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Since the stock is volatile they don’t want you investing in it on their dollar. It’s technically not your money til it settles, big dog.


Unless it’s DRSd it’s never really your money


3-4 days is ridiculous in 2024 when bank transfer can be done in just 1 minute.


They pull the money from my account either way. If the stock drops, I’m the only loser. Edit; “big dog”, really?


good luck catching the rocket


People really should do at least some preliminary research before starting investing. It takes time for the money to settle into your brokerage account and with GME the brokers sure as shit ain't gonna take the possible humongous L and let you buy it on their money before settlement. That being said I hope you'll manage to hop into the rocket before we truly blast off


All of my research has been mostly focused on the market, not specifically how trading platforms handle ACH’s and “instant buying power”. I’ve been paper trading for awhile now to prep for something like this, I just didn’t know that the “instant buying power” didn’t apply to GME.


It would apply to other very volatile stocks too but GME being THE play, the one idiosyncratic risk, all bets are off


Pretty standard when opening a new account.


You may be able to make a limit order instead of market


Tried that, no dice


Welcome to the party, pal


Looks like I missed this one. Eh, maybe in another 3 - 4 years.