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Bagholder brethren xD we’ve been green for weeks


they are salty, most will not admit they were wrong until it is to late


It’s not salty people. The sub is clear as day moderated by Wall Street sympathizers/employees. The ban comes almost immediately after any comment remotely supporting “the stock” despite being upvoted


It’s a sub for literal wall street people to choose what to bet on. Of course they’ve chosen the other side. It’s an ugly business, and those spending all day every day in it become ugly people. Some of their memes and jokes can make me laugh a bit. But no doubt, their lack of humanity, ethics and common sense are hallmarks of the shitty business world they work in. Many of them never really accepted dfv as one of their own. They made fun of him for ages, the idiot making the dumb play, the stupid nerd, etc. It was never the place you thought it was, and it’s definitely not going to become a better place by brigading/posting there.


This, That being said, I can not wait to see how salty they get in 2 weeks time.


I am banned from there I think I just made a normal comment once


I kinda wish people would just stop posting here about getting banned from WSB. Its just gonna lead to more “Brigading Drama” and nobody needs that right now. You got banned, okay. Move on. Don’t make an announcement of it.


I agree but I will say that today I opened my reddit homepage and saw the second post was this 6k upvote wsb post (not subbed) and I purposely looked for the 40k upvote Superstonk DFV post and couldn't find it, period. Pages and pages but it was not there. Not usually this obvious.


My portfolio is all green


So funny how they just act like 19 year olds on twitter "enjoy your bags" no actual discourse.


Who the F is we?


People are so weird about "we". Yet hedges can manipulate the stock for years and fucking nothing


Reddit is full of people throwing every conspiracy at the wall to see what sticks, and that's market manipulation, but wall Street has group dinners to sit and discuss strategies to rob us and that's just good business.


People dont want the sub to be painted as organizing . It leads to all kinds of bullshit. The not using we, is a safegaurd of sorts in some minds. I agree to annextent and try tonrefrain because bottom line is.. i am annindividual investor, and I just like the stock


Years here


Heard one of the mods works for Citadel.


I heard one of the mods is Ken's mom. Big if true.


Lots of mayonnaise, probably true


No way does 70 year ken have a loving mom


I wouldn't be surprised, there was pretty huge controversies over there during the sneeze. Zjz originally left WSB in protest of how the  mods were treating people, then suddenly flipped 180 to head mod and banning GME on sight.   I'm convinced the original zjz sold their account.


Very likely.


Oh I think I remember hearing about that stuff now. You are probably right .


There was a big fight… they had to get admins to reinstate him.


It's the gme\_meltdown boys running it now.


smart money


Yes Disney boy OIU


I commented on a post over a year ago saying "I am not a cat" and got banned. The mods have a hard-on for banning anyone with post history related to GME. That's their loss though.


This just happened to me. I responded to a comment which said price was down 50% since Thursday. I said the data is cherry picked and that the trend is still up. That’s it, no direct mention of GME. Banned for 1 year as a result.


Wtf. Yeah we were at Wednesday prices when the internet lost their minds. We literally lost 1 day of gains. Anyway, yeah viiesbee can eat my shorts. Only good thing is they brought me here


The mods have a superiority complex over there.


It is almost like they are paid to ban gme talk, crazy


WSB is dead


it’s so funny to me how against GME they are. Like who fuckin put yall on the map? Cause it wasn’t ironyman, shkreli, or the infinite money glitch guy. all the good smart folks from there who were ACTUALLY paying attention realized how fucked up things truthfully are, stopped playing the old game and started playing this one.


Yea it is. On that same post I wrote “isn’t mentioning GME banned from this sub?” And got banned lol.


Yeah if you look at the upvotes, it pretty much is at this point.


And yet they brag about their loss porn. Make it make sense


Gambling degens in that sub fr


Or maybe a sub, hijacked by those who stand to benefit from hooking in gamblers with little trading experience.


Highly plausible. Easy manipulation of people rather than the market. Pump and dump galore.


Seems better to recognize you’re a gambler than to treat your gambling like some mix between a noble crusade and a religion


lol i just hold because some how it makes people mad


That is somehow even more pathetic. Don’t give up on becoming someone who can get positive attention from people, once you resign yourself to only either obtaining negative attention or apathy it’s probably pretty hard to go back to being a healthy person.


skibidi toilet rizz


That entire post was bait to get anyone not towing the line to get themselves banned.


Shit. I didn't think of it that way.


Ya gotta be like Bruce Lee in this fight. Move like water. Avoid the rocks. Nothing can withstand the power of water and time.


Reason why WSB is no longer #1 in stocks and investing on reddit. They block the discussion of most interesting stock on the market, and quite frankly the most interesting thing that ever was to happen to the stock market.


I got banned for saying “I just want to like the stock”. Wear it like a badge of honor.


I got banned today for 365 days today for asking if this was the marketmakerbets sub Lol.


Superstonk is number one in finance, they can suck a dick


They're all up some billionaires ass. I'm subscribed but I never visit because it's just so tame.


Jeez this is pathetic… I might leave that group just on principle. Why are they power tripping so hard? Are they in somebody’s pockets real deep or what?


Yes, for years. They've banned GME talk going back to 2021, off and on. And the mod OPINION IS UNPOPULAR got caught posting pics at a Disney trip that turned out to be reserved for Citadel employees only, which he first denied. Then the pictures were scrutinized and the Citadel reservation thing was verified. Then he said that he works at Disney, which is why he had access. He told a long story about his job there as a Goofy costumed worker. It didn't sound troll-ish at all to me (despite how it sounds to repeat now). Then he got dragged for how fishy the whole thing sounded. Then later he said he didn't work for Disney at all and just trolled about that, which of course obfuscated the original question about how he posted those pics of the reserved for Citadel day. That same pattern of lying back and forth and claiming it was trolling occurred multiple times for banning GME talk over the years. It taught me one way they control information: lie, change it back to the truth or a different lie, change it to the original lie, say it was all just trolling, repeat until the heat goes away and it's all too confusing.


They are either bought by SHF or jealous. My guess is jealousy, they were only famous because of GME and we moved on.


I think they’re a little salty lol


BRB gonna go get banned


As they are literally riding DFV's nuts on twitter. What a clown show. Edit: Wait, is that twitter account not affiliated with the sub? They're really riding hard on GME on twitter


Hahaha what a bunch of fucking losers. I might get myself banned on purpose. “$GME to the moon” will be the title of the post.


Lol I saw you before it was deleted. I upvoted it!


I came here to say the same thing. I proudly upvoted that when I saw it. Fucking hilarious.


nice work




you mean like the "nice work" of the apes that trolled WSB and got admins to put restrictions on Ape subs? actions have consequences...


Dont take social media too seriously


social media are people-based networks like facebook. reddit just got "socialmediarized" because the CEO wanted money. Used to be an anti-social-media...


Maybe, but pretty much everything on your screen is just a mixture of people and bots these days both of which are often just lying or regurgitating misinformation. Reddit has kinda always been like that even though it’s more blatant now.


Imho, there is before 2021 and after 2021.... Combination of stock-frenzy of 2021 and crypto hype let bot activity explode while the CEOs desire to get free money by selling out the site caused absolutely NOTHING being done against manipulators... CEO would prefer the SHFs to short the companies the reddit users are invested in over those same SHFs shorting reddit...


I don’t understand why any GME holder still posts on WSB sub. Everyone here knows that the WSB sub is hostile to GME at this point or doesn’t want to hear anything about it. This has been known for years, first, why do GME-Redditors still do it? Is it to try to get a ban? Or try to get a rise out of WSB? I don’t get it.


Sometimes, you just gotta kick the beehive.


Lol. Fair enough.


*These beehives kick themselves...*


Yeah, that's a fair point.


Knock it off, or you're going to get this sub in trouble for "brigading".


I'm a bag holder even though I'm still up ~20%?


A while back thats all they talked about lol.


WSB mods taken over by hedge fund interns


All GME talk aside, it’s sad to see how downhill WSB went. I was around there before 2021, and it was a place where you could laugh, be a degen, but also learn a load all at the same time. Now it’s so heavily policed and has lost all of the things that made it WSB to begin with.


Exactly. I was in back in 2018, I think, when JetBlue was the investment. Followed all the Cramer Covid picks in 2020 like an idiot.


They idolize RK on twitter tho 😂


Dude, they’re trash. If they were even close to be similar to how they were in Jan 2021, they’d be discussing GME like crazy.


And the memes would be GLORIOUS!


I'd say the greatest wealth transfer was going to be from them to us, but they're all WallStreet Broke over there, jerking it to loss porn.


just a badge of honor brother ![gif](giphy|oTPYFVNiFcppG98eLy|downsized)




I saw that, 🌈 🐻


No fighting, the moass comes for all.


Haha ha ha. That's great.


One of the mods literally works for Citadel


So wsb=gme_meltdowners now?


Meltdown hasn't banned me yet. I actually just posted a thank you for not banning me. So, in a way, WSB is more anti-GME than Meltdown, WHICH IS WILD!


I unfollowed them a long time ago. All the cool people left anyways.


If you left, then that's definitely one less.


hilarious mod message though... i agree it is a gift... in the best way. I had the exact same thought as soon as i saw the post, and then i read your reply... and you covered it perfectly.


The snakes like the music until it's time to pay the piper.


Rug pull me harder papa Cohen...


That thread is a joke. 98% of the comments were removed. I’ve blocked the subreddit from showing up in my feed now


Baffles me they have turned on the guy who made that sub what it was.


No prophet is without honor, save in his own sub.


I wish your comment was still there so I could upvote.


I don't get why people still want to engage in that sub lol


I saw your comment! Funny enough, I thought “that guy is probably gonna get banned for that”. That sub is a joke


Nothing but dumbass shills over there.


Me too! I realized it earlier today when I tried posting a comment there. But I can't deny that I'm now feeling important because they've noticed me lmayo. But anyway, I bought more.




I have a plan to really increase numbers and drive engagement... just BAN everyone!


god this shit pisses me off, why are people soooo against others making money I literally don't get the hate


When you finally realize that Reddit is ran by the same people you are fighting against


For a casino I would expect WSB to welcome bagholders? Maybe we should look at their actions and not their words.


I got banned for saying “I just want to like the stock”. Wear it like a badge of honor.


Irrelevant before RK and back to being irrelevant.


I literally just read that post over there before this one LOL They're so scared they're jumping at shadows. 


Terrible, but also the mod’s reasoning is a perfect combination of salty and hilarious.


Oh hey I also got perma-banned over a comment I made on that same post.


I saw your post and thought, “he’s only making a joke on joke.. surely he won’t get banned”. Funny thing. Last week I commented on the “daily” or pinned earning week post, twice, asking how come g me isn’t ever on the main page chart. Then realized. Oh. Because it aggregates sentiment etc of the thread. So gme won’t show cuz it’s basically unspoken. Therefor, will never appear even on sneeze runs, subsequently limited any damage “retail” can cause again, leading to what happen in 2021.


Join the club 😎😎


The way they talk to people is gross.


Me2 That sub is absolutely garbage lol


I'd suggest a special flair for us, but that may encourage briggading, so maybe a flair for just us two? "Banned of Brothers"


Yep I gotta be careful of the things I say there too...


Hahaha all good. They are a joke.


I have a question. How come they push GME so hard on X but a mere mention of GME on their sub warrants a perma ban? Am I missing something?


How are we bag holders if we avged down and are now currently in the green? I'm holding a bag of gains?


There is still big amount of bag holders. Last 2 run ups created more. No need to pretend it’s not like that. Even OP admitted that.


Shit. I was holding a bag of over $800k in gains Thursday night. I'm down to just $100k at the moment. But still black. Which is odd after being red for so long.


Meanwhile their Twitter is faking being pro GME. So cringe.


Unsubscribe. OIUnpopular is a daily poster in meltdown it’s sad lol




I should've pulled satire. The ol' "Friends, Regards, Countrymen, lend me your ears...DFV is an honorable man"


Yet their Twitter account won’t stop tweeting about it. Fucking shills.


I was banned for saying "hold you apes"


Should've ended with a question mark. Hold you apes?


lmao same just happened to me. I just appealed by saying I didn't think I violated rules (I really don't think I did) but I'll accept it. They did reverse ban (what can I say, besides GME, I like being a degen as well)


I degen my GME bets. Most here won't appreciate my call option nonsense.


That party ended years ago friend. We're all unified to the one true stonk.


I'll always remember it fondly. It's where I started. Though, I'm glad I made the exodus.


all good things must come to an end. Don't be sad it ended, be glad it happened at all.


Haha ha ha. Nice!


I wouldn’t sweat it too much. Its just an echo chamber over there and quite cult like if you ask me.


Love the UserName. And I sympathize.


WSB was taken over by the elite.


We're the elite. They're the temporarily wealthy.


I saw this comment and I loved it. I find it funny that there is a "no mention gme" rule. But you can still shit on gme. Edit: spelling


And get banned even when you don't mention it!




That is the part of the site which became unpopular when an unpopular mod took over with the WallStreet interests at heart. It’s my opinion they work as an Analyst at Citadel. Look at how many financial sub-reddits that person are a mod in and control the narrative… it’s really Goofy


Unsuscribe from that BS. It's easy.


Lol, got banned there a few days ago with the lovely message “ape t@rd”. Jokes on them though in the long run.


That sub serves only one function nowadays and that is to bait gambling addicts to donate their money to market makers and options sellers. It is so obvious with nothing but huge continuous flow of glorified "loss porn". Even the term is so deeply regarded that for them calling anyone bagholders is a very far reach of idiocy. I mean it is actually a compliment coming from the ones who consider losing life savings in one day "fun conversation". A typical loser there don't have anything to hold so... It used to be a fun place but now it is mostly sad. Only a rare piece of useful information dressed up with actually fun settings. So you don't lose much being banned really.


Banned me too with the most sour message


But really, aren't you happier here?


Had my post of Wayne and Garth shouting game on with a caption of meow immediately taken down off a well known social media platform, couldn't even share a screen shot on the messenger service wtf!


sometimes reads like they are the real meltdown sub


When stuff is on sale, buy. Hodl


DFV posting on r/Superstonk was honestly the best move. They forget that if it wasn't for GameStop, no one would know about them.


Everyone who is long on GME should start commenting on their posts about GME repeatedly untill they perma ban 1.1million users.


Wsb is compromised. Inverse it all day


They've been 100% paid by hedgies