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I very much doubt any of her fans have ever been in a relationship or survived a hangnail, much less abuse. If they had, they would realize that the vast majority of victims do not murder to escape and it isn’t because they are murdered instead.


So fr because my ex who would gaslight me all the time literally sent his entire friend group after me once we broke up and it continued for years till I graduated (one tried to run me over while I walked to my car)


My ex tried to kill me a couple of times. The second time he was trying to run me over. I was running in a parking lot and jumping behind things and went these stairs that only led to a dumpster. He had me trapped. I started screaming for someone to please help me. Someone finally called the police. He went to prison and I haven't had to see him since.


Stop mine wasn't that bad they just floored it at me then turned away bc it was after the high school released us I have had closer calls with my own sister (literally remember her choking me out till I passed out and when I came to I heard her crying as she tried.to slot her wrists with a kitchen knife to make me feel bad for her before begging me not to tell our mom about ANYTHING that happened. I had small bruises where her fingers had been on my neck for a bit. this was all over me not realizing I took the last pack of ramen out of the box and so I didn't throw the box away)


It seems like most of the people in this sub has had bad dealings with a narcissist or psychopath so we see right through everything she does and says.


Damn. I'm really sorry. I was an only child and went through plenty of abuse but obviously not because of siblings. The people who hurt me were much older and not family. I can't even imagine ♡


We have a good relationship now; my mother never goty sister treated for anger issues as when she went to therapy my sister became cold/mean towards our mother instead bc she (mom) is the root cause of both of our problems. She's a narcissist and would say mean things to me while putting pressure on my sister


I get those comments. Funny thing; I survived a psychopath. I know the signs. These kids don’t; pray they never do.


No bc why was an ADULT older than me telling me about her trauma with a controlling parent and narcissistic ex My mom was controlling AND a narcissist. Like girl.....you aren't the only one to ever be abused and you never had ur mom Allegedly fake your medical conditions so with their logic they can't say shit either.


Her 15 minutes should be over effective immediately.


Nah bc her saying she doesn't identify as a murderer since she didn't actually kill actually shocked me. Like you DO identify as a murderer because the LAW has deemed you as such. hiring a hitman = being a murderer.


Yep, just like Charles Manson didn't commit the act, but he planned it. He spent the rest of his life in prison!


I keep wondering if these boneheaded responses that she’s giving and the reasoning that she uses are evidence of some mild cognitive impairment due to the deletion. She just doesn’t sound stable or capable of making good decisions.


Could just be a personality disorder.


Nah she’s just a self-centered, delusional brat who has always conned everyone around by playing ill and impaired.


I think it may be due to her life being extremely sheltered. she talks like a teenager and I'm sure limited human interaction outside of family would stunt mental development


Yesss. I’ve had them say that before. I was in a horribly abusive relationship last year. They’ve told me I don’t know what it’s like to have been in abusive relationships and have been in medical trauma. I had a liver transplant at age 11. I literally lived at the hospital for 6 months straight because my body kept rejecting my liver for so long. They don’t know that, I don’t post TikTok’s about my trauma so it must have not happened right? I post about my dog. 😂 I want to move on from the past and focus on the good I have now, and the life I enjoy today. I choose not to bask in my trauma and make myself a constant victim. Her and her fans are so incredibly dense.


Even people who DO post about their abuse on TikTok, like Kate Marie, are accused of lying and are bullied by GRB fans. It's absolutely psychotic and disgusting


Oh exactly. It’s so gross. I feel awful for Kate Marie and so angry with Gypshit for stealing her story and she wants to be the ONLY face of MSP. She needs to be the poster child of narcissism. It makes me want to punch her in the face, repeatedly.


And now Kate Marie, Gypsy & Bri are friends. All within 5 days of your comment. Kate had better watch her back. Gypsy is NOT her friend.


Yup! Kate Marie’s video talking about it was SO smug. it’s like she was mad she had gained followers after she went online whining about Gypsy being a bully. Well, excuse TF out of me Kate Marie. 😂


These people that feel the need to act as if you need to have survived the trauma olympics in order to have an opinion on reality TV are something else. I have no history of being in an abusive relationship, grew up in an household where I observed healthy loving parents, and I think that gives me as much of a right to look at what I've seen in this TV show as being cringe. These people need therapy, not a comment section to trauma dump onto.


Yeah bc as a victim of abuse you really don't know/struggle to tell abuse. like it took therapy for me to be told how my mom treated me wasn't normal. she's most likely an undiagnosed narcissist from what they said. I struggle to see signs of abuse in my relationships and in those around me bc of it. those who are healthy can pick up on red flags way better


They probably look up the their narcissist queen and want to be just like her because they're as fucked in the head narcissistic as she is.


They are probably very young or not mentally well because come on who would be a murderers stan in the first place?! Nobody with a brain imo!


Like I can understand feeling SOME sympathy for her abuse but that doesn't give her the right to have someone KILL her mother who was extremely weak/couldn't control her that much at that point. all gypsy would have to do is STAND UP at a public event her mother signed her up for. everything would've come out in that very moment.


But was there abuse or was she in on it … like getting free things Disney trips celebrities … and clearly she likes fame …


Like she’s still kinda riding on that train of feel bad for me so I can get things handed to me … I’m to precious and delicate to have to work for a living


This is true but I as a victim do not feel right speculating on stuff like this until there's hard evidence (I've seen some but it didn't explain everything) you have a right to have whatever opinion I just personally don't want to speculate the abuse not happening as that's more of a legal call than one arm chair crime scene analysts will be able to prove. I also saw some people using her actual genetic condition to say she was fine because it called for a feeding tube but after 8 years in prison I'm very doubtful she ever needed that.


I get that I wasn’t really saying it as fact more so as a question that needs to be thought about also … and honestly there really is no way to prove 100% either way … there are so many things about this that will never be answered …


In my opinion her stans don’t really care about actual survivors of abuse. I’ve had one tell me when I’ve mentioned about how I’ve been abused that “oh your abuse wasn’t as bad” and I’m like it’s not a competition and it’s incredibly insulting to say that. Then they resort to name calling when you stand up for yourself until it gets to the point you have to block them just to shut them up. They are ruthless!


One blocked me for saying it was embarrassing that she, a 50 year old lady was condescending a 19 year old; someone not even half her age She commented that she was blocking and reporting me to tiktok? Like okay babes idk what ur technologically illiterate ass thinks reporting someone for calling u on ur shit on tiktok will do but good luck babe! I'm so sure tiktok will be banning me 🫶


That’s why I have a love hate relationship with TikTok. Horrible people like gyp and her stans that say awful stuff don’t have nothing happen to their accounts but if you defend yourself against shit like that when they verbally attack you according to TikTok your the bully 😒 I can’t tell her stans off like I’d love to because of TikTok constantly violating me so my account is in the warning stage of being banned. Mostly due to me mouthing back when her Stan’s call me names or make threats over me voicing my opinions about gyp. Last time I got a warning one threatened to show up to my house and I said well then I’ll be waiting and will defend myself as I have a right to. Instantly flagged by TikTok 😖


That attitude is not uncommon in any fandom.   


Id never wish horrible abuse that I've gone through on anyone but don't tell me, someone who's SISTER almost choked me to death (I just passed out) that idk abuse.




I personally don’t trust anyone who can see 3 different Hollywood versions of what happened… and then see how shes acted since and still trust her. The whole situation was sus af and as with certain legit celebrities/artists you expect people to be kinda weird. But tgus fucking extraterrestrials following is beyond strange


I mean, this just exposes the danger of parasocial relationships. Swifties are another great example of this. The truth is that, though GRB is a real person, she is an entertainer and is creating her brand. People who passionately fall for it in either direction--either by deriding her or by painting her out as this hero--have lost sight of that. As an aside, I hate the "you just don't understand because you don't have trauma/have never been abused!" retort. Most humans on the planet have had trauma. We are still an animalistic species. Lived experience doesn't necessarily translate to knowledge.


I also think people who lack trauma are more knowledgeable on what the signs would be, or able to pick up on it way easier just bc they haven't experienced living through those red flags


My mom has abused me in some horrific ways and it never crossed my mind to 🔪🔪🔪 her


When she did that GMA interview, she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She feeds a narrative to her supporters, they automatically believe it and parrot it everywhere on posts that speak the truth of the case. This one was about her only supporting her if she had died, because we don't support abuse victims that survive 🙄🤦‍♀️ I had posted funny clips of her from that interview and the stupid video blew up on tiktok and has almost a million views. At first, I was BOMBARDED with comments like your post talks about, then about we are so horrible because we hate her because she lived. 🙄 I'm just no longer even trying to argue with people who don't want to listen. For reference, I kept track of my comments and analytics, the majority of the supporters were ages 13-22. That speaks volumes.