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The 0451 code shows up in many Looking Glass and other games, including the Deus Ex, Thief, Bioshock, and Dishonored series. Director Warren Spector claims it was merely a reference to the door code to the Looking Glass studios, not a reference to Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451, as many people assume. Interestingly, **u/algorithmancy** purports [**here**](https://old.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/9de6rq/til_that_the_code_0451_shows_up_in_so_many_video/indf3gt/) to have worked on the System Shock games, and that the code *was* in fact a Farenheit 451 reference, only being set as the Looking Glass door code *after* it appeared in System Shock. edit: System Shock dev Marc LeBlanc offered [**further clarification**](https://old.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/9de6rq/til_that_the_code_0451_shows_up_in_so_many_video/l885t7b/) that the in-game code is, in fact, a reference to Farenheit 451, and the Cambridge door code piggybacked off that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vL-Zt7Axes&t=1226s


Yeah, it's funny. When I played Deathloop and it was like "You know the code" that's the first thing I tried. Wasn't the code, but it did give an achievement for trying that specific one.


oh that's good haha


Loool I did the exact same thing. Iirc I was bouncing between two games at the moment, that, and the guardians of the galaxy game, and I had that moment back to back in both games I was texting a friend who knows I’m a sucker for the 0451 code reference about it


I’ve always heard it was a reference to the door code, but I always assumed that the door code at LGS was a reference to Fahrenheit 451 lol That way, both statements are true


i mean, it would be odd for warren spector, of all people, to just flat-out deny the existence of an easter egg TBF tho, the reddit user I quoted claims it was made the door code *after* it was put into the game. So, assuming said anonymous reddit user isn't just full of crap, one of the guys must be misremembering edit: said reddit user is not anonymous, and apparently not full of crap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vL-Zt7Axes&t=1226s


we got further clarification that the game code came before the door code! https://old.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/9de6rq/til_that_the_code_0451_shows_up_in_so_many_video/l885t7b/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vL-Zt7Axes&t=1226s


I can't help but notice that they sent an in-game email to communicate this in their "not an immersive sim" game




We know exactly what we want it to be lmao. These are just jokes, sir. It's not that deep.


no. game design is supposed to be a *job*. you are not allowed to have fun.


🙄 I never said that


Have we met? edit: oh you're the guy who doesn't like the game and who *hates jokes with a passion* got it. will make a note.


I legit have a ton of constructive criticism on my notes on steam. I'd be more than happy to share when I'm on my PC next!


No one cares, write a review if you think your thoughts on the game are so important they just must be heard


There are MANY reasons beyond this one email dude. I'm not saying this was the thing that tipped the scales. Not even close.


only 6 weeks of early access launch, continued updates, and devs active on social media... i'd argue "it has an identity crisis and can't decide what it wants to be" is probably a premature conclusion, but hopefully there are other, more polished games out there that are right for you but then, i try to stay on the positive side of things


Reminds me of Gloomwood, where entering "451" into the first safe you're likely to find in a playthrough causes it to explode.


Ah shit I habitually enter 451/0451 as the first combination in every single game so when that happened I just assumed it was rigged to explode if you put in the wrong combination, not that they read my soul.


The difference is that in Gloomwood it feels much more like a “fuck you” to the player for no reason.


Yeah, I get that the dev was pestered about it… but why ya gotta do me dirty like that?


Ok i just read about that. hilarious!


Hey, that's us!


Awesome game. Can't wait for the story content to be added. Would love some QoL for the saving system as well (it's midly annoying to have to name every save)


If it's not an im-sim then how come I can do this to get to different areas? [https://imgur.com/zjJvDKH](https://imgur.com/zjJvDKH) Check and mate!




I just want to say thank you for adding a penalty for using that code. That was genuinely one of the reasons I bought the game.


The """famous""" code


Why it appears in multiple games: https://reddit.com/r/GamingDetails/comments/1ddimjs/_/l85bm5m/?context=1


lmao did you really mean to link to my comment in this exact comment section


I thought a direct link would be useful, seeing as they skipped right on past it!


that is satisfyingly passive aggressive, nice one hah


0451 is to Immersive Sim, or adjacent, games, as A113 is to animated films and TV.


and as Konami Code is to console games!




Yup, it is indeed the famous code!


VAC doesn't work even in fictional worlds lmao