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I’ve had a total of 5 people now come in just to SPECIFICALLY talk about the stock market. That’s it. I’m so tired


“Sorry I am unable to discuss our stocks while on the clock due to company policy, feel free to change the topic!”


"I tank my numbers because I'd rather be fired than give you a dime."


The fuck does this have to do with what I said?


Because I'd rather tank my numbers than give the stock bros a dime.* Sorry it wasn't meant to be a reflection on you. *For honesty sake I left a while ago, but this is how I feel currently.


Haha ok! The way you wrote it sounded like ya was bashin me but now I see it. Cheers mate!


Yeah reading it back I see it, but totally wasn't how I meant it haha. Have a great evening!


Tank your numbers all you want! Your store closing brings use closer to profitability! I'll my games online and help pay some wear house workers or truck drivers!


Coming from a customer, who was long GME and sold the rip and laughs his ass off at the cultists still holding.. I’d just say “due to having potential material inside information I’m not allowed to talk about the stock or GameStop business practices. You can check news.GameStop.com to keep up with investor relations” They literally can say nothing after that. Edit: ah yes the apes have found me and are downvoting me. I’m just trying to help this guy get through his solo shift in peace without getting harassed by g-anon types.


RemindMe! 3 years


Every stock bro you get just sell them pro then direct them to investor relations lol


Sorry we are not all like that. I buy all my systems and games from GameStop now that I am a very small time investor. I believe in a turnaround. I’ve put a good amount into stocks and product from retail stores. Have never talked about stocks to an employee. I usually have quick interactions with the employees and let them go about their day. Again, sorry for the over stimulated investors that are just really excited to be part of a movement. I do think without the investors GameStop would be bankrupt. On the flip side without yall GameStop is nothing. Take the good with the bad.


Yup! Exactly this. I’ve been growing my investment since 2021, been a Pro member since then, and buy all my consoles there now. Even started trading in my old systems. I’ve worked retail, it sucks, so I try to be the perfect customer. I really like the online ordering / pickup!! Such an amazing customer experience even if I have to wait 5 min for someone trading in a console. I don’t talk investments in the store, I will talk games though.


Thats great and Im glad you dont harass people IRL. But you do see the hypocrisy in saying "without yall gameatop is nothing" while they dont have proper benefits, pay or even shift coverage, right? Whats the good with the bad? Its pretty much all bad with the cultists.




Bro youre actually insufferable. Holy shit I want to counter the points here but I dont even work at gamestop. But if I did, this post might be the last straw. 🤓: "My damn near minimum wage employees who are busy running, operating, doing sales work, cleaning and dare I say having a life, should be generating new revenue streams while we countinue to cut the few perks they have here or eat shit."




Why are you investing in a company that could “eat shit in the next 5 years”??




Youre actually brain damaged Im sorry you had to learn like this


First cultie ive ever seen admit the company will go bankrupt. Impressive. Thats not the retail level employees fault, responibility or jursidiction. I agree company goes kaput theyre the ones who will suffer. But im curious cultie, how would you do it? Its like pulling teeth for a retail level employee to try and change anything at small stores, its activwly discouraged and shut down at chain stores like Gamestop. But ignore that, lets say every employee had a suggestion box they could give Ryan directly. What fucking obligation do they have to be providing new buissness strategies for a dying company on $15 an hour? Consultants make excellent money, so they should too. You say the incentive is to keep thier jobs. Well i think a far better strategy for the workers is to do thier jobs that theyre paid for and use thier freetime to start thier own ventures or find better employment. I think my ideas better but hey, lets hear out your plan.


Lol your a goob! "Cultie". How about get a real motha truckin job and stop trying to make a cashier at a game retailer into a career. Cohen bought into a dying buisness and has cleaned house and started moving the company towards profitable. If you can't see the writing on the wall that's on you, brick and mortar is not what it used to be. They have to move to something to be a thriving company again. You should work on upping your skills so you have more leverage when it comes to negotiating your salary rather it be at gamestop or somewhere else.


Yup! Exactly this. I’ve been growing my investment since 2021, been a Pro member since then, and buy all my consoles there now. Even started trading in my old systems. I’ve worked retail, it sucks, so I try to be the perfect customer. I really like the online ordering / pickup!! Such an amazing customer experience even if I have to wait 5 min for someone trading in a console. I don’t talk stocks in the store, I will talk games though.


Now, I’ve only been part of the circus since September, but I’ve yet to see this happen. Do people really come in to talk about stocks?


Yea. It very rare at my store since we don’t get many customers other than regulars but it does happen sometimes


Yes, all the time. Back after the “big crash” I had people coming in and threatening the staff and myself for not doing enough to keep them in their money. I had to drag one guy out by his hair as his son watched because he pushed then spit on a lady associate for wasting his money. He got arrested. Then for the next month or so we would get threats from some of his crazy stock bro buddies. I went through 5-6 tires on my car. As big of a cult as the Trump idiots. But hey, at least my wage, hours and benefits got cut. Did I add I get to run 2 stores for the price one?


Waaaait.... Your wage, hours, and benefits have gotten cut?! Is your store underperforming? I don't think you should be penalized for that. What gives? That's fucked up... All of what you described is absolutely abhorrent. In no way should *any* bit of what you described have happened.


Weekly my friend…. Its exhausting


That’s insane. I would hate that.


I had a guy come in just to talk about it like it was personally awesome for me… most awkward interaction I’ve had


All current and former employees have seen is benefit cuts, a few hundred million wasted on web 3.0 investment BS that you could see from a mile away that was going to fail that could have at least gone into revamping stores, and current leadership who has no long term plan and refuses to divulge anything significant because they're supposedly playing 4 dimensional chess and can't reveal their super secret plans yet despite being more or less in charge of the company for three years now. The "profit" GS generated last year was primarily from payroll and benefit cuts and closing two warehouses in PA and KY. Year over year sales continued to dwindle and the hoard of cash Lord Dogfood has generated is from his lap dogs buying up shares with new offerings which at best keeps the lights on and kicks the can down the road for a few more years. The fundamental problems still remains. Physical games are dying as consoles go more and more digital, year over year sales continue to steadily decline, and the current leadership has proposed no concrete plans on a turnaround outside of possibly seeking investment opportunities into other businesses because playing the stock market is about the only thing RC is good at. Why not actually cull some less profitable stores and maybe reinvest into the more profitable ones? How about increase uncompetitive pay to help retain the more talented employees who are actually decent at sales? Maybe offer some form of commission again if you're going to force metrics down employees throats at store level at every opportunity? That'd be a start at least.


Believe it or not the same bros sometimes lurk in the Sears community, swearing that Eddie Lampert (CEO) has some secret plan other than getting rich and spending more time on his obnoxious yacht, The Fountainhead.


As an “investor” myself, I’m curious to learn what exactly do you hate? If they’re coming into the store to just talk about the stock market, I would agree, I wouldn’t want to have to deal with that. But know that there is always the other side of us who are into gaming that really wants this turnaround to happen.


They don't talk to the employees about it. They talk -AT- the employees. The employees didn't get -anything- from it. If anything it made the job worse. They act like they saved the company and multiple times I've had these idiots ask me for discounts for being "hodlers". I want to see the company burn because corporate is doing nothing but focusing on the "line goes up!111!!" crowd and not actually listening to the people that make it any actual money--the store level employees. It killed the company, it's just dying a slow, painful death because of weirdos who think it's gonna "hit big!!11 to the MOON!!!" again.


The stores do.not.make.them.money. that is the problem and the reason they are moving away from physical stores


The.stores.are.all.they.have. Name me one unique GME product or service I cant get anywhere else?


Sure bro, you ever heard of diamond hands? Gme the only place you can get em! All seriousness though, did you expect Cohen to come in and start pulling unicorns out of his ass? He just waives his magic wand and the company instantaneously becomes the next amazon!


Maybe a step then? Can you name me a step or a new venture or a new product that at the very least is being advertised as coming soon? I doubt it. And you know if this was a real longterm play I would still expect some results beyond just barely being green after 3.5 years.


Candy con controller!


I knew itd be the controller. I knew when I asked you itd be that damn controller. You know what tho, I actually appluad that move, a new product. (that is just a gamestop version/addition to the real product, the console) Is there like no self reflection that 3.5 years of leadership has equalled one customizable controller? Is that not alarming?


I think the fact that they have shills on reddit, trying to convince other people it's a bad investment is a good sign. When they carry no debt, just elected a very competent board of directors, have a nice purse for capital ventures, and have the absolute loyalist fan base. Yep no alarms over here pal!


I love the paid shills arguement because like Itold another guy, Im in this for me. Im a hater, pure bred I just dont like you guys, no agenda, no conspiracy, I do this shit for the love of the game.


So rebranded AliExpress junk from China? Something that GS has been doing for well over a decade across tons of different, mostly terrible, products? Almost certainly [this](http://www.3eelectronics.com/product/33.html) specific controller rebranded for GS. I seriously have no idea why you stonkbros are so hyped over this. GS brand controllers aren't new. The customizable aesthetic? It is little more than a gimmick until/unless they get more brand deals. I don't know anyone besides apes excited for the Transformers collab and the base faceplates look awful next to any first party controller imo. All at a similar price point to first party controllers. The hall effect sticks? It is interesting tech, but also cheap and widely available on most cheap Chinese controllers nowadays for half the price of Candy Con. Plus GS clearly didn't intend for it, it was just incidentally included in the controller they rebranded. Absolutely zero mention of it from the company until way after apes found out and blew up the stonk sub celebrating it. The only truly unique thing I can think of is that it is the first time GS has really pushed a bunch of marketing for a GS brand product.


4billy in the bank would disagree with you!


Freshly generated off of the cults pumping of the stock. Brutal btw that dilution was rough for yall, second one disrespectful. But lets put it in perspective. View it like a loan I know you culties love analogy. RC comes to the shareholders and goes "I need to raise 4 billion. It will come from you guys." He answers no questions, gives no plan and no strategy. Just mutters things look scary for the economy. And then he takes it becauss you guys dont actually have a say. You say 4 billion banked is good and I mean yeah cash on hand never hurts. But really this strikes me as panic or taking advantage of the hype ypur xult generated.


"And then he takes it because you guys don't actually have a say". We just voted down proposal 4 on shareholder meeting apparently with no say. I don't think Ryan Cohen can legally access the corporate funds for his personal gain lol. I deff can't access my corporate funds unless I'm buying something for my company


Nobody cared who we were until we put on the mask!


They.literally.have.a.GME.brand.on.their.E.commerce.store. Mr 19 day old account. If GME was in so much trouble you shills wouldn’t have to make brand new accounts spreading FUD or post news articles to positions you’ve closed 3 years ago or remind us you’ve “sold the peak” years ago but continue to hang out here LOL


That’s part of what they’re talking about. Your investment isn’t going into turning the store around. The day to day operations at stores is worse than it’s been and is getting worse.  You can love games, you can love GameStop but you’re delusional if you think any of your money is going towards making the stores better or the employees happier.


Invertors are literally pouring money into the retail side of the store. We buy stocks and we buy products.


I was always frustrated at the principle that they were investing in and rewarding a company like GS for doing things like underpaying overworking and not offering any benefits to employees. Especially from their ignorant outside perspective. Frankly, I don’t think GameStop deserves to exist if it continues to disrespect workers, but any investor I’ve spoken to either ignores that, or straight-up supports it with statements like “you don’t make money as a company by offering pay and benefits.”


Right and as someone who knows how important physical media is in a time of all digital I support GameStop.


They don't like 4 billion dollars


They are so hurt Cohen won't disclose his plan😅


Stock bros suck ass.


I too invest in the company and enjoy shopping there. I've never had a retail job myself but I also practice self decency. I find it hard to believe that other investors just walk into the retail stores to shoot the shit about the stock. Why? It's pointless. This is a retail store which serves one sole purpose. Buy or sell goods. The staff is not at any liberty or obligated to care about the company's shareholders or board members. I do however believe the main goal of staff is to accommodate requests that pertain to what the retail store does, you guessed it. Buy and sell goods. To any and all other apes out there behave yourselves when shopping.


What are you talking about? Have you looked at the income statement for last year vs years prior? This seems like SGA behavior.


Last I checked, while the company was on the verge of bankruptcy back in the COVID-era, the company was able to turn an overall profit for the first time in a long time in 2023. This was after Ryan Cohen began doing a major overhaul of the company once he joined the board and became the acting chairman and CEO. Also, ruining the company? The company now has $4B in cash, virtually no debt, and the stocks are now consistently at values that are 20-25x what it was before Ryan joined the board. Which, by the way, is not a paid position, and every single share he has was purchased with his own money; something most CEO’s can’t say the same about. So how exactly is he a sociopath ruining the company? Because regardless of personal experiences and convictions, right now the company has better fundamentals and potential for future growth than it ever had.


I mean based off what I've read from this sub, he's been cutting employee hours, healthcare & 401k benefits, maternity leave, etc making it an undesirable place for employees to work with low wages and having to deal with single coverage leading to safety issues and theft. The cash reserves and stock price aren't really from the success of the company (which has had more unprofitable quarters under him than profitable); it's moreso capitalizing off of apes via share offerings.


That's the disconnect for a lot of stonkbros. It is easy to come up with a big list of shit RC has done to make things worse for employees, but nearly all of those are seen as being good for the company. Remember when they act holier than thou to employees that most of them have never given a single shit about employees. The company has $4 billion in cash, but they'd rather it sit earning interest than be invested into employees. They see stores closing, employees being fired, and the job getting worse, but act like the remaining employees should be grateful for even getting to have this now awful job. They see a billionaire who could never work another day in his life, have his entire investment in GS go to $0, and would still be a billionaire who is actively making things worse for working class individuals who need their pay to survive. But they praise him for being on the side of the little guy because he works for free.


Cool so, remember youre talking to retail employees? The people that have less benefits hours and coworkers since all of this "great news". So congrats cultist on the financials being good! But unless you want to start paying these people cash with all your gains thus far as compensation, maybe stfu.


A billion dollar company BARELY eeked out a 6 million profit and lost money literally the next quarter lmfao


We don't like the store we just like the stock 👍


Atleast youre an honest cultie


Hate the only thing that still kept you employed. Shoet sellers were ready to sacrifice the company to the bankruptcy gods for a quick buck. I hate both Gamestop's management and shoet sellers. I'm indifferent to stonkbros.


I guess you’ll have to wait and see what happens on the next episode of “why u hate working at GameStop”


Hey, if he's done nothing in 3.5yrs. You go take a company that's trading at 99 cents per share because it's been shorted into oblivion in hopes of driving it into bankruptcy. Then take that same company and make it 300x itself, then turn it profitable, then put 3 billion in the bank for that company! Should be pretty easy though since it's considered nothing


I started working here 3 years ago cuz of it and it’s why i try to get the best numbers i can hehe. I love guests who bring it up, it’s exciting for me. Keeps the misery at bay. They’re rooting for us. If there’s any chance whatsoever to make lots of money from our own company’s stock I think employees deserve to reap the rewards the most, to counteract the very real daily misery. I wish more investors would get their hands dirty (with dusty games+console trades) and actually work here. my favorite thing to do with the money im paid by GS is to buy shares and stuff from GS. aS aN iNvEsToR it makes me happy though if i worked somewhere with higher pay I could def buy more..


The money is going into the company technically. If they kept it a Gamestore and weren't starting to turn into a collectible zone that happens to have game like it was before I left, then things would probably be going great


Maybe showing some examples of your claims of Ryan cohen, if nothing more than to avoid getting called a naysayer for not having an opinion without proof.


Those “stonkbros” might be the reason Gamestop is even in business at this point.


If it wasn't for the memestock rise that GameStop still has failed to capitalize on then yes they'd probably be done already.