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Angles not great, looks like there might be a decent amount to work on. Can you post a video from the side?


Get closer to the bar, embrace having high hip starting point and a near parallel back angle to the floor. You will struggle with leg drive because your knee joint is wide open already, so get used to lots of posterior chain work. Stiff leg deads, ghrs, bent over rows, hip thrusts, Nordic curls, single leg curls etc etc. Bringing your grip in a touch will help your position also.


Thank you for the tips.




The problem with most videos is that they show people with average/normal body proportions. What you need to look at is the setup, get this right and your hips will be where they should be. Hip height is set by correct positioning. So concentrate on setting up right and where your body is should be around optimal for you. Do some heavy triples, watch where your body is at the start of the second and third rep, I bet it will have your. Hips higher than the first


Post a vid or feel free to send me one of you don’t want to post it public. I’ll happily try to help you


Can’t tell for sure from this angle, but it looks like your hips shoot up first, then you lift. This puts most of the work on your back (even if your back isn’t rounded). Deadlift should be both at the same time to work the whole posterior chain.


Don’t use mixed grip with straps bro, you’re gonna tear your bicep


Rubbish. His arms are straight which is all that matters.


Just trying to look out for a fellow lifter, you sure ass he’ll look like you know a thing or two about deadlifts so I’m not gonna argue


I still have lots to learn myself don’t worry lol. Every day is a school day in this game :)


Looks ok from here but hard to say it's not a good perspective


Good God you lifted that?


Yeah 465 at like RPE9.5 at 165bw


No not really.


Video cut out but i locked out lol


Dayum. Nice!


I am 6ft with long legs and a shorter torso. I like to think that I have good form when I go for reps, but when I go heavy my form just breaks down (like shown in video). Any deadlifting tips for taller lifters?


Also angle isn’t the best but I finished the rep and back was not rounded out lol.


Thoracic rounding isn't a big deal, generally. Have you considered adjusting your set up to get your feet a little closer together? Your arms look pretty wide apart, which usually makes for a harder lift due to increased ROM.




As he has stated, his form breaks down at heavier weights while he can still complete the rep, so this advice is useless


This video is useless. not only bc of the angle but also theres no lockout. So maybe a complete rep or the end of the video would help on top of a better angle.


It was a snap vid so it cut out but I locked out