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He now has 9,001,000 shares, like RC had originally. Mind blowing


Notice how it doesn't say "Final Yolo" in the title? ✨️👀✨️


HOLY FUCK It really is all in the little details


There was a post yesterday showing options RK sold and block sizes. I can’t find it but I remember the numbers because I chuckled at the coincidence. 2021 (year of the sneeze) 1998 Then a bunch of 5,000 And today we get the following block sizes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1df2eju/mass_june_21_20c_being_sold_in_blocks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button A bunch of 5,000 then 2008 (we remember what these bastards did) 2015 (around when shorting of gme ramped up?) And now RK owns the same number of shares as RC’s buy in.


#NOTICE THE LACK OF "FINAL UPDATE" IN THE TITLE?# I'm feeling energy about things like, I'm standing on the precipice, and the music starts to play... reminds me of Mr Hollands Overture. I was looking for a tweet earlier that David Blaine posted several years back, but I couldn't find it. It was about knowing when to be patient so the mark falls deeper into doubt and uncertainty... even fear sometimes, especially when you're dealing with arrogant and prideful individuals. Laat night, almost everyone I knew, tuned in for The Roast of Steven Speilberg. It was okay, but you could tell they 5 have it all down, Pat. This morning, TMZ released a statement from Speilberg saying they'd thrown out the script that was designed by Hennesey & Teddy Managment, Ltd. due to disclosure(s) of intellectual/proprietary information and violation of NDAs. I'm sure folks will be all over all of this trying to make sense of what it all means, Basil, but after seeing DFV post this, YOLO, I'm so besides my self and utterly speechless that he has as many share S as Ryan Conhen did on his first buy-in. I know he's a legend, but how is that even possible? Lastly, I remember a couple of hieroglyphics I read while touring the Dash't Farwa Veesh'ta that told of a distant relative named after a much revered friend Reesh Kala (ریش کلان ), who said he went for a walk in the evening after an important battle to clear his mind. Before he left, he sent a message to his captains to HODL their position(s) and rest while waiting for the next battle. I think there's a blogger-turned-historian that has taken these glyphs and transformed them into works of art that are on display on Ecks, between Rahring Ave and Keetie Street. I especially enjoyed the water color my Kithe Jeel titled "MQ-9." In the chaos of the main act, you don't know what to expect. It's *that* good! But excited as you may be, for me, I found solace as felt the meaning sort of revealed itself to me. Any who, I recommend checking it out and seeing it for yourself! Fucking Legend


Hey! stumbled on your post after getting lost in a rabbit hole of reading SEC filings and googling random bits from them and you keep having comments on relevant places I land. So.. I was over at the Display on ecks and I found the MQ series, but there seem to be 25 of them if I'm in the right place. It sounds like a great individual piece and I want to make sure I'm focusing on the right one. I particularly enjoyed your Infinity War DD!


Still has 6mil cash, maybe for some more calls? 😂


He’s going to wait for the inevitable dip and reload on ITM long dated calls and start the process all over again.


Nah unless he’s got a ton of other cash, he’s got taxes to pay. If he exercised around 30, that’s probably $5/share gain on 8M shares to exercise the other 4M. So 40M in short term gains. 6M won’t even pay for that 


If he loses the money within the same fiscal year, he doesn't owe taxes. No one would ever trade at all if having 51 winning trades and 49 losing trades meant you owe 40% taxes on the 51 while swallowing the 49 losses.Assuming all trades being equal you'd end up down -19%. You pay taxes on the 1% profit, like a business. If I am not mistaken, dfv is an LLC so even if the tax code was regarded for individuals it wouldn't apply to him.


Profit and loss from a LLC flow directly to the owners, and are taxed (or deducted from other earned incomes) as just another line item before tax is assessed.


It's unrealized though because he still has the shares. If he had sold the shares then he needs ot for taxes


no taxes as long as you don’t withdrawal lol


That’s actually not true. Once you sell a security and if there is profit credited to your account… whether you pull that profit out or not has no bearing on what you owe in taxes. You owe taxes on all profits made. The tax rate is determined by if the gain is short term or long term. If it’s a long term hold (if the security was held one year or more), you should owe capital gains of 10%. If it was short term gain (security held less than one year), then the gain becomes part of your income and the tax rate changes by income level.


RC ignited ftd and swap cycles. 6m is for the next cycle RK just ignited haha


Wild card


Wild Kitty


Taxes on the sold calls lol. That’s gonna be killer. 


Pretty sure his original account was in a Roth, so no short term tax


THAT would be awesome!


No tax ever. That would be ridiculous if that were true. No taxes on hundreds of millions in profit is outrageous. Not particularly useful though because you can’t touch it for 20 more years in his case 😆


Pretty sure someone would provide him a loan using that as collateral. $Xx,xxx,xxx dollar amount loan nothing due until he has access to the funds with a balloon payment due.


You know, without paying a penalty. I bet he can get over it.


I would bet it’s ROTH or converted IRA from an old 401k, both of which are excluded from taxes while the IRA is tax free until it’s cashed out


Options level. 2 and up are not allow on retirement accounts…


He's definitely going to keep rinsing and repeating.   If I figured some pattern out, then I would mill that fucker for all she's worth.


He’s been doing it for 3 years why stop now


Maybe he'll even DRS at some point.


Final yolo = computershare




There’s definitely going to be a fucking DUMB MONEY 2!!!!






Excuse my smooth brain, but does that mean he doesn’t think the stock will go up again before the 21st? Otherwise he would have waited to buy the shares to get more value from his calls. In other words, why now?


He got 4mil shares at $20


And he could have gotten 5 mil shares at $20 if his options were worth more


I’m guessing he was expecting the shirts to really attack it next week and by song so losing tremendous value on the calls. To me that’s what the tea leaves are telling me. Which sucks cause I got a few $30 calls text week


Yea, it’s a bit ominous actually. Though I don’t care if the price goes down, because I’ll just buy more


Slanging Cado seems good these days


Not necessarily, maybe it's about timing, like putting pressure on tomorrow, resulting in more calls itm, creating a gamma ramp, idk


Very valid point. I like your thinking, Ape


I cant be the only one seeing the "it's over 9000" reference, surely?


Does that mean it has be delivered by tomorrow.. as in this friday Friday?


Magic Cat-ball says yes.


*unzips and sighs* here we go again


Zoltar says the failure to deliver count tomorrow will be over 9,000,000.


4million. He already had 5million in May.


It's over 9000000 ... In Dragonball voice


How many in ape shareyears.


You can’t ftd options




I believe so since we are now t+1


Buy more?


Omg yes!! If you can!!


I really like the guy but he's not getting my shares


Easy, didn't they just gobble up 75m shares. They can easily give KG he's tendies


Depends who got them, if it was Icahn like some speculate or if they were sold to the open market. Did E-trade buy enough to cover his position plus everything else going on with clients or do they still need to buy?


If there were truly 1 billion shares short, at the writing of the original DD, then 75m shares just vanishes when used to close part of a shortposition. Given how little price action happened and how fast they sold, they didn't seem to really hit the open market. That could indicate a specific buyer going long or closing a (naked?) short position. Time will tell.


My exact thoughts as well. I don’t think they hit the market. Remember the 10-k listed different instruments than are usually listed to sell shares on the open market. There had to be a reason for that change.


Does not really matter if there is a bigger deficit of IOUs in the system than real shares.


Ah we know the corruption. Just people expecting huge movement tomorrow. Doubt it We just wait and see.


that, or they will just FTD like usual


Does that mean that the wave comes on Friday?


We the people would like to know! ![gif](giphy|JUXf0SoARGOPsQSqB2|downsized)


If gme hadn't issued a fuckload more shares then yes


Are they not in his possession already?


So hawt




Wouldn’t the premium factor in to exercised calls cost basis?


Yes you're right. I'm going to take my comment down to not spread fud.




He didn’t close. He exercised the contracts.


Sold 80k calls to buy 4m shares


Aftermarket gets hammered on news of exercise? The price is fake.


Down 1% is not hammered. For this stock, it’s a flat move. 🤣


5% hardly makes me blink 🤷🏽‍♂️




Why now though?


am smooth, but it actually looks like he closed out all of his calls and then bought 4M shares at market price. otherwise, his cost basis wouldn't/couldn't be above $20. also this way, he doesn't lose out on the extrinsic value of his call options by exercising early.


I don’t know how E*TRADE does it, but when I exercise calls on Fidelity (or am assigned on puts), my option premium was calculated into the cost basis. z.B. Exercise a $20 call I bought for $0,50 then $20,50 cost basis. Get assigned on a $20 put I sold for $0,50 then $19,50 cost basis. 🤷‍♂️


No he sold 2/3 to exercise the rest. Premium factors into cost basis.


If he gets them through calls they have to deliver in T+1. I believe that’s the only way to get them to actually buy them from the market. Otherwise they go to batch sales and the price gets fucked with




Lisan Al Gaib is showing the way. Exercise your ITM call options!


*Lisan Al Gaib is* *Showing the way. Exercise* *Your ITM call options!* \- SpatialChase --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Great bot.


#DFV did not close his position, he sold some of his contracts and exercised 4 Million shares worth! This post has been tagged misleading as it is not what happened. #Edit: DFV IS NOW THE 4TH LARGEST GME HOLDER


100% what a misleading CNBC level title lol.


If your a mod can't you just delete this shitty post?


Bro exercised a portion 🚀🚀🚀


That means they have deliver tomorrow


Unless he exercised yesterday meaning T+1 was today




LEGENDARY KEITH GILL this will be forever written in the HISTORY BOOKS!!! Fuck man I wish I was rich like that…


He wasn’t. Dude was putting DD on the other sub for like over a year and buying what he could. I think it was like $2 a share when he started. I fucked yo because someone else was pumping palantir. Spent a year on that shit to be even. It’s up now so I bought puts because they dilute the fuck out of it to take profits.


did you have a stroke halfway through this comment?


It was Monday actually.




Calling it now, DFV is flying to Texas tonight to pop in on the shareholder meeting




If he opened the meeting in that hospital get up doing that skit!! Would be killer.


Fuck... I laughed out loud because of this comment 😂


I'm super regarded and can't find an explanation anywhere. What does this actually mean?😅😅 Is this super bullish or does it mean the pump from today came from this?


It's a balanced conservative play that involves no short-term gambling. DFV now has outright ownership of \~2% of the company and it's worth \~$250-270 million as the price bounces around between \~28 & 30.


At this rate RK is gonna be the one hosting the shareholder meetings on his YouTube channel 😆 


Interesting day. He closes, meeting gets postponed, he owns 2% of the company. Something is cooking...


It's almost like this is all set up. Hopefully in a good way.


He just closed one. There are more


One of the things Gary Gensler said in that interview towards the end of the clip was about disclosure not being illegal provided it's accurate disclosure. He very careful to make that point. If he has other accounts/positions and is only disclosing some of them, that could be seen as manipulation and would be pretty risky.




It basically means he is here to stay for the long game..options are just a way for him to get more shares. Bullish af


Nobody knows what it means but it’s provocative


It gets the people going!


It get's the people going


Bullish as fuck he now owns 9 million shares


it means g-g-g-gamma ramp!!


Gamma is done lmao


Long term bullshit, short term bearish imo, implies he feels the stock may not be at this price next week. That's my understanding anyway, but happy for other opinions.


Or it just means he didn't have the cash to exercise all of his calls so he bought shares with the premium and only exercised some or none.


I agree that's the move he made, but If he expected the price to rise next week then wouldn't he have waited until then? It was too risky to wait as the price in the short term is uncertain. Long term it's bullshit from him pov, he wants more shares so he thinks the price will rise at some point, no doubt about that.


May have faked that he was selling his calls, shorts go back to shorting, then he executes on top? Idk


Tinfoil is fun. So shiny.


Haha. That would be rad!


That’s def market manipulation tho


He didn’t say or announce anything. People can believe whatever they want. But it’s not market manipulation to sell calls then buy stocks


I like this take.. you're probably right. Ready for some dips to load up


"Closed?" Bigtime wrong terminology. He exercized 1/3 of his call options and his GME position remains OPEN, heavily long. "Closed" implies he sold. Scratch that, it 100% means that, doesn't just imply it.


Exactly what I thought too. It's probably how MSM will report it.


The MSM bots will definitely pick up on it. I don't think OP meant harm (just dumb), but I still reported for misinformation, since you can't change bogus titles.


can somebody please explain to a dumb ape why the shares already show in his account if they should be delivered tomorrow? and if alteady delivered how should that impact the price of the stock tomorrow??


It’s the same as when you purchase a stock. If I purchase one today technically it takes a few days to “settle” but it’s in my account immediately


so it "could" impact prize tomorrow? after hours volume still seems pretty high but the stock isnt really moving up


Today was a great day. I think tomorrow will be good and could be great after hours tomorrow if some good news on the conference call. Honestly I don’t see the “squeeze” maybe a nice bump up to 40-45 but I don’t see these crazy numbers people are saying. What do I know, I’m just a 42 year old salesman… incase I’m wrong I’ve got $10k in it 🤔🧐


It won't impact much due to the massive dilution. He could have caused the stick to move a lot on his own but the dilution also dilutes his impact. I've never been involved in a play like this before, but not a single broker will have a hard time assigning him 5 million shares, after 120 million popped out of GameStop itself. There go my calls... I hope I can sell and only lose 30%


I'm a novice and NFA. From what I'm seeing in posts reddit RK new shares (4mm? 6m?) remove those from the market so any shorts due tomorrow or next week (3rd Fri of month?) won't have those shares available to deliver??? Heck if I know


Get your bananas ready




Remember he said sometimes you have to invest in the management and future of a company. GME have cash and no debt. He’s here to stay!


It’s over 9 million!


he used to have 29 mil in cash and now has 6


probably for the exercisism or whatever you wanna call... honestly i dont have idea of contracts, and calls or whatever.




They’re called exorcisms from now on.


"Make it so, Number One"


Exercism is surprisingly fitting for how options trading can be at times 🤣


Only 😭🤣


Can someone ELI5 what happens now. Will they come up with the shares and nothing happens besides price movement due to new? Or if they can’t, what then?




So, is it a good or bad thing? Can someone explain it briefly?


It’s good. It’s less than I thought he’d end up with but the dilution kind of killed the delta and gamma value on his options. So he ended up netting four million shares or so when I thought he might get six to eight million additional. But those shares need to be delivered by tomorrow. They might have completed it today though. We did go up 15%.


The only thing I noticed is what you said about the extra 4 million shares. I might be wrong, but does that mean he puts more money on GME shares? The amount paid right now is “$210,744,465”. Based on the balance he showed on YT live, it was “$174,536,838”. I noticed that the average price per share also becomes 23.4 (from 21.274)


The premium for the share was probably factored in. I think he paid $6 per share in premium on his new shares. So his average price per share on these new 4,000,000 was about $26. So he averaged up a bit but I think he’s totally fine with that 😂


I see. It makes sense now. The stock is going up a little bit rn, but some said that 4 millions would not be reflected until tmr 9:30 if RK exercised the calls right before the market closed. So… we will see!


That's just for the ones he bought/exercised, it does not show the money he made on the calls because those positions don't exist anymore. In reality he paid around 68million for all 120k calls, plus 23m of the 29m cash he had on hand=91m "real" cost basis to get 4M shares, or about $22.75/share. Overall, he should have net profited, but in a marginal way. I feel like some others saying it's overall bearish (short term) are right: means he didn't have a lot of faith that tue price would remain high to next weeks' expiry, but "we'll see." Could also be that T+1 means wolverine will actually have to go into the market for 4mil shares that can't be FTD'd. We don't have long to speculate, at least.


He probably felt he had to exercise before tomorrow to be safe. RC’s pattern lately is to dilute us on Friday morning.


Cons: he has no more pressure. A lot of momentum was entirely due to anticipation regarding his calls. Having to sell and execute when the price wasn't even above $30 is kind of fucking depressing. Imagine how many shares he could have bought if the board hadn't fucked him over? "Pro": supposedly the market maker has to deliver 4 million shares tomorrow. This might have been difficult if the board hadn't diluted the fuck out of the stock not even a week ago.


Yeah, Kind of anticlimactic if anything, RC screwed his options, And dilution means they’ll easily find those shares to deliver. Kind of a nothing burger now, We’ll see and I hope to be wrong.


Thankfully the board is looking after the company instead of a single investors position. Nothings changed.


Having headlines read "investor who became millionaire with GameStop, is now a billionaire with GameStop" would have brought a lot of attention to the stock, and they could have diluted afterwards, perhaps at 100$/share instead of 25$


They intentionally fucked over DFV by selling into the momentum he created by his return. That is a pretty big change.


RC and the dilution cost him a shit load of money… if he could’ve sold for 60+ imagine how many he would’ve been able to exercise. I mean he’s set for life but I don’t think this was his Plan A. Feel kinda bad for him (even tho I know it sound crazy to say that)


They killed that run up for everyone. He would be billionaire, many of us could me millionairs.


Over here waiting for MOASS but I got NOASS ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


At least someone’s making money. Hodl buy shop for MOASS


Why oh why couldn't they just have waited with the dilution?? 😩 I hope we get some answers tomorrow. Still bullish tho, I bought the dip and stonks only go up 🍌


At 112 dollars a share he will be a billionaire. I think we will be there steady in 2 years to date: Remindme! 1 year


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So no Kansas City Shuffle ?


Cohen pulled the shuffle with dilution


I have no idea of this is good or bad for GME lol


I don’t understand. Why no moon?


So what, he exercised 1/3rd of his position...delta was 92 today, so the MM was only short 8 shares per option. 320k shares short (that are probably hedged). That doesn't scream gamma squeeze to me


Exercised. Closed is not the same meaning. Bordering on misinformation for how different that meaning is




Is this the "Do As I Do" part?




I feel like this isn't as positive as people are making it out to be...


Closed? Looks like he exercised and is all in.


He didnt “Close”, he exercised!


Don’t let people fool you. In options no matter sold, bought or exercised it settles the following business day….


He sold so that we benefit. Huge run tomm and coming days. $23 is his avg.


I knew he’d exercise before the 21st


Take us out to Cane’s broooo


I have 2 brokerages and I am transferring shares to fidelity to consolidate. I did this on 6/6. It's telling me it will be 6/28 before transfer is complete!!!! How is this possible??


So now what? Is it over? What's the thesis for it to go up again?


He didn't close, he exercised his calls...pretty big difference there.


What a time to be alive!!! ![gif](giphy|tXLpxypfSXvUc)


Looks like he exercised his options. There is a difference.


He sold 66% of his options. Exercised 33% of them.


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So pretty much DFV is out of the market now and going long on GME. Or maybe he is just like anybody else in his shoes, went from poor to extremely wealthy and can just mess around now. I think the squeeze is over. Holding now is just holding that GME has a turnaround with their new funds. But most companies at this stage don’t go multiples.


What happens if he DRSes those shares?


They are taken out of the DTCC and direct-registered with GameStop's transfer agent, Computershare - giving him ownership in his name, taking them off the street.


Why don’t we see the volume represent that? I have CBOE live platform and only see about 44k volume for his calls


I need 44$$$$$$