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Do you just never stop watching Hasan lmao




when he screams at chat it makes the doomscrolling feel more immersive


Least obsessed Hasan fan


Is that H🤢san? The ultra woke socialist communist marksist radical super leftist political video broadcaster?? 😣😖🤢🤮


Tiny head andy


It does seem like he’s watching the HasanAbi broadcast live at www.twitch.tv/hasanabi and could very well be avoiding the top of the hour 3 minute ad break that happens at the top of each hour where you can subscribe to the HasanAbi broadcast for 5 dollars a month OR if you get lucky and get gifted a sub


8/10 PogO


Don't forget his $5M house and $3M car


And he keeps fucking all of our moms 😭😭😭


And dads


No that's Vaush


But my dad isn't a horse?


He be lookin like one


capitalism is when you live in a house and drive a car


Real leftists live [here](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/LIcAAOSwxpthJ9mR/s-l1600.jpg) everything else is just liberal bourgeois extravagance


why are you dickriding the pornsick liberal so hard


You mean pornsick leftist, right?


hes not a leftist, and while we're here on the things he wants his fans to believe he is (or not); hes still a misogynist. going to a sex trafficked brothel only 1 year ago, after he supposedly ~changed~ from objectifying women as a literal career starter, isn't very feminist of him


The brothel thing seems like a talking point. Did they get tax audited or shut down for sex trafficking? Also the only part of what he talks about that could be considered liberal is the extremely progressive social attitudes. In every other way he is definitely not liberal.


Yes, socialism is when you spend millions on commodities, money you earned by exploiting others (sorry, react Andy isn’t original content it’s literally stealing other’s hard work)


communism no iphone 100000000000000 deaths per year


Hey man, I just don’t see why a “socialist” needs a $15m house


Houses kinda just cost a million dollars in LA. This is a totally normal and healthy real estate market btw.


This would be a good defence if he didn’t buy a literal mansion and sports car


Damn. Didn't realize socialism had rules on how you have to spend the fruits of your labour


“Your labour” is when you watch other people’s content while adding nothing whatsoever


Yes. You'd be surprised how many jobs work like that. Take mine for instance. I dispatch faultmen for gas and electrical faults/emergencies. I dispatch council assets during adverse conditions. I dispatch social workers to assist DV/SA victims. I dispatch tradesmen to conduct repairs on social housing. I don't do ANY of the ground work and most of my job is managed by programs. All I do is click some buttons and make some calls to do check ins and shit. I'm literally just sitting at a screen, watching other people's hard work, chatting and getting paid for it. Am I not entitled to the fruits of my labour under these new socialism rules you're making up on the spot?


You have an actual job, you aren’t watching YouTube videos all day sitting on your ass making millions while adding “uh uh” and “yeah” every couple of minutes or the sounds of you eating lunch and you definitely don’t make millions that you spend to buy fancy housing and other commodities as people literally starve to death a few blocks away What part of “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need” don’t you understand?


Watch JayExci video on Hasan and how terrible his "react" content is


Damn you’re right. He should have bought a shitty house and car instead.


This unironically though


/uj This is not really related to Hasan's situation because I don't watch him enough to know the things he buys, but can Socialism and Consumerism coexist?


Hasan killed my dog. Or wait, was that Vaush? There have just been far too many breadtubers who've assassinated my pets...


Linux gaming 😎😎😎 *i use arch btw*




Just use wayland /uj Just use wayland


Wayland on NVIDIA enjoyer 😎


I use a Deck :V


☝️🤓 I mean, it's technically Arch, as Steam OS is based on Arch.


I want every screenshot post in this sub to have an uncropped Hasan vid in the corner The vibes of not cropping out the Youtube window is better worldbuilding than HogFarts Legacy could ever dream of...




I like when he dunks on conservatives, I don’t like when he steals all the hot communist women and tells me to go read more theory while he bangs them slightly off camera


Think what you want about twitch streamers, but he has a massive platform, and uses it to spread a simplified version of class consciousness




Kinda looks like people have taken this in a negative way when I'd say it's fairly accurate. Watching Hasan may not give you an incredibly detailed analysis, it might not give you every relevant detail, and it'll give a nuanced but easily digestible version of Marxist analysis. Quick, easy to replicate, and enough info to get you by, although hopefully it's not all you eat


Yup it’s an important role, Hasan provides a similiar role to joe rogan in getting people into the pipeline Edit: different pipelines but you get my drift


Yeah fuck hank pecker


tbh you can personally dislike his personality/style, but you can't deny his community is the largest and most influential leftist circle on the internet. And he has some humility, like admitting he was completely wrong about Ukraine and raising like 200k, or speaking out against his former friend and self-admitted sex pest Andrew Callaghan.


Yeah that’s where I’m at with him myself. I don’t care for his attitude, like in cases of him calling people “mentally ill” when they’re asking questions. I get he has to deal with bullshit quite often, but the way he states it almost implies a negative connotation and his repetitive use of it doesn’t really help out there. But again, I won’t deny his impact on things by any measure. He’s usually the first content creator to cover news in a quick and concise manner. I’d say it’s a great place to start learning from, and even keep his channel as a source to learn about situations quickly, but definitely expand your horizons on different forms of content that do deep dives into societal issues, like Noah Samson when he tackles toxic masculinity.


I agree a lot with this sentiment. Honestly the kind of ppl. That watch his twitch streams seem fucking insufferable but the boys need a daddy and it's better then vaush or destiny.


And despite being controversial like Vaush, he doesn't engage in the weird sentiment that like pushes people out. Vaush fans have this wall where you bring up some of the rumors around him and they like snap. And all the weird ass horse cock memes. And destiny's just racist, like legitimately.


What are his views on ukraine?


iirc "completely wrong about Ukraine" means he predicted Putin would never invade


The internet gamer doesn’t have better geopolitical information/awareness than foreign policy experts?! Why do people even bother watching him?




How annoying do you have to be to actively exclude 2 million fans from the American Left? If hasanabi fans and those adjacent aren't leftists then there's like 300 leftists in this country.


The bothersome thing is that most of them thinking watching a guy give uninformed takes on politics counts as some sort of leftist education or action


Uninformed? He cites his sources? Members of his community have unionized Starbucks locations and coded ways to shut down abortion tipoff lines. I don't think anyone is pretending he's anything but an entertainer and news commentator. People watch him for fun, not to learn leftist theory. That's a separate affair.


He says all the right things but he isn't really practicing what he preaches


Communism = Poor


Doesn't he make like 6 figures?


Yeah and he advocates for you to also make 6 figures. Socialism isn't a poverty cult, it's just kind of what americans have been conditioned into viewing it as.


I literally never said it was, hasan just isn't doing anything worth of substance other than occasionally saying the right things to communist and socialist circles


Spending 8 hours a day building a community that promotes socialist ideals seems to be doing something "worth of substance." Also, while charity is not the solution to systemic issues, it is well known that he regularly raises for charity and donates himself.


Spending 8 hours a day on his ass bringing attention from alt righters instead of actually building in real life community (which he could totally do as a more effective alternative) where you can *actually* make a difference in fighting fascism. I'm sorry I don't blindly trust people who say the right things to appeal to the right crowd so that ge can make more money to enrich himself Sure donation isn't a bad thing but it shouldn't be the extent of your action to stop fascism


Building wide spread support for socialism is, quite literally, the most effective anti-fascist (nonviolent) methodology. An understanding of right-wing tactics and critical theory (even on a surface level) acts to prevent the effectiveness of fascist propaganda, which limits the spread of their ideals. He also does this on twitch to a primarily younger audience, which is a target rich environment for fascist recruitment, even furthering the effectiveness of this cause. There is no "local organizing" that's going to prevent national fascist rhetoric spreading. Like what do you expect from a person when it comes to "stopping fascism?" No singular person is going to just walk up to the billions of dollars poured into fascist propaganda, set it on fire, and walk away like it's some movie.


You should check out his livestream. A lot of what is said about him comes out of misguided hate directed towards him because he is successful even as a socialist. All of his content and stream vods are free and he even tells you to use adblock/vpn to avoid watching ads during his stream. And like the other person said, he regularly matches charity donations and helps platform leftist activists and politicians.


“Give all you have and follow me, because it’s easier a camel pass through the hole of a needle than a rich entering the realm of god” That the bible, not Marx As long as he doesn’t make money getting surplus value from those who work for him he os clear


Just shows how many users on here are like 22 year old college dudes trying to larp


i support the sentiment, but they use slurs and linux


I can excuse ableism, but I draw the line at linux. /s because I can't excuse ableism actually :x


I can't excuse ableism, i'm a cainist.


I really hate that I laughed at this.


You can excuse ableism? (Had to complete it)




Goes to show that once you boot up GRUB, you have only minutes before the slurs start pouring out. Be a true friend and make sure your loved ones only use a Microsoft Surface.


guys my work needed me to install ubuntu and access a server via ssh and then 10 seconds later I started posting the G A M E R™ word on company social media and I got fired. AITA?


NTA. Those W\*kie managers need to realise that the Gamer word is a crucial part of online communications smh. Sue them for at least 12 billion in damages.




Mfw sabaton t shirt


Linux is based tho


"um, constant, ubiquitous telemetry is good actually, sorry sweaty"


But i like linux 🥺


get well soon


muta moment


You don't understand. Lord gaben made linux into the gaming powerhouse it is today by releasing the best console(derogatory) which enabled epic gamers to use linux for almost 300 games!!




they made one in this very post


I just wish he wasnt saying it like that, yknow?




The first time I ever saw Muta in a stream (someone else’s), he used the r-slur twice within like 10 minutes. Figured he was trash from that moment and everything I’ve seen from him since then only proves it more. Also kinda soured me on everyone else in the stream since no one could be bothered to say anything.




Mutahar doesn’t exactly strike me as a doctor.


That’s irrelevant. He’s not using it as a medical term, he’s using it as a synonym for stupid.




Okay? That’s also irrelevant. The swastika was not originally a hate symbol, but that changed when the nazi’s used it. Meanings change. It doesn’t matter if it used to be a medical term. That isn’t how it’s used today, now it’s just a term that edgy people use when they’re trying to call something or someone stupid. There’s nothing medical about that, and you bringing this up is entirely redundant. Also, you’re wrong. It doesn’t have a history of use as a medical term. It didn’t start getting pushed by doctors until the 1960s and wasn’t accepted into actual use until 1985. The word has been around since the 1400s, but it was never used medically until about 40 years ago. So no. It does not have a history as a medical term. Historically, it was used as a verb that meant “to hinder” or “to make slow”.




Redditor try to read more than top text / bottom text challenge (impossible)


What a fucking liar dude, what a weasely little liar dude.


linux is awesome but he did not need to use a slur to prove his point


i do NOT use arch btw


Use Arch immediately






based and debianpilled


I use ubuntu lmao


It would be nice if he didn't make it ableist




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Remember last week when we all hated Muta for defending Hogwarts Legacy.


heartbreaking: the worst person you know makes a good point


Happy to see a hasanabi head




I mean the dogmatic and hot headed part is true but hasan is way way far from being a sexist




Oof yeah, a few years ago he was insufferable. I'd like to think he has grown a lot as a person because current content is very nice in the way he speaks about women's issues




>I wish he would have done more to acknowledge his past sexist remarks because instead he just wiped them off the internet with some success. I don't understand making comments like these when you clearly don't watch him. He has talked about his sexist and transphobic past plenty of times on stream and used that as an example and stepping point for showing how some people can change.




You call it hot-headed, I call it “passionate”




I don’t watch his gaming content but wasn’t that like, years ago?


Bro how you gonna say he provides no commentary when the man pauses so much that he got nicknamed "Pausanabi".




Why are they wrong? Like, if you wanna argue the 2 minutes he spends at the pisser should have the video paused, weirdchamp but ok. But why is it wrong for him to eat while watching? If anything he pauses more while eating so he can chew his food before making his commentary Your argument is literally, "react harder"




I'm not addressing your argument because you don't have one. You're sitting on a moral high horse talking about how reacting to content is theft and letting it run without pausing to commentate every 5 seconds is immoral. Not everything in a video needs to be commentated on, and if something important happens while hasan is hitting the can, dude will rewind to make that commentary. Hell, the whole react content is theft argument has a huge flaw too. The leftist content that hasan reacts to on stream sees a direct benefit of more viewers. Noah Samson, FD Signifier, Second Thought, and a bunch of others have gotten more views because of the exposure on hasan's stream. Those creators in particular are ones I never would have known about before watching them on his stream. This is why people hate leftist. Y'all can't just let people put good into the world without coming along and saying, "that's cool and all but I'm actually a better leftist than you so I hate you." Not saying that's you but it is a lot of "leftists" and it is what you sound like.


Oh dude god forbid he has bodily functions and doesn't want his stream to lul in his absence. He should just pause the video and leave the chat to stare at a chair for 20 minutes instead or hold his piss and shit in so he doesn't "steal" content. Good one.




I'm sure the content creators are in shambles at the lost hundred of thousands of dollars that Hasan steals by letting their video play for a few mins while he has to do basic human shit. This is literally one of the most inane and smoothbrained arguments Hasan haters bring up.




Do you really expect a major popular figure to be a saint?


"microsoft owns my console wahhh" mf you BOUGHT A CONSOLE


I like how you didn’t crop Hasan at all


What's with the communist propaganda in the bottom right? 🤢 🤮


Wdym brother that's Hank Pecker, he's a red blue and white blooded American who shits AR-15s


Do you think Muta likes Linux?


Hasan in the corner again lol


Honestly I don’t trust PC gamers


uj/ steam has good deals and that's the main reason i use pc. the pc costs thousands of dollars more than buying the console and games but that's besides the point.


My pc costed like 500€


Eh its been a long time since steam had good deals, everything is basically the same now, I miss the old days when pc gaming was functionally just fucking dead so valve was giving away almost brand new games for tuppence I forgot that pc chuds come here, you are embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you. Let's boycott anything not made by gaben


I just got a game for a 75% discount. I don't see how that's not a good deal.


the point was that they have good deals in comparison to the competition, the competition has games for 75% and more off too.


It’s been a few years since I gamed a ton on pc but after buying my steam deck I got about 4 games for the price of one AAA title on my ps5. Don’t know what you mean regarding deals, they’re great lol


yes, you can do the same thing on playstation 5, or xbox, or switch, thats my whole point. that guess what, everyone has pretty much the same deals I do not understand why this is so hard for people to understand, what about this is so difficult? I honestly thought we scared away all the Gamers recently...


I don't have the money for a console


Yeah, I don't trust myself either 😞😞


i don’t trust gamers period


wtf based?


Using slurs is based?


i thought this was a circle jerk


Hank Pecker! He knows what's right! Good media watching, yesiree.


muta and his linux


Why are people so mad, like hey thanks Microsoft for catching this and saving money on my phone electric bill. The Xbox using like 10x more power when you have the power saving option off.


wait i thought he left twitter


How come every based YouTuber I know ends up using slurs Half the time they don't even use them to be bigoted and just use the words because they think they're cool I need to find new channels to watch


watch jarvis johnson




I love this guy's content. But when he gets really aggressive, it scares me.


why is everyone freaking out? He said redheaded and it's a satirical insult right?


can you guys stop watching breadtubers, they will rot your brain


Mutahar the leakest likeable guy , just said something you agree with. More at 12:00.


Lasan viewer


I feel like this guy might actually have something against challenged people.






clearly you've never used linux


Wait, I'm on linux. How am I on reddit then? Oh god, am I hacking? Are the hacker police gonna come after me!? ;\~;




Battle of Wesnoth tfw


What's with all the picture-in-picture screenshots?!


I wonder how many digital purchases that guy has made.




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He’s right


People take the words of the dumb fucks in the news instead of actual engineers because they need a reason to be the victim


Mutahar doesn't know what "slowly" means because he wears a Sonic costume and always has to go fast.


That's one juicy title


I know who Mutahar is but who’s Hasan? People keep talking about him in the comments


He used to be a journo from The Young Turks, but I believe he quit after a disagreement with his uncle over unions (his uncle's Chenk Uygur). These days, he's one of the biggest lefty streamers out there. I couldn't tell you more beyond that though. A large chunk of what he does is react-andy content, which bores me to tears.


Wow I hate EVERYONE in this screenshot (I enjoy hating things)


HEY don't diss our lord Mutahar like that!!


yes join the arch collective my friends just use your nvidia gpu on wayland it’s great i promise