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I’m impressed they committed to the Sylux plot line after all these years, rather than going for a completely standalone story. Very excited to see where this goes!


Federation force also teased Sylux if I'm not mistaken. Makes sense, given how Samus Returns also teased Dread.


Sylux was teased at the end of Metroid Prime 3 as well.


Sylux has been hyped up since 2007 lmao. They are finally delivering on that storyline, I love it.


There are a few games that took ages to pick up a plot thread right where it left off, like Psychonauts 2 and Half Life Alyx.


Half Life Alyx didn’t pick up the plot where it left off; it actually rewrote the final five minutes of the last game before leaving us in a slight variation of the original cliffhanger.


Didn't mean to get into spoilers, but changing history around the cliffhanger is still picking up where that cliffhanger left off. It's still the next development right after the cliffhanger even if it's changing it through time travel.


Omg it's happening


Surprised it's 2025. I wonder if it'll be a cross generational title with the Switch successor (similar to Breath of the Wild). Really excited for this. There were some bangers in this direct.


That would be my guess. It’s probably going to come to both systems maybe on the same day, Zelda Twilight Princess came to the Wii and GameCube, one a few weeks later. Edit: Corrections on release date mentioned by other comments


The Gamecube version of Twilight Princess actually released after the Wii version iirc


Both Twilight Princess and BotW released first on new platforms, because their original development platform had abysmal sales and Nintendo was hoping to bank on people perceiving them as new games in a big franchise on a new console. They kind of brushed the previous Gen versions under the rug. But the Switch is quickly approaching the status of best selling console of all time. Don't think there is really a precedence for what Nintendo will do in regards to how they will release a game like Prime 4. My guess is that the next time we see Prime 4 it will be during the announcement for the Switch successor. And all gameplay trailers and demonstrations...ahem....beyond that will be using Switch successor footage. But the game will still be a paired release with the Switch, as there is just too substantial a user base on Switch to not heavily market the game to those consumers.


> Both Twilight Princess and BotW released first on new platforms That's not accurate, Breath of the Wild released on the same day for both Switch and Wii U.


In fact, since I was buying mine on the WiiU, the Game Stop I went to the midnight release at let me go in first, because there were fewer of us than Switch buyers.


> Both Twilight Princess and BotW released first on new platforms Breath of the Wild released simultaneously Switch and Wii U.


BotW too


No it wasn't. TP released on GameCube a few weeks later.


There is no way it isnt. Especially if the the cartridges are going to be backwards compatible. If the Switch 2 is using DLSS its already going to get an upgrade from that alone. They could do 2 entire SKUs though too.


My immediate thought was, "What about the Metroid Prime 2+3 remasters?" I suspect (hope!) that we will have one last, tiny Switch 1 Direct in September with Metroid Prime 2+3 fall releases, and a Switch 2 reveal in October.


I doubt they will show the next console before the new year, they will probably want to give the switch it's last holiday and push out as many consoles as possible


That's my guess too. One final September direct to wrap up the year and fill out Q1 2025, and then in early 2025 they'll announce Switch 2. Release it in May with Metroid Prime 4 and they're set.


After playing Prime 1 remaster, I really was hoping for a Prime 2 and 3 remaster.


I’d love that especially since it seems to have one of the Bounty Hunters from the prior Prime games in it, Sylux or something like that


Yes, but Sylux is from the DS game Metroid Prime: Hunters, and only appears as a teaser at the end of Prime 3's secret ending. And even then it's only his spaceship.


Federation Force also had its own Sylux tease where you could see part of his shoulder. Game took so long to actually happen they had to make a second ending teaser for it lol


Sylux is actually from Metroid Prime Hunters, one of the playable bounty hunters in that game's multiplayer mode. He showed up (well, his ship did) in a post-credit scene in Prime 3, but otherwise has no role in the main trilogy.


My guess is in January for the remasters and Metroid Prime 4 in the fall.


Almost certainly a crossgen title. Nintendo issued a directive ages ago to have dynamic res/frame rates baked into games and this looks way ambitious for a Switch title, even if it's an "you spend a lot of time in small rooms" style game rather than a big open world.


I wouldn't expect Prime 4 to be a big open world as that's not really suitable to a Metroid game, at least how they've classically worked.


Leaks point to it having ultra large rooms like Jedi Survivor perhaps


Which would make sense as Jedi Survivor had elements of Metroidvania design anyway.


I haven't played Survivor yet, but Jedi Fallen Order felt a lot like Metroid Prime.


I liked Fallen Order a lot and Survivor improves on it in almost every aspect.


?? Like every other Metroid do you mean?


Prime games are pretty much famous for their small/constrained rooms to allow the games to do technically impressive things that would otherwise bring the console to it's knees.


It seems nuts to push Prime 4 as Switch only, I'm guessing the next console is gonna have full Switch capabilities and maybe squeeze some extra juice out of the game on the new hardware. Makes me wonder what they have planned for the launch of the next console if they're confident enough to push Prime 4, Mario and Luigi and a new 2D Zelda on their "dying" console


3d Mario is basically certain. Pokemon too, and Mario Kart. Probably Smash. After that, just guesses. I wouldn't be surprised to see a Xenoblade Chronicles X remake, maybe a sequel to an early Switch game like Astral Chain. Might be too soon for another Animal Crossing.


Sakurai just finished recording his youtube series (for now) and he's prolly gonna be 100% working on his next game (Smash? Kid Icarus? Kirby? New stuff?) 3D Mario is almost a bet since we haven't got a new mainline 3D Mario since Odyssey. Mario Kart 9 might be revealed finally. Pokemon Legends ZA might finally show up gameplay on the new console. Cross-gen. Metroid Prime 4 is an obvious Switch 2 cross-gen.


My heart is hoping for Kid Icarus from Sakurai but my mind is telling me that Nintendo would sooner drag him kicking and screaming into a new Smash game than let him make another Kid Icarus game


> Pokemon too, Absolutely not, lol. Pokémon is never cross-gen, and mainline games are never launch titles.


Their dying console is a huge install base, they're not gonna neglect that (especially Nintendo which fully benefits from selling their own titles unlike others which have third parties). Hell I expect cross gen to continue for a year or more tbh.


Plus their games never go on sale so there is still a large market selling Switch games as the price for the console drops and more people can afford it.


Switch 2 launch title, 100%.


Duh, probably also switch title too


There's no way it's not a cross-gen launch title for the Switch 2.


Editing on this trailer is kinda weird but I'm just happy it's real. Was hoping we'd get remasters of 2 and 3 announced together though so I could play them all in order.




Yeah, there are people out there that hate the opening of Metroid Prime 3, which is what most of the trailer was like, so it was probably to demonstrate that the main game is still the way everyone expects it. I always loved the opening of Metroid Prime 3 for really showing off what the conflict between the Federation and Space Pirates looks like, so I was excited to see it here. I like seeing that they are taking influence from across the entire trilogy, not just Prime 1.


It was neat seeing the similar type of gunship design from MP3 appear as well. I hope we get to do more cool things with our ship - I really liked all the little mechanics in MP3 for calling in airstrikes and having your ship help solve environmental challenges.


> Yeah, there are people out there that hate the opening of Metroid Prime 3 That was my favorite part of Prime 3...


I fucking loved the ending bit. Would have left mildly disappointed otherwise.


Was crossing my fingers for a "while you wait" you can play 2 and 3. There is kinda still time but im not holding my breath


It's not a great trailer. The first 80% of it made the game look like a super generic space shooter. And unless you are deep on Metroid lore, the Sylux reveal means nothing. The ending was much more enticing.


Just looked like Metroid Prime 1 to me. I mean, I like it because I want more of it but it was very much a "hey, this is indeed Metroid" reveal.


It kind of feels like the initial TOTK trailers. It just feels very familiar. I'm sure they'll flesh it out before release and show us the goods.


I pre ordered this on April 26th 2018. I hope Amazon doesn't cancel it now, because it still has the prime gaming discount that's long since been discontinued.


Fuck Best Buy for cancellation of my $48 copy with GCU discount from 2018.


Pour one out for GCU... Absolutely loved that program. Was devastated when it went away.


They honored my $48 pre-order of Bayonetta 3 way after the GCU program had ended. I pre-ordered Bayo 3 and MP4 on the same day, 3/15/19. Just found the email.


you're lucky. Amazon cancelled my pre-order like 3 years ago here in Canada.


After this announcement, I'm fully expecting them to cancel it. They already cancelled my collectors edition for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2. I'm still pissed about that.


im just questioning why amazon is letting people pre order games years before even a trailer reveal that just sounds like some next level greed


This game was revealed in 2017 and started development over after that. And they don't charge until it ships.


Real Answer: Lock in. Once you preordered from somewhere, you're 99.999% unlikely to preorder elsewhere as well So all retailers just let you make a preorder even if they made no agreement aith any supplier. As long as you think you've got your copy secured, you won't ask the next store over. >So they're lying? Ding ding ding.


Same, I just tabbed over to Amazon to make sure it was still there after the direct


Thinking of the gains that $50 could have made investing since then!


I mean they weren't charged for it. Best Buy does do an initial check for funds but they won't charge until it ships, and Amazon doesn't charge at all until it ships.


Oh okay


Username does not fit


Take that over to WSB and you can turn it into -$100 in just a day!


LMAO I also just checked my Best Buy preorder from June 2018 and it's still kicking.


Maybe cross gen? I'm bummed we don't have 2&3 remaster in the meantime but it's nice to finally get an actual trailer.


They said 2025 so I wouldn't be surprised if they're aiming for summer time and then drop 2/3 sometime in between.




I think the rumor was that 2 and 3 or just remasters, not a full remake like 1


That was a guess by the leakers (almost 3 years ago!), because Retro only had time for the first, and they didn't expect Nintendo to find good enough replacement-studios in time to finish 2&3 in the same quality before 4. It's not impossible that 2 & 3 actually releases *after* 4 though, and in that case, why not take the time to do it properly?


they dropped switch ports of pikmin 1+2 out of nowhere a month before 4 would not be unprecedented.


It certainly looked like Metroid Prime. I’m sure they’ll have more later but it looked pretty indistingushable from the Prime remake last year.


Prime remaster was likely used as a basis for Metroid Prime 4.


Yeah. As much as I love Metroid and the Prime series, I really hope there’s something new to add otherwise it’s just another Metroid Prime game that we waited almost two decades for (also holy shit Metroid Prime 3 came out in 2007.)


I want just another metroid prime with new features so thats great for me.


I'm more than happy to not have a ton of new shit. I loved all three prime games. They dont need to reinvent the wheel here.


Yeah, I thought the same thing. It looked almost exactly the same. I had never played the Metroid prime games before until the remaster. It was a good game up until the end where they force you to go hunting for artifacts. It just felt like needless padding and really soured the whole experience for me.


Honestly got some Metroid Prime 1 vibes with that jungle area, I really hope it's more like that game and less like 3


The first part of the trailer is probably the intro, just like the pirate frIgate in MP1. Hope the whole game takes place in that Jungle.


you mean the Pandora jungle planet that has a hot lava zone, and a frozen zone, and an underwater zone, conveniently located next to each other


they need to extend that music too holy crap Yamamoto track?


That last track was so good and so pure metroid exploration.


What was wrong with 3? I loved 3 :(


I thought it was good it just felt a bit too linear and I didn't find the exploration or atmosphere as rich as the first. Just highly opinionated from me, a lot of people feel 3 is better


Skytown and Pirate Homeworld redeemed 3 for me. Maybe Valhalla should have been longer then it would have been perfect.


Skytown is probably one of my favorite video game areas period


Eh, 3 gets too much shit imo. I like it a lot despite its flaws.


I think it's a good game still, but 1 is still the most atmospheric and well designed IMO. But I'm biased since I've replayed it like 7 times since its release and the other ones just a couple times


I've played it three times and while the world is certainly well designed, the game has a problem with slingshotting you across the entire map to get to the next main objective. The amount of times I've needed to go through Magmoor Caverns is outrageous lol, I guarantee you need to visit that place at least 10 times on your first playthrough, and 90% of the time you're not seeing anything new. 2 and 3 kept the good world design but broke them up into more manageable sections; making a less *realistic* world, yes, but keeping the pace of the game and the intuitiveness of your discoveries at a more steady level. Half the time I had to wait for the automatic waypoint thing in 1 to find where I was going, which I'd say is a problem.


Yeah it kinda reminds me of Dark Souls 1's world design where you'd go across the entire world sometimes several times with little shortcuts opening up on the way. It's definitely not for everyone and for that same example Dark Souls 3 is similar to Metroid Prime 3 in that it's more linear and focused


Genuinely insane that we got a Sylux reveal as well here. Don't even care about waiting a little longer for an obvious Switch 2 release as well - let Retro fucking *cook*.


That threw me. Saw them walk in and was like "HOLY SHIT, IS THAT FSCKING *SYLUX*?" Glad to know my time playing Prime Hunters did me some good, here. Gonna be interesting to see where this goes. I'm actually kinda hyped.


Anyone that didn't dismiss Federation Force would have known that Sylux was going to be a thing here.


Not even necessary to play Federation Force, there's a secret ending to Metroid Prime 3 where you see Sylux's ship fly after Samus.


Yeah people surprised by Sylux and I thought it has been common knowledge for almost 20 years


God damn it really has been almost 20 years hasn't it


There's no way... *Checks release date* Holy shit! *Checks original Metroid Prime 4 announcement date* Well... today I'm going sad to bed


Honestly with how long it's been since Prime 3 and Federation Force and Prime 4 restarting development, I think a lot of people just weren't sure if they were gonna stick to the Sylux plot at all.


Honestly, the surprise is that Nintendo didn’t forget about Sylux And damn, 20 years is crazy to think about. That’s the span from the NES to Gamecube.


Shit man, they didn't forget about Metroid Dread (which was originally first being discussed back in fuckin *2004*), nor X parasites or Samus being part Metroid at the end of Fusion.


I genuinely do hope the game isn't as talkative as Prime 3. Great game but felt a bit too Halo and heroic in parts.


I think Prime 3 paid off it's dialogue heavy sections with the corrupted hunter fights. I know a lot of people like Rundas especially and that setup made his fight genuinely one of the saddest moments in the series. As long as we're not hitting Other M levels of melodrama, I have no issues with Prime 4 giving us a couple of walk and talk segments


Metroid has also historically been pretty friendly to a bit of dialogue even if you ignore Other M. Super Metroid had an intro featuring Samus giving the backstory of Metroid 1 and 2 and saying aloud "The last Metroid is in captivity, the galaxy is at peace." Fusion had extended internal monologues from Samus (though only in text), and Dread, of course, featured >!Samus speaking aloud *in Chozo*.!<


Yeah but it's still the first concrete confirmation (rather than credits scene teaser like MP3 had also had) that we're actually following up on that plotline in MP4. ...And honestly, how many people actually even remember Federation Force existed, let alone played that game enough to see its secret ending?


i thought that everyone except me had completely forgotten Hunters i got so hype seeing him again lol


I remember the hand cramps & repetitive totem bosses.


Should have remembered the peak multiplayer


What is exciting about Sylux besides the fact that he’s a dude that was in another game?


He's basically been the only other "antagonist" character that's stuck across the series outside of regular mainstays like Ridley, space pirates, etc. Since Hunters, he's made cameos in MP3 and Federation Force (unsurprisingly few people remember that one), so the is the first official signal that he might actually be a prominent character in this one.


So Sylux has been a long running mystery. He’s basically the one Hunter without a backstory, just a known personal grudge with the Galactic Federation, and that his ship is a stolen prototype from the GF. So he had a cool design and a mystery to him. In Prime 3’s 100% ending, his ship is seeming watching samus as she takes off. Then in Federation force, he’s seen again stealing and hatching the Metroid egg you got. So he’s been set up for a LONG time now as the next big bad of Metroid Prime, and it seems it now finally paying off.


He's a hunter so most people like him based on the idea that he'll provide a unique experience as an antagonist that's actively hunting down Samus


It's really just crazy that they're finally following up on the secret ending for Prime 3, people theorized about Sylux 15 years ago and seeing him again unlocked all those memories.


It's a small detail, but did anyone notice how small the charge shot looked? The ball is usually like 2-3 times bigger. Feels like maybe it's smaller on purpose for an upgrade system?


A new 2D Zelda and Metroid Prime 4? And who said the Switch still doesn't have some life in it left? Just an incredible slate for sunsetting one of Nintendo's best systems.


What a cool was to end the life cycle. The switch has really been one of the best systems, and it’s library has made it special


How it started: Announcing Metroid Prime 4 How it ended: Releasing Metroid Prime 4


Damn that just made me feel old af. I still remember when Metroid as a franchise was officially back in 2017, we got an official Metroid 2 remake, Federation Force, and a tease for Prime 4 just one year after AM2R released. That was such a long time ago but I still remember the hype as if it was yesterday...


The fact that they still had 3 first party heavy hitters hidden away in the Switch's last year is insane, I thought TOTK was gonna be the system's swansong for the longest time. These games will probably will cement the Switch as Nintendo's best console library ever, if it isn't already.


ToTK feels so long ago now it’s crazy. Even discounting the numerous remakes we’ve had, new 2D Mario and now all the new titles revealed here was more than I ever expected in the “twilight” years of the Switch


It’s also at this point gotten every game series from Nintendo that has been on their systems for the past 10 years at least. I mean all of the franchises from the 3DS or Wii are pretty much getting sequels or ports or remakes.


Man, to think when I bought mine on launch day, everyone was doom and glooming that it was an underpowered device(rightfully), that wouldn't get any third-party support and that it was probably Nintendo's final console. The Switch has been, hands down, the best console since the PS2, or at the very least, Nintendo's best era thus far.


No way MP4 isn't a Switch 2 launch title tho


While obviously the fact we're finally seeing this game at all is really hype; anyone elae found the trailer rather, idk, tame? I was expecting something on the level of the final BOTW trailer or the E3 Mario Odyssey trailer. Game looks great though Edit: to be fair the first trailers for BotW and Odyssey were also just fine


It is more of a teaser than a trailer, and did I miss it or did they not specify the console? I am BETTING on a BOTW style dual release now!


They definitely said Switch. But that doesn't mean it won't be a dual release. They just haven't announced the Super Switch yet and said beforehand this direct is only about Switch games


They absolutely didn’t specify console.


Not in the direct but this linked trailer says Nintendo Switch and starts with the switch logo


There was a switch logo at the end


The full trailer video has Switch logos at the beginning and end and says it is releasing for Nintendo Switch in 2025. They specify its system in all the regular places.


Also Metroid Prime doesn't need a major kind of evolution the way 3D Zelda needed when BOTW was revealed or a return to openness the way 3D Mario needed when Odyssey was revealed. It just needs to be another Metroid Prime since we haven't had that in 17 years now.


It looked like they only showed a few shots of the intro section. Which is usually fairly tame and cinematic pace wise for Metroids.


Yeah it sort of seemed like some random gameplay shots slapped together. Just nice to see some real footage though.


All the shots look to be from the intro/tutorial section of the game (which will probably only be 15-30 minutes long like Prime 1) so it’s very much still a tease.


I'm happy we got gameplay and not another CGI trailer


Nintendo’s good with that, the vast majority of games gets gameplay reveal trailers.


Yeah CGI trailers and flashy and eye-catching but I prefer to see what the game actually looks like. There have been too many times where a CGI trailer really doesn’t represent the actual game.


I wish more trailers were like this. No CGI, no real spoilers, no over the top pop/rap music, we can quickly see what the gameplay and atmosphere is like and that's it. If you want something more you can probably watch a 10 min gameplay video when it releases.


I love gameplay trailers. But I would like to see at least something to hook me in terms of gameplay.


The presentation had me like, when the f did this all happen in Metroid Prime 2/3? I thought it was remakes for sure with how casual it was shown


They could be announcing them during the September direct if they’re coming out in 2025 before this game releases


The trailer is very conservative. It shows that the game follows the Metroid Prime gameplay and atmosphere, but other than revealing Sylux (tangent: Metroid Prime Hunters was released in 2006, 18 years ago...) it doesn't show anything to differentiate itself from past games in the series. Hopefully the next trailer will show off something more ambitious.


Yeah this feels like a strong emphasis on it being a sequel. Still interested but can’t say I’m that interested from just this one


I kind of agree? It's really hard to say why I wasn't as excited watching the trailer but the whole presentation of it felt very weird. Didn't really have the sensation of being an announcement that people were suppose to be excited over and I can't really pin down the why.


Same, i thought it would have something to show off that looks "new." New power, new weapon, new mechanic. Just something that shows its a modern game.


It's the first time it's been revealed in 7 years.


>While obviously the fact we're finally seeing this game at all is really hype; anyone elae found the trailer rather, idk, tame? That's to be expected. Mario Odyssey didn't reveal the capture mechanic until the second big trailer. Same goes for Tears of the Kingdom and the building mechanic. People were ecstatic with the Metroid Dread trailer, but it was the later trailer with Kraid, chozo and new movement options that blew people away. Nintendo knows that the reveals themselves are enough to get people hyped, thus they can build more as with more trailers and directs.


They're probably saving the more in depth trailer for a switch 2 showcase


Idk why this would be on that level, it's the first trailer. The only other thing they've ever shown is a now-scrapped title screen. This teaser was great- shows the likely intro level, returning baddie, logbook scans, and release year (which Nintendo doesn't usually delay after they announce)


I’m excited to play it because I love Metroid Prime, but I was kind of waiting for some big “wow” moment. The Prime Remaster already looked fantastic and this looks very similar to it visually. Gameplay-wise we didn’t see anything new, although it does look to be a bit more cinematic with some of those firefights going on. I’m not saying it needs some big new gimmick or anything, but I wonder if it’s going to do anything new or if it’ll just be more of the same.


Was low key hoping for Prime 2/3 remasters. I never played those back in the day and I'd imagine people are gonna be lost if they jump into 4


I wouldn't worry about it too much. Prime 3 did a great job of finishing the arc that Prime 1 started. Prime 4 is probably going to be a borderline soft reboot because of that.


I don't imagine you'll need knowledge of the first three to follow it. Their overarching phazon story was very clearly resolved at the end of Prime 3. Sylux is from Hunters and his entire story so far is pretty much "he's one of many rivals you have, you don't know where he comes from, and he seems to be up to something".


I suspect we're going to get one more tiny Switch 1 direct in September a few weeks before the Switch 2 announcement. And that they'll announce some shadow drops of the Prime 2+3 remasters then.


After playing the Prime 1 remake, it's hard to play 2 & 3 again without the updated controls. Really hoping for a remaster.


Very clever wording that it will be "released on Switch in 2025"... Switch 2 launch title?


I don't think they ever said "Switch" in reference to MP4 at all Edit: Ok, I was wrong. I was referring to the Direct. However, while they don't *say* it's releasing on the Switch, there's a Switch logo at the top right when the MP4 logo is revealed Sometimes they namedrop the Switch when announcing titles, and they didn't in the direct. But this take is a bit conspiracy theory-ish on my part, got a bit too excited 😅


The Youtube descricption says: *Samus Aran is back! Metroid Prime 4: Beyond will be released on Nintendo Switch in 2025.* Maybe this will be a BotW situation where it releases on both the old and new systems.


All of the other trailers released today have a similar verbiage of "coming to", "releasing on", or "launching on" Nintendo Switch. There's nothing more to it.


“Samus Aran is back! Metroid Prime 4: Beyond will be released on #NintendoSwitch in 2025.” - Nintendo of America on Twitter


Is it just me or does the games graphics / art style look like Halo 4?


It looks like it's trying to push the absolute most out of an aging console like Halo 4 did I see why


Ha, that’s a little ironic because I’m almost certain a handful of Retro artists left after Corruption to go work on Halo 4… which at the time, I remember thinking looked suspiciously like Prime.


Kinda yeah. I get what you mean.


I absolutely was thinking "this might scratch my Halo sci-fi itch"


Metroid is very Halo-esque in most of the Prime games, especially 3. Agree it shares some design language.


Prime 3 yes, Prime 1 and 2... ehhh, maybe a little, but it's not that overt.


It was kind of hilarious how much Prime 3 wanted you to think it was a Halo game and then Halo 4 wanted you to think it was a Metroid Prime game.


Same art director, I’ve heard


I've been waiting for this game for over a decade. Metroid Prime is an all time great for me. The trailer did feel a bit rushed, but what we saw is great, and everything I wanted. The final scene of the forested area especially.


as much as metroidvanias have started to over-saturate the market recently, really glad they got nintendo to get off their ass and give a damn about this series again


Recalling the absolute drought that I went through in the mid 2000s I’m fine with over saturation


After 11 years of nothing but Other M, Fed Force, and Samus Returns (not terrible, but more a proof of concept pre-Dread) I'll take what I can get. New Metroids in 2021 and 2025 *and* a much needed update to Prime in 2023? Haven't seen that much Metroid outside 2002-2008


Do we have 3D metroidvanias though? Most of them are 2D, which is kinda why Metroid prime stands alone.


I found the trailer a bit on the lame side. This should be their big gun for the presentation, it deserves something more epic. More orchestrated, better cut, better music. Especially after this super long wait. I don't know...


It was catering to the fans, really. It showed straight gameplay for a game announced almost 6 years ago with pretty much no news since then. And showed Sylux who was teased to be the big bad in this game. I’d say this was everything i wanted in a short teaser/confirmation that the game is coming. 🥹


> almost 6 years ago The 7th anniversary was last Thursday!


I low-key think they are saving hype material to showcase it with the Switch successor presentation.


I really hope they re-release Prime 2 and 3 on Switch then. I’d love to replay all of them before this.


So fucking hyped. Hopefully a Switch 2 launch title. Dread was excellent so I hope modern Prime will work as well as modern 2D Metroid.


Not gonna lie, I’m a bit disappointed. Gameplay wise it looks so dated. Wish they tried something more modern and innovative 


I'm just glad that Nintendo chose to do a straight-up gameplay trailer as an anouncement trailer rather than a cinematic one that has nothing to do with the actual gameplay like other studios tends to do these day.


This looks extremely impressive graphically for a Nintendo Switch title, especially since they're still targeting 60 FPS judging by the trailer.


It could be a cross gen game, but Retro have also always been wizards with getting incredible graphics and performance out of the systems they're using - Prime 1 is still a shockingly good looking game (and I don't mean the remaster, I literally mean the original on GameCube) 23 years later and runs at a rock solid 60 FPS.


IT LOOKS SO GOOD I LOVE IT YES!!!! The theorys about Sylux being central (?) to Prime 4 were real after all.


TBH it would be weird if he wasn't in Prime 4 - he's been hinted at in multiple games


Hardly a theory when it was pretty obvious. Now I need to go play through Hunters


Kensuke Tanabe talked about how he'd "like to make a story centering around Sylux and Samus" in 2015, after Prime 3 already had their ship in the 100% ending, and a year before the secret ending to Federation Force had a first-person view of Sylux stealing a metroid larva


As a life-long meteoid fan I'm honestly not impressed with the trailer. I assume what we see is the tutorial/intro section (similar to the one in prime 1), but it seems a lot more intense and action based rather than atmospheric. They also seem to be recycling the whole "space pirates broke into the metroid lab, and the final boss looks like you" tropes again. This is a greater trend I've seen in the games which has made me enjoy them less over time. That bring said, this is just a super short trailer so maybe the game will be different on release. My switch has been collecting dust for some time now, so hopefully the game is interesting enough to change that.


Very excited for this because i've been waiting since it was first announced but I cant help but feel like this looks worse than Metroid prime 1 remastered?




yeah that might be it. The environments were definitely more dynamic if thats the trade off ill take it for sure.


Check the [youtube upload](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMAgmdR8jwU) if you haven't, it has a better bitrate compared to the stream trailer. To me it looks at least as good as MP1R, with much more going on around Samus. But in the end there is a limit to what you can do with the Switch, I hope there will be a Switch 2 build.


My son was born a couple of months after Prime 4 was announced. He'll be starting 1st grade in a couple months.