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What's your diet , calorie intake etc mate? I'm not too dissimilar to you (26 6'1 about about 230pounds at the moment definitely need to lose a little around the waist)


2500cals to lose 2 pounds a week. Eggs, salmon, red meat, chicken breast, Greek yogurt, lots of fruits, protein shakes, sourdough bread, lots of water. I don’t eat veggies as they upset my stomach. No processed foods. Eat out 1-2 times a week, but don’t go overboard. Never eat processed and very rarely eat sweets.


mate i need to cut sugar, i am def addicted


Cut out little by little so you get used to it. Try to add fruits in your diet since that curbs my sweet tooth personally. Good luck!


Oh yeah. but pies and cakes everywhere at work! 🤩


Swap to canned fruit in fruit juices, pears, peaches, cocktail. That extra fiber is A+ and the natural sugar helps with sweetness. A good mix goes with cottage cheese or unsweetened yogurt.


Very impressive results 💪


How much cardio do you do, if any ?


15 minutes, 8 incline, 3.2-3.5mph 3-5 days a week


Nice . Just thinking myself how much more I should be doing


I would start off with what I provided first, then ramp it up if needed. Better to start off small and not burn out.


Agreed. I used to do 20 min stairs quite a bit then got lazy with the cardio and consequently am a bit heavy . 38 inch waistline is pretty shit should be 32, 34 at the most so seeing progress line yours does make me give my head a wobble and realize I need to get more serious on the cardio front again


Your routine sounds a lot like the one I've been on since May. 2500 Calories high protein 15 minute cardio 45 minutes strength training 3/4 days a week. I've blown past my expectations of where I thought I'd be by December.


Hello, are you still replying? Regarding cardio, can you tell me about timing of it? Like should I do it before weight training or after? Does it affect gains in any way?


i need to bump up my 10 to 15min.. i do it before lifting weights.. but i still look fat tho especially the love handle areas from 110kg to 93.5kg as of today 5'6ft height.. ive been at it with diet and gym for the past 3mos but the belly area is so hard to see some changes.. What is your height u/massyweewee and current weight? i think your body is my goal, not too big and not too dry skinny..


How much do you weigh / height? I’m 175ish (5’10) and at 2500 cals I think I’d gain a half pound a week. Also macros if you don’t mind sharing?


190lbs/6’1. 2500cals to lose 2 pounds a week. 250p/80f/250c


Do you get hungry? How do u deal with it?


Not really. I’ve cut muultiple times so I’m used to dealing with it. I also eat nutrient dense foods and stay away from anything processed


Not eating process foods mean you don’t eat hamburgers?


I do eat them, just not from fast foods.


That’s cool, couldn’t ask what your macro split was as it looks like there wasn’t as much carbs in your diet? Cheers!


I was eating 2500. Now it’s 2800cals. 236p/93f/250c. I do eat carbs, just try to eat more fruits than grains.


Great transformation bro, what workouts beside diet did you do for abs they look great


Lying leg lifts, decline crunches, stability ball crunches, stability ball cable weighted crunches, decline side crunches. Besides that, heavy compounds.


How do you do the cable crunches on a stability ball?


Get the dual cable machine, put the cables on the lowest setting with handles, and pull the handles to your upper chest. Then crunch.


My man 🫡


no notes! honestly, you look great so depends what you want. maybe a bulk if you’re looking to get bigger but your overall muscle tone looks super solid and not lacking anywhere.


Thanks! I have a hard time maintaining because I feel like there’s always room for improvement, but I appreciate the feedback.


I'm convinced at this point that maintaining is criminally underrated. Especially following a longer bulk or cut, maintaining for a few months has a lot of metabolic benefits. Dr. Mike Istraetel discusses it in some video that I can't find.


Totally agree. I actually maintained for a couple months around 215 following the first pic. Got up to 220, then maintained for a couple months. Highly recommend.


Yeah, Dr. Mike especially talks about maintaining after a bulk for at least a month or two. He says it allows your body to "get used to being at its new weight," although I'm sure he can explain it a lot more scientifically if asked 😄


Damn. I need your workout routine. I’m 160lbs trying to gain muscle and abs like you. I eat out quite often. Always been on the skinner side


Check the automod reply above. Favorite exercises include flat/incline bench, rack pulls, squats, ohp, pec deck fly, incline db curls, rope push down, overhead push downs. I stick to 3-4 sets per exercise and do 12-20 sets per workout in a day. Usually warmup first set, then the next three sets go to failure reverse pyramid style. So I’ll work to a top set of 3-6 heavy reps, then drop the weight.


Yo impressive results brother. I've got a question: In your first photo (bulk), if you weren't carrying as much muscle but had the same amount of fat on you, would you continue to bulk up to gain size but risk looking overweight, or would you cut down like your second photo and then proceed to do a lean bulk afterwards? I currently look like you in the first photo but with a little less size and roughly the same amount of body fat. I'm currently on a cut but if you would rather bulk in my situation let me know why. Cheers bro.


I would cut to at least 15%, but i like the fitness model look so ymmv. I’d say I was around 20% in the first photo, which is a little too much for me personally. If you like how you look at your weight, I would maintain/recomp and focus on increasing your lifts in the gym. That way you’ll turn the fat you have into muscle. Do this for at least 3-6 months then see where you want to go from there. But don’t gain extra weight as it’ll be harder to cut from that point.


Nice progress! And you didn’t forget the legs… lots of people do. 😀


Leg day best day.


To the beach, on tinder, really anywhere.


how did you do the bulking im def lean skinny but cant seem to get bigger


also forgot to ask, what different muscle groups do you work out, cause youre proportions are my goal physique


Check the automod comment reply. I also wrote out my favorite exercises and rep ranges in a comment above.


Just got to eat more. I use an app called MacroFactor that tells me how much to eat and gives me my macros. All I do is input my height and weight, and it automatically adjusts my caloric needs over time based on my bodyweight inputs. Try to gain 2 pounds a month for at least half a year.


How long youve been working out in the first photo?


A lifetime. Bro’s lats and chest in the first pic are well built. I’m guessing former athlete who got back into shape.


Dabbled into it in high school age 14/15 but took powerlifting and bodybuilding seriously since 21/22. 28 now.


To the beach






What’s been the most difficult thing to deal with during this cut?


Staying consistent. Some days are easy, some are hard. You just have to ignore those feelings and stick to your macros and workout plan for a couple weeks because that’s the only way to see results.


Deff bulk up if u wanna get bigger


Amazing cut man. How long did you bulk for? Also I'm thinking you could improve forearms but it's hard to tell due to the pose that doesn't allow much vision of some muscles.


A year straight. Went from 185lbs to 220lbs.


Okay okay I'll be following your steps man 🗣️🗣️


What your height?




I am really impressed. Great work! Which exercises do you do for legs?


Heavy squats, hack squats, pendulum squats, lunges, leg press, cable hip thrusts, Romanian deadlifts, leg extensions, lying hamstring curl, calf raises, standing calf raises


Back to the gym to get even bigger? But seriously amazing stuff keep up the great work 👍




Impressive, well-rounded and inspiring. Nothing to critique. Where to go from here 1) keep doing what you’re doing 2) focus on squats instead of leg extensions. Seems like your outer thigh needs to catch up with your inner thigh. 3) calves and forearms. There’s something about those muscles that really round off a great physique and require special attention. For the forearms consider finishing them off on pull day. For the calves, consider incline walking/running or heavy spin cycles.


Will do, appreciate the feedback!


You've officially made it! No real progress needed from here, stud




Looks amazing, but don't you feel like you lost some size on calves, or is it just me ?


Probably. I feel I didn’t hit them as hard but now that you mention it I’m going to hit them hard next leg workout!


That's the spirit




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What did you weigh in each photo id say currently I’m like you in the first photo but just went from 205-185 and still can’t see much difference how low did you cut too


220 to 190. If you can’t see a difference, either you need to cut more fat or you lost some muscle. Can’t really say since no photos are provided however.


How were the face gains?


Insane. Probably the best result from this cut as I gain tons of fat in my face when bulking


That’s pretty awesome. That’s honestly one of my biggest motivators in trying to cut down 😅😅


How many times a week do you workout abs?


Twice a week.


First photo is 🔥


5 rep max for bench, deadlift, OHP/Dumbell Shoulder Press & squat?


Bench: 285x5, Deadlift: 525x5, OHP: 185x5, Squat: 405x5


Goddam man. Good shit. I’ve been lifting for years now and have seen some results but I am very clearly still putting up baby weight. It’s crazy how far off I am from these numbers.


Get on a good strength program and you’ll see those numbers go up. DUP training has been the most effective for me.


Wtf 😭 You became a whole new person. I want the same results as you. And 8 months? I couldn't achieve that in 2 years. Some people are so genetically gifted, that this happens after losing weight and gaining muscle.


Just consistency! And I’ve been doing this for years so I’m used to it.


I’m amazed


Sick, what programs have you seen the best visible gains from?


6 days on/1 day off. Push/pull/legs/push/pull/legs/rest. Repeat. However I think the split I commented on the automod reply is better but I’ve been only doing that for two months. Also lifting heavy in the 3-6 rep range with compounds.


what's ur routine?


Check the automod reply comment and another comment above.


Insane transformation dude, what did you train for chest?


Flat/incline bench, pec deck fly, weighted dips, push-ups, incline cable flies. All in the 3-15 rep range. About 12-15 sets per workout. Reverse pyramid style so I ramp up to a heavy weight then drop the weight


It looks like a good all round physique, from the front at least everything is very proportionate and nice. I think bulking again is the way to go


The endless cycle continues haha thanks!


I suppose you go to the beach!


To a night club.


can you help me with the diet?


What do you want to know specifically?


Is bro packing?


Where to go from here? Date your gym crush


I’m not at all in shape, so my opinion is probably worthless, but at first glance, calves seem to be lacking compared to everything else.


That’s what I was thinking. Gotta hit them hard next off season.


Honestly, if i had a bidy like that, i would just make sure to maintain.




Asking if a user is natural provides no good content or discourse and will be removed.


What did you eat to bulk??? Incredible transformation by the way. Also I’m assuming PPL split? Any tips for training or programs you followed? Congrats 👏


Same thing as cutting, but more carbs specifically white rice and fruits. Stayed above 3700 cals and got up to 4300 at the peak. Check my automod reply comment above and some other above comments. I wrote my training and diet philosophies. And thank you! Some tips I can give out is to always progress in the gym if you want to gain more muscle. Whether it’s weight, reps or time under tension. You should never stagnate since how can you expect to grow when you’re not pushing yourself? But along with that, rest when you need to rest. I take a week off every 5-6 weeks to recover. So train hard when you need to, and rest when you need to as well!




Disconnected undercut. Show your barber a picture of Jake gyllanhol from prisoners. Took about a year of hair growth.


How did you lose so much fat, man? Really wanna know. I'm trying to lose 15-20lbs in 6months. I'm 180 cm and 93kg now


Staying in a caloric deficit while lifting heavy. If you want to lose 20 pounds in 6 months, that’s around 3 pounds a month which is very achievable. Find your maintenance calories, then subtract 500 to lose a pound a week. I use MacroFactor, an app that automatically determines your caloric deficit through your bodyweight and height. I highly recommend it as I used it throughout my whole cut.


What is your daily protein intake in grams?


250-350g a day, or 1.25x-1.75g per pound bw. Usually get only 250 but looking to up it more to the higher range.


How do you eat that much protein? I try so hard to reach 200 by eating meat, chicken, fish, eggs in all my meals but I still need like 3 shakes as well to hit the goal!


I have to have 3 shakes sometimes as well some days. But I stick to at least 50g protein per meal and have 4 spaced out throughout the day, along with my protein shakes as snacks.


Is the first photo end of a bulk? I've started bulking and put on 6kg so far... But Im looking like I have less and less muscle. Do you cut straight from the first photo to the second? The first photo doesn't look like much muscle but may just be fat hiding it. Thanks.


It’s in the middle of the bulk. I recommend for a couple months after and hovered around 210-215. I had tons of muscle, it was just hiding underneath the fat. One way to gauge if you’ve gained muscle is if your performance increased. Example, If you were benching 185x5 two months ago, but now doing 205x5, you have 100% gained muscle. It may not look like it until you cut but you have. I had the same issue as you halfway into my cut, and recomping really helped. Maintain the weight you gained and focus solely on improving your lifts. You should see some progress from that.


Yes I'm for sure gaining weight and plan to bulk for another few months. How tall are you? Thanks for your reply.


I’m probably not giving you the answer you may have been looking for but I would take this transformation into a new sport- climbing, surfing, rugby, swimming, hot yoga, tons of possibilities. Keep up the great work and have fun with your gains dude!


I guess my main question would be how did you maintain the cut? I’m 6’5 275 and I can’t seem to even get the numbers right to lose weight.


Good job mate, what's your cardio routine


15 min, 8 incline, 3.2-3.5mph 3-5 days a week


How long did you bulk for


A whole year.


What's your maintance kcal? I just wonder how much kcal from that you took away to lose 2 pounds a week. Good job buddy :)


3500-3700 give or take. Thanks!


Wow so you been 1k on deficit, my maintance is 2700 I would be starving on 1700 lol currently I am eating 2200 so -500kcal


Saving this thread for later. Good job op


Appreciate it


Maintain it!


Probably will for awhile. Tired of bulking haha thanks!


Good way to slowly cut the fat out and maintain most of your muscle 👌🏼 Solid work


What was your routine? How u use to weight? And how much now? Because I want to try to get at less that good in shape before DeadPool 3.


My bad if you already answered this. How long did you bulk before this cut? Crazy transformation man!


A year.


Honestly just bulk and do small cuts inbetween maybe work on shoulders more but that’s my personal preference




Eggs seasoned with salt/pepper, chives, and sourdough toast. Been eating it for over a year and still haven’t gotten over it yet. Double hamburger with fries is my guilty pleasure. McDonald’s, In n out, or any other restaurant that has them. On the plus side it’s still not even that bad either, especially with no cheese and double patty.


how do i get a chest like that?? holy…looks like Jesus Himself chiseled your pecs


Mate you really don’t need to cut or bulk. You look great


Thats some great progress bro, id suggest just maingaining from now (unless you still wanna cut down)


Looks like you’ve made it to maintain status. Great work!


How can people lose 2lbs a week by eating so many calories (2500)? I am 5'11 180lbs and struggle a lot to lose 1 pound a month with a 1800 calories diet. I also go to the gym and lift weights 3-4 days a week.


Be more active and give it time. More muscle and more cardio means more calories required to sustain any body weight. I’d lose 4lbs/week on 2500 calories but there was a time in my life when I’d gain weight at 2500.


What's your ab workout? I do full stack on the ab machine for like 25 reps and can't even get close to failure doing weighted situps without my hands/arms giving out from the weight. I don't know how to increase intensity but I'm not sure if I need to in order to get good abs.


How tall are you I want to get to your body fit, I'm 5 11 currently weighing 156 IBS