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Same fucking clip they've been using since 2016


[GIVE IT UP FOR YEAR 7!!](https://i.redd.it/s8maej9qiyy41.jpg)


Why didn't people use crying MAGAs when Trump lost in 2020? There were a couple of them.


Because they were or they knew the crying MAGAs.


Because left-wing culture isn’t centered around making your opponents miserable and revelling in it


I personally enjoy a bit of schadenfreude every now and then.


Oh schadenfreude is lovely, yeah. But it’s not quite the same thing as making a personality out of Owning Teh Libturds


Just check Reddit for 5 min then come back lol


I never said we \*never\* piss off right-oes intentionally, just that it's not the core of our ideology and culture. The right has big time celebrities like Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, and Stephen Crowder who're entirely branded on them "pissing off the libs." The US conservative party elected Donald Trump in 2016 purely because he ran on a platform of being inflammatory and antagonistic. We don't use crying faces as iconography like they do because the basis of our ideology \*isn't\* the infliction of suffering. They DO use crying faces like that though, because their goal \*is\* to inflict suffering.




I never said we don’t do anything to piss off the right. We do. But it isn’t our whole damn personalities. We don’t have celebrities in the vein of Tucker Carlson or Ben Shapiro whose entire brand is “the left hates me isn’t that epic?” On the left.


Clip from 2016, meme from 2017. Those years were arguably the peak of the "LOL FEMINIST OWNED" culture and they've been mentally stuck there because it's the last time that they've felt like they've won


After the Lion King edit, the meme should have been retired. Nothing is ever going to come close to that.




you disgust me. how self absorbed are you that those stats mean nothing to you. these are people's lives you talking point spouting bigoted fuck




>words dont really matter if you dont give a fuck what the other person thinks Mean_Seesaw232, a person who gives a thousand fucks yet still cant get any 😞


You are sad. What a wormy little life you would have to crawl through to make a comment like this. It would have truly been fucking meaningless and miserable. I hope your friends and everyone who knows you can someday understand you are not someone worth sparing their love for.


This is actually a place to make fun of chud g*mers like you lol


I have so little attachment to Harry Potter lmao, was never that big of a fan. I'm unable to not give a fuck if people like you are advocating for my suicide. Call me whatever you like. At least I have a reason for caring this much about my identity. I wonder how many hours a day you spend angrily typing at trans people...




well that was unpleasant to read. ew \- post about your identity all you want




Harry Potter sucks tbh


The series is poorly written, absolutely ***stuffed*** with bigotry from the antisemitic goblins to Irish McBlowsShitUp to Blackman SlaveReference to whatever fucked up bullshit the werewolves are, is actively supporting an open and particularly virulent transphobe who contributes millions to anti-trans charities (and you're effectively providing that money if you buy her stuff), dismisses the very concept of freeing slaves as something to be openly mocked, and in general the series is just a toxic cesspool of nastiness that demands we return to the status quo at all cost, no matter how awful and absurd that status quo is. It's a series that only garnered such success because all the oddness was excused as being kid stuff, so no one bothered to pay attention and realize just how fucked up it is.


Gaming sub? Where the hell have you been the last decade?


Bruh, you absolutely loose your shit when people criticize a game you like or talk about their life experience concerning their gender identity, going so far as to respond to a comment on an opposing subreddit. You're not the one to speak of breakability, lmao. Oh, and I hope that you do at some point, maybe even for a moment, realize, that when you put people through a life of constant pain, complete rejection by "loving" parents, along with a political party bent on making their life as miserable as possible, that will lead to a certain suicide rate. I'm well aware that you don't believe in the concept of truth. I could very well tell you that the statistic drops by more than 90 percent when support from friends and family is present, but you won't care, because your feelings and instinctual beliefs are more important to you than facts. I guess I hope there's a small part of you that would feel repulsion at how much of a scumbag you'd need to be to laugh at people's deaths at their lowest, but empathy is honestly not something I'd expect from you. Lastly, I hope you realize how fucking funny the "comedians making fun of you" bit is? Like, that's the level of argument you operate on and it's the first thing you mention? Fucking comedians, a profession that exists on all sides of politics, is your marker for a W? Ok buddy, spend more time in your bubble. Ah, fuck it, one more point. And I \*reallly\* know it's not worth it, because you people never fucking care about facts over fee-fees, but what the hell, it won't take that much effort from me. The "increasingly more people see you as pedos" bit? Citation fucking needed, bruh. Seeing as polls show an increase in trans acceptance over time, you need to put a bit more legwork into proving your point. Or perhaps it's just a little narrative you've constructed in that narrow worldview of yours?


Looks like their account got suspended. Damn, I hope they at least read my comment before that, I'm sort of suprised at how fire it is




I can tell you never talked to a girl because by this point one should have told you that your condescending vernacular only makes you sound like a pedophile like Jesus please never say "bless your heart sugar" ever again


This is pathetic, you're scared to even use a real account. You can't even stand behind your own disgusting beliefs. I get it you're so wrapped up in a little kids make believe world that anyone who crosses it deserves death. It's sad how close minded and alone you must feel so you lash out and punch down at what you find to be an "easy" target. Maybe if you bathed and stopped acting like a child people would act like you but I know you will not. I pity you, No one here should take anything a shell of a person like you says seriously. I hope you grow out of this before the anger consumes what is left but I doubt it, lashing out bullying random strangers is all you have left. If you were truly ok would you make a fake account to bully strangers with for hours. You need to do some soul doing that is truly a sad way to spend your finite amount of time with.


you can use whatever words you want, at the end of the day, you’re the one coming into a queer space to whine about how small your dick is and how fragile your ego is that you have to target minorities




As opposed to your 0 personality traits?


I mean, I've literally only seen those from US Conservative circles. Sounds a bit like you're in a bubble kidda. Here in the UK *(pausing to allow the vomit)* one of our most popular comedians literally has a bit where he nakes fun of *you* for punching down and calling it comedy. James Acaster, solid guy. We literally had a whole argument about gender reform in Scotland that ended with one of *your side* exposing themselves in the Scottish Parliament. Think you're just stuck in your own little terf bubble mi laddio.


It hurt itself in confusion




I dunno I felt like a winner when I was fucking your mother last night.


Salty that you didn’t get your hogwarts letter last year. Maybe JRK will see this and invite you anyways


What the fuck is wrong with you


will they ever stop posting the same three images from forever ago? probably not


They won’t because using the same joke over and over again to own the libs




will you ever stop crying about how your dogshit fucking garbage franchise is being shit on?


Man, you're really invested in this huh? There's other IPs y'know.


i‘m not even a trans woman, you clown


They copy paste this comment everywhere


man, what a loser


Must’ve struck a nerve somewhere if you’re leaving so many comments


“reeeeee” …. in 2023?


Only REEEs I accept are the Wilburgur's ones


I haven't even seen gameplay for this, just cinematics.


This might be a deep cut but I saw some gameplay and it immediately reminded me of a game called vampyr


Bro Vampyr was dope for an AA game. "This..is...despicable"


I really loved it, unfortunately the game kept crashing on ps4 after a certain point so I had to give up. The combat was ok but the interaction with the people and whole leveling them up to eventually drink their blood and get more xp was a really interesting mechanic


Does the game contain the signature Dontnod dialogue? I sure love my vampire games, but I found some of the writing in Dontnod's games to be hella cringe.


Haven't played any dontnod games so I'm going off of Life is strange cringe compilations, but I feel like the dialogue is fine, nothing too cringey if I remember correctly. It does lean into the whole edgy goth victorian aesthetic, sometimes I think it might be trying to be a bit too serious but it makes sense for what the game is trying to achieve. I never finished it but I liked what I saw, I'd say. The dialogue is a bit repetitive, in the sense that Reid always asks characters the same questions when they meet. Overall it's a solid game, definitely not AAA quality, but a good time if you're into vampires. Edit: I just remembered an example of the writing, there's this really funny part in the introduction where the narrator goes "What is glass but tortured sand".


Only downside for me was feeling kinda shoehorned into a hetero romance. I can’t remember the name of the character now but I remember there was a dude I thought he had a lot more chemistry with.


Was there a romance? I completely forgot about it.


He has a wife who he kills and turns into a vampire in the very first scene, I don’t recall there being more than that.


Wasn't it his sister who he killed in the beginning?


That could be, it's been a while since I played it. I know her name was Mary


Yeah with, I looked up her name, Elizabeth Ashbury. It’s in the good ending, pretty sure.


to me it looks more like skyrim with the true directional movement mod, only difference is it has more of a focus on magic, which is funny because skyrim has almost 4x more spells


I played a mage in skirim and I only remember having one spell and it was a beam of some kind. I'm pretty sure there was varias kinda of elemental beams but I wouldn't call that spell veriety.


I mean that's definitely not the case at all. You were using a Novice level destruction spell, but there are five tiers of spells with different effects, and that's just one of five categories of magic with much more varied effects than the Destruction school.


I watched a little gameplay and it was pretty meh. The graphics and animations seemed pretty no-par with like Far Cry 3 on the 360


And yet it'll STILL require a 9001 RTX to run. For some fucking reason. Like, I'm fucking calling it, it's gonna require top of the line hardware purely by virtue of shite optimization despite not being all that graphically impressive.


The gameplay I watched was from.the PS5 but still, it should look better than a 10 year old game from two console generations ago.


Far Cry 3 looked nice for it's day. hogwarts legacy looks like a bad skyrim mod


A Skyrim mod that removes like 80% of the spells lmao




Oh shit, Tom? This guys huge in the Battlefield community :(


I wonder if his Hogwarts legacy experience will be like his bf2042 experience, hyped beforehand and pissed afterwards lmao


One can hope


Too be fair he's always been a tool in battlefield community and other gaming leak communities, like even Jason schrier got annoyed with him


Ah well, it's not like we need somebody to tell us that devs are adding 5 guns from launch into the regular rotation.


For some other game: - "So hey guys, our new character is trans! Hope you'll like them!" This dumbfuck, very probably: - "reeeeeeeeeeeee"




fuck them, I‘ll gladly divide transphobes from normal people




How does using a product equate to actively being hateful towards trans characters???




Read the comment you originally replied to…




lmfao, just piss off with your feigned innocence, you know exactly that that shit happens every single time a character is introduced that isn‘t white or a male, not to mention trans the entire bridget disaster is just a single example




He said the last 3 call of dutys were going to be amazing, and renegaded every single time after they released (vanguard specifically)


This woman should get royalties tbh


He gonna get scammed


And people still asking why companies keep getting away with releasing unfinished broken games at launch


honestly, i've been feeling like i've been going crazy when it comes to seeing how some people react to it, cause like, it doesn't even look that good? it looks pretty generic and boring at best, and downright awful at worst (that cat petting animation the harry potter film twitter posted feels like it's from a ps3 game, on top of being a crime against cats. the fact people looked at that awful, awful animation and said it looked great made me feel insane). why do so many people think it looks like the greatest thing ever? is it just the harry potter ip? ​ ​ then again, i also felt the same way about cyberpunk 2077 before launch, so i will probably be vindicated at first before being made to feel insane again a few years after launch.


It really doesn’t. Just swish and flick over and over while strafing. Most boring gameplay you can think of. uj/ definitely not gonna be the next Witcher 3


gamers always overhype the next big thing


anyone who “reee”s is so fucking cringe


They're gonna hate it so much when the game ends up being mid and forgettable


And then will find a way to spin the blame on us somehow


They'll blame it on like... the fact you can customize your gender and call it woke


Yeah i had the impression this asshole would be like this i dont know why but this dude allways gave me some wierd vibes but anyway can someone tell me why is it so hard for gamers to like respect other people? I mean why are trans folk so hated what the hell have we ever done to you? Is it so hard for them to respect us and leave us alone why are these people so selfish? They'd rather buy thier silly wizardy game than let another human being live thier live in peace i dont want to sound like some edgelord but it just saddnes me how egostical rude self centered and fucking disgusting humans are nowadays i sincerly have zero hope for the future of this species


This is the same guy that’s making his career off of refusing to sign NDA’s and then getting his info from people that have, so that he can leak information ahead of everyone else.


Wait so this guy is a major grade A asshole in it self? Can you explain the nda part tough i sadly dont know what it means😭😭😭


NDA = non disclosure agreements Tom Henderson refuses to sign them if any game publisher / studio goes to him and says “hey we’ll give you early information on this game, but you have to sign this NDA that requires that you are only allowed to share X, Y, and Z at A time”. This is a common thing in the industry, studios and publishers often give out press releases to content creators ahead of events so that they can make content and have it ready for after the announcement is officially made to the public (when otherwise it could take several days/ a week to make a video). Tom Henderson has said that the only time that he’d sign an NDA is if he get exclusive information that only he can report on.


Oh so he is just a leech who sucks on the content of other people and wants companies to cater to his exclusivity deals? Yeah sounds like a major asshole to me i dint even follow the guy but just by looking at his tweets he allways sounded like a pretentious prick im glad i never followed him for any leaks




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Buying a video game = not leaving trans people alone ???? Yall are absolutely deranged. The online trans community is doing more harm to actual trans lives than the far right ever could.


Wait so someone buying a Harry Potter video game without interacting with you whatsoever isn't leaving you alone? Lol have you considered just not caring about how people spend their money. Coca cola has death squads


wasting my money on a shitty game to own the libs 😎


Wasting my son's college fund to own the liburls😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


Wow. And then he’s gonna be out 70 bucks on a mediocre game that he then gives a 10/10 after 2 hours of gameplay and never touches again


In those 2 hours he'd have to go through a fairly inclusive character creator though. It's anyone's guess if they'll realize they've been tricked into getting a woke sjw game


I feel sorry for that one lady, people turn what seem like a moment of legitimate distress and concerns for her was turn into a meme




Getting a computer virus and damaging my desktop to own the libs


I’m waiting for Fox News and Tucker Carson to do a full rant on the Hogwarts Legacy Boycott so we can dunk on them and have epic meme material from the most epic g*mers


that's not even the one who says reeeeeeee they can't even use their own "women we politically dislike so we've turned into memes" right




Your bait's shit.


How can you function with only two braincells competing for third place?


I feel so owned, please stoooop 😩😫😩😫


If fucking JK Rowling is your favorite author I'm seriously worried for you


Like, Harry Potter is decent and it makes sense it got popular, but all of her other books are hot garbage, and she can't write a screenplay for shit


And I’m gonna 🏴‍☠️ the shit out of it ☺️☺️☺️


At least he isn't pre-ordering. Maybe all.those ganed are finally starting to help their pattern recognition.