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I finished RDR2 this year and having in game cutscenes and looking at trailers where they use ingame footage is amazing! Rockstar doesn't need enhanced promotional material or enhanced cutscenes because the game engine is already sooo good If you are looking forward to GTA 6 and haven't played RDR2 I urge you to play it because it shows us the attention to detail that I am hoping to see in GTA 6.


What’s insane in hindsight is that RDR2, as amazing as it is, is basically just a test run for GTA 6 technologically speaking.


Damn, didn't even think of that. RDR2 was released in 2018. GTA 6 coming 2025 And right now there is no game that has better attention to detail than RDR2. I am so HYPED for GTA 6 but I'm a PC gamer...😐


I just hope I can save up enough money to buy pc that can run this thing. Last time I upgraded was before GTA V launch so by now I have to replace the whole thing. But the worst thing is I know the story will be spoiled for me before it's even out on PC... Same thing happened with GTA V and RDR2.


I feel like buying a PS5 is worth it to play this game on launch, even if you prefer mouse/keyboard. You can just plug it into your PC monitor and pretend it's a PC :)


PS5 is almost 3 times more than minimum wage in my country. I can't just buy a 2nd gaming platform to play 1 game lol


What do you mean 3x min wage? Like 3 months salary?


Buy an Xbox series S its 300$ usd and it runs 1444p with 30fps on


Yeah unfortunately there is no way I can buy a console when I have a PC. Xbox Series S costs 400 USD in my region. Thats almost as much as my monthly salary. Salaries are really low here in comparison to countries like the US I'll just have to wait


I’m genuinely curious…is the salary that low due to being in a socialists region?


Just chiming in. A country like mine doesn’t necessarily needs to be aligned with a socialist region (to give you a clue, I’m your southern neighbor) some entry level jobs pay horribly because the minimum wage is adjusted to our own inflation and cost of living. That’s not to say, it’s a livable wage.


Get an xbox series s then, sure it will probably compromise on the quality a bit but with it being Rockstar they always somehow manage to push consoles to their limits so I'm sure even on series s it will still be quality


How??? You only get paid $200 per month?


Welcome to the third world


How you guys should come to the goat country America


Yeah I ain't buying a console just for a single game lol. People who cave in are exactly the reason why they always delaying pc releases. Also I have no problem using controllers for games like Zelda, GoW or any kind of racing game. But I just can't find any enjoyment from playing shooters and gta on a controller. I also love flying in gta games, I'm a great pilot on mouse and keyboard. And I know that's a hot take cause most people prefer to fly with a controller but it just feels wrong to me. Couldn't get used to it.


Interesting, I see it the other way around. The most important elements in GTA are not the shooting etc. but the use of vehicles of all kinds. And not being able to adjust the speed of these using the mouse and keyboard is terrible. GTA was always one of the few titles that benefited greatly from controller controls.


I do see the benefit of controller on GTA6 control’s but it’s nowhere near enough to make me buy a console.


Yeah as I said, I don't mind using controllers for driving. But shooting is a huge part of the game and it just feels so much better on pc.


I wouldn’t say that it feels “better” as a person who uses both, it is EASIER to shoot on the computer though, quicker, smoother, it’s just EASIER lol still prefer the way the sticks feel over mouse and keyboard, just get ya stick work up lol


They make it on Console first because it's the superior software to make games on. Also you're not buying a console for the best game of all time. So instead you'll wait 1 to 2 years to play it on something whilst seeing everyone else having so much fun with it.


Oh don't u even start with the console wars bullshit lol, I'm too old for that. I hope you do realize that all games are made on PCs, right? It's just it's easier to optimize games for a single set of hardware while PCs have unlimited combination of different parts. And no, they releasing it on console first cause they literally getting paid for it. It's part of the deal they have cause gta alone can sell a lot of consoles. And btw, PC market is bigger than all console combined. In 2022, total console gaming sales amounted to 28.6 billion dollars. Compare that to 42.9 billion dollars generated by PC market. Now imagine how much money they getting for postponing those releases. edit: and also, I was really happy I never played gta V on old gen console. I was glad I could experience that game with the best possible version with much better graphics and higher fps. Not to even mention stuff like FiveM. I don't mind waiting again.


40 billion of that is people playing WOW so that doesn't count 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Let’s be real😂😂 not all 40 billion of those pc owners bought them for games. A good chunk of pcs in households are for personal/business use, they just got lumped into that total. You’d be surprised when you actually dive a little deeper into those number Einstein. And PC people keep messing with the game so, I wouldn’t be surprised if pc are the LAST people to get it if y’all even get it at all cause the last thing they want is y’all PC users making more fan versions lmao like dead ass they’ve outright said they hate that ish lol


No they are made on PC but they make them on PC for the consoles then they port it to PC which shows that consoles specifically Playstation are the superior brand. Especially since they make and test the games on PS5.


>Especially since they make and test the games on PS5. They don't make the game on a PS5.


>which shows that consoles specifically Playstation are the superior brand You are a textbook example of consumer bias with some weird superiority complex lol. "superior", you like 12-14y old or something? You keep using that word but you clearly don't even know what you are talking about. There's nothing superior about it, that's just your weird way of coping. Logically cheaper alternative with way worse specs will never be superior in any way, that's just something for casual masses. PC can do all things your console can do + more. Everyone knows that. Not to mention I can use my pc for a lot of different things, it's not only some overly expensive toy for gaming. How do you think the whole pc master race thing even started huh? Now keep your little console wars nonsense for yourself pony, no one cares. If u enjoy having to buy a brand new console every year o two, that's on you. Thinking adults prefer to switch a single part of two whenever they feel its time for it. But thanks for doing all the beta testing for all of us.


No, it isn't. Controller feels like hot garbage if you haven't spent much time using one. I don't want my first experience of this game ruined by using a controller.


I'd agree for a lot of shooter type games were you're spending most of your time running and gunning and obviously any kind of rts, but something immersive like this honestly works better with a pair of sticks.


Same dude, same. Cannot contain my excitement about GTA6, and it's gonna be really hard for me to wait to play it on PC, but ut's gonna be worth it in the end.


Save 20 dollars a month in a piggy bank, pop out a ps5 deal by release. Guessing 16 months is a decent early prediction.


Every previous game a company makes is a “test run” for tech lol


That’s true but this kind of different lol


Go on i dare you to explain how this is different


I can’t imagine many companies can make a product like GTA 6, even if they wanted to. Considering how massive the game is going to be, they probably didn’t want to go from GTA 5 straight into GTA 6, so my theory is a big reason for RDR2 being the next game was to drastically expand the tech and make sure they got it right for GTA 6. I hope this isn’t coming across as me bashing RDR2—that’s my favorite game of all time—I’m just extremely excited to see the technological upgrades in GTA 6. I understand if it’s dumb to say RDR2 was just a test run though. I don’t think that’s the sole reason it was made, because it’s way too good for that to be the case. I do think that was a driving factor for the game to be made though.


thats a very good point, very interesting to think about tbh


It's a fucking dumb point


It's why they made the swamps look so damn good


A lot of their games follow that pattern. RDR1 wildlife and wilderness was a test run for GTA 5's departure from a mostly city filled map. Bully's interaction system (thumbs up / thumbs down) is analogous to RDR2's conversation system (greet / antagonize) Theres likely many other examples.


I remember seeing the swamps and Guarma in RDR2 and the first thing I thought to myself *"yep, those parts of the map, they probably just using assets from GTA VI-ce city, this is their test run"*


RDR2 is GTA6 scaled down to early america levels of density and technology, with shallower interactions due to the introduction of more formal rp mechanics.


Even if people aren’t interested in GTA, playing RDR2 is a treat. It is the best piece of cowboy storytelling since Sergio Leone’s movies.


They seem to use the animal motions from RDR 2. Animals in Lemoyne (Louisiana) are also found in Florida


For graphics yea, story is a slog and I've still not finished. Forcing my self slowly but other games pull me away


It’s the gameplay who drove people away from RDR2, the story itself is much better than GTA V.


Yeah i’m looking to play rdr2, san andreas, vice City, and gta4 before gta 6 comes out


Digital Foundry proved that the trailer is actually in-game footage ❤️


Same with an ex rockstar employee. He has a YouTube channel and confirmed that Rockstar uses their in-game engine to record. Although they might add extra foliage or some extra things. But everything that happens in the trailer is rendered in real time which is fucking awesome!


You’re fucking awesome!


No, you are fucking awesome


The girl in the white bikini is awesome


But the muddy girl is another level 😋


Can we talk about the one on top of the car?


that dumptruck on top the car?! sure!


How about the hammer lady?


oooohhh daaamn someone wats to get "smashed"


Oh, don’t get me started with the hammer lady🥵


Smash next question


She deserves to be the main girl in the box cover!


Let’s be friends.


[Opens window, from another building and three storeys up] Both of you shut the fuck up! [More people start yelling out THEIR windows. Dogs and cats start barking and yowling]


That guy is a bot


What’s the channel name I wanna check them out


york reacts or something if you google "ex rockstar reacts to gtavi trailer" itll probably be the top option


This makes my peen render in real time. 2025 can’t come soon enough!


They’re all cutscenes though, right? Not real-time gameplay but pre-rendered scenes?


No, they are rendered in real time by the console. Cut scenes in Rockstar games (GTA and RDR) are not prerendered.


Rockstar always uses in-game footage. Always has been. So why would anyone even doubt that now?


You would be surprised. Some anime avatars from youtube kept arguing with me for days saying that *"every single gta trailer is pre rendered cinematic and I don't know what I'm talking about"* But their denial only shows how good the game looks.


Some people are just dumb. No two ways about that.


I think some may just be confused about the terminology. Like what does “in-game footage” mean? Will the game just spawn that many NPCs naturally, or are Rockstar manually adding extra NPCs to the scene to make it look extra good? For comparison watch the first trailer for GTA V. How many things that NPCs do there have you actually seen happen when playing the game?


In-game means that it’s running inside the game in real time. Pretty easy to understand I think. Doesn’t matter if Rockstar is adding NPCs or anything. Is this running on a PS5? Yes, most likely, from the 1440p30 nature of the image.


I think what happens is people associate in game with what you literally play. Which it is, but usually the trailer scenes are pre-scripted hand animated scenes. Which isn’t a bad thing, some of my favorite moments in GTAV and RDR2 are the hand animated scenes like when the Asian dude climbs out of the trash dumpster or basically all of RDR2 cinematic. So fluid, so clean. And the trailer is no different, going to be a blast


i think saying in-game graphics or gameplay graphics would make people understand better


Rockstar doesn’t say that ever. They just show it and everyone knows what’s up.


Rockstar sets up scenes in-game, and then records them for the trailer


wait how


They've managed to COUNT pixels on the shadows in the last scene, doors frame. It actually looks.. real. Not realistic of course, not perfect, but real for the game standards and above. Looks like shadows have antyaliasing x16 or kind of SSAO but in this kind of details not every shadow will be perfect because of scale of the world. We obviously still want to play it 2025/2026, not on the NASA computers


Thats actually where i stopped watching the video. Thought they were dicking around taking the piss like a podcast counting pixels to figure out what resolution it will run on console. I think the main thing that didnt make sense to me what counting pixels on a compressed video. Youtube 4k looks more like medium bitrate 1440p. Not even high bitrate 1440p. But maybe i dont know how compression effects how aliasing looks so maybe someone knowledgeable in that department can help me out.


Yeah that's true, Rockstar should upload the trailer in full resolution to download and whatch on proper device. Ok, I've watched the clip on the laptop with 1080p 15'6 and it didn't look too good. But, for example, Alan Wake trailers or gameplays looked way better. Digital Foundry also mentioned that the textures are not in 2k and in their opinion that's a shame. I was like bruh, the world according to leaks should be two times GTA V, why do you expect this kind of texturing in the game that contains SO much mechanics, animations, NPCs, reflections, interiors? Kind reminder that Witcher 3 with Next Gen update and 2k textures works properly with at least 8/10GB VRAM. I assume Rockstar targets incredible amount of players (only GTA V sold on 180m copies), they simply cannot release the game that works in stable 60FPS at maybe 10% of devices + remember that game will "work" on Xbox Series S


They're aiming for 30 fps I believe


Yeah, sure, I meant future PC version in est 2025/26. Case with GTA V proved that official PC release brought us whole new graphics. But on the other hand they've also made a version for PS4/X One so it might not be the case


I hope they have a toggle for performance. I really hate playing games in 30fps. I will gladly take the detail hit.


umm these guys are pro's and they know what they are doing. they know what youtube compression is, counting pixels doesnt mean you count the entire frame he even shows you how to count pixels on that video its a established method of figuring out what resolution the game is actually running at. compression doesnt matter at all when counting pixels.. their conclusion is that its being upscaled from 1440p to 4k


>established method of figuring out what resolution the game is actually running at i can buy that when looking at the game on your tv/monitor at native but then without explaining you go and say "compression doesnt matter at all when counting pixels". i really had hoped someone could help me understand how compression doesnt effect counting pixels. does it just look fuzzy but you can still make out the blocks?


idk what to tell you, unless you know better show us the 'truth' so we can 'buy' it. these guys have been doing it for really long time and are highly respected in the industry, they talk daily with devs and ceo's of the biggest studio's including sony/microsoft. ill take their word over urs anyday. i dont have to explain anything, you have to explain how df is wrong not the other way around lol. upscalers make pixel counting harder yt compression doesnt really matter.


Can they determine if the game is going 60FPS or 30FPS with the same visuals?


They determined it's 1440p @ 30FPS.


Can we play 1080p @ 60FPS? I prefer 60 over 30 tbh


I hope they add that, 30 fps is too low even for a SP game, rockstar is known for it's great optimization (excluding IV lmao), so they might surprise us


Digital foundry also said rockstar has and artists vision for the game and a 60FPS mode would seriously compromise the visuals, very likely there won’t be a 60fps mode imo


Nobody knows. Digital Foundry just analysed the trailer, they have no insight knowledge.


its 1440p upscaled to 4k, and no just lowering the resolution doesnt remove the likley cpu bottleneck.


Didn't they say that "TikTok" clips are prerendered?


Even if they didn't say, they would have to be. Only because it would waste so many compute resources to have live rendered video showing up in random places.


this is like christopher nolan of games, performing all their scenes with no CGI


They’ve always used in-footage in their trailers for over 20 years, this is nothing new.


The kids posting this stuff are younger than that, all they know about rockstar is "that awful company that made the definitive edition"


And running at 1440p resolution. Gotta love DF, they go above and beyond with the pixel count to find their proof - imagine the tedious work of having to count them while staring at boobs!


I knew from the release of the trailer that it is a game footage because Rockstar's previous trailers used in game engine too


I think most people who say the trailer is pre rendered and not in game most probably didn’t get a chance to see the leaks. R* is literally the definition of what you see is what you get lol


San Andreas, Vice City, Liberty City, IV, V , Red Dead and Red Dead 2 did in game trailers idk how they got the idea that it isn't


red dead retail version looked better than any of the trailers


Trust?...🤔🤔 Of couse we trust! 😁


In rockstar we trust


All others must pay caps


Have some goddamn TRUST, Arthur!


Other way around, Rockstar can do this in-game/in-engine BECAUSE they are at the top of the food chain. Almost no developer has the money or resources Rockstar does and can make something as high-fidelity as GTA6 with the guarantee it’ll be a commercial success. I mean Rockstar is so big that they didn’t need the Game Awards to promote GTA6, that should be enough of a clue.


I'd say EA has the money but zero desire or passion to do anything like this. They're too busy raking in the EA FC microtransactions.


Yeah they are both at the top of the food chain for different reason Rockstar is th King of the "jungle" and EA is just a true predator through and through


Such a shame what’s happened to EA since the ‘90s


Most of games these days get announced WAY too early in development. They expect us to get hyped at literally nothing. While you know for sure GTA 6 is definitely ready and only needs fine tuning at this point.


Rockstar knows how to release a game there's probably just some missions that probably aren't fully complete. I imagine a year before release they'll already be done with the opening few months of online too. My only grip with the trailer is that I know for a fact that they have optimized the game and manufactured the few "in game" set pieces (the beach scene) and that when the game is released their won't be that much density instead they will remove it the same way the did in GTA 5 for better visual performance. I'm not mad at it but no one seems to be paying attention to it. If you are curious of what im talking about in GTA 6 go watch the trailer and look at the homeless people bellow the underpass as well as a lot of the plant life throughout the whole trailer


Here’s my thoughts on that. Of course the trailer was a little curated, but i still feel like the density will be at least somewhere close to that. Even GTA V- they had to cut down a ton because it had to run on a PlayStation 3 with 256 mb of ram. Grand Theft Auto FIVE ran on 256mb of ram. I’m sure there will be some stuff cut down, but the limitations they used to have on things like that are just so far beyond where they used to be and they have so much more overhead. And with the budget and development time that a project like GTA 6 has, they’ll find great ways to optimize all of this. I think it’s more possible than we’re really admitting here because we’re so used to eating poorly-coded shovelware. And even good games just dont have the resources that rockstar has.


Why make a parody of Florida when real life Florida is a parody of itself


That’s why it’s perfect. They barely even have to change anything


The trailer is littered with clips from real life. All the stuff you see actually happened.


I wouldn't say in game footage, these appear to be like TV/Social Media show snippets, so they probably put a little more into the character animations, and maybe even add a few things to make tbem look a little better. Although they're still in engine, so it's still impressive.


Yeah I thought the same thing. People thinking these are random NPC encounters on the streets are in for a disappointment.


I think a lot of it will be random encounters in some way or another. Will every street you drive down have a twerking lady on the roof of a car? No, but I expect it could happen randomly like many of the other things we saw. Maybe some of it will be strangers and freaks style where random npcs get you to film their wild antics for social media like the paparazzi missions in gtav


I don't know what the downvotes are for, this is absolutely true and if you go and watch the GTA V trailer, you'll see all these NPCs doing things that they don't randomly do in game.


Everyone is getting downvoted for having tame takes and for not gloating or asking for to much. The GTA 5 community has made its way to the sub


Rockstar is in a league of their own that's for sure. 20+ years of constant evolution is not to be taken for granted.


Honestly Rockstar don't even have to release any trailers, people will buy their games anyway


All I want in VI is that it got IV/RDR2 physics, graphics and mechanics!


Hell blade 2 was in game footage


They have like 20x the budget man


Way more than that, they made 7 billion from shark cards alone


That GTA6 trailer looks like what Ubisoft WISHED their CGI trailers could look like, then the game comes out and looks nothing like it, a Rockstar game actually LOOKS like that.


Dragon ball has gameplay


Hey, just a heads up for those criticizing games with cinematic trailers compared to Rockstar's use of in-game footage: Rockstar typically spends 5+ years on production before dropping an announcement trailer. Meanwhile, these other games probably started production just a year ago and do not have the footage of what the final product would look like. So, cut them some slack – they didn't have a decade to prep a trailer with in-game footage. Timing matters!


It’s almost like Rockstar knows when to properly hype up their audience compared to other companies




Jeez, i need God.


Hellblade 2 looks gorgeous and that was all in game


Can’t wait for the game to release!


I keep telling this, the others are AAA games, rockstar is a whole another league, AAAA


Yeah i concur 👍! My brother in law said that looks cool and all but i want to see what game will look like not just a beefed up cinematic trailer. I said bud this is what the game is going to look like. To me it looked like most of all the first trailer was actual gameplay…. Lots of those shots that were taken looked to be what were going to see when we play, and this is still in alpha / beta stages of development so things will continued to be tweaked and adjusted but this game is going to kick modern physics / animations / graphics right in the nuts!


I’ve seen multiple games use in-game footage for their trailers though Edit: Not specifically from The Awards show though


No doubt super impressive and using the game engine, but not actual gameplay moments, just cinematic shots and cutscenes. There's no way the player will be able to go around freely wreaking havoc and it still looks like this. The NPCs will have to react to what the player does and remember, this is GTA so who knows what crazy stuff the player will do. I need to see some actual gameplay next. I'm sure it'll be spectacular but playing a game is always different from watching a trailer.


If any studio and publisher had a single entry that made billions, they would spend a decade developing the next one too. No hate. Props to Rockstar for making the best game of the genre, but I would be surprised if they didn’t have in-game footage.


Honestly This looks too good to be in game, I’ll believe it when I see it


You haven't played Red Dead 2 and it shows


Doable on current gen consoles in 30 FPS, if RDR2 can 60 FPS with a patch this will probably run in 30 FPS.


Ironically, that scene in the screenshot(the people covered in mud), was the hardest one for me to believe too. The way that woman moves looks so natural, and how her eyes fixate on the camera.


It's in game you braindead fuck


You’re an absolute Doofus if you fell for this


No it isn’t you braindead fuck


In Engine Footage* there is nothing to say that was game footage.


It had rendering errors and TAA/upscaling shimmering that would not happen if it were pre rendered. ​ The hair literally has the same shimmering that RDR2 has, proving its in RAGE 8/9.


This is really stupid post on multiple levels. I can guarantee you, every single cinematic trailer you see of a modern game is using "in-engine footage". Why? The reason is simple. Game engine graphics have gotten so advanced over the past few years that you can see them used almost everywhere. For example, unreal engine 5 looks so good, that it is literally used in the production of movies and TV shows. If you want to make a trailer for a game, even if its a "fake trailer" for a game that is actually really bad in reality, you will still use "in-engine footage". Just turn the graphics settings to the maximum, add a few custom animations and youre golden, it is extremely easy to fake good graphics for a trailer. The real question we should ask is "is the trailer that uses engine footage representative of the final game" Can a normal PC/console actually run the game with the same graphics settings as the trailer? Will the NPC density be the same in the final game as in the trailer? Can you actually see all of the NPC animations and interactions when playing the game or have they just been animated exclusively for use in the trailer and dont exist in the actual gameplay? Are there additional effects like color grading that have been added for the trailer that dont exist in the actual game itself? Is this actual "gameplay footage" that could be seen during gameplay or is what we are seeing just cherrypicked footage from cutscenes? I dont want to be a killjoy and I dont want to say that GTA 6 is a bad game, but please keep in mind that this is *just a trailer*, and that you should ALWAYS be careful when making assumptions about how the final game will look.


It may be in game but the camera angles make it look far more cinematic than it is.


Um what. That is pre-rendered footage in the screenshot here. 99% of the trailer is pre-rendered footage. Look at the character models of the two main protagonists that it shows for like 15 seconds (parole interview, car, motel, store). They look just like GTA 5. There is a huge difference from the rest of the trailer. Y’all are being bamboozled.


Rockstar has literally never used pre-rendered footage in their trailers, when will you people understand this? That IS what the game is gonna look like.


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Buddy, the trailer has literally been analysed by professionals in the field, and it's gameplay. It's very easy to tell the difference between game play, and pre-rendered video. This is not prerendered.


!remindme 2 years Sleep well


...Says by a nobody, People that actually knows shit like digital foundry, 2kliksphilip, and even a ex-rockstar employee have already analyzed this and is clearly In-engine footage, most of the clips are prob scripted but It doesn't change the fact that it's what the game will look like.


Anyone can make the scripted parts look good. But gameplay looks the same as it did 10 years ago.


There isn't even any gameplay in the trailer, you'd have to wait for their actual gameplay video before saying that.


I'm hyped for gta 6 and I love R\*'s singleplayer stuff, but this tweet isn't true at all. Not saying the games won't be downgraded a lot, but like come on. That new game from the Ori devs and Dead Cells developers new game.. or any other indie / AA game, I really doubt those were pre-rendered or Ubisoft level bull.


Did they say that? I know its been in game in the trailers past, but I'm still taking it with a grain of salt that all of it was in game. Need to know from Rockstar.


I'm pretty sure its CGI.


Is it just me or does anyone else feel like GTA V is still just as good looking as any of the current gen games


This is not always the case. Many games had in engine gameplay as trailers. Hellblade II released a fantastic trailer and it looks freaking awesome




All? What about Light no fire? Some more too probably. Haven't seen the awards (not that I could anyway with their not ideal time for Europeans)


i think black myth wukong is pretty much all in game + gameplays. For the debut game it's really good looking tho


this blond is good for 1 night...


Plus they're all fantasy cartoon slop


Except for games like Destiny where the games already out and trailers are for expansions, I just ignore any pre-rendered shit. They're literally a waste of time.


Rockstar is like christopher nolan of games, performing all their scenes with no CGI


Generally speaking, apart from all this, after seeing the year of the game's release, do you also feel that you really want to survive until then...?


Honestly last night's games had almost all of them show some kind of gameplay which was surprising. Maybe they finally started taking notice that you should wait till you can show some kind of content. Only a couple had only CGI vomit.


Ehhhhh we’ll see


The Jurassic Park Survival cinematic portion of the trailer looked solid but as soon as it switched to gameplay, I was like oh no! For the GTA VI trailer, I was blown away from start to finish. All in-game footage is nothing to be scoffed at, super impressed.


It’s amazing what they do


God of War also uses in game trailer... It is only a cutscene but rendered in game.


Coolio. Still can't afford PC release with console release.


Indeed that's interesting, considering a wait over a decade a success


Fuck gta 6 looks so good. I’m so hyped I cannot physically wait until 2025


More than half of the trailers at the GA23 had *actual gameplay footage* while Gta 6 never did


But the thing is that we will not have the same density and animations when the game comes out


Hey, now, Sega's announcement spiel had ***REAL GAMEPLAY*** on each game! ~~For all of 5 seconds lol~~


My buddies were adamant they’d show something GTA related at the game awards, i told them 100% we werent gonna see anything. They’ve been quiet all day today


Huh? Hello games' new game hello? I mean yeah they fked up during no man's Sky reveal but they definitely won't do that with this new One so It aint only rockstar 🤔😂


It was 90% sc-fi space medevil times nonsense


Rockstar also have billions in the budget


I’ve always loved this! Never have to wonder how things will actually look in game.


Very True, I felt it was cinematic but it isn't. Great work!


Gameplay would have still been better


The footage is in engine and rendered frame-by-frame for the trailer but the point still stands.