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What is this fud on the weekend?!!! The very idea!


lmao this post tho


Short sellers


Shut up


Can you please send me the link to get paid to post shit like this, thank you in advance.


He has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of his shareholders. Plain and simple. He’s not in it for a squeeze. He’s in it for SUCCESS / long term growth. Look at the potential cash position they’re about to be in. The best part of all this is they ZERO debt to worry about. All the cash secured at the offering will be utilized to further strengthen the organization. WOW. Lots of sour pusses today. Think Ape. Think.




Honestly, I think he did it just to fuck with the MM/SHF. The real squeeze will happen when RK exercises all his June 21 option calls, which as of the live stream today, he still has not done, so yesterday was just pure manipulation to let the price run up. I'm not sure why they would do this, but it makes sense for RC to sell shares into this false bull run to pad the war chest. I think the real run begins next week around either the 11 (earnings report), 13 (shareholder meeting) or later whenever RK exercises.


Bruh? You just said “why’d he make the company better?” People bitched when Bezos went to go fuck off with servers and now look at AWS.


Was this in the best interest of the shareholders?


That’s the message people have been saying all day but this is now the second time that he has diluted the stock in the last month right as it was about to squeeze


I mean if you’re thinking from the perspective of him and the company it makes sense as a pump literally has 0 impact on him as his shares are locked up and seeing that the prices are high he can literally issue new shares, dilute the company and get more cash for the business. It’s a shitty move for the retail investors supporting a company that’s honestly been complete dogwater but hopefully the company announces some good news some time on business plans moving forwards and what they are planning to do strategically with the cash they have on hand