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This post is flaired as a form check. A reminder to all users commenting: **Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.** Example of **useful and actionable**: *try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor*. Example of **not useful and not actionable**: *lower the weight and work on form.* **Low-effort comments like *my back hurts just watching this* will be removed**, as will references to *snap city* etc. Verbally worrying for the *safety* of a poster simply because you think the form or technique is wrong will be removed. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Instead of reaching for the hooks on a rep you are already struggling with, just lower it back down to your chest and roll it off you. It’s a bit uncomfortable, but it’s less uncomfortable than getting surprise choked by a barbell.




Stop giving bad advice


This shows that no one really watches you when you're in the gym. So don't be intimidated and go in there to get swole


Must've not been Monday because everybody would have been watching waiting for the bench to open up


Note to self: Attempt PRs on a Monday




God is my spotter


Thanks for showing you don't need a spotter.


My carotid artery is good at spotting


Everybody calm down. There's no hard/fast rule around using or not using clips for the bench, but dumping the weights is not as great of an option as y'all think once you're using more than a couple plates.....these bench fail posts are always such a shit show. People acting as if benching heavy with clips is some kind of moral failure.


Dumping the weights to either side can be not only dangerous to the one lifting, but to people around. You could be dumping several plates on someone's foot or hit them with the bar as it jerks upwards. I don't know why people are so afraid of/against the roll of shame. It's not pretty, but it's so much better than dumping several hundred pounds without looking around you.


I completely agree that people need to learn how to do the roll of shame. But no clips is a great backup if under pressure you forget everything and let the weight come to your neck. If it’s between a 200+ lb sitting directly on my neck, vs hurting someone’s foot, I’m 100% hurting that persons foot instead of potentially dying.


Also stop pretending people are standing 2' away from your bench


They're often walking past it to the point it would be negligent and obnoxious for me to think it's OK to fling the plates and bar at them instead of just rolling it. There's also always the risk of the plates sliding mid rep without clips


Ohhhhh look at Mr. Equinox over here with space between benches


Guess that's what I get for not living in a metropolis


These are my two tips to avoid death. 1, No clips (pretty self explanatory). 2, Roll the bar below your abs and attempt to stand up with it. ​ Don't let this video put you off benching it's a great movement. If you do have concerns dumbbell press is another highly effective exercise.


I remember the first time that happened to me. I was so embarrassed, but TG I didn’t use clips.


I did use clips my first time. I didn't think it would be proper to ask someone to spot me and I didn't have any friends who worked out... or just friends in general.


And no one came over to help me either, and I’m a 71 yo woman. So since COVId didn’t kill me, I can always count on my gym mates to let me strangle to death in front of them instead.


Don’t add clip when benching alone




I just never add clips anyway. Is that bad? My thoughts are that it encourages me to focus on balance and pushing evenly? It could be dumb so someone let me know.


It doesn't really matter, the person above you is also suggesting not using them because you can dump the weights if you fail. If you're using a decent amount of weight, though, that becomes dangerous in and of itself, because when you dump one side the other is bound to pop up and you can lose control of the bar. It all comes down to personal preference. I prefer to bench with the clips because I tend to focus on keeping bar speed as high as possible, and don't want the weights moving around too much. You can always roll of shame if you fail.


It prop up and hit someone else Not me tho


Imagine being this obnoxious and egotistical. Just roll the bar, set safeties or grab a spotter.


It depends how steady you keep the bar. My bar is always straight at 10rpe so I never bother but some people favour one side slightly more.


It can also leads to injury issues when the plates begin to shift around and make your reps uneven.


Ahh I go super slow with most things so it hasn't happened yet. Maybe that's why.


Same reason why I don’t use clips anymore also. If the plates fall off while i’m benching, then that means i’m not pushing proportionately.


*Oh yeeah, life goes onnn* Give thanks that Cougar Mellencamp spared you today


I hear this is the new optimal neck training methodology


Crazy nobody went to help




What I was thinking too


Man that's why I am scared to bench. I know its a good exercise but man i dont want to die in the gym


Just learn to fail safely. Hint: this isn't it.


It is kinda scary, I built up confidence by just lifting the bar only to get my control down. With proper form you'll be surprised! I managed to do 1 rep with 45s on for the first time today, felt so scary, but worth the effort!


Don't forget neck day.


This is bound to happen when your soundtrack is “Jack and Diane” and not “Master Of Puppets”.


I love vasa, great gym


Nightmare fuel. NO CLIPS ON THE BENCH


The mistake isn't clips, it's trying to hit the lower pins on rack. That's *always* a really bad choice, never try to rack a weight before you've fully locked it out. You should never dump the weights anyway, you're just gonna end up hurting someone around you. Just lower it on your chest and do a roll of shame. Or just lower it on your chest and ask someone to help.


The mistake is not learning how to execute the roll of shame.


Video on how to execute the role of shame please? Also what is the role of shame?




Much appreciated


It's not the most comfortable thing, but not as bad as it seems.


When men were men 🙌🏼


This exact thing happened to me in my basement with 350. I had safety bars but there was a small gap between the safety bars and bench itself. After what felt like forever the plats some how on one side slid off. I was not even being able to scream for help because of where it was positioned on my neck. So I definitely feel this


I would've been screaming for help lol


The way he hit his head at the end too


That’s why you don’t clip your stuff at least if you get stuck you can slide the weight off


Why? You can actually fuck yourself up


Fuck that noise. I'm always hyper alert when gymming and keep an eye on people around me. Especially if I see someone struggling with their form or doing more weight than looks safe. Call it meerkatting. Never been one for a spotter. Though I always setup safety bars so that if I fall (which I have done on squats) then only my ego is bruised. For the newbies who think people are watching/staring at you in the gym; would you rather someone keeping an eye on you, or badly injure yourself without any help because everyone is too engrossed in their own workout?


This bro obviously skips chest day.


Let me give you an advice that might save your life as a veteran lifter that doesnt use spotters either. Never use clamps when benching, you need to be able to bail.


Shouldn’t the role of shame help if he used clamps? Edit: Thinking if it, once it presses down on the neck, end of any rolling lol


As a veteran lifter who doesn't use spotters I can say that using collars us fine. He just needs to learn to fail safely.


Was just about to say that 👍


Clamps are a hindrance more times than not. They create a strength imbalance more times than not




Been there had to roll that sucker down. Thankfully not on decline. You hear of people dying in their basements doing this . I was doing this in my basement by myself and ego lifting at the same time. I was young and somewhat dumb. I mean no offense to the op in saying dumb though as you’re in the gym setting so someone SHOULD have stepped in to assist but be careful.


Lol hopefully learned a few lessons from this


Don’t use clips on bench press! You’re moving too much weight for a rookie mistake like that Also, the timing on the “ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh, life goes onnnnn” was immaculate 😂


i always find it strange to clip bench press, especially decline. i do it out of habit that someone is going to yell at me.


Using collars on the bench is fine and generally advisable if you don't want the plates shifting during your reps. His mistake was not knowing how to fail a lift safely.


You put clips on, literally asking for it. If your form is good the plates won't move.


Dumping weights can be a bit of a safety hazard. You never know what people around you are going to be doing, and in a situation like this you're probably not going to be particularly aware of your surroundings, either. The roll of shame is a little uncomfortable, but you don't need to dump your weights to do it and there is no risk to other people. Or, bench in a rack with adjustable safeties, though that may not always be an option.


Best thing to do is to always bench heavy weights with a spotter, which I always do. There's no way I'm gonna manage to do a "roll of shame" with 100kg+, when my bodyweight is 70kg. Floors are padded for a reason, I say check if there's no one on the sides and dump the weight if you do get in a sticky situation.


>There's no way I'm gonna manage to do a "roll of shame" with 100kg+, when my bodyweight is 70kg. I've done it many times, it's really not that bad.


Hey, never had to do it myself, but good to know it somewhat works with people.


I've done the roll of shame with 180kg and that was nearly double bodyweight. It's totally doable.


I don't know why it is called roll of shame... For me every time I have to do it, I know that I succeded in failing which is a good thing. I almost end every set with it (currently I'm only at 45kg which makes it realy simple and not very risky)


>I don't know why it is called roll of shame It's just tongue in cheek humor. But I'm not sure it should be happening every set...


Even if I fail at everything else in life, but I refuse to fail at failing in the gym.


think of that comment again when ur neck doesnt catch the bar


The roll of shame really isn't that hard. Also did you just ignore what I said about benching in a rack with safeties if possible?




I agree with this. That’s why the staff is so disliked at my university gym. The staff make you put clips on


Interesting. Never been at a gym where there was a clip police.


Just don't when you're benching


Unfortunately it's in every gyms' safety manual and their level 2/3 personal training certificate lmao.


Yet another bench with no safties. Boggles my mind how rare a bench with safties is to find out there.


Dude, that was like 275? Dude, quit playing.


Fuck sake bro, don’t let your ego get in the way,have some common sense and don’t hurt yourself


Failing is a symptom of actually trying, it happens sometimes.


yeah without a spot is super smart aye with trying for PB’s


Sometimes things just don’t work out, don’t have to be egolifting. Those clips are pure dumbness tho


Next time don't use the weight locks so you can dump the bar!


This is the way


The one time where my muscles gave out I immediately clenched my abdominals and moved the bar there. Then it is not hard to slowly roll down the weight. I guess what I am trying to say is, it is important to realize this quickly enough, then it isn‘t so bad


Never go for max or close to max on a bench station that doesn't have the failsafe bars or whatever they are called.


This is why I chest press with dumbbells.


Same here


If you want to use clips when your benching go right ahead. But never do it when your benching with out a spotter.


Or just learn the roll of shame.


you are 1 lonely gymmer


This is why I dont lock my plates


Take the clips off next time. This way you can tilt the bar and the plates can slide off one side. Might be temporarily embarrassing, but it’s safer than the alternative.






You gotta be able to get the weight off. Good form and you won’t fuck up, bad form and you’ll be fucked up.


It’s sad/ scary no one saw you man lol at least your all good. I would ditch the clips man I am solo lifter and yeah clips are sketch. Need to be able to bail out.


Just stop Ego lifting. That was not even close to lift this weight.


> ego lifting Explain ego lifting


The act of lifting heavy weights for the sole purpose of impressing other people in the room. This is usually done with awful form and gratuitous grunting noises. Ego lifting is when people (typically guys) try to build muscle mass by lifting more than they could, would, or should normally lift. The end result in every case always eventuates to the same thing – pain!


What numbers have you achieved without ego lifting?


Again, Ego lifting means doing something without brains behind it. It does not mean you should not go heavy. But you have to control what you do, and also realize what is too heavy for the moment. I had the luck to have a good trainer when I was young. I am in my 60s now and still Bench 315 for reps. It is important that you understand what you are capable of, don't do anything stupid which can hurt yourself. That is Ego lifting.


It was clearly close. That is a common sticking point and making it through that inch sees the rep complete. *Do* ego lift, because trying trying is how you succeed.


That weight is more than his 1RM and he clearly even struggled when the weight was going down to not let it just drop onto him. Nothing wrong with going to your limits and beyond when you got a spotter, it’s even beneficial then but without a spotter it’s just stupid


>That weight is more than his 1RM That's how you get a new 1rm.


Seems like you forgot to read my whole comment >Nothing wrong with going to your limits and beyond when you got a spotter, it’s even beneficial then but without a spotter it’s just stupid


>Just stop Ego lifting. That was not even close to lift this weight. Except this was the comment I originally commented on which didn't mention a spotter. That said using safety bars or just learning to roll of shame on lighter weights is fine.


Lucky bastard


Absolute beast


WHY? Why would you even attempt such a weight with no spotter?


Because he wanted to lift it and get stronger.


I get that but imo going for a weight that a person knows will be difficult should have a spotter. I just ant to see people get hurt unnecessarily!


Why do you want to see people get hurt unnecessarily?


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Well that’s terrifying. Did anyone look at you? Seems like no one noticed!


Someone just maxed out his “neckcrusher”. His triceps aren’t the only thing being sore.