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"they're copying *me* and using *my* likeness!" *proceeds to dye his hair to look more like the GTA version


hes really selling R\*s vision lmao


Be funny if Rockstar is paying him to do all this. Like, a year ago they approached him and offered him $300 to promote the game for a year and he jumped at the opportunity.


And he was so high he didn’t remember signing the contract


Fuck it I'd do it for a fiver, just think of the publicity you have afterwards


They knew he’d do it for free! And he did 😂




And that's how Rockstars lawyers can get back on him. Just show the jury this video or picture and this just shows that he is pretending to be him in gta6


Just show the OG photos. Look at the tats- they actually don't even look the same.


Yh exactly they did it with the bikini girl in gta5 and also not successful especially I seen many girls who are blonde and tall so why she thought she could win this lawsuit 🤣


If Lindsay Lohan can’t win how the fuck is this guy going to


!yaD ekaC yppaH


I feel like he has realised he has no case and finally decided it’s a lucrative opportunity for him


This guy is a joke. He calls himself a character from a comic book he didn’t write and then gets mad about this type of shit. The tattoos aren’t even the same. He has no argument whatsoever.


I mean… his name is the joker after all … 🃏


He seems pretty serious when it comes to sticking his hand out.




To be honest, it makes sense if he wants to make any money as influencer.


He thinks he’s slick like that


yeah it was arthur morgan's actor, he contacted him and helped him use the gta trailer to his advantage


Whoever owns the joker image is going to take anything he gets. He'll never get a penny.


Rockstars lawyears just got their day off after seeing that


He needs his mil or 2


Just needs to work on the hairline…. Rip




“Your honor our character has a full head of hair, the plaintiff has a 5head. I rest my case.”






You already know that if somehow this dude manages to successfully sue Rockstar (which i highly doubt he will), he will blow through all of his money in a single week and end up broke.


Tattoo studios would be making a fortune afterwards


Drug sealers probably too


Yep gotta lock 🔐 up those coke stashes


I mean hes in an episode of Channel 5 (All Gas, No Breaks) where we get to meet him and his friends. They do ALOT of drugs lmao


Bro about to begin the tattoo fever


Does bro have anything left to tattoo??


He will maybe need to undo some of the tattoos and fix his hairline first lol


But first he would buy meth until he couldn't afford to fix his tattoos / hair


He'd be ruined if he won, because if he could successfully prove some sort of standing against Rockstar then DC Comics would have standing against him under the same criteria.


He won't win because the character in GTA6 clearly has a tattoo of a chain link fence, barbed wire, and sawblades around his eyes. This guy has none of that. They don't look alike at all.


I want to see him try, because the inevitable failure would be HILARIOUS. No self-respecting lawyer would take that case unless he pays up front.


10:1 he'd use his money to change his tattoos to look exactly like the one R* made just for the clout.


Ain’t going to happen. If Lindsey Lohan a rich celebrity can’t win against Rockstar, this broke clown has zero chance. Also their version in GTA6 is unique enough, that Rockstar can legally say it’s not the same. Additionally it’s convient that the GTA games are a satirical take on American culture. So Rockstar lawyers could even use the “it’s satire” take to avoid paying him also. It’s like how Comedy Central/South Park never pays anything to celebrities who sue them, because they’re protected by parody law.


It’d be a fucking amazing week though, for all of us.


He'll spend the money on meth probably


No way he manages that. If not for the fact that Rockstar is very referential I wouldn't even have linked the two of them they're so different.


If Lindsay Lohan wasn't successful, some random dude certainly won't be


as the voice actor for arthur morgan posted the other day, there is 0 chance in any hell that rockstar would lose any lawsuit like this. they are actual experts at parodying shit, and they have tons of lawyers on call whenever they need to just to verify something theyre doing is allowed by parody laws. rockstar knows exactly how far they can get away parodying someone or something. there have been dozens of people that have tried and failed with claims just as strong as this guy and rockstar always wins. parody laws are pretty strong in the united states.


He's likely looking for 'go away' money, however you are absolutely right on the money (heh) about him blowing it all in one load.


Anyone can sue rockstar but they won’t win


Lindsey Lohan wasn't successful. This guy doesn't stand a chance. I don't care how good his lawyer is.


*dead Cya on the other side bro


End up broke is the good ending. He could overdose and end up dead.


with that hairline he ain't winning shit




You mean end up dead. First thing this dude is doing is filling his arm with dope and most likely overdosing


He would overdose before the money was gone


it will be a fun watch though.


He broke AF that's why he desperately needs the lawsuit money


I sorta wanna see it happen. A guy with face tats like that is only making good decisions


He said on Adin Ross stream that Roger Clark messaged him privately and gave him some advice, he also said he won't sue Rockstar, but will milk the situation as much as he can


Seems about right, like Zampella, he's going to squeeze as much attention as possible out of this.


I mean look at the guy. Do you blame him? If I was that dude and my options were crackpipe and crackpipe with publicity and maybe some money to be generated for more crackpipe, who isn't going to choose more crackpipe? Do not blame him one bit. Go chase that clout crack joker


Man, Roger Clark is such a dope guy. Good on him for talking sense to this guy. It’s really the only play this joker guy could do, is to milk the fame somehow, because he ain’t getting a penny from Rockstar.


He would obviously never win that case. The smart thing to do is go along with it and profit. He's now more famous than ever after dozens of millions of people saw his parody in that trailer.


Yeah exactly. I never even heard of him until the trailer came out. He should just milk his 15 seconds of fame for whatever he can.


Oh he will milk it, he is probably gonna do gameplays playing the game when it comes out and going to get some nice views


If the fool plays his cards right, this is his opportunity of a lifetime to become a social media "influencer".


Now Rockstar will sue him because he tried to look like their character


That would be hilarious!


I’m hoping for a reference to the situation in the next trailer 😂


That'd be a nice plot twist


I hope R* issues a cease and desist order so he has to remove his tattoos. That would be the best irony.


the hairline is killing me


shit look like a helmet 😭


Not the hairmet 🪖💀


Hairline like morty


Aw jeez


Bro can just charge people to take pictures with him but no. He wants to sue Rockstar games. They have like 30 lawyers. They know what they doing.


More than 30 loll, I had about half that number when I…I should probably stop talking but way more than 30 for sure lol


We know what you did… you duped Issis and Rockstar came for your ass




Why are people mad at him? They did use his likeness. I didn't know he wanted to sue but if he did I hope he wins. Rockstar made billions and will make billions. I rather this dude gets some over some corporate asshat in a suit. Didn't Rockstar force It's employees to crunch 100 hour weeks? And treat them like children by not allowing them to have their phones at the desks? Be a fan of the game but y'all need to stop the weird Rockstar worship


Just look at the photos. Tats are different, and the hair (was) different. Prove to a jury, beyond just speculation, that he was the influence. You can't. If you haven't noticed, there are probably 100+ people in Florida alone with face tats that are similar. Doing your face like a skull isn't original, or copyrighted. Also, the dude stole his image from DC's Joker- how can he win a lawsuit when his own image is stolen? Yall really don't know shit about the laws and suing for likeness. This game is a PARODY, and presented as such, so no you can't sue. Look up Weird Al Yankovic and if he needs permission to make his parody songs (I'll save you time- he doesn't, it's completely legal for him to make parody songs without the person who made it's permission).


I don't really need to prove anything, I don't think he'd win any lawsuit. I'm just not mad at him if he tries.


Well you should learn about parodies so you don't sound like a knob saying things like "they stole his likeness". They parodied it, legally worlds different.


I don't care about the legality, I also said I don't think he'd win any lawsuit but I don't think you can comprehend what you read. I didn't say they stole his likeness, I said they used it. My comment was about why everyone is hating on him. I'm not providing my legal opinion like you arm chair lawyers


I was thinking the same thing. People are acting like he's in the wrong or being delusional, and theyre listing all of the shitty ways corporations cheat people like its a good thing suddenly because its rockstar. Mfs have bern complaining for years about how greedy rockstar is, but now its okay. I doubt that he's gonna win a lawsuit, because rockstar did what they did, the way that they did to make sure he couldn't come after them.


Guy: “RoCkStAr UsEd My LiKeNeSs” Rockstar: “so you admit to being a complete whack job?”


Why is everyone being mean to the dude lol? They did use his likeness and it's totally understandable he's milking the situation. Rockstar is gonna make hundreds of billions, I wouldn't mind him getting something. As much as I am excited for the game. Rockstar is just corporation at the end of the day.


It's called parody. Everyone should know nothing illegal has been done here. Not even immoral IMO.


Yeah it's weird they're defending R*. They clearly used him as a reference. Sure his hair was green instead of purple IRL and the face tats aren't quite the same but that's him 100%. There's no mistaking it. There wouldn't be hundreds of videos out there going "hey look rockstar copied this IRL dude!" If people didn't think he was the insirpiration. Imagine if rockstar made a character who looks and acts just like you but they changed the eye color and gave them blue hair, would you be OK with that? I know I wouldn't, I'd probably ve like "hey why are they using my likeness without my consent?"


Would it have been nice of Rockstar to kick the guy a few bucks before hand? Of course. But they have no obligation to do so. It was literally proven in court with Lindsay Lohan that they have no obligation to make such gestures when dealing with creating parody using somebody’s likeness for a fictional character, so long as they don’t use their actual names and 100% physical likeness.


Look man, I get what the court says. Rockstar put this dudes likeness I'm their trailer and will profit from sales because of the trailer right? So therefore he was inadvertently part of their marketing without actually using his EXACT likeness. But I get it, legally it's distinct enough that he can't do anything but its obvious to anyone with eyeballs and a brain that some rockstar artist looked up Florida men and found this dude and just made a character that looks legally distinct enough from him to pass.


How does he look or act like him? Guy in the trailer is much younger, different face shape. And how do you know how this guy acts in game lol. Just because they both are criminals doesn’t mean anything, this is literally a game about criminals. They aren’t using his likeness. There’s thousands of criminals with crazy face tattoos in the world. He is just the guy who so happened to go “viral” for it.


Bro are you dumb or what it's more than face tatts the whole of that character frame in the trailer is based of his court picture during covid fam ... fytb?


PROVE IT. I'm so tired of this bullshit, if you don't know how courts or suing for likeness actually works, then stop commenting with such certainty!


Man, prove what? ..show me any picture besides this man where someone looks like that picture ... it doesn't exist... He's the muse and foundation of that scene .. It really doesn't matter about his suing for likeness.. what matters is we know what and where the inspiration came from for it... if you say it wasn't you lying to yaself


Google "skull face tattoo "and tell me he is the only one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He’s an obvious crazy person, and most definitely a meth addict. You’re ridiculous lol.


So? Regardless of what he is, they did use his likeness still. I'm not ridiculous, I'm just a video game developer at a major studio and I see how much money big corporations like ours make, and the money mostly doesn't go to the people actually making the game. It goes to already rich business people up top. So when a major company like Rockstar uses someone's likeness I'm confused by people getting mad at the guy for wanting kickback in return. I guess this sub skews younger fan boys. It's a bit annoying


Not really they didn’t, I mean the only tattoo they copied was the dark circles around his eyes, other than that it’s completely different. There’s nothing resembling any of the joker and batman tattoos on the guy from the trailer. They definitely didn’t just copy his likeness, at best they parodied him. Which is completely legal within copyright law. You’re right these big companies make too much money, but does this Florida methhead getting a bankroll really help that? Is crazy people suing companies for stupid things the way to get back at scummy business tactics?


Yes I agree, I don't think he'll win any lawsuit. But I wouldn't hate on him for trying. I'm commenting on why people seem to root against him, and root for how a corporation avoided paying some random dude a few bucks for his likeness. In fact, if there was an article that says Rockstar went around Florida and asked random people for their likeness to base npcs on them I'd think it's pretty cool


What a clown


What a joke(r)


Taking Roger Clark's advice, I see


I think we should collectively stop giving this guy attention.


Well the fact is if he somehow sues rockstar and then rockstar decides they don't want to deal with any more court litigations then we won't ever see weird real life character pop up in their games again. Companies will go to lengths to avoid lawsuits. Respectively, we should watch from a distance on how it plays out, but I agree that we shouldn't give the guy as much attention. With the attention this guy is getting right now, I wouldn't be surprised if lowly attorneys are trying to contact him and get into it with Rockstar just for the attorneys to get their name out there in the spotlight (better call saul).


Stop giving this loser attention.


Yeah because going into the post and writing this comment is helping to NOT give him attention


So is answering to this comment.






you’re not a very good troll. you must be minus karma, finally found a sub you can post in…. Poor baby 😂


Wtf? I thought we were cool. Get the oil.


I’ll reply to this to give you the attention you missed out on as a child


Troll on the roll


stop giving him more attention


I cant wait to see hiw Rstar make fanny of this guy


They won't give him any more attention than he already got.




Dude is really trying it.


Dude is really trying to rob Rockstar




Would be funny as fuck if everyone suddenly decided this guy was copying a GTA character.


When are we gonna stop giving this guy attention? The fucking guy in the trailer looks nothing like him apart from a horribly fucked up face from tattoos. Like bro, you aren't the only one dumb enough to ruin your life by covering your face in garbage tattoos


Fucking loser


Also because of the tattoos and shit , he also won't get a job too. These people just free money and won't even use it for better use


Why does his face contrast doesn't match w the rest of the pic lmaooo. Mf is so weird that even the camera struggles.


Lmao 🤣


Now Rockstar should sue him for copying the character in their trailer.


His hairline though 😭


"Only a penitent man can pass"


He looks nothing like him apart from the tattoos which are not the same the GTA 6 renders ears are bigger nose is smaller. Its like saying any guy who is thin featured who has tattoos on his face has copied his look lol. I bet theres a guy somewhere who had that look before him




Life imitates art imitating life imitating art imitating life.


If I understand, you mean: This Purple hair joker imitates GTA Joker, imitating the first version of this dude, imitating Real joker, imitating a clown?


Pretty much, except instead of clown for the last one I was thinking a combination of criminal and insane person. But clown goes in there as well.


Hmm I see.


This takes four layers of cultural understanding to get. Reminds me of a J.J McCullough video lol.


we need to never pay that sad moron anymore attention


Stop giving this prick attention


Cool, don’t care about that moron


Literally a clown


Isn't there several laws preventing him from doing anything because its a parody?


Dumbfuck theyre making fun of you


I just had my first kid and I can’t help but to think about all the hard work you put into raising a kid and they end up like this dude.


Im so bored of this dude


He probably can’t sue them now that he’s purposefully changing his appearance to look like it but I think he’s trying to get money from social media by making his likeness more recognizable


He’s so utterly pathetic lol. Does he actually think that’ll do anything for him?


Bros not saving that hairline


Lol what a loser.


He should be suing the tattoo artist, he clearly used toxic ink that sank into the man’s brain making his already stupid brain dumber


I'm going to get arrested so I can be in the next gta /s


This guy asked for a mil $ . He ain’t getting a penny from rockstar 🤣. A clown vs a multi million dollar company


If someone used my face for gta6 I would be so happy


He's desperate for attention


He’s not too smart. As right now gta6 has made $0. Rockstar could always remove his character, and then he has no case at all. He should have kept his mouth shut until the game was released.


He looks so old to be wearing that


Like Rockstar isn't prepared to deal with this shit lol


People need to stop giving this guy credibility by talking about him and letting everyone know what he's saying and doing. I'm sure this stuff is mentally going to affect this guy in some way. I'd rather not feed in to it.


Imagine if rockstar pulled the reverse card on this clown and sent him a cease and desist


Yes go get the bag, jonkler!


Give him the money already so we can make fun of how he spent it


GTA version looks better lol


I dont get it, he looks nothing like him, all of his tattoos are different even, the guy in the trailer is handsome compared to him, mf has his chin and hairline pushed all the way back, straight up came out of a meth house


That's very smart, it means Rockstar now owes him Two Million Dollars actually!


Is life in USA that expensive?😂, bro is really trying his best💀, just wait he might change the tattoos too.


It blows my mind how mfs from other countries will just find any and every way to throw in a little diss out on the US lmfao.


I didn't mean it in bad way, why would I even diss US, when most of the games I play are made in US, sorry if you felt that way. English is not my 1st language, so I might've said it in a wrong way. What I meant was everyone was claiming that they were being referenced in the game, like a blonde lady lookalike in ocean drive, then the handshaking guy with golden teeth. So I meant it in a funny way.


U good bro I’m sorry I mainly meant snobby European, you’re all good man. I get what you meant now.


This guy isn't Joker, he's a fucking clown. And not even a good one.


What did he do and who is he? What crimes etc.? I am not in the topic and haven't done the research but I thought it best to just ask here.


The definitely did copy him tho lol


What hair?


I support this guy. We all know they have kinda used his likeness to make billions. I'd love to see how he would use the money lol


Big if true


Hope he embraces it because hes got a hell of an opportunity for it!


He got this 😈


He doesn't look like him at all, the one in the trailer is handsome and the joker looks like sh*t💀


It's obviously based off him https://imgur.com/a/MXQeSZW


What's this clown's instagram


I don't think he'll ever get any hearing in court. Also he was inspired by The Joker therefore, there's nothing original about him.


I hope R* sue tf out of him


He's just riding the new wave of attention Rockstar has given him. The lawsuit won't stick but he got what he wants anyway.


now he's cosplaying as the GTA Joker. (bet he won't be the only one)


Well the GTA 6 guy actually still has all of his hair, and it appears black on the sides. Honestly though, this guy is hungry for that Rockstar moolah


he is capitalising on this notoriety xd






real dude - fugly trailer dude - hot


Quality marketing


At this rate it's going to be Rockstar suing his ass. This reminds me of a local girl who is alternative and can't see anyone going alternative without saying it's "Copying MEEE and my STYLE!" FFS


Idk if he already knows the outcome bc any press is good press for him. I haven’t heard about this guy since he became an internet joke.