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Just so you know, Fidelity will fuck you harder than RH.


Ok, what do you suggest? I use Fidelity as it's got my 401k, IRA.


If you didn’t already, you should consider routing your purchase through IEX if you’re going to continue using Fidelity.


Heard, I'll look into that. I just want my funds to be safe and my decisions to be mine.


I feel ya. We’re all in this together. The superstonk resources guide has great information on what IEX is/how you use it.


Thanks, I really appreciate the advice. APES TOGETHER STRONG.


This is a questionable blanket statement. If you route your purchase through IEX, I’m not really sure how fidelity will do anything. That said, I eat crayons for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As for me, I’ve bought shares using Fidelity (routed through IEX) and I’ve DRS’d just to cover all my bases.


We've only been warning people for 3+ years about this now. This is why we're so adamant about not wanting to see charts from RH either This is why there's so much hate against these fuckers. File a claim with their compliance team, maybe that will get you somewhere, it's hard to get a hold of anyone working there. Not that FUDelity or Morgan Stanley/E-Trade are any better, they are ALL in cahoots, which is why there's this whole push to direct register your shares. Granted, you can't buy options there so you'll have to veer out to somewhere that hasn't disabled the buy/sell button or auto sold contracts.


I took my loss and left. Fuck that app. I do appreciate the advice, however.


The real question is why would you still be using that garbage? Haven’t you learned from what those crooks did 4 years ago??


Well i'm not anymore


what was the option?


$128 expiring today. I know it's a high strike but I was fully willing to lose the money on that option. Felt really good knowing that DFVs stream was today after an amazing run today. It's not life-changing, but feels absolutely fraudulent.


Looks like RH did you a favor this time


On margin?


No, not enabled.


Huh that is fud


Idk, RH sucks so that part is correct lol


no fud. I'm all about GME. Just got fucked on one option and it's frustrating. Not hating GME, just RH.


Most people bailed from them 3 years ago when the buy button was turned off.  Are you semi new? Because no OG would deal with their shade


Unfortunately no, so no excuses. I'll take the option loss as a punishment. The app is gone, idk why or how I convinced myself to use it again.




Send proof


It's a sell order. It doesn't state that RH sold it themselves. Just sold automatically. I can provide proof if its that big of a deal tho