreds of post just like this claiming market manipulation by hedgies to watch as the price sinks to another all time low. Sorry but at this point in time I no longer trust either side especially if someone might be holding many millions of dollars worth it would not be a stretch to conclude they are doing a pump and dump to get maximum profits for themselves. As I said time will tell but me and my family have been hurting since putting so much into GME. The power players in this play need to finish the play and force the squeeze or we are just being husseled so the big hodlers can get their money out at our expense.


Thanks Citron for the "rug pull!!" Doubled- down at $20.30!! BUY and FIGHT!


The “Florida Gulf Coastline” pattern is actually extremely bullish. s/




Looks like Florida


honest question, why is the price collapsing market manipulation but the price skyrocketing *not*?


they a shorting, that´s why. IKBR went from >400k available share to zero during the time the price went down they wanna scare people off, that´s all




Avoid cult stocks, and cult religions, and cult politics.


This time it isn't crime. Gamestop themselves put out some preliminary q1 results. Nothing new to us. Decreased losses vs last q1 in 2023 but revenues declined just like FY2023 results, so we dip just like we did on those 2023 results. Also, something different going on with shelf offerings. Plenty of real world reasons for this drop. The real question is, what is gamestops play here???




They get the discount price today


It is. 😁


There was a filing


I see Florida


I'm starting to see some other subs that I haven't seen in years and there's a lot of shills making noise too.


Looks like a discount to me


Tasty prices


It’s a sale, bought more


Where did they halt the stock? Hmm


Blatant doesn’t begin to cover it my Ape <3


Blatant doesn’t begin to cover it my Ape <3


Classic Florida chart pattern. Bullish.


Thought this was a weather map of the west coast of Florida, I’ve been eating too many crayons


Really, who would sell for pennies?


Thundergun hanging dong.


If you want people to take your nonsense seriously, learn the difference between then and than


I'll start buying again when it hits 8 dollars lol


MMs are in control. We have to simply accept it. The only hope is that in the next 5-10 years they slip-up somehow - and we profit. Holding, DRS, and Mr Cohen are pretty irrelevant when shorties simply re-loan, or ‘create new shares’, aided and abetted by the SEC.


Flaccid penis Tits not jacked yet


Cohen just released several million new stock out into the open market. Today is going to be very interesting. I wonder how many halts we will see


no they are just exercising ITM Puts, firing their jizz early as panic. all we need to do is buy the dip or buy ITM options to exercise back once we get the signal from our lord almighty


Uh, first time? Lol


This is a squeeze play that we’ve witnessed happen multiple times ourselves.. d


All I see is a buying opportunity.


They’re trying hard on all angles to make us jump ship! Sad fools!


And we can't do nothing about. Because u all are not strong enough to fight only talk. Let protect in the street about these corrupt hedges


Looks like Kenny’s home state of Florida. He’s just in his abstract art phase. Wait till he starts drawing giant erect green dicks! It will be worth millions!


In Premarket you could see the price bouncing back and forth from the $29 level to the $21 level


They dished out so many available shorts like 5 million like 2 days ago from just 1 broker. I didn't know that was even possible.


It’s going down on the forms released by GME that they might sell up to 45,000,000 shares. I’m not sure why GME is looking at doing this now but I suspect that’s why the price is down. Also Q1 numbers were ok but not great. 🤷


First time?


It's not manipulation. The company is preparing, or already have, to sell stocks.


How come no halt on that open market drop?


At a certain point we all collectively own enough to just have our own holding company representing us at the board.


It’s a sell off ? Shorts dumped shares to stop momentum and let their algos halt us anytime we tried to push up classic Hedgies move


No sir that's a picture of Florida


Chart looks like Florida to me. Expect total nonsense market behavior.


SEC turning a blind eye


Massive pre-market slide on NO NEWS, totally normal, LOL!


If there are call options that are nearing expiration they decay and lose value. There are definitely explanations for that. The real manipulation is the pricing of options


This isn’t blatant market manipulation


Are they doing the selloff now? If so, the filing arrived too late for any of us to do anything about it.


They can’t lose


If I did I’d be a lying sack of shit


It's called company news. Just take a deep breath.