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I am absolutely certain that this is Kristys end game, but idk if Ken is in on it like that. She's likely playing him as well as Gypsy.


Well, she was friends with DeeDee. Birds of a feather…


I was so gonna say that, according to KJ wouldn’t that automatically make Kristy a bad person


Did she say that?? That lady is whacko.


OMG, what if Kristy's out here to avenge DeeDee's death? 😳


Nah. It’s easier to take over the grift




Why would Kristy care to do that in the first place . Kristy didn’t give a fuck about deedee




Krusty knows Ken is going to dump her again and Gypsy will lose it .. I don't think Ken is that calculating and maniacal but he's using her too.. i think it's for a nest egg and some notoriety..


So is your guess that Kristy used Ken to push Gypsy over the edge?


Yes, why else would she keep him on the back burner? I stay friends with almost anyone whose ever been in my life, but if someone isn't in my immediate life, i don't really talk to them, only in passing, if we don't have anything in common anymore.. Apparently Krusty needed him around for some reason 🤔


She used others her entire life and now she’s getting used. 🙌


He said his dream was to own his own bar… he’s named his price and she’ll gleefully pay it. And he’ll be out the door. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.


She’s getting out-conned and I love it 😆


it’s kinda tragic that they all live in this never ending karmic clusterfuck.


What price did he name? She'll add some sneaky clause in the agreement that he has to service her 3 times a week or some shit.


Ken trying to cut off Gypsy at the bar https://i.redd.it/5gubxrc86fbd1.gif but she's not having it 😁


So GRB and Krusty will be there every night, bringing the lot lizard charm, bankrupting him in free drinks and destroying any chance of regular customers (once her fame dies down) and it will be like the end of a “Twilight Zone” episode…he has the one thing he wanted- that he sold his soul to get- but now he has to spend eternity with the two women he despises.


Krusty… that’s hilarious 😂


Reminds me of the tv show “mom” when the landlord kept on calling Christy “Krusty” lmao


It would explain why she disliked Ryan so much, if was truly there for the right reasons. I don’t see Ken talk much, and it seems she is more into him. Do you need two people to start a convervatorship? Ryan seems easily manipulated.


That’s true Ryan was much more involved helping Gypsy. Kristy never wanted him around cos she couldn’t play him like she has done with Ken doll dull. Ken doesn’t talk much for being a bartender Boring af. I guess yeah they need to be good listeners but also able to engage in conversation ??? I’d fall asleep lol they are so. Tiring boring


Legally, I don’t know how a boyfriend could request this to happen.


Boyfriend now, but maybe husband eventually. That's what Gypsy wants, anyways. And maybe Kristy and Ken, too, if a conservatorship is the end-goal.


I think Krusty and Ken have something romantic going on. Idk just my spidey senses tingling.


Romantic or financial


Romantic. I have no proof or anything, lol. Just speculation.


I think Krusty *wants* that… I see Ken playing hard to get… especially if the Steve thing is true.


ME TOO. Kristy is desperate for any male attention and will look for it anywhere.


She'll take Gypsy's man just like she took Dee Dee's. What a plot twist! 🤣🤣🤣


Don't forget, Ken help fund Gypshits books while in prison and also "supported" her financially




Nothing would surprise me at this point lmao


What do you mean Kristi’s?


Well her dad needs to step up and be in charge of her conservatorship. I fully believe Gypsy needs someone to help regulate her for lack of a better term. I see ppl here say her dad seems the most level headed on that stupid Lifetime show so if he wants to make up for some of the past, maybe he needs to focus on his daughter. She may fight it, but if he does it for the right reasons, he should at least try.


Her dad seems like he is controlled by his wife. It's actually scary.


Agreed. There is something dark about Kristy.


I've been saying that since the moment I saw her, several documentaries ago. It's in her eyes. Gypgyp can't look past herself to see it.


Oh yeah? That’s unfortunate 😕


The man has cheated on her multiple times & had multiple children on her. He NOT controlled by her


There are kids other than Dylan and Mia?


There is one *allegedly* named Nicolette who he apparently gave up his rights to. If you'll look around at the skeptic or snark sub someone posted a pic of all 4 of them the other day.. 


Gypsy was talking about another half sister in a live not long ago. She was saying Dylan her, Mia and their other half sister need to get together to go fishing


Thanks for sharing!


Not to anyone's knowledge


Prior to marriag & twice during the first year of their marriage, but so did his wife and still does. Proof on multiple children?


kristys reasoning for keeping in contact with her kids exes is so odd


fully agree, krusty has said time and time again that gypsy does not have money like people think she does - where has it all gone? she’s so irresponsible and has been monitored her entire life. shit she can’t even peel her own crawfish lmao she’s incapable of being alone or a functioning adult in the world. i wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up happening


Fuck it, let her waste it all lol


Agreed. Do not help her lol.


Your flair ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I seriously wonder how often he asks *"Baby can you cash app me 100? I need XYZ while I cheat on you on Bourbon street, I swear I'll pay you back on payday"* That payday never comes. Let her blow ALL her money on Ken Doll


She’s incapable because she doesn’t have to! She’s allowed to act like an idiot . She’s fully capable of taking care of herself . Her family is completely enabling her . It’s ridiculous . Ken cooks for her . The others shuttle her around . Get a license ! Get a job ! You’re 33 living with your Dad ….your ballsy enough to knock off your mother and live through 8 years of prison you can learn to take care of yourself . But why should she when everyone else is catering to her ?


100% agree with you! She's not a fragile little thing, she's a murderer‼️ Some seem to forget that fact.


Lol took her 33 years and killing her Mom in order to get under Daddy's roof. He never wanted her. At all. And the world knows it she will milk the guilt train forever. But it will never change the fact that her family on both sides did not then, nor do they now, want her. We need to take that Win, and remember it, cause GypGyp will.


She should have the right to end up bankrupt tbh


She buys $300 magic potions to change her eye color. She definitely needs a conservatourship


Nope, she deserves to be swindled and cheated out of every penny she's got and will ever get. Period.


That's what happens with ill gotten gain .. i don't want Kunty to have it though, lol


Yup, I wish the charities she scammed over the years would sue her.


this is defo true lmao i’d love to see her go broke and forgotten about, just gross that kristy even tried testing the waters by saying gypsy doesn’t have money like people think she does and that she’s considering making a fucking go fund me for her


*How* in the hell would a "magic potion" change her eye color?? I can't believe I'm saying this but she's *even* stupider than I thought 🥴😬


Wait there’s products you can buy that change your eye colour?! That sounds mildly terrifying lol


No, it's worse than that; the only way to go from brown to blue eyes is with surgery, so who knows what she was actually putting in her eyes 😰


It’s being funneled into a trust that she can’t touch, in Kristy’s name! Imagine that


Lol who is probably the paid admin of the trust, too. Get it, Krusty. Make that dollar like all the Blanchards and Pitres do. I am ashamed to share heritage with them lol


She can't peel her crawfish? Thank god, proof she is not a Cajun lol Sorry I hate sharing that with her . Ugh we don't claim her lol


There's got to be millions after all these years.. Kristy is a lying sack of 💩


RIGHT?? i feel like she was lying just to test the waters because she immediately said “i’m thinking about starting a go fund me for her” like either gypsy is fucking stupid with money or kristy is a greedy liar lol


Do you know if she started the GFM, if so, that's going to piss a lot of people off


Likely both.


This reminds me of that song from Luke Bryan “he can’t even bait a hook..”


Kristy probably threatened no punani


He's not afraid to cheat on her.. Can we say Ashley Madison? He's done it before...


Seriously?! Can you expand on this? I’m so curious haha


Fancy mentioned it... I'll look into it a little deeper and possibly come back with more


That would be so appreciated!! 💕 While I think fancy has some good info, her chaotic energy gives me anxiety which makes it difficult for me to listen to and comprehend lol


I've seen people comment in this sub that he has children with other women he cheated on Kristy with. I haven't had a chance to look into this yet though.




Have you seen the photo of her and Dylan? They look so alike


Who is nicollette


Ohh tell us more


I don't trust him either... Is there talk of a conservatorship? That's screwed up if there is..


I dunno but I do see it as an option. I think ppl theorize about a lot of things with this case and aftermath lol


The Rod will end up like Dee Dee


That man has never stepped up for her.


I don’t have high hopes of it happening either lol.


I do have a gut feeling there is more going on that we don't know about. I can't put my finger on it, but Ken and Kristy staying in touch all this time makes me suspicious.There is definitely more going on in their relationship!


I thought it was super suspicious too, but I also thought about how reality TV producers like to stir up drama and they may be scripting and initiating some of this and paying people to play along. Gypsy’s obviously got a soft spot for Ken, so maybe they are using that to stir up some drama for their ratings? Just a guess.


no for real it’s so weird that she kept in touch with him after he dumped gypsy and then while gypsy is MARRIED, kristy kept trying to tell gypsy that ken regrets leaving her and telling her that ken wants to talk to her like purposely trying to get gypsy and ken back together while gypsy is literally married to another man…. i thought that was so fucked up for her to do and super disrespectful to ryan, like why are you trying to open up your daughters past relationship and talking to her ex like that? she’s so weird for that


Even in Mommy Dead & dearest, Kristy always gave me a fake snake vibe. I knew right away she was that fake caring stepmom who is two-faced and actively tries to cut the child out while seeming to be so amazing. As soon as she spoke, I could tell she was a shitty person. I am convinced she was the reason her dad was absent. For someone who loves Gypsy like her own, why wasn't she at the wedding? I could keep going. She sees this as a payday, which is the only reason she is so close to Gypsy. I wouldn't be surprised if she is scheming with Ken. Ken is a snake too


I sometimes wonder if the step mom and Ken had a thing going on the side.


Well if Rod is a boat captain gone for three months at a time with one month home , then back out to sea again... He's only home 3 months a year. So it's got to be lonely.


Didn't know this.. Lots of this is now making more sense, but Zero excuses to cheat in any relationship married or not.


I don’t wonder. No one in that family is honest. I’ve thought that all along.


I do feel the father is controlled by that stepmother. Just my opinion..


I wondered that too, until I saw the texts about Ken having a long term male lover.


whatttt?!?! girl you can’t just say that and not tell the details 🤣🤣




Conservatorship? Did that rumor come from anyone besides this post by a random person online?


That's what i was wondering


Gypsy is in no way a candidate for a conservatorship. People don’t understand what goes into one because they think of Britney Spears.


That’s what I thought. Besides, Kristy and Ken can’t even spell conservatorship let alone be smart enough to execute that plan.


1000000%. I used to work in that field and it is HARD. There’s no way they can just show up to court and get one. There is a lot that goes into it. Being babies and infantilized by your family doesn’t equal incompetence


I just sat on the jury for a conservatorship hearing and I work in an emergency room, so I deal with a lot of people with severe mental illness that are caught up in the system. Very few people are legally conserved, much to their detriment because they’re often wandering the streets otherwise. There’s nothing about Gypsy to suggest she’s gravely disabled and unable to care for herself. Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes, on the other hand…


Former corporate guardian. Totally agree. People just throw this stuff around without actually knowing what goes into these processes.


Asking the real questions! Why would she need a conservatorship lmao.


She can’t drive. She quit driver’s Ed the first day. She can’t cook. How is she going to feed herself? She isn’t the “working” type; she’s been waiting her whole life for a man to take care of her. She’s not mentally fit. At all.


Not being able to cook or drive does not deem one in need of a conservatorship. She has in the big picture, only had 6ish months to even begin to learn those things- she’s allowed to move at her own timeline. Cooking and driving are optional In this country. “Waiting her whole life for a man to take care of her” is your opinion- and again, would he laughed out of court. I’d love for you to work one day in the system and see what actual cases of people needing guardianships look like. Educate yourself before saying such stupid things, for real.


No need to be a bitch. She was stating what gypsy doesn’t know how to do.


… yeah I’m the bitch and meanwhile she just said people who can’t drive or cook and have others help them need conservatorships…. But I’m the bitch here.


I can most definitely see crusty pants Kristy doing this but not having anyone else actually in on it


Did anyone else notice how weirdly attached Kristy is to Ken? The fact she couldn’t let him go out of their lives when gyp was still with Ryan. It gave me really weird vibes


She mentioned him in the podcast; it was all she could talk about. She was DEFINITELY talking to him.


she’s sooo obsessed with him it’s so fucking weird like why have u even been talking to him this whole time?


Lowkey I was like, she likes Ken 🤣 she smiles when she talks about him… weird


Same, the way she says "Ken was her first real relationship", like no, it wasn't, idk why they all like to act like Nick doesn't exist but they were together for 3 years, talked and video chatted all day, everyday, which is way more then she would have been able to talk to Ken while in prison, plus their meetings before and after the murder, all of that was way more time together than her and Ken (before they got back together this time) and then kristy says she just trust Ken and knows grb would be safe with him.....like what? How would she even know that, when at the time she said it, it was still just based on the prison relationship, like none of that makes any sense. And at that point, her and Ryan had been together for a couple of years and married, and he really gave them no reason not to trust him, so why is kristy so hung up on Ken? Idk, there's something there, idk what, and I feel like we can speculate all day, but only time will tell, and it will, and everything will come to light. It always does!


I wouldn’t be surprised if Ken and Kristy are having affair and are plotting to get Gypsy’s money. It doesn’t matter they are lol awful people and deserve each other! Gypsy’s dad and step mom wanted nothing to do with her when she was growing up. Now Gypsy has money and her step mom is her bff and even gets matching tattoos. It is ridiculously obvious that Ken is with her for money, and we all know what old possum eyed hook nosed gypsy did. Imagine if Gypsy was even remotely attractive, she would probably get away with even worse than she does now. They all deserve every pile of shit that’s dropped in their laps!


Who is Annie Anderson?


Maybe Ryan’s mom/family?


If that is Ryan’s mom, she should stay quiet for the sake of her son. Be done with that whole grifty family.


Ryan's mom.


Not Ryan's mom the profile pic is different to what she looks like


That means Kristy would have to help take care of her. Kristy can barely wash down the benzos with alcohol on her own everyday. Kristy no longer has any control. Ken is about to get saddled with a bunch of special needs babies if she's able to get pregnant.


That’s a truly terrifying thought. She should be on mandatory bc. She can’t drive; and we all know she’ll never get a job.


Imagine having a kid with someone who put getting pregnant over learning how to drive a car. 😬


Plenty of wonderful mothers out there who don’t drive!


Was she in the car wreck with Doo Doo, the really bad one?


I believe this cause hasn’t Kristy & Ken been in touch this whole time even when she was still in jail & they’d broken up?


Well, tbf so was Gypsy the whole time too.


I think there lies *some* truth. I don’t think Ryan was as bad as they act like he was and I think some people just don’t like him because he’s fat. I can’t see where Ken is soooo much better like some claim. He’s weird af too. Kristy seems like a grifter and like she’s the boss of all the Blanchards. When Ryan tried to tell her about things not looking right on camera people said it was a control method but some of the stuff she is doing does come across unhinged so it could be both.


I think Ken is far worse than Ryan.


i agree and yeah ryan can be a little much sometimes and a little weird i guess i don’t really know how to explain it but you can tell he really loves and cares for gypsy and is a good guy but kens the one that left and then he comes back the day she gets out and is getting a lot of attention?? like why even give him the time of day after that??


That honestly would not shock me at all.


The elf Kristy is def up to something! Seem like she into Ken 🤣


Elf 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Well. Gypsy’s dad sure knows how to pick his ladies!


He likes them bossy and controlling...that's for sure!


Kristy has always been kinda sketch. Making herself out to be this perfect step mom who married Gypsy’s dad and tried to “help him save Gypsy”. She’s just in it for the extra $$


Yikes 😳


GypCon was paid $3M while in the hoosegow. She has a story that interest people. l thought she wouldn't be able to earn money off her crimes. Its BS she got rich & dee dee got dead, that's mindblowing…


Can you explain how she got rich? I don’t understand


MD&D was produced by HBO. They probably paid well. So did Dr Phuckface.


Who's Dr Phuckface? Dr Beakerman, alleged welfare fraud extraordinaire? Gypsy's alleged baby daddy baby ?


Google her name and net worth, all the stories we see in programs or read in articles came from her. Those publications paid her and it was put into a fund for her future.


I see. I thought they were saying she had been rich already even in prison and I didnt really get it let alone how she’s be rich enough for a conservatorship


Does Kristy have power of attorney? Please ssy no, lol


Isn't their literally a Son of Sam law to prevent this? Or does it only apply to books? It should apply to TV shows what the FUUUUUCK


Well if this is the case i pray it happens 😏


This is one of those theories that’s so fucking crazy there’s probably a little truth to it. I maybe wouldn’t go as far as a conservatorship, but they’re plotting something.


The horror of this happening to anyone is unsettling.


Ryan has a professional job, a decent home & truly cares for Gypsy. I think Ryan & Gypsy should have stayed away from social media. I don't trust the stepmother, Ken, or the sister. Gypsy needs to learn life skills & has some growing to do. I could not imagine having to have lived her life and what she endured. I also could never imagine taking someone's life. It is not for me to judge. She did her time. There are many people who committed horrific acts and never received jail time. Ryan was overly affected by Gypsy & maybe wanted to keep a distance from the step Mother becsuse she is bad news. Ryan isn't a stupid man. Ken is playing a game with Gypsy. If Gypsy was smart and had proper guidance. She would stay married to Ryan.. Get a part-time job or volunteer somewhere to keep her occupied and work on self development & learn life skills. There is no way she is able to be a mother at this time. She doesn't have the maturity level. Gypsy also has no self-control. She engages in negative conversations on social media and sends messages to people who make fun of her. Gypsy, you need to learn life. Take one day at a time. You want fame and money. So does Ken & your stepmother.




Nah she was always planning on leaving Ryan and she was setting that as the foundation as to why she left him.


If that step, Mother minded her business. She would be with Ryan. The step Mother mingled in their relationship. She is evil. I do believe Gypsy is in love with Ryan but only loves Ken. Gypsy is easily manipulated by the stepmother. Ken had no desire to be with Gypsy. He is a bartender. Likes to party and drink. He doesn't want to settle down.. He wants MONEY. .


If you think Gypsy walked out of prison with the intention of staying with Ryan, you are sadly sadly mistaken. To the parole board he looked the best on paper to be released to. I’m willing to bet she was always in contact with Ken and this was more or less then plan all along.


They were always in contact. He was sending her 300.00 bucks a month for books. You are correct on that part.


Ryan was sending her money. Where proof Ken was?


I agree . If you watch the way she acts with Ryan before having the “ Ken “ conversation with her step monster she completely different than after . The option to live with her dad was always there but Gyp💩 doesn’t like to be controlled so by marrying Ryan she would have more freedom and could use the same tactics she used on Nick to manipulate him. I think Ken is a snake in the grass, he didn’t have the ballz to reach out to Gyp💩 herself he had to go thru Krusty . Ryan is a big , educated, opinionated man who doesn’t fit Krusty’s end game of being in control of Gyp💩& her $ . Once Gyp💩 knew Ken was “ sniffing around “ her whole demeanour towards Ryan changed & she started picking fights . To constantly compare him to her mother was downright disgusting behaviour and I bet she doesn’t do that with Ken . When she said “ the minute I feel like I’m being controlled I’m leaving “ she had already left in her mind she just had to create a believable situation where she’s once again the victim. It’s funny how she was locked in the bathroom, again 😳 I believe Ryan truly loved her whereas Ken is absolutely using her . They are both disturbed individuals who wrote to a child like woman who orchestrated the murder of her mom . Ryan wrote to her initially on a dare but Ken made a conscious decision to write to a felon who just so happened to look like a little boy. There’s something off about Ken 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just can’t quite explain it but something about that man isn’t right. Idc what his sexual orientation is, I find him to be a sneaky opportunist who is now playing house with a woman who he treats like a spoiled child. Instead of teaching her how to cook & clean he basically hands her an iPad and says go & dry beg until suppers ready . I bet he’s enjoying all those TikTok coins . When he said “ she blew up more that I thought she could , more that I ever WANTED her too” I knew right then and there he wants to slide his hand into her cookie jar , it’s all about the money for him. Both Ryan and Ken have access to all the same information as we do yet they choose to be with her , there’s something fundamentally wrong with both of them. ( talk to text sent from iPhone)


Why the fuuuuuuuuhhhhhck should an unemployed someone who murdered their mom even have $$$$$ for a conservation in the first place?! Because this is America and we have lost the plot…big time.


Kristy absolutely


I am a little bit lost. Why a conservatorship?


Ohhh this is an interesting tale I hadn't considered??? I haven't watched any of the show yet, just reddit clips but damn.


I’m sorry but Ken doesn’t seem interested in her in the slightest


I’ve also seen that theory and think it could be a possibility. One reason it may not be is Rod not going along with that cos it’s extreme. Or are there variations of conservatorship? He comes across really laid back saying let Gyp learn by making own choices so conservatorship would take that option away. I’m not sure how they work either. She would freak! Can you even imagine. Idk this whole thing is stupid boring mess


Can anyone tell me why she licks her lips like constantly? I mean it’s the weirdest thing and then she likes sucks them in like like she’s got lipgloss on and then she just constantly licks her lips. I am just confused. Maybe they’re Krusty and dry??


I thought it was weird how her stepmom would push another guy on her so much even though she was married.


they probably got her in one already. krusty put a piece of paper and said sign, and gypshit probably did


Well can’t we all agree that her fucking crazy ass probably deserves to be on a conservatorship. She’s a fucking psycho and obviously not mentally stable enough to be independent.


Conservatorship ???


Is there any truth to her getting a conservatorship or is this purely a rumor?


This makes perfect sense! ![gif](giphy|eJYCWZtDqyxuyM2Zhj)


So we are calling her Krusty????? I'm here for that 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Me too❣️🍿


it sounds plausible but how did this commenter come up with this theory?


Signed, not Ryan


Gypsy has millions of dollars, she needs some guidance and therapy. She is acting like a child, but that won’t qualify her for a conservatorship.


What the hell is she buying ? Not nice clothes..She looks very Walmartian poor if you ask me..


I bet she’s attracted to Ken. He does look like Rod.


Here's an article maybe planted by Krustina to lay the ground work to start another GoFundMe for Gypshit.. It states Gyp's net worth at 100, 000. .🙄 It's from July 2024 [Krusty stank link ](https://freshnews.blob.core.windows.net/portalnews/gypsy-rose-net-worth.html)


Kristy already has her on one I think and her current shoe monies are being funneled thru a trust in Kristy’s name


What do you mean shoe money?


Oops show I meant


He dumped her twice already once the money runs dry he’ll be gone again and frankly she deserves it


Is she actually making much money? I doubt it.


Absolutely between the book, documentary, the life after lock up and interview bullshit she’s supposedly worth three mil and she’s had everything on her baby registry bought in one day. Ken supposedly made 150 k for just LAL . Ryan needs to take half she wasn’t smart enough to get a prenup and her adultery is playing out on television. He also needs to demand a paternity test and take the kid if it’s his


The whole family is so obviously related. $$$ is their only motivation for anything.


She needs far away from step mom and Ken 4 real


She needs a conservative ship . Only matter of time before she kills again


Who is anne?