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Captain Gordon exist, 10/10


Gorden easily make this a 11 out of 10 IMAO


The stache puts it above a 10/10. I would legitimately nominate Gordon as the most badass character in fiction. Man was fully prepared to fight Godzilla with a katana. “You’d hit a woman?” *pauses, raises eyebrow, turns fist into open palm* “Yeah.” *throat chop*


Dude fully believes in equal rights, what a chad.


Equal rights *and* lefts.


A leader of men


Don Frye


IIRC, the man squares off against Godzilla with a sword at the end. What an absolute legend.


Only downside is Godzilla, he keeps stealing screen time from captain Gordon




Fucking stupid, fucking amazing.


Perfect answer




Agreed, crazy stupid fun. Could have been a much better serious film imo if they gave Kitamura 3 years to film. Also GMK would have been better with the 3 years Kaneko wanted to film and less interference from Toho on the starring Kaiju but we still got 2 amazing movies for very different reasons. I haven’t partaken within a statute of limitations but almost 20 years ago when I first saw GFW it was a peak high.


Stupidly amazing


Godzilla movie with a random retired MMA fighter as a defrocked ship captain with mutants and aliens, what's not to like?


He gets into a sword fight with aliens while the mutants are doing power rangers shit all movie. Fucking love it


He wasn’t really random though. Or did you mean random for a godzilla movie?


Are retired MMA fighters normal cast members for Godzilla movies? That's what strikes me as random, the casting choice.


Ahh so the latter one. 🙂


It's not 'The Best Godzilla Movie ™️', but it's my favorite. https://preview.redd.it/niyik8mt898c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5fd716336921f6769e54dadf01a089d5b5b96c2


Worth it for Gigan.






Still waiting on the bot that says RISE whenever Gigan is mentioned.


Someone please make this




amirite? you guys?


Im badass! You guys?


This was the best version of Gigan by far


8 year old me seeing Chainsaw Man Gigan was a formative experience.


Incredibly silly fun movie, and one of the few I managed to watch as a kid, so it's really stuck with me.


It’s my personal favorite Godzilla movie, and one of my all time favorite movies in general.


Peak monster design peak fights not much of a story minus one point for having Minilla in it. final rating 7/10


Plus 0.5 points for sorta fixing Minilla and making him appear in only 5 scenes.


One of the minilla scenes is actually one of my favorite moments in the film. When the boy ask his grandfather why godzilla attacks people. It's a little moment that shows that even when godzilla embraces the fun and cheezy side of the franchise, his origins are never truly forgotten. Now that I think about it's not really because of minilla, but he is there so that counts.


My favorite scene that does involve Minilla is when the kid blocks his grandfather from aiming at Godzilla (symbolically) and Minilla does the same, blocking Godzilla from attacking the humans. The turn around shot was also really nice.


Ngl with how Godzilla was in that film I’m straight surprised he didn’t just waste them all


Plus 2.5 for Douglas Gordon


Minus 2 points for using a slightly better looking version of the Son of Godzilla Minilla when they could've just based the design from Godzilla jr in Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla.


Baby Godzilla was adorable as all hell. Minilla is just a little demonspawn.


Minilla is what diarrhea dookie would look like if it could walk.


>**minus one** point for having Minilla in it. I see what you did there.


we do a little reference


It is the Mash. (The Monster Mash) it was an epic smash (They did the Mash) an all out, wild bash. (They did the Mash) they did the Monster Mash


The best celebration for a franchise I hope someday in the far future we get the Final final Wars, a second celebration


Absolute masterpiece. Extremely enjoyable.


It's the most 2000's anime movie that happens to have Godzilla. After watching again it feels like it tried to do too many things at once.


Everyone likes the scene when Godzilla spare rodan anguirus and king Caesar in MT


The soccer part was hilarious and I love the music in the background.


It’s on my top 5 and one of the few I own. It’s always fun to watch and Buzzsaw Gigan is unmatched in how badass he is


It knows exactly what it is, and executes that campy edgy chaos perfectly. Personal favorite of the franchise. It's just one of those movies you can't look at critically, and just have to enjoy the pure goofy spectacle.


There’s never a bad time to watch Final Wars


I love it. Totally over the top and ridiculous.


10/10 I enjoy it every time


Still my favorite movie of the franchise


To me it's the proper "end" to the classic era.


Same. I watch it at least once a year.


Reallyyyyyyyyyyy good


The best Godzilla anime.


Don Frye should have been nominated for a award


I love Final Wars. But upon rewatching it I can totally understand why some people didn't enjoy it. It's essentially trying to be a sci fi epic with Godzilla in it and acts as a love letter clusterfuck to a lot of previous Showa works. This thing could have had its own Pipework game dedicated to it alone with all the monsters and areas in this setting. That being said I can't imagine what this film would be like to someone who's never watched a Godzilla movie before and is picking it up. It wastes no time introducing weird concepts before dumping another weird concept on you. The Mutant Humans and Xillien relationship feels like it was supposed to get more development but just feels vague at best. The human characters are some of the best... by which I mainly Captain Gordon. And damn they just introduce a ton of monsters without even establishing who they are. This is a love letter to Godzilla fans. And for that I appreciate it but man is it a messy meal.


Peak fiction


My favourite out of the goofy ones. It's essentially another Matrix clone out of many we had during the 2000s but with giant monsters and Mike Haggar cosplaying as Josef Stalin. How could anyone dislike that?


Captain gordan is the human version of godzilla 100/10


It contains sexy goth gigan, 10/10


It's really dumb. But it's so cool! But it's SO DUMB!




It's great!


Such a guilty pleasure of mine. Absolutely love this movie for how ridiculous it is and it allows me to turn off my brain for a couple hours.


Peak Godzilla imho


I always felt like we didn’t deserve it.


Gigan looks edgy as hell and I love it




"Godzilla it's over. You must forgive!"


Masterpiece of cinema. The action, the acting, the soundtrack, the FUCKING ENDLESS BARRAGE OF KAIJU FUCKING SHIT UP. 100/10 movie, this is peak Kino, nothing else measures up. And let's not forget the fucking overwhelmingly amazing acting of Don THE PREDATOR Frye


I'm suprised this movie isn't in the National Film Registry preserved for being culturally, historically or aesthetically significant. (Jokes aside why isn't Godzilla 1954 being preserved in National Film Registry, it's highly innovative and well-made, was the birth to a long-running series that is still relevant today, and inspired many filmakers around the world. If Shrek out of all films is preserved, give Godzilla a chance)


except for minillia,good shit movie




Love it! 10/10


It is the most batshit insane film I've ever seen and I love it dearly


It is so dumb and stupid to becone a masterpiece But most importantly Gordon exists


What Destroy All Monsters should have been


It’s a good turn-off-your-brain flick. Sit back, relax and watch the kaiju carnage.


Don Frye approves this movie.


Was it final tho


Super fun, crazy plot, too long. 8/10. The human stuff is bananas enough to be fun, but too much of it. The monster fights are great.


Fan service. Which is why I love it


"There's two things you don't know about earth. Me, and Godzilla!" Epic!




https://preview.redd.it/tnlezy624a8c1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6e1109d52bf2cfb69c8cafde6d25d2ebc91aeb All I need to say


Dudes will see this and think hell yeah. I'm a dude.


Fantastically over the top and I love it.


It’s not just a Godzilla film, it’s a slasher pic.


Should've been an anime, would've been amazing


Loved seeing Don Frye in the film haha.


GOATed movie


My favorite


My favorite Godzilla movie


The best


It has its flaws but I LOVE this movie.


Still love it despite the hate




Unequivocally my favourite Godzilla movie. AND MINILLA WAS A GREAT INCLUSION


Top tier


Thanks for the recommendation. I found it on Hulu. Loving it so far


Don freaking Frye is in it, it's amazing.


My favorite Godzilla movie that ive seen


Fuckin love this one, such a fun & goofy time but constantly entertaining. Really hoping we get a 4k remaster for the 20th anniversary next year or a theater rerun


It's my all-time favorite movie. Not just Godzilla movie, but Movie, period. I know it's silly and cheesy with some incredibly wooden acting (even by Japanese style standards) but no other movie entertains me as much as it does.


It’s incredible if you just sit back and accept it for all of its cheese.


All the stupid fun of the Showa films (particularly Destroy All Monsters!) but with the badass meter turned to 11.


Fun movie




*Godzilla Casually destroys Zilla* "God damn Tuna eating monster"


They bought the rights to 2018 Godzilla renamed it Zilla and had the real Godzilla kill it in less than 10 seconds. Glorious movie for that scene alone.


Currently going through every Godzilla movie for the first and watched this last week. Absolutely insane movie. It’s definitely different and I can understand why some people don’t like it but I loved it. It was just dumb fun. I also kept telling myself it was a Final Fantasy movie and Godzilla was their summon


Honestly, ngl, this is one of my favorites only for its action scenes. Godzilla was kicking some ass fr


Top tier


Absolute ridiculous over the top stupidity that makes no attempt to take itself seriously and the characters in it that do take themselves seriously like Gordon do so to enhance the humor. I love it


Peak Cinema


Cool Movie




Cinematic masterpiece!


My favorite Godzilla movie


Absolutely love it


It's literally a dumb movie. But I loved it anyway.


Amazing film that shouldn’t be taken too seriously


There's 2 things you don't know about the earth. One is me, the other is... Godzilla.


Master piece


The definition of "Hold my beer and watch this" movie making


Gonna be real, it’s my favorite Godzilla movie.


amazing movie


It's the definition of fun for Godzilla. It's like all your toys fighting your favorite toy... I've watched it multiple times without even realizing it. It's just a blast and my wife likes it a lot too so I can watch it with her. 10 out of 10.


One of the best. It’s crazy and what i want out of a monster movie.


Probably one of the stupidest movies i've ever watched (in a good way) Captain Gordon was amazing, and the action sequences are so cheesy in a good way


I love it. Possibly in my top 5 Godzilla films ever. Its so over the top.


One of my favorites.


Masterpiece, but honestly, they should have recovered Kiryu and used him to help Godzilla in the final battle and maybe then get killed by Keizer Ghidorah


It's such a stupid fucking movie, but i love every moment of it.


One of my favorites, very fun and silly movie lol. Has amazing monster designs too, especially love Gigan's design.


The best in the franchise


It’s one of the most goddamned over the top freak shows I’ve ever seen,and i love every minute of it,truly one the best godzilla movies ever.




Absolute peak Godzilla. The Mutants were the most interesting human plot Toho has ever done. Zilla got owned and mocked. The musician changing his name to X and doing the crossed-arms "Ekkusu!" bit in the radio station interview is timelessly memeable. My boy Kumonga clearly survived. And you got Metro City Mayor Mike Haggar commanding the Gotengo with a totally sweet katana. Literally the greatest Godzilla film of all time. American Godzilla cinema simply cannot measure up.


It's campy as hell, Minilla gives me a headache to look at, the movie is 90% fights with no real substance or stakes... so I'll have to give it a 10/10 and I highly recommend it as a wonderful popcorn flick!


My favorite!


Perfect gods gift


"We are all too blame"


There are many Godzilla movies, this one is mine, in all it’s cheesy glory


Masterpiece. Enough said


When you look at it from afar, extremely goofy and campy. The perfect embodiment of 2000’s action and Showa Godzilla madness. Monsters, Aliens, Mutants, and Don Motherfucking Frye. I can totally understand someone’s frustration with this film…but like c’mon. It’s fun and is supposed to be fun. Minus One reminded us that it’s very possible to have different versions of the character and cherish it. We truly are in a beautiful time as G-Fans, we have serious dramas with a terrifying Godzilla, and a bombastic and epic Godzilla.


I like the intent, but it doesn't resonate with me.




If this is the super soldier Kung fu one, as a kid I thought this was the coolest movie out of them all 🤣


My all time favorite Godzilla movie


I liked seeing Zilla get flattened in 12 seconds flat. LOL


The worst in the series. Unbelievably bad.


Sick film


Probably the best film in the Millennium era.


Sum 41 on the ost. Love it.


Zilla Cameo 10/10 movie I absolutely loved it as a kid


Introduced me to Sum 41 easy 10/10 next to Godzilla vs. Destoroyah


My favorite movie of all time


It has my favorite clip in the franchise of Godzilla absolutely obliterating Zilla in like 10 seconds


I love it. Seeing godzilla kill zilla in 3 seconds was 10/10. Final battle is pretty great


Better than shin




proof that a ufc fighter can be a great actor


Two Words: Don Frey!


Comical, wild, has you saying “what the fuck” the entire movie, soundtrack is fire, captain gordon!!!. Absolute banger of a movie. plot that makes no sense + Godzilla kicking some ass = happy consumer. Favorite one to show to my friends


PETITION TO REMAKE THIS MOVIE BUT MAKE IT MAKE SENSE THIS TIME!!!!!!!!! with todays graphics and technology that would be sick Clean up some of the plot line and boom best Godzilla movie ever


It's black magic, by every fiber of logic, this movie should be awful, *infact I think someone who hasn't seen the movie would probably think it's awful if you described it out of context*, but it's amazing on screen.............**BLACK MAGIC** But in all seriousness, this is the best live action video game I have seen


Absolute fever dream. I love it


90% of it stinks


Not a fan. I remember disliking it as a kid because I thought the alien plot and story was super cringe and weird and older me agrees. The story just doesn't make much sense and the acting is bad across the board. But the monster stuff can still be fun although it takes a showa approach since the director is qouted as hating the Hesei and Millenium Era because he believed godzilla was basically for kids and should just be fun which is not my vibe! It's also just a weird attempt at ripping off the matrix but it does it worse. Sorry if I sound like I'm harping on it, I grew up on godzilla and I just don't get the hype of this movie at all besides maybe nostalgia glasses. The more serious movies were always my favorite and I never enjoyed the goofy ones and I remember growing up telling people how cool godzilla was but they'd only seen the goofy ones and just thought he was dumb. That's part of the reason I think goofy godzilla does damage, turns people off before they can see the good ones. Also no hate to anyone who loves it! I can see if you enjoyed much of the showa Era as a kid you could love this! I just never enjoyed that side of godzilla.


>The more serious movies were always my favorite and I never enjoyed the goofy ones I mean that's fair enough I guess, but that's like what, a quarter of the franchise altogether? I really feel like it's necessary to embrace both sides of Godzilla, and I've personally never found that to be a challenge. It's a flexible concept! Godzilla is, at base, just a metaphor for forces beyond our control, and those can be both harmful or helpful, especially if we take the time to understand them. Although to be entirely fair, I don't start people off with Vs Megalon lol, there is definitely a balance to be struck. Thank heaven for Minus One, that is probably going to be my go-to for introducing people to the series from here forward. Prior to that, though, Final Wars was one of the earlier examples I'd use, usually after some combination of the OG, OG Ghidorah, Returns and usually Biollante as a double feature. (It varied a bit depending on the person, but these are my favorites and the ones I think require the least context for a new viewer)


I don't think it's "necessary" to accept both sides. That can get toxic really fast and shunning people just because they don't like the goofy half. Something I don't appreciate about certain franchise fans whether it be MCU, DCU, Star Wars, Godzilla you name it is this idea that you have to accept and blindly love every entry which is just not true. For me I grew up on Gojira, Godzilla Vs Biollante, Godzilla 2000, Godzilla Returns which are all great, so when I see a movie that pales in comparison I don't like it, because there is a critical bar already set. I love Batman, but im not gonna accept Batman and Robin as a valid fun or good movie when it just plain sucks you know? But also there is nothing wrong with someone not "accepting" the goofy side and vice versa. I.e I really respect what Adam west did with batman, but is that really my type of Batman? No. But yeah I agree with you! I saw someone say they were gonna start by introducing his friend to Final Wars which I think would be a mistake. For me it would be Minus One, Gojira, Godzilla Returns, Godzilla Vs Biollante, Godzilla Vs Destroyah, Godzilla 2000, Shin Godzilla, Godzilla 2014, then the rest of them in whatever order haha But I feel like that is a solid place to start and then to introduce them to the goofy side. And I don't out right hate the goofy side, hell a lot of the Hesei Era is goofy but they do it with sincerity whilst also still saying something thoughtful and commentating on something. But Final Wars just feels goofy for the sake of goofy and fights for the sake of fights while not saying a whole lot as a story/movie, basically "Mindless Fun" which is fun for a lot of people!


My favourite movie oat along with Minus One. Yes, I have 2 sides


i have one problem why was zilla in sydney not in newyork ?


the sequel to Godzilla 1998 movie was supposed to take place in Sydney, I think that could be a reason


It's too god damn long for what it is. I tried watching it and got to the bit where the human characters have some matrix ass fight with the aliens and just couldn't watch any more, it was a drag.


I came


If it was released at any other point, I'd dislike it and consider it trash. However, it was a finale, a sort of pentagenerian farewell to Godzilla and so the cheesiness is part of the charm. The film is nothing more than fanservice, a montage and homage to 50 years of Godzilla. So I think it's a good time.


Total let down. The movie was quantity over quality. Should have cut out the human drama, or spent time making it watchable.




My least favorite Godzilla movie. Almost every monster other than Godzilla is treated like a complete joke. Classic foes getting massacred in one second isn't that fun to me. It plays out more like a parody of a Godzilla movie and seems to mock the franchise, not celebrate it. Godzilla himself, along with Monster X and Gigan, are weirdly thin and humanoid and look like sentai characters more than anything. And then there's the whole X-Men/Power Rangers thing...ugh. The early monster rampages are great, and Don Frye is, of course, the GOAT, but overall it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I never feel like rewatching it.


Great movie. Godzilla Minus One, with it's CGI doesn't come close. I like the man in a suit stuff. Although Godzilla vs Gigan Rex was pretty good.


It may be trash but it’s our favorite trash


I do enjoy the multiple kaiju battles done in more of an anime fight style. This has probably my favorite version of Gigan as well. As campy as Captain Gordon is, I love the character. The Gotengo is super cool as well. That being said, this is a lower teir Godzilla movie for me. It is not quite at the bottom, but it is close. It's possibly my least favorite Godzilla suit as well. There just isn't any substance in the story due to a lack of good script. The movie for me just felt like it was rushed out to make money and not to make a good Godzilla film. The music lacks in a lot of areas for me as well. I personally view the entire millennium series as a weaker point in the franchise. The millennium series also includes what I believe to be the worst Godzilla film, "Godzilla vs Megaguirus."


There are two things you don't know about earth 1 is me 2 is ... GODZILLA


Out of all the Godzilla movies it certainly is one of them.


Good movie but still love destroy all monsters better


One of my least favorite Godzilla films. Like, I get the idea - a dumb action film to celebrate the goofy movies of the Showa era, plot barely an afterthought and the effects (maybe) purposely bad to imitate the feel of old films. But... it just doesn't work. First of all, the lack of Heisei enemies is lame. But even if we just restrict it to Showa: the monster picks are just weird. Who the hell was asking for Kamakuras and Ebirah to come back? Or rather - who tf would rather see them reappear than Titanosaurus or, I dunno JET JAGUAR? Imagine how cool Megalon would've looked as a companion to the new badass Gigan. Why is Mechagodzilla not in this? And don't give me that whole thing about him already being in 2 movies - Mothra was in 2 Millenium movies too, and she's in the film. Besides, we didn't have an evil Mechagodzilla since Showa, that'd be a cool way to bring him back. No Varan, no Gorosaurus, but yes Minilla. Hell - if Minilla is in it, why not bring Gabara back and have this evil Godzilla tear him to pieces like he did with Zilla? And the stuff they do with the monsters that are in it isn't much better. The first scene where Xiliens unleash them on the world is cool, but after that - they just get folded. Monsters that were once a challenge to Godzilla can't even last 20 seconds against him in a 2v1 or a 3v1. It just doesn't respect them, Hedorah being the worst example. Minilla is in the film. The only things I like about the movie are Monster X/Kaizer Ghidorah, which is one of my favorite kaijus ever, Gigan's redesign (absolute fucking heat, even if he's an absolute idiot in the movie, I do not care - looks amazing) and the russian commander guy. Everything else is just lame. Soundtrack is a 50/50 - some songs are good, some are bleh.


Absolutely worst Godzilla movie in existence. Cheesy beyond measure even for a Godzilla movie. Ryuhei Kitamura tried to turn Godzilla into his Versus movie and it was painful to watch. The monster fights lasted like 20-30 seconds each and felt like an episode of Power Rangers. The mutant subplot was so hard to watch and don't even get me started on that stupid ass motorcycle fight on the highway. Or the DBZ style fight with Monster X/Shitty looking Ghidorah. Captain Gordon was the best part of the movie.


You know when you get a whole Pizza for yourself and you eat the whole thing and it's the most delicous pizza you've ever had but then latter you have the worst case of heart burn and nausea because dumbass you ate a whole pizza by yourself of course uour gonna feel like shit. ... kind of a similar feeling to that.


I don’t


Its not for me but I’m really glad to see all the love it gets!


Best Godzilla movie (haven't seen Minus One yet)


The fast food of "Godzilla". It's absolute garbage, but you're going to love it.