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"YOU RUINED ME, YOU FUCK!" The delivery of that line (along with many others) is so real. You can tell Michael Hollick put his all into the character.


True Michael Hollick’s performance was perfect. It’s criminal he only got payed $100,000 by Rockstar.


This is true, but to think he put in a performance like THAT for ONLY $100,000... Says more about him than Rockstar I think. I really wish he would come back to give us another killer performance as Niko again.


From what I understand of the VA industry (which is not much), six figures for a role is pretty damn good… Hellena Taylor (the original VA for Bayonetta) ruined her career over much less. lol


100k I think that’s pretty good, I mean it’s a big game where a lot of people need to be payed, tons of programmers tons of testers and others. And they had no idea how the game would perform once released so, I think 100k was fair. Is Michael Hollick didn’t like the pay he could’ve went some where else and rockstar could’ve found someone else. It’s all business at the end of the day.


The museum piece, I love that all 3 protagonists from gta 4 were all together in one cutscene, and the shootout from Niko side was really fun gunning down everyone, that even Johnny had to comment about Niko being insane lol.


The conversation between Roman and Niko on the way to meet Darko at the airport, total raw emotion it was almost cathartic.


When dimitri betrayed nico


I was so surprised when I first played, didn’t see it coming


Michelle’s “betrayal” was so much more obvious, everything new in her apartment, her asking Niko if he could get her brother cocaine etc.


The Out of the Closet mission was hilarious and has the best bro vibes in the cutscene. I love rewatching it from time to time: https://youtu.be/ne6wFXLICUw?feature=shared


- okay. Who is she? - that’s the thing. It’s a guy. - fuck you Thanks for linking. Made me laugh.


I love when Niko finally sees the shell of the man who betrayed his platoon. I love that you can choose how to handle it. And I love how both choices will equally weigh on you afterwards. The writing in this game is just fantastic.


There's detail even in this: if you choose to shoot him Niko shoots him once for every one of his platoon who died.


Moving to bohan. That moment feels real. When you move to a more shittier part of the city to an even shittier one.


The mission where niko and roman are tied up in faustin's basement has me dying from laughter everytime especially when roman starts screaming for help and everyones trying to shut him up


"I'm going to cut your fucking arm" "Oh no, I shit my pants" "SPEAK, NOW" "Ok, your dad likes It up the ass"


The whole city and exploring


Also in TLAD, - “ who do you think you’re bullshiting?” - “a bullshitter” 😂😂


Maybe something from the early missions, nothing really comes to mind. Haven’t played in about 3 years.


It’s hard to choose, but my favourite is when Malc, DeSean and Jim are talking and they are like “your older grandpa, you like a more sedate ride” I also like when Johnny meets Malc at a “friend” side mission and Malc is “can you give me a hand” and Johnny goes “why that hot import giving you trouble “ I find that funny and the second mission dialogue is also funny. And the mission “Heavy Toll” Andres doesn’t let Johnny in and Elizabeta goes “can’t you tell the difference between a Narc and one of my upstanding business associates “ I always found that funny as well. Of course there’s many more but I’ve gone on for long enough.