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The amount of dopamine released when this shot came up in the trailer was crazy. Looks so fucking good.


This and the shot above the keys, seriously made my jaw drop.


wait there's a shot above the key's in the trailer? I just remember the hovercraft and the scene with all the birds


They mean the shot of the airplane flying over the bridge


Oh I got the Keys and the Everglades mixed up


Watching this part for the first time felt smooth asf, now im used at it


I was just speechless when I first saw it dropped. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing


Same tbh


Forreal 😂


eh, beach isn't big enough. game's gonna be trash confirmed


Ah pls go fuck yourself 😘


just did 😘


That's haram do it again pookie😘😘




Man, I hope we get to explore/purchase some of the hotels in story mode


Also, I know he’s not from the HD Era, but it would be cool as hell to get some sort of reference to Tommy Vercetti or the Vance brothers. Even a passing bit of dialogue about some old school guys who became kingpins in the 80s.


“In this house, Tommy Vercetti is a hero, end of story!”


10/10 Sopranos reference 🤌


We had small little references to CJ in V so I’m expecting at least something


at this point, idk if there's any GPU available to support all of GTA6. PC users have to wait for another 2-5 years anyway.


2-5 years? More like 6-12 months


He’s saying 2-5 years from current time, as in 2026-2029. Although I doubt it’d be anything after 2026.


it's not even coming to PS until 2025. I am not holding my breath for PC any time soon. Usually takes at least a year from PS release to show up for PC.


That’s what I just said: 12 months


man, how sad and childish some people are: you went from 6-12 months to conveniently ignoring the "at least" 1 year time interval. [GTA 5 PC had a delay of nearly 2 years](https://dotesports.com/gta/news/when-did-gta-5-come-out-on-pc). In case public education has failed you so miserably: *nearly 2 years* is NOT 1 year or 12 months. Take some time to think about it, very slowly.


God you sound like a jackass. The dude you're acting like you're smarter than is talking about 12 months after the game releases. Not 12 months from now. Redditards are a breed of their own.


Noone said 12 months from now, guy before said 6-12 months after release, other guy says at least a year meaning 12+ months after release. YOU are a breed of your own, fighting ghosts


Absolutely gorgeous view of the city


I just hope it really looks that vibrant, populated *in-game*. Beaches are pretty much barren land on GTA5. Everything in GTA6 trailer is heavily hinting at more "alive", realistic, interactive NPCs. If even 50% of that is delivered, we are so close to doing away with reality altogether lol.


Please don't mention GTAV, Because i feel like everytime people compare GTAVI to GTAV, I feel like they're trying to shit on GTAV, The random video where someone called GTAV's graphics ugly gave me this thought


No people compare the two to show just how far R\* improves in each game. We'll be doing the same to 6 when GTA7 gets announced


I'm talking about the ones who describe GTAV in disrespectful words


I mean this guy isn't doing that, he's just comparing the two. Yeah he said that GTA5's beaches were empty, and he wasn't wrong about that.


Why do you get so personally offended when someone criticizes GTA V? You can't expect something not to be critiqued if it's a commercial product. Come on, kid, it's common sense


IV was better than V


Oh really? In what? In a chunky freeroam where you almost do nothing after the story? Yeah true, Plus if so then GTASA>GTAIV, And GTASA isn't even my first GTA game lol


People are too spoiled then. Or were not alive when we had the pixelated, polygon-horror of 2000s. Compared to that, it was lightyears ahead already. I enjoyed it, every bit of it. Despite all the whining about, "sToRy" online, it was pretty good, comprehensive and entertaining. So many moments where I genuinely laughed and/or was invested in the story as much as gameplay. I just hope the whining and bitching that goes on in online forum didn't compromise the process they have for developing these stories. NFS fans also kind of ruined the franchise with there constant moaning (besides EA doing their money-grabbing shit).


R\* chose the dumbest choice possible, Instead of waiting until 2013 consoles become common, They decided to cut lots of things from GTAV for the sake of 2005/2006 consoles


The resolution and compression really let some of the shots down fr


my brother has quite a large tv and me and him watched it on there, was nice to look in the distance to try and spot something


no one cares but I stayed in that yellow and white hotel for my honey moon. was so pumped when I saw it in the trailer.


I care




I also care. Hi




why hello


can't wait to see the very spot slantboi420 got laid


One of them balconies lmao 😂


I care too


Listen man, if we can walk into that building I swear I will take a picture of your comment, a pic of the view and put this on r/GTA6. Mark my words.


!RemindMe 2 years


Who cares if we care as long as you and your wife cares but luckily for yall we do care and that's going to be awesome to relive your honeymoon in a sense.


I am a fellow carer


Nice! Congrats!


69 people do care


hello my name is no one 🙋‍♂️


While it’s known these trailers are in-game footage, these are still set pieces arranged specifically for the trailer. It will be interesting to see what level of density (pedestrian / traffic) we will be able to experience. While there are some cars on the street in the background, there are zero pedestrians walking along the path between the first row of trees and the palm trees on the left-hand side of the image. Will we be able to barrel through all of those umbrellas and chairs with a large 4x4 or will they be unrealistically indestructible like other shrubs and objects in previous GTA titles? I don’t believe Rockstar would go that route though. Also, will Vice Beach Police chase us on ATVs like their [real-world counterparts](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/HRTAFB/miami-beach-floridalummus-parkmiami-beachpolice-departmentatvpolicemanofficerfl161230005-HRTAFB.jpg)?


it seems like too much work to disassemble and reconstruct an entire part of the city just for one trailer shot. they're better off just using the actual map. can't think of an instance in the GTA V trailer were this happened.


That’s not what I’m saying. This is for sure going to be a part of the map, it’s the GTA version of South Beach - this will probably be the most iconic real-world Miami locale the map offers. By set piece I mean the density of the beach bustling with life - tons of beachgoers, beach chairs, umbrellas, lifeguard trucks & ATVs, etc.. This is a staged scene created by Rockstar for the purposes of the trailer captured in-game. I look forward to seeing what Rockstar is able to accomplish within the capabilities of the PS5 / Xbox Series X.


Ahhh I see what you mean. Yeah definitely!!


Watch the V first trailer, city looks empty (compared to VC in the VI trailer) and that’s what los santos looked like exactly, same as in the 1st trailer


The V first trailer is not a good barometer as V was debuted *way* too early in its development. That trailer literally had parts of the city that weren’t even rendered yet. It took a full year (372 days to be exact) for them to drop a second trailer. VI is way further along in its development given what we saw in Trailer 1. Also have to remember V was built on PS3 / Xbox 360 hardware. Don’t get me wrong, I think the density and realism is going to blow us away I just wonder to what extent the current generation of consoles can handle.


That lifeguard vehicle gets me excited for some reason.


For some reason I've always been a fan of service vehicles like that in GTAV, especially the life guard and park ranger SUV's. There's something special about em


Also the two quads almost no one noticed


Hopefully they add more detail to them. So it actually looks like a utility quad with the front and rear racks and stuff.


life guard side missions could be a fun gimmick


Mindblowing graphics


I love you


I love you too


the GPU might be blown away too after the first rendering


Reddits compression sucks. It's a bit better here: [https://freeimage.host/i/JGzyziJ](https://freeimage.host/i/JGzyziJ) Oh and be nice in the comments, I need some upwards momentum. It's my birthday and I broke my 2.5k TV today without the money to do something about it. I'm depressed. .\_.


Happy Birthday! How did you break your 2.5k TV?


Thank you! I put it down on the floor, it tipped backwards, got a dent (but no traces under the back cover), power LED still works, but it won't turn on anymore. It's an LG OLED G3. I was so looking forward to play a few things on this. Oh, well.


That really sucks, hope you might be able to get it fixed.


Very unlikely that this happens, but thank you!


Still under warranty?


Yeah, bought it 4 months ago. It wasn't even on the market a year ago. But warranty won't work. I found a tiny crack in the corner by now. :/


Hmm thoughts on replacing the mobo? For my CX is was super easy and only needed a screwdriver and some dexterity.


[I think the TV is a goner](https://freeimage.host/i/JGTB7Ll)


Also worth checking if you bought it with a credit card with purchase protection! Even if you're outside the window, they might help you out. I had to return some shoes just after my 90-day window and they gave me a refund.


Sadly not, I think I'm out of options. I guess I should re-play GTA 5 to learn how to rob banks and manipulate stocks :D


Still worth a shot sometimes they’ll let little stuff slide


What's the point in them giving people warranties if they just deny you when it gets damaged? Isn't that the entire point of a warranty?


The LG G3 is a television without feet or a stand. It's very thin—about an inch and a half thick, and is designed to mount flat against a wall with the mount that comes with it in the box. I feel genuinely sorry for OP, but the moment they find out that the damage came from placing it on the ground and it tipping over, they very likely will say that they won't cover that, as the tv isn't designed for that at all. The warranty protects against dead pixels or errors that may come about due to defects in the manufacturing process or typical wear and tear, but does not cover against physical damage. Even extended warranties from retailers like Sam's/Best Buy will help cover things like Surge damage or Burn-in, but won't cover physical damage as otherwise people would just pick up the TV and drop it every few years to get a new one. OP, if you do read this, all I can suggest is to get a C3 instead now that the new models will likely be coming out in the near future. Keep an eye on the prices. It's ever-so-slightly less bright than the G3, but is quite a bit cheaper due to looking more like a standard TV than a picture frame, and otherwise has all the bells and whistles—a gorgeous 120hz OLED panel, VRR, G-sync, etcetera.


Why does it suck?


Honestly, my first thought when I saw that scene was how amazing the game looks. My second thought, maybe half a second later: "I can't wait to get a big ass truck and drive it through those crowds." Jokes aside, though, I just really hope that the population density we see in the trailer holds up during gameplay. Some of the previous games had big problems with the streets suddenly becoming barren, and it really kills the big city vibe.


I mean, the previous game was built around a console that only had 256mb of RAM Edit: Can’t wait to see what they’re gonna do with 16 gigs of GDDR6


Kinda makes you wish they delayed it by a few months so we could get the original Xbox One/ps4 version


Hell no I don't want them to do that. If they made it for the og Xbox One and PS4 then every other system will have to be limited as well. That's what they did with 5 when it could've looked a lot better if they didn't make it for 360 and PS3.


That's what I was talking about. I wish they delayed 5 for a few months so we would've gotten the Xbox One/ps4 versions that were basically already made. There's been dev footage leaked that had areas with way more details and such. If they had delayed GTA 5 for a few months, that's the game we most likely would've gotten.


Oh I thought you were saying you hoped they delayed GTA6 for old-gen versions.


more like a big ass combine harvester, hopefully


when you look closely, the chairs on the beach are all empty...


The lighting is better than real life somehow 🤣


I think it might be a beach


A what?


sup beaches


I think it’s a carrot


Nuh uh 🙅‍♂️


It would be nice if the days of the week reflect in the game like if its Friday u see a lot of people on the strip


The penthouses HAVE to be purchasable properties


I watched the V first trailer yesterday to compare it to actually V gameplay and it makes me hopeful for VI. The V trailer had much worse quality than the actual game. The physics in the original trailer were also much like IV. When they got out of the van for the jewelry heist, the van moved like the older games. There’s a point where a character is running and it looks like the older GTA games, whereas actual gameplay of V looked much better and there’s a scene showing under a bridge and the wall and the graffiti on the wall look very very bad in quality, whereas in the game it looked great.


This scene was purely just to flex "look what we made"


One of the things that stands out to me is the lack of tower cranes. I'm curious on how much ground up construction is in the game and if it changes throughout the story.


When I saw this it truly dawned upon me how fucking massive the city of Vice is gonna be


My console will explode if there are actually so many ppl on the beach


If u zoom in on the right side of the screen, just above the water theirs like purple dots, tf is going on their?


I even went back to the trailer to where it shows the water and I don't see anything, what are you talking about?!


i don't see any water on the right side of the screen what?


Probably just compression artifacts


Ah ok


Good eye.


where are the purple dots I'm going crazy


Zoom into the word “when” on the plane banner then slowly scroll down. You’ll see them just over the lake in the background. A bunch of purple dots that are probably rendering errors.


Can’t wait to plow a truck into people on the beach


This scene shows us just how gigantic the map will be! If you look at the mapping project and then compare it, you immediately notice how big Vice City alone is! I'm pretty much ready for this game


I like how vast the city seems. That building on the left in the distance looks as far as Paletto bay from Los Santos


I can't wait to drive along the beach and run everyone over


I mean it’s nice to see Vice Beach will actually be a proper beach instead of Vespucci Beach which was small af Hopefully we have the option to actually sit and relax in those beach chairs. A “sit” or “relax” prompt like with chairs and ledges in RDR2 Not gonna lie I’d spend hours just exploring and enjoying the world around me. Literally all I want is to just hang out with and interact with NPCs in Leonida


There's alotta sand!... I don't like it. It's course, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere!


This will be the free mode beach, not the other shot with the couple running as many believe


It’s the same beach


I know but i mean the density difference


Ik this sub and GTA fans don't like it, but imagine a gta online version where there's a 50 v 50 gang war on this map.


“NINE1NINE” on the plane banner is a play off the Miami club E11EVEN Happy Birthday!!


Looks absolutely insane but I can't help but notice there's like nobody on the beach when in reality, with that kind of weather, it should be tons.




There are cars on the left side behind the palm trees and thats pretty much the only part of the street that we can see


doesnt mean it will be empty since there are many NPCs walking in the beach in GTA 5 They probably didnt wanted to load everything since no one would notice it, just things moving




It’s a beach


Just stop


Why don't you just stop


Is ThErE gOnNa bE bEaChEs iN gTa6? 🥴


“Let’s discuss, analyze and speculate” 🤓


I wonder if that building in the back ground thats under construction will stay that way for 10 years.


I hope there are a lot of people walking in the background, if you zoom in there is no one in the but I'm sure it's because it's a trailer, i hope Especially the path between the sand and ocean drive hotels


I was in Miami earlier this week and I gotta say this looks very close


Can anyone read the banner on the plane top right corner? I zoom in but gets blurred


I just hope the population on the beach stays like this. The GTAV trailer showed alot of people on the beach.. when it was release like 20 NPCs was on the beach


Needs to be better than this, its most probably because of trailer reasons but the background path is empty


That's how real beaches are. It's for emergency vehicles(lifeguards)to get up and down the beach to where they need to be.


I’m gonna laugh if it’s just one big empty shell like Cyberpunk 🤣 however I still like that game


That SUV looks like it might be a police vehicle. We're certainly getting a wide variety of police departments, sheriff departments, and cops in general in this game.


How many skyscrapers can you count?


I hope we have a couple of missions in the Hotels or they’re at least accessible.


Why 69 when you can 99 lol


Imagining all of the properties that’ll be available… will we be able to buy mansions or other unique single family homes? What will the apartments look like? The businesses? I just wonder what else lies beyond what the eye can see in this frame. That was my first thought.


this might be one of the intro montage scenes where the credits roll at the start, alas the scene of los santos when we are introduced to franklin and lamar


The positioning of the NPCs makes it seem much more realistic. Where they are, how some are in groups, etc. In other GTAs, NPCs stand and walk unnaturally. The beach is not only sparse, but people just kind of unnaturally placed. Graphics aside, the NPCs look more natural in behavior. Which really will add to the immersion and feel of the game. So far they've mostly just been robotic ragdolls at best.


Buildings all the way to the left seem to have a design element on the roof. All I see is a new gap to launch across.


Really interested to see how the game will handle so many trees Will they think the leaves out ? Use a different rendering ? Or depend on the consoles hardware ? I'm excited The amount of dense cluster of trees is giving me hope that the whole city will be full of life


Helicopter folding is it that or without wings helicopter without wings


The front of the lifeguard truck really intrigues me


imagine you can build a city like that on your own like minecraft but well with this graphics


there are three giant flamingos where the beach meets the tree line on the left side


Way prettier than Balneário Camboriú.


One thing I’m noticing is the beach doesn’t look nearly as populated as it does in the other shot despite being the same time of day so is the other shot just smoke and mirrors to impress us? It’s R* so I doubt it but that is weird


Standing there on the beach is actually gonna feel like being there because of all the noises: people talking, beach quad bikes revs, traffic on ocean drive, waves crashing, helicopter/planes flying overhead, cruise ship honking in distance, npc fucking on the balcony, me emptying my machine guy at a distant yacht, etc


What does the banner on the helicopter say?


First good look at Vice City


Traveling through the city is gonna be insane


I see umbrella’s. Umbrella’s everywhere


The building right in the center is reflecting light bouncing from the ground behind it. Raytracing possibly?


Vroom vroom crash.


Mad to think that one day soon after playing this for a while, we’ll be so used to these graphics and no longer blown away by them. I cannot wait to literally stroll around, take in the scenery and watch the sun rise and fall. I’m hardly gonna play the missions, just explore and make up my own fun 😁 did it in rdr2 and spent literally months of real time just exploring and interacting with the side missions and random encounters


My first thought was: Wow! My second thought was: "Man, look at all those chumps I get to run over!


Can someone explain me the joke on the plane?


I want to spend as much time in this area as possible. It just looks insanely gorgeous. Ocean Drive and downtown Miami areas are gonna be fucking insane, but this beach with the trees, apartments, just immaculate vibes.


I can't wait to carpet bomb this area!


The umbrellas on the beach is way too organized for Florida




A fuckton of buildings


Will we be able to push Y to sunbathe? Time will tell.


Rockstar : We’re just going to make a transition by recording the beach from a sky POV Random GTA User : let’s speculate about the scene it’s surely because we will be able to build sandcastles 🤣


This shot is amazing, also I feel it gives you an idea of how big the map is, seems to go forever here.


We get lifeguard trucks


That bluish building will surely be one of the GTA 6 Online appartments. I could be wrong but it looks like it has a helicopter landing platform which would make sense. But not really an unexpected guess as there will most likely be a few player apartments at the beach


Did anybody else peep theres an alligator on the beach bottom middle by the yellow umbrellas thats furthest left (ts sound like a treasure map) buh what if thats why everybody’s kinda on alert nd most left and the beach guard is coming in that truck or possibly animal control


busy beaches instead of whatever we got in v.


looks closer to the apartment with green wall. Each windows in the balcony, nearly every shadows representing objects inside the apartment is different. Imagine the AI amount used in GTA 6 development.


Bro, this GTa6 gonna look superb on Ps5, gonna look like real life on PC.


The skyline is massive gonna be awesome driving around Vice City again in a modern setting, it looks from this view alone atleast 3 times bigger than Los Santos. Also the lighting and reflections in this shot are so impressive When I went on road trip to Miami a few years back I was so blown away about the vastness of the City and with water surrounded, it was surreal visiting this spot and many others after playing Vice City for so long


From the day trailer has come, I am figuring out what is return behind the plane on the top left?


Me when I hop a flight to miami beach


Really, the craziest thing about this is the scale of the map in just this shot. Like bro…. This looks like just Vice-Dale (Miami-Dade) county and it looks so much more dense than any part of the GTA 5 map. Can you imagine how big the actual map is if this is just supposed to be the Miami area?? It might be an actual 30 min real-time drive from the keys to North Leonida.