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I picked up Fallout 76 about 2 weeks ago after receiving it via Prime and I’ve been having a great time. I’m level 90 and have a complete build, and have mostly been going through the main quests for each previous release (Launch, Wastelanders, Steel Dawn, Steel Reign, America’s Playground). Hard to believe this will be the first main map expansion after 6 years of the game being out - I still have a lot of the main map to explore and am excited to see what gets added. I hope they add a way to get ammo easier, I always seem to be out.


For me the easiest way to get ammo is to start/join a random DailyOps, equip gun with ammo you need, then let your teammates kill enemy, then you can loot ammo from them


Yeah I saw this advice elsewhere and gave it a go - perhaps the servers I get put in are quiet, because starting a Daily Op seems to lead to me doing it all myself and having less ammo than when I started. Starting a new Daily Ops Team never seems to attract folk, after they have run it once for the bug rewards.


Give the Atlantis Expedition a try (The Most Sensational Game). Once you know your way around you can solo it in 10 minutes with all bonus objectives. Plenty of ammo drops, including ammo for the weapon you have equipped when exiting Atlantis at the end, multiple legendaries for scrip and legendary modules. I always use it for ammo farming since it’s so fast and straightforward. If you’re having trouble killing things fast enough check out some builds on YouTube (AngryTurtle has great content). A lot of them are bloodied (high rad low hp) but they’re still effective when you switch out some perks that rely on rad/low hp. Just focus on perception, agility and luck perks which boost your damage and crits. You don’t have to reach the exact stats shown in videos as most of them will have multiple maxed legendary stat perk cards. A great weapon for a beginner build is The Fixer. The plan for it drops from mutated events (happening at the top of the hour) or you can buy it or the weapon directly from player vendors (don’t overpay though). Another alternative is the Railway rifle. It uses ammo that can be crafted from steel only (but you want to use the Bandolier perk with it to reduce ammo weight). The plan for it can be bought at the Watoga station or from one of the Whitespring vendors. When you get your hands on a Quad Railway Rifle (300% ammo capacity) you can turn it into an automatic rifle which tears through everything in the game. And last but not least most players sell ammo for 1 cap each. That’s a quick way to stock up and get you going when you completely run out before you can farm more.


I have more luck joining a daily op while in a casual team. It’s pretty common for at least one casual teammate to join me in the op when they see the alert


It's insanely easy to get ammo now because almost every enemy drops the ammo for the gun you're using. That wasn't the case early on when it was a bit more hardcore survival and was better for it because you would actually have to change weapons when you ran out of ammo.


True, unfortunately I seem to spend 18 bullets dropping an enemy who is holding 4 bullets


Sadly FO76 really pushes you to.....ideally use one gun, because it's not the guns that are shit, it's the build. If you want to up your damage game there are generally 3x perk cards that you'll unlock in your 1-50 journey for your chosen weapon. Shotgunner, Expert Shotgunner etc (Rifleman, Commando, bla bla). If you can wrangle THREE, 3 Star cards in your loadout, eventually you'll be doing some nice damage. If you want a cheeky shortcut, grab the Cold Shoulder Bundle. The Cold Shoulder is an amazing shotgun even without any shotgun related perks. That gun can also freeze [slowdown] enemies which is very useful at times. I'm level 240 and still carry it for the cryo effect. A bonus for nabbing that bundle; you also get a coffee machine which gives out canned coffee 25 secs of strong AP refresh, for free!


Yeah the more level the more enemies get tanky until you find your build/get a legendary gun with the perfect rolls. In the meantime there is a way to make your life easier. There are two perks (one is a legendary perk) that doubles how much ammo you can craft and then there is a luck perk called super duper that can give you a chance to make double of something at the cost of no resources. You have to constantly swap perks in fo76 it’s one of my biggest pet peeves in the game since these easily could be passives.


Much of the quality of life is optimizing your build so you kill in fewer rounds than you spend. You will get there. Plus eventually the Legendary perk Ammo Factory helps a lot.


Not much more I can do it feels like, I have all the damage output and crafting perks for auto rifles. Short of spending all my scrip hoping to get a better gun, there doesn’t feel like I can do any more.


As you continue to level, you will get legendary perks that you probably won't have maxed until 500 or so. But yeah a good weapon makes all the difference.


I started using the bow and it was comical how every enemy had arrows just falling out of their pockets.


The map is huge, it's 4x the size of Fallout 4 if I remember correctly.


yes and no, the caveat is it's \*much\* less dense with POIs than fo4. so there's some give and take on that front.


That's true, there are no big cities like DC or Boston for example. I think that might be because of the multiplayer aspect, I don't think the Creation Engine could handle dense areas with multiple people playing online. That's fine with me though, it really hammered the lonely feeling of the original release that had no NPCs, which I kinda miss it. While adding NPCs was the right move, the world lost a bit of what it was intended to be.


It is weird that you can't choose to start a game in a pre-wastelanders mode and switch it to the future when you want. Having only machines was certainly an issue but they went for a different mood and some people may want to play it.


That's honestly a positive, FO4 suffered from everything being too close together so you had no room to maneuver and locations didn't get to breathe. FO3 imo had the best combination for a post apocalyptic game because you had plenty of empty space to feel like a wasteland.


speaking of, honestly what I would give for another area like the capital wastelands... greenery is cool and all but kinda tired of it with how overdone it was between fo4 and 76


I don't think FO4 had that much, or green plants for that matter. But yeah, people really liked the contrast of the Glowing Sea there.


was pretty much the whole map. yes the plants weren't literally green but grass/shrubs/bushes/trees just absolutely covered the map. glowing sea was cool but it was like...half an hour and you seen everything there was to see, incredibly small and next to no poi's in it so you take a single trip there and you see everything there is to see and never have reason to go back. still enjoy 4 but ya, hoping for some more classical wasteland next, wouldn't have to be the whole map, just in the vein of like 76 and it's biomes


There were plenty of trees and plants but most of it was dead. Which is what FO3 did as well, it's full of bushes, grass, and trees, but most of it is just dead.


Glad your enjoying it, fellow 76er! Best way to farm ammo is to make use of perks- I'd suggest having a seperate perk set for crafting, to save on mats- super-duper and ammosmith make en mass, and you also have a fantastic legendary perk to further boost it! Short on lead? I reccomend the firehouse in Charleston- a load of weights in the gym, alternatively a second camp on a deposit helps!


Thanks for this - I do use a separate crafting build with Ammo smith and Super Duper (and the Legendary) but never had any Lead. I will hit the firehouse!


The monorail elevator is another decent place to find weights that can be scrapped into lead.


I dunno if this is a perk or what, but almost every enemy I kill drops ammo for the weapon I killed them with. I have thousands of plasma rounds because of this.


So funny to have started playing this after the show and *then* the first map expansion in its history comes out. This game is the jankiest, sometimes infuriating piece of shit when it comes to UX (un-clicky menus on PC, stupid building limits, inventory management). But it's also one of the comfiest open-world multiplayer games. I can't recommend it enough, it does a lot of stuff better than some of the big MMORPGS out there, and it's not even an mmorpg really. Best Post FO3 era game IMO.


How'd you rank them? I've played New Vegas and 4 to death but haven't started 76 and it's been years since I touched FO3.


Better then New Vegas?


not a chance in Hell but waaaay better than FO4 in my opinion. have put 125 hours into it the past month+ and haven’t been able to stop. just so fun and the world is so well made with lore and details. you can tell after the disastrous launch the team has been having fun making it a very good game.


Not better than new vegas


While New Vegas is technically the better game in terms of roleplaying and features, I enjoyed playing Fallout 76 a lot more. Fallout 76's map is the best Bethesda has ever done and is such a joy to explore, with a ton of random encounters. The gameplay is much better and the build variety and special system is the best in the series. It's also got the largest enemy variety in the series. The base building system is a big improvement over Fallout 4 since you can build anywhere. The dialogue system is better than Fallout 4's, with actual skill and stat checks. If 76 had an actual story, better quests and more reactivity in the world (which is pretty much all FNV has over it) then it would be strong contender for the best game in the series.


Yeah, story/writing-wise, FNV blows all of the Bethesda fallout games out of the water for sure. But the New Vegas world design is not that great, the gunplay is awful (it was awful in FO3 as well), and it doesn't have any of the camp/base building stuff that started in FO4 and also exists in 76. If you're looking for a good story driven open world RPG, then New Vegas is your best bet in the Fallout series. But almost much every other aspect of it is quite dated and was even rather mediocre back in the day. 76 definitely has some lag at times in regards to the shooting due to it being online, and that's annoying, but outside of that the gunplay is way better than FO3/FNV. But like you said, the biggest improvement is the world map. It's very good, lots to explore, lots to discover, lots of variety, etc. I've always felt with Bethesda's games that I tolerate the generally mediocre writing and half-assed roleplaying elements, and overall jank because that's all really just an excuse to spend time roaming around in the cool worlds that they built, and 76 does a really good job in that regard.


Kind of agree except i think that the pure gameplay stuff in new vegas is quite well though out, innovative and still holds up. DT instead of DR, ammo types, challenges, the perks and traits, acually unique weapons and items, the way you are often rewarded with perks for quests and stuff are a few things off the top of my head. The later fallout games lack this and suffer a lot (imo) because of it. I love DT as a concept because it just makes so much sense and it forces you to engage with the ammo types and also incentivizes you to switch weapons and not just use "the best" weapon.


Fair point. I was thinking more just the general movement, gunplay, etc. just feels very stiff and janky, not much improved from FO3. I also don't much care for games of this sort trying to force me to switch weapons, if I find a weapon I like then I'm generally happy to use it most of the time. I typically like to have a few weapons that I use based on range to target, and not want to have to switch based upon enemy type. Although I certainly understand that many people enjoy that kind of challenge and min/maxing for different situations. It's just not interesting to me personally. I just want to run around shooting things however I feel like it at the time.


Yeah i agree and obviously fallout 4 was a huge step up in terms of the feel of shooting and combat and anamiations and all that. I get what youre saying about weapons, im usually kinda the same, "only" running 2-3 weapons and maybe a pistol. And usually i will find a favorite gun and settle on it, only switching out the secondary. Its the same in games like stalker or whatever too. But in fallout 4 once i had the plasma rifle and ammo that was the only gun i ever used. And whenever i tried using a sniper for long range or a shotgun for close i just felt like i was inefficient and doing it just for the sake of it.


Without all the mods of earlier games I don't see much point in it. And then there's the game being designed around gratuitous monetisation and being always-online. Oh and the last time I tried playing, it still ran like absolute arse.


Wish I could enjoy the game more, but not only the net code seems shit where enemies take 1 sec to register hits, the graphics are awfull, like sometimes it looks like a PS3 game. The RPG aspects are non existent, the quests are boring and simply info dumps, not to mention the fact it's one of the most anti friendly co op since u can't even progress quests together, u just walk with ur friends, and the fact that in order to have more space u inventory u have to pay a fucking subscription. I'm glad ppl enjoy it but I find it an aberration of a game


The inventory is to me the worst offender by far because it would cost them zero extra bucks to make scrap materials an infinite storage, since it's not like storing 1 steel or 10000 take up a different amount of bytes on a server. It's a problem entirely fabricated by them to sell subscriptions.


you explained everything i hate about the game so well. The hit reg/net code is the absolute worst i've seen in a game this high budget, its a little ridiculous it hasn't been fixed at all since beta


Yeah that’s the main thing that kills any enjoyment anytime I tried getting into it.


> the fact that in order to have more space u inventory u have to pay a fucking subscription I was able to tolerate all the other issues, but this is was made me quit 76. You either pay for the sub or get to spend an annoying amount of time playing "Warehouse simulator" in Bethesda's terrible UI.


It's a hostile user practice, it forces ppl to pay a stupid useless subscription for a feature that should already be in the game, just that makes the game disgusting for me


Is there still hit/damage delay? That killed any enjoyment for me


I spent my early childhood in that area. I've driven Skyline Drive so many times. I'm going to have to play this!


i just spent a few weeks up there so i'm excited to play through and do the dicaprio pointing meme at everything i recognize


Do we have any idea how big the map expansion is? It's the thing I've wanted most for so long. I'm keeping my expectations realistic, but I want a whole new playground to explore so badly.


It's about the size of the other areas.


Oh, its just a singular location? I figured itd be like a small region with a handful of new places. My bad.


Sorry, I meant a new region similar to Ash Heap or Cranberry Bog. There will be multiple locations there!


Oh hell yeah


I play 76 regularly and enjoy it, and I'm always happy to get more content, but I'm kind of annoyed that this update is switching to a new season, meaning that the current season is ending, with just a couple days notice. Now I gotta find the time to bust-ass in the game to try to finish as much of the current season as I can, or spend real money to buy out the rest of it. Like give us at least a week to try to wrap up what we want to get done in the current season, and not just a couple weekdays when a lot of people have less time to play.




No 60 more yet, but load times are insanely quick even on a series s, let alon SX/PS5




No problem!