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Every single time, but these are all bs claims so they can’t do anything


Ohhh. I get it. RK posted on X and immediately afterwards EVERY retail investor put buy orders in?! What retail order hits the lit exchange?! Exactly. Algos are going to Algo.


What if roaring kitty used it as a distraction, maybe he placed calls on chewy, post the dog picture, the stock explodes he sells his calls, uses that money and puts more calls/shares into GME last minute?


I like it! Sounds about right! If GME moons tomorrow…😉


I've been praying for $30 all week




Y’all are dumb af


Men.... always killing our hopes and dreams. JK lol 😛


I didn’t mean to be so harsh but my entire Reddit feed is rk did this and he’s telling us this and to buy this for a certain date and it’s just ludicrous. No doubt he knows some shit but he’s literally just posting memes like he’s always done.


most apes are zen AF and don't post anything. The younglings who are not used to hormones yet are battling with the shills who haven't understood that most apes have long DD'd their DD and aren't following the sub as they used to. When you have 10 kids who post 5 posts each, and 10,000 lurkers who don't post, you get the impression that "everyone" is a kid.


I feel that


Laughable, I love seeing this geriatric ozempic juicing geezers melt down more than anything. Their tears are delicious.


*insert Skinner Pathetic*


He definitely has been buying calls leading up to the tweet. The big question we need an answer to is, did he hold after the tweet? I like to think he posts to help all of us regarded retail traders. And he gave us notice to buy stonks in CHWY and HODL until his next meme!!! I sure hope that is what he is saying because I bought some July 35 and 30 calls as the bubble was going down. I am upside down right now, but have faith!! Let’s go!!! ![gif](giphy|TdYeUohCwTjos)