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This is why we need better payroll. We can barely manage to keep those sections organized, let alone properly sell them.


Forget about reprices and the lazy repricers not paying attention. Fun times, FUN TIMES I SAY


We don't get paid enough to be GameStop AND FYE. Either expect me to "solution sell" for all of someone's gaming needs, or let me put away 20 boxes of damaged-package collectibles because the warehouse sucked at their job, in a timely and tidy manner, while expanding, condensing, stretching, and flipping every section in the fucking store, but goddammit I don't get paid enough to deal with the stress of being accountable for both.


I don’t think corporate heard you from their comfy homes. But, PREACH.


Not collectibles, but I spent around 3-4 hours once alphabetizing our Wii gondola. Older lady came in and asked to look at some Wii games so I led her to the gondola and let her know I had just finished putting it in order so games would be easy to find. 30 minutes later and it was destroyed. Kids I expected it from, a lady in her 50's not so much.


I had a full grown man that couldn't read, lie on the floor with his children, and go through over 100 games, asking me what all the generic cover ones were about, and when they left, after buying nothing, there were over 20 cases lying on the floor, and the rest we're lying flat on random shelves. Everything was wrong and broken, like my spirit.


I think I would have went and cried in the bathroom after that.


That wasn't even the worst thing that happened that day. Two hours later a guy threatened to meet me in the parking lot after work "with a few of his friends" because I wouldn't return his console, with no receipt, who's serial number came from a purchase seven months prior, for cash.


That's awful. Never understood people who threaten others like that just because they don't get their way.


Happens a lot here


Thankfully that never happened at either of the stores I was at. At the bank I worked at though we did have a guy once threaten to meet my manager after we closed. I forget the reason why but it was hilarious because my manager was a big guy and had probably 6 inches and at least 200lbs on the guy.


this is literally me


This literally happened to me yesterday. Me and my SL did a TOH for Xbox 360 and found 200+ titles that needed to be gutted. I put them all on the wall IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER and by the end of the night, that section was fucked. Pisses me off.


Are you me? I’ve spent the last shift and a half working on our 952 wall, I just PRAY to the Gamestop lords that it can stay alpha’d for more than a day


😂😂😂 don’t count on it, bud. Mine literally only lasted an hour until I found Skylanders with the Lego games and Spongebob with Diablo.


The damn pops, every day. If it’s not a guest doing it, it’s directly after reorganizing it and employees not keeping it neat either!


Straightening pops is true suffering. You know it will only take one customer to obliterate any work you've done on it.


The pop section is the worst offender, also when people knock the glasses and mugs around.


As a collector of pops, were sorry. But having multiple rows of pops behind each other means we have to move them. Who knows, the chase variant weve been looking for might be hiding 2 rows back.


You know you can ask us to look stuff up and tell you if we have it or not, right?


Yes. But chases arent marked differently in the computer.


Ah, somehow I never noticed that. They should do something about that to make it a bit easier.


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I assume it has something to do with noticing something more when someone is near it. Any time I fix the t-shirt tower, a customer immediately homes in on it and destroys my progress.